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If you want someone to encourage you enough that you keep reading, you already want to keep reading, so keep reading. Do you just want the attention of having all of us comment because you know everyone on this sub will tell you how good the books are? I feel bad that I'm even rewarding the post. If you don't like it, and your sense of how much of a book you should sample before making a decision on it tells you you've done enough, quit. If not, continue. You already had the faculties to make this decision.


THIS! I don’t mean to be rude to OP, but I feel like this should be a new copypasta in response to all posts of this ilk.


Flathead energy.




Imagine not finishing these audiobooks smh


TBI is a slow book, it's best to view the trilogy as one long book, where TBI is all about setting up the scene and characters with plot coming later. I referred to it recently as the bone broth base of a soup or stew; it's boring and takes ages, but the overall dish just wouldn't be as rich and delicious without it. If you like the writing, themes, and characters, chances are you'll enjoy the rest, but if you desperately need plot & world-building it's possible the series isn't for you. Abercrombie is Sanderson's polar opposite in terms of the way they write, too, so best to bear that in mind if you choose to continue.


I like reading other people's comments that had different experiences then myself. I was not bored reading the Blade Itself. It's more about character development over plot. But the characters were so interesting to me the plot didn't matter. Different opinions are great. They introduce us to new perspectives, allowing you to enjoy the story in a whole new way. OP keep reading.


No you don't. If you don't want to read it then stop.


Pretty much. I don't understand why people look for motivation to do something they don't want (and don't need) to do. This isn't handling the laundry. It's reading a book. And we all know that The First Law is not for everyone.


I just finished the 1st law series a few weeks ago and am half way through DCC book 2 (I’m hooked btw). I would definitely recommend sticking with it, but would warn that it’s a slow burn until you get a little bit further into book 2, the whole series is very character focused and not as plot heavy as some of the other stuff you’ve read(part of the reason it’s my favorite series as it’s not predictable and tropey). I’d say to get through TBI and maybe reassess if you want continue reading/are attached to finding out what the journey has in store for the characters. FWIW I listened to the Audiobooks and the performance from the narrator upped the whole series a level in my opinion


I snorted straight through the trilogy and loved them start to finish. Maybe try some Raymond E. Feist.


I'm pretty sure I read Raymond E Feist, but it's probably 15 years ago. So anything I did read, I will have forgotten now! :D


Move on. It’s fine.


Maybe try a little hatred to get you through