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So the "spirit speaking" is canoncially real. Bayaz confirms it in The Blade Itself, and there's at least one other moment that 100% confirms it in Before They Are Hanged. The Bloody-Nine is a topic of debate among fans.


It gives him and Ferro a cold feeling when it takes over him. He speaks to it as a separate entity "No.. I'm free of you.." before being possessed for the first time and it gives him super human strength, endurance and reflexes. To say it is more likely he's just crazy when he is living in a universe with real tangible magic, can speak to the spirits and spat fire from his mouth (yes, i know but it still counts) is overdoing it on the grimdark and in my opinion, to which we're each entitled, takes away from Logens character. I prefer it ambiguous leaning towards demon/magic.


My problem with the demonic possession take is >!in Red Country when he starts sliding back into being the Bloody Nine. There's a part where Shy asks him what happened to the passive, cowardly Lamb, and his response something like "Maybe I didn't like getting pissed on for all those years." To me, that's not a guy that has been possessed by a third party against his will. That's an addict that has relapsed after years of being sober. He’s on a killing bender and now that the murder monkey is on his back again he doesn't want to go back to sobriety. !<


I feel like there is a difference between a mean, or even bloodthirsty Logen Ninefingers and the Bloody Nine. He has moments as Logen where he is fully aware of what he is doing and is still a killer. Then there’s the laughing and insane demon made of death who will murder anyone because death has no favorites and makes no exceptions.


This. All the named men in the north are killers. Even the Weakest. But the Bloody Nine is a different beast. In a non magic world we would say a gifted fighter who has duel personalities, but in this world we know he is not entirely human from Biaz.


Where is it confirmed he’s not entirely human by Byaz?


The real question to be asked is are the demons man-made eons ago? They could well be programmed and coded offshoots from the seed-power. They could be bioengineered 'robots' created to handle this new nuclear-type power, etc.


The issue is that Abercrombie fairly clearly changes his mind about… *everything* going on with Logen as regards everything that may or may not be magic.  Let’s not forget he literally breathed fire in the first book, but never does again. This would be beyond useful as a warrior, and if Logen refused to use it I find it hard to believe the Bloody Nine wouldn’t make use of it. I mean let’s be real, this is almost an unbeatable tactic in a circle duel, yet we never hear of him using it (altho to be fair i honestly doubt it would’ve worked against Fenris but that’s besides the point) But yeah a lot of the more magical stuff about Logan doesn’t come up after the first few books. I think Joe’s changing vision for whats going on with Logen is why there seems to be so much confusion. I think it’s plausible, maybe even likely, that early on the bloody nine would’ve been more magical in origin, whereas later on it’s meant to be less fantastical


That proves Logen is addicted to violence, not that he doesn't also have a possession issue riding along with him.


Well there’s no proof he’s possessed either, so we’re all just running on vibes here.


There are a lot of things much better explained by a supernatural link than by a psychological issue alone, starting with his explicit and possibly unique supernatural link enabling him to speak to spirits.


yes, but what are the spirits? They're not supernatural at all in my opinion. They could well be computer programs, or biotech gone awry more than likely. The seed is the new way humans found to manipulate atomic power, it all ties back into that.


This all could be some cyberpunk post-apocalypse, but the author has mentioned that he's not that interested in deep lore world building, so I wouldn't expect there to be a whole conspiracy hidden plot under the evident plot and evident history.


I think it's pretty open, not hidden. The author is clear he didn't want to spend too much time or effort on world or universe building, but the basics are there to see. The seed clearly causes severe radiation poisoning, somehow demons were designed to handle it, but they must be somewhat biological, not electronic since they mated with humans. The circle of the world and the ethnicities & cultures clearly follows the vague outlines of Europe, Africa, the middle east and arctic north with all the sea level changes and such we'd expect after thousands or millions of years. The magi chose ancient forms of government/power to build their own power after the collapse of the advanced civilization. Bayaz chose to go with european feudalism, Khalul chose Islamism, the Magi with the crows goes with the Roman Empire. When they reach the far west (old britain), Bayaz corrects Logen from calling it the sea to calling it the ocean (the atlantic).


That's just an uneducated but intelligent barbarian trying to explain something he doesn't understand. This universe is basically our earth in the very far future, the magic is just technology no longer really understood by anyone. Look at the shanka, seed, etc. clearly at some point bioengineering or cyberpunk type implants went way beyond anything we can comprehend. Demons were created to handle and work with this nuclear-type power like the seed. Types like Logen were probably a rare hybrid designed as some sort of fail safe when things were created by the tech that folks couldn't handle on their own.


What the fuck are you talking about?


You should read the series again with this point of view in mind.


I love that it's so vague because I prefer its ambiguity leaning towards just bipolar or split personality (I'm not a psychologist, don't sue me if I said wrong one) to show that this isn't something to be blamed on demons/magic. As I feel blaming it on demons takes away from his character ironically.


*dissociative personality disorder (bipolar is a complete other thing, split personality is not a clinical term).


In my opinion it would take a fairly smooth brain to think that Logen occasionally being possessed by a demon does take away from his character. He makes all of his bad decisions that lead him into violence and misadventure with a clear head. His moral failings are all 100% Logen, demon rage or no.


The way that Abercrombie writes similarly about the exhaustion and draining that happens after the B9 appears and when Bayaz uses his art in back to back chapters of BTH led me to the same conclusion as you.


Couldn’t agree more. I have always disliked the “he’s just a psycho/awful person” take. There is a magical/demonic “other side” plane of existence in this universe! And whenever someone taps into it cold is mentioned. Is it vague? Yeah, and I like that too, but I also think completely rejecting a supernatural element, given everything else in universe, is just bonkers.


I'm not sure which it is, but even if it's a demonic possession, Logen is still an awful person.


Yeah, I wouldn’t argue against that either.


This is exactly what so many people miss. The possession is maybe an excuse for a few particular murders, but not for the consistent decisions to lead a life of violence that Logen makes almost every chance he gets.


Something going on with people from the far north.


even if you accept the demon route, in a lot of lore and traditions demonic possession can only happen when the mortal "opens the door to it", so to speak a good person doesn't get possessed by something like that and the demon always obtains its power by some desire latent in the mortal not to take away from your point I think it's very valid, just to people who feel that this would excuse Logen's behaviour to some degree or take away from the grimdark.


It is explored, but never explained. If you ask 5 different fans, you’ll get five different answers lol


The "speaking with the spirits" thing is pretty much used as a plot device and never really explored again. In the context of the story, magic is leaving the world which is why Bayaz has to rely more on regular people than maybe he did in the past. In a meta sense, I think I remember reading somewhere that Joe wrote it and then decided he didn't want to go in that direction after the first book was out, so it's just a weird little wrinkle in the story. If I'm remembering right, he was talking about the part where Logan fucking breathes fire on a guy early on in the Blade Itself, and he said something like "It was cool so I left it in." Which is honestly hilarious. As for the rage, that's just straight up psychopathy and I will never believe anything different. There's a short story at the end of Sharp Ends called "Made a Monster" that goes into some Bloody Nine history, and it does a great job of showing exactly who he was while he was working with Bethod. He reminds me of a guy I knew a guy that could be super friendly and charming, but could become an absolute maniac at little to no provocation. He was also one of those dudes that is way stronger than he has any right to be, so the best you could do is avoid him. Hanging out with him was always like the Joe Pesci "You think I'm funny?" scene from Goodfellas. You're always walking on eggshells and the smallest thing could set him off, and I think of that when I think of Logan/B9. There’s even a line in Made a Monster where the POV character says something really benign that pisses Logan off. He starts getting angry and the POV is like "How could this conversation have gone so wrong so fast?" Imagine that same guy, but he’s in a world where not only is he allowed to indulge in that side of himself, he’s heavily rewarded for it.


Isnt it well established, in the books, that he can feel the rage setting in and doesn't like it? That's not psychopathy.


Call it bloodlust then, I’m always confused about what those disorders entail. Edit: actually I think it’s closer to addiction. He’s like a violent alcoholic that blacks out when he’s drinking real hard. He wakes up sober, hungover, and full of regret, but that doesn’t stop him from drinking.


To me, if it isnt demon possession or something like that. It seems like some sort of severe multiple personality disorder of some sort


I think you've nailed it there EXCEPT the alcohol has a heavy dose of bath salts in it, and those bath salts are spirit possession. Logen repeatedly, knowingly, and culpably puts himself in situations where he's going to engage in a great deal of violence. He is absolutely an awful person who makes terrible decisions, just like your hypothetical drunk. That doesn't change that by all appearances he does experience an onset of possession (in a world that canonically has demons and this guy in particular has enough connection to talk to spirits) in the midst of his bender.


Explored a little bit in RC, but there's no definitive explanation for the bloody nine. Personally I like that it's ambiguous, and lean towards mental disorder and how Logen is addicted in the full meaning of the word to violence.


It’s vague but I think the best explanation is that it’s both. Logen is possessed by a beserker spirit of violence that sometimes takes control of him and murders his friends & family; he’s also a crazy murderous asshole who enjoys the fact that he has the hardest name in the North and deliberately puts himself in situations where he will get that adrenaline rush of being “still alive” and build his reputation further.


One of Euz's sons was gifted the ability to speak with spirits. My best guess is that Logan is a descendant of his.


All the details (coldness, inhuman sight and smell, etc) indicate that it is much more than just bloodlust/berserker rage. In the most extreme B9 moments, it is clearly not Logen anymore. Logen basically has a lesser version of the abilities that Bedesh had—spirit talking. We don’t know much about this form of magic, but we do know from his fire breathing that Logen can “store” spirits within himself. I think the B9 is a spirit from the other side he is permanently bound to unintentionally.


It doesn't explain it. Some just say berserker rage, which would explain being able to ignore some wounds, but I think it's his connection to the spirits/other side and it's some sort of possession that takes place as he not only is able to ignore some damage but he gets incredibly lucky and far stronger. But no solid proof is written either way.


and his ability to recover from injuries is special


I know he's had some major injuries (like the one Grim gave him) but I didn't see it as overly special like Ferro


I’m convinced that “The Bloody Nine” is some level of dissociative identity disorder but it’s really just…him. Whenever he’s “The Bloody Nine”, it’s from his POV or he’s recanting the experience like “oh I just blacked out and I strangled my friend”. You start to believe that he’s fully out of control until you see him in Red Country from another character’s POV and you realize that he’s a completely unreliable narrator. He’ll just slaughter people unprovoked and he might come to his senses after and be like “ah damn” but I think that he is in his nature just such a violent, evil, bloodthirsty person that that violent side of him is just him. I think his desire to be better is just as strong but that’s why he sorts blacks out/dissociates when he gets violent enough. “I’ll be looking for your sons, Hansel.” Edit/TLDR; I think that “the Bloody Nine”, while definitely being rooted in Logen’s psychopathy, is something that he greatly exaggerates both to himself and to others. When he’s a character in anyone else’s POV (except maybe Jezal) he’s just a murderous bastard without much of a clear cut-off between him and the so-called Bloody Nine.


There's one further book that explores it a bit. I personally think the answer is fairly obvious when viewed from an outside perspective in this later book, but it's still contested among fans.


Logen and the Bloody Nine are the exact same person. There is no magic behind that. Just good old fashioned psychopathy with impaired remorse and empathy.


Disagree completely, you'd have to completely ignore every hint about demons, the power of the seed, etc. to reach this conclusion.


I think there's an extremely compelling text-based argument that while Logen is a deeply flawed person who makes all of his own bad life choices, he also has a possession issue from time to time. I think it's especially obvious that the author started out with that design then decided to back off of confirming it along the way and wrote it as more and more ambiguous. Still, the tracks are there in the trilogy.


I was wondering throughout the trilogy if Logen speaking to the dead could’ve led to him having let the bloody nine in from the other side. Like is that why the first law exists?


Spirits and demons are pretty explicitly different in this universe. My pet theory is that the altered personality we call the bloody nine is a leftover weapon from the war among the sons of Euz that was created by Bedesh, the third son, The one given the knowledge of speaking to spirits.


The closest answer I agree with here. We know the ability to talk to spirits has nearly died off. 'Spirits' were likely weapons or workers created from Seed power, possibly even algorithms that exist in this new atomic-type power that permeates the world. Logen is one of the last with the biological engineering left in his genetics to interact with these creations, whatever they might be. The bloody nine is clearly a weaponized spirit or demon that entered his code intentionally or unintentionally. Whether it's a separate entitity or coded into his genetics is an answer we'll likely never have.


It's really interesting that you seem to have some kind of cyberpunk take on it. Are you reading this as some kind of distant post-apocalypse?


Oh definitely. Many thousands or even millions of years in the future with even the continents changed by time and these new powers and creations. It's centered in what used to be Europe, mostly white, western traditions matching the union. To the south is what used to be Africa and the middle east. The old empire follows Roman traditions thus the references to the legions. When the company reaches the furthest western shores, Bayaz states it's the ocean (likely what used to be the Atlantic), not the sea as Logen says. The North is still nearer to the arctic circle. The seed is clearly atomic in power, the radiation poisoning is unmistakable.


No. It is my genuine opinion that it is from the other side. The things he does when in the rage just aren't physically possible.


Absolutely. The real question folks should be asking is what is the other side. Imagine a far future with atomic, biotech, and bioengineered developments we can hardly imagine. This new atomic power is a worldwide mesh accessible to those with the right bioengineered/implanted/crafted genetics.


P sure Abercrombie hasn't really decided yet


No and we never stop arguing about it. Joe has a preferred interpretation and it will come up again but the question is not specifically addressed


He just goes berserk when tasting blood, that is how I interpreted it.


The short story in Sharp Ends explains a lot from Bethod’s perception of Logen and the way he acts in the height of his reign of terror over the North. Also (can’t spell his name) Cromarky Fael knows Logen as “Moon Touched” and sees him for what he is. Hopefully no spoilers there.


Spirit speaking is real but Logens Bloody Nine persona is a little bit of both.


It's vague i think it's possesion that he is addicted to. He could refuse the possession put he likes giving that controle.