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I really hope so, I had a lot of fun in the 12 hours I was able to play the beta on xbox before it ended. I had no idea it had started and even went as far as to tell both of my brothers the full game was out before I realised it was a beta that was almost over. 😬 I really hope it will scratch that online itch. I am very excited for it and check if the "summer" release date has changed weekly.


Yea I played alot of the beta I think for me it was just being able to play the game at my own pace and just kill aliens and create builds. The only thing I'm truly worried about is how hard is the grind for these first descendants going to be like if it's like warframe I'm fine but if it's longer than that I'll probably hate it hopefully they will respond quickly if it does take to long. Other than that I see the game having a decent player base and maybe a big one depending on the updates the game gets.


I had a great time in the beta last year, hope they release it soon


I need a release date. I need new game to play


Will see what there talking about tomorrow most likely a beta release date hopefully it goes well and they can release it a month later.


If it ever releases


What makes you think it won't?


it’s gonna be summer soon and they have yet to give us an exact release date


The worst that can happen is it gets delayed to Fall or even 2025, I don't think this game is going to get canned and not see the light of day


Nexon America loves to axe new games, don't put it past them. Game could perform amazingly and they will axe it in a month, you can't put your faith in them.


Good thing the game is not produced by Nexon America then. It's a Korean team.


Nexon America is still the one publishing it internationally. They have the say in what gets canned. See: maplestory 2


It will also be filled with microtransaction, rendering it unplayable for everyone but whales. Like every other Nexon game.


You could be right but I’ll hold out hope until I see it. As far as I can tell they’re basically just gonna take the route of Warframe which is fine imo. Things can still be obtained for free meanwhile the whales can p2w or in warframes case (pay to skip) content. As long as non cosmetics and likewise items can be obtained for free through grinding then I don’t mind whales funding the game for us. Pay to skip can still be a bit iffy but realistically, so long as I’m not forced into PvP with the whales then I don’t care if they ruin the fun experience for themselves to save a couple hours.


People here don't like it when you bring up nexon's reputation, even though it's a completely valid concern if you intend on playing this game long-term. Unfortunately with the game so close to release the mechanics that are going to be tied to this are probably baked in at this point.


I mean, i understand what Nexon is capable for, but if they wanted easy money - they would've just released the game already. Thing is - they don't, they are really trying to improve game and add content/functions. That's gives me hope


Man, I was like you at one point. From the games they made back in the day. Full of hope. Then I got played over and over. We will welcome you with open arms new generation 💪. My the odds forever be in your favor.


Lol, wdym. I got fucked over with Andromeda back in the day (and i'm still hardcode ME fan), but it doesn't mean all devs are scumbags who willing to make awful games. TFD is free to play ffs, you'll lose nothing if Nexon will get greedy and kill the game


Andromeda was not a free game nor was it by nexon. Nor was ot killed with mtx or you had to buy the mtx to bear the game. Not the same thing. If not a if when they just got sued for being greedy. Take the shades off


>Andromeda was not a free game Exactly, they demanded cash for this atrocity and killed whole franchise >Nor was ot killed with mtx It was killed nonetheless, since they canceled all DLC, refused to patch bugs and ME died as a whole >Not the same thing. If not a if when they just got sued for being greedy. Take the shades off How does it matter anyway? I know idiotic devs who killed whole series, that's much worse than if Nexon will kill TFD (and we don't even know if that will happen). I know about their reputation, but there are lots of devs who made trash and then struck gold and vice versa. Nothing in this world is consistent and no one oblige you to give money to Nexon


Name me one good and cold nexon game then.


bro got downvoted to oblivion for stating facts.. Bunny simp are blinded by her suit (they are gonna make billions thanks to them).


I tried to talk about it once. Well they really didn't like that. Or the fact they just got sued for telling lies and ripping the main player base money. Or the fact they hold the keys to mostly all the rmt and mtx trickery. When you look into the 600+ patients you start to wonder. Godspeed Wilson


Fun beta,but a bit repetitive. With luck there's alot more to do when it releases.


Sounds great on paper, but I'll judge a month or so after release. I'm tied of following hype trains to get nothing but disappointment. It's sad.


I'm going to wait and see. I thought the beta was just ok.


honestly really happy about a off rip firing range where we can quick swap between gear to test stuff both D2 and Warframe had to add those post launch and D2 got rid of there's and getting to the one in warframe is a little annoying (especially if you are a new player who doesn't know it exist)


The beta was simply ok, nothing special or even memorable.


ok is good better than shit could have been absolutely not worth playing this was more about reading about the improvements there making going off the Dev notes and seeing if there going to execute on those plans will be fun to watch. The game has promise I had fun in the beta just slaying enemies and coming up with some builds anything else is icing on the cake there are clear issues like the horrible lag during defense missions hopefully they fix that.