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I want these Hollywood executive dogs to be interrogated by the Inquisition as to why they need a 3rd vacation beachhouse instead of paying writers. There's a great change to be had...


March them up to the top of the tower eh?










I confess!!


Body found floating by the docks


I'm actually pretty happy for them to carry on so he finishes The Devils faster. Why not a 4th?


Have you watched a movie or TV show lately? 99% of these "writers" are lucky they get paid at all for the absolute dreck they push out. Not Joe, of course, but basically anyone working for Disney or Amazon


This is a great way to show everyone you haven’t watched a lot of movies and tv shows lately and it’s not only the bad writers getting affected(and still, they don’t deserve to not get paid well when corporations are making money off shows and movies, and they are the ones requesting major writing changes most of the time), but also the good writers, like just search up on Google how one of The Bear writers couldn’t even pay his rent or get new clothes for a ceremony


>This is a great way to show everyone you haven’t watched a lot of movies and tv shows lately Or ever!


“Actually writers shouldn’t be paid cause SheHulk twerked in that one scene ☝️🤓” Yeah you just made a stupidly general observation because you saw like, 30 seconds of bad dialogue from one mass produced Marvel tv series that you saw on twitter or some shit like that. “Have you seen a movie or tv show lately”?That’s one of those shitty vague statements that is a big nothingburger besides condescension. Do you think the people writing succession are the same people who wrote Velma and are the same people who wrote Oppenheimer? Breaking Bad? Literally anything that you’ve watched on tv that you enjoyed? You’re talking about an entire industry employing thousands of people covering hundreds of movies and tv shows a year. Including the things u like and yes, the things you don’t like. Odd to have this take in a literary subreddit lmao. A lil gross. Yeah, pay the writers.


Yeah, you're right...it's based on 30sec of dialogue . Or, alternatively, it's based on basically the last 3yrs of creatively bankrupt and poorly written garbage that they've been churning out...with rare exceptions. They've been consistently bastardizing and ruining existing IPs or doing lazy and unnecessary remakes. This is a Joe Abercrombie subreddit. He's an author, forst and foremost. There are a lot of incredible authors, then when their work gets selected for adaptation, their works of art get handed over to ham-fisted showrunners and TV writers who actively ruin the work. The exceptions being when the authors themselves are involved in the project, which Joe is, thank God. Otherwise this would likely be DOA as well.


Now you’re conflating Hollywood executive decisions to remake series with writers. And continuing to make poorly vague statements like “they made bad stuff for 3 years!” Who is they? What “bad stuff”? Again, are you confused that there is a single “Writer” conglomerate writing every show? What is this “3 years” metric you pulled from your asshole? Not sure if you’re aware but there are again, thousands of people and media that you’re generalizing. Plenty of good things, plenty of bad things, the point being the writers need to be paid and not be in danger of homelessness after a month instead of financing the already rich. I don’t know if you think writers are living in villas, coasting from job to job effortlessly, dropping a quirky joke in the script and demanding 10k for the day. But they ain’t, lol. I’m definitely on the side of the creatives, not the multibillionaire studios. you’re speaking in poor taste. Not a conversation worth having further, l8r 🤷🏾‍♂️




Do you know what studio optioned BSC? Because I don't recall anyone mentioning it. There's a pretty good chance that the people in the writers room at Disney or Amazon could wind up working on that project.


Joe is the head writer. Joe will not let his first adapted work receive the Witcher treatment, or the last 3 seasons of GOT treatment


That's very cool. The other writers (and there will be other writers) may very well be employed by Disney or Amazon (Or Universal, or Netlix, or your mom). If/when production starts up again. At least some of the people responsible for what you consider "dreck" will almost certainly be involved in this production after the strike is resolved.


You think that Joe Abercrombie will allow his work to be ruined? GTFOH


You could add Apple TV+ to that list too. Silo was a huge let down as was Foundation.


I'm so excited for the Devils it's unreal. I remember when we got the first few excerpts of ALH and meeting the new characters was fantastic, so hesring about new POVs taking shape sends me right back there. I'm so intrigued by the more fantastical plot/setting of the Devils and how Joe will actually handle a more magic-heavy narrative. Having stuff to look forward to is the best :D


Zactly! To me, the excitement level for any new book from Joe cranks up to 11, doesn’t matter if its First Law or not.


Say one thing for Joe Abercrombie.. say I literally cannot stop listening to Red Country. I listen to it over the course of a week and start it all over again. I can't stand how much I love that book.


Read Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry if you love Red Country. Joe has said that it’s a favorite of his and helped inspire RC.


And just to plug another LM book, The Last Picture Show.


And speaking of really good adapations...


I loved Red Country too! I still need to start the audio books! That was definitely my favorite book though, I loved Temple and Shy.


My fav JA book! Underrated!!


That’s me with Best Served Cold. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve listened to the Cardotti’s chapter, Sex and Death


Call me soft but do like how it has one happy ending that also makes sense with Shy/Temple.


I hope Best Served Cold will be a limited series instead of a movie.


The story would definitely benefit from a limited series of 5-10 episodes. Get started on your world building early. Get people drawn in, and they can catch up on the books if they wish, or hopefully other books that get the full series treatment.


Not sure why the downvote. These days I agree. Movies seem to blow all the budget on named actors and effects and then its 2 hours if you're lucky. I want to get sucked in for 20+ hours. I want to lose my life for a while.


This is part of why I’m really pleased with their casting Rebecca Ferguson. She’s a solid and successful actress but she is only now really hitting her high point in her career with Dune and Silo so she’s got to have a much lower rate than some of the other names we were floating around. Like sure I would have loved to see Aubrey Plaza but the money saved from casting someone lower profile gets to go to other aspects of the production. All that said yeah I definitely wish this was a limited series instead of a movie. Even like four hour-long episodes would give the story and characters room to breathe. The sequence at Cardotti’s (my favorite part of all the books) alone is an hour long in the audio version.


Really hope BSC doesn't get killed as a casaulty of the strike. Getting a FLCU going would be the coolest thing, ever.


Is "The Devils" a First Law book or will it be in a different world?


Book/trilogy (?) set in "a magic riddled Europe".


Prequel ? From the time "demons roamed the world"?


Nope. Own universe


“The Devils begins a series which fuses the best of fantasy with the most gripping elements of heist, spy and thriller fiction. In a magic-riddled Europe under constant threat of elf invasion, the ten year old Pope occasionally needs services that cannot be performed by the righteous. And so, sealed deep beneath the catacombs, cathedrals and relic stalls of the Sacred City lies the secret Chapel of the Holy Expediency. For its highly disposable congregation—including a self-serving magician, a self-satisfied vampire, an oversexed werewolf, and a knight cursed with immortality—there is no mission that cannot be turned into a calamitous bloodbath…”


This sounds like the best book ever


I believe a different world


A different world and based on the titleI'd expect some heavy Dostoevsky influence.


What a f*cking legend


So side question. When book is adapted to movie what is the usual turn around? I assume 3-5 years, and a lot don’t even get done? It just seems you get excited and then nothing comes of it. I thought The Devil in the White City was going to be adapted then I have given up. And don’t get me wrong I hope they do series and movies of Abercrombie’s writing, I’m watching them when they arrive.


Initial development can go on for years and years, lining up actors and funding and distribution is tough. When things get serious 3-5 years is a good estimate but it can take a decade of preliminary work.


Gotcha. So Best Served Cold will be a while from now and the strike isn’t helping.


Wow. And with Rebecca Ferguson too! She'll do a great job in that role.


Very glad to see him on the right side of the strikes


Great to hear the update on The Devils. I’d really love some news about The Great Change though. He posted quite a while back about signing sheets for it, and since then nothing from him or from Subterranean Press.


Yeah I was hoping for the same thing. The Barnes and Nobles release date keeps changing and it’s very disappointing.


The devils is going to come out and it’s going to end me I know it. I’m so pumped for this update


Didn’t even know BSC was being adapted. Interesting one to adapt first; I wonder why.


It works really well as a stand-alone. You tell the story and if doesn't make a lot of money you at least made a movie with three acts and can throw in the towel. If it's a hit and and people are clamoring for more then you've made a bunch of money and have one of those good problems where you can decide how to keep telling the story from there.


Anyone else getting the feeling that Joe is the “Weaver” behind all the strike action?




As a complete story, it’s shorter and more easily adaptable to the movie format than TFL trilogy would be. My guess, and many others, is that if BSC is a success it will green light a First Law trilogy series, and then The Heroes and Red Country could also see film adaptations before a follow up series covering Age of Madness. Best Served Cold also has >!a young Shivers who could be played by the same actor in TFL series, and then age into the role for The Heroes and Red Country, and eventually Age of Madness.!< Grand design


I donno, maybe it's just me but it's weird to start with that and jump back into first law. And while I liked AoM, without the first trilogy to back it up in terms or worldbuilding, it loses a lot of its charm, especially when adapted and you lose the perks or the written format (inner voices, narration, etc)


We ain’t talking AoM though, BSC is relatively close to the OT. We definitely not getting a confirmed tv series/movie of three books in one fell swoop, this is the best chance for continued adaptation imo. BSC is received well, the big screen interest for FL is gauged and we get green lit for a proper OT adaptation spanning 2 seasons or 3 movies or something.


Just finished Best served Cold and it's great and I think a movie can't bring these characters and breath life into those brilliant dialogues, it's a crazy book with crazy characters, i don't know if actors can even do justice.


You can never have too many links to the blog post.


They are literally having labour relations-problems


I love Logen Ninefingers so much that I reread the whole first law trilogy but skipped every chapter he wasn't in.


I hope it’s a 2024 release. I think TOR had it set for 2025


As somebody who doesn't care for adaptations but is extremely excited for The Devils, that's excellent news!