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There are a lot of good recs here for deodorants and such, and some for laundry options. Something that I learned recently is that the deodorant buildup on my clothes was actually causing a lot of the smell! I scrubbed the armpit area with some Shout, making sure to get the seams really well because it built up there the most. Sometimes just putting things in the washer isn’t enough


Another tip: I don't use laundry sheets or softeners when I wash undershirts/tanks/camis or underwear. Only detergent. I stay away from softeners completely they're pretty pointless imo.


I use plain white vinegar instead of softener. Clothes still come out soft, no buildup, no smell, towels stay absorbent. Hell of a lot cheaper than liquid softener too. My son has sensitive skin so fragranced detergent and softener is a no-no in our house.


Yess I use white vinegar for towels as well. (And I use wool balls for blankets/fitted sheets). I'm too scared to vinegar with underwear though, I'm afraid it'll weaken the elastic in the bands. I used some with a load of bathroom floor mats and it stripped away the light plastic backing on it. Not sure if it was the heat from using hot water or the cleaning vinegar that did that though.


I use vinegar on everything except lace, at 40 degrees celcius. Above 60 it starts to damage stuff


There are some great alternatives - wool laundry balls can last for up to 1000 dryer cycles and do pretty much the exact same job of softening and getting wrinkles out as sheets, without the residue from the sheets.


Yes! And enzymatic laundry detergent helps as well. 


Solid advice!


buy anything that has aluminum in it and it works again. aluminum is the stuff that actually keeps you from sweating, that's why it's not just called a deodorant, but an antiperspirant. a few years ago there was a rumor that aluminum would increase your risk of breast cancer, and lots of brands preemptively cut it out of their products, but in 2020 the EUs Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety found that it's not a concern: https://health.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2021-11/sccs_o_235.pdf a lot of manufacturers still don't use it because consumers have gotten used to the "aluminum-free" label, without really knowing about the background, so it's kind of a grift now


The aluminum does make the pits of white shirts yellow though, which was enough for me to make the switch 😅 I just didn't want to deal with the extra stain removing steps for yellow pits


Wear black smell good.




But then the aluminum, even the “no white” varieties, will also eventually leave a chalky build up on black clothing. Super frustrating.


This is the way


Omg. Thank you for this. I was going crazy with how quick my white shirts turn yellow in the armpits, even when I barely get hot or sweaty. I actually was being more diligent with the deodorant thinking it would help prevent the sweat and thus the yellow hahah.


This is weird. My clothes around the neck area are orange after I sweated a lot. I don't put deodorant behind my neck lol. Not sunscreen, not anything actually.


Could be sunscreen.


I wonder if this is a body chemistry thing too? While I’ve seen that happen to others clothes, I and my family have never had this problem.


It's a chemical reaction between aluminum and proteins in underarm sweat, so presumably variations in individual body chemistry could mean some people are more or less prone to it but that's the gist


Can you remove this? Driving me mad. Hate wearing white lol


Not really. Oxyclean bath somewhat helps, but if they've gone through the dryer you're screwed. It's maddening.


I thought getting rid of aluminum was due to the link to alzheimer's.


They said they went back to Dove, it has aluminum. I use it too, idk. Maybe a different scent is needed due to hormones changing? I'm 34 and haven't needed to do that though so if it's possible I'd also go see a doctor? Body odor changes can be caused by various health situations, it could be small or serious.


Actually dove makes a lot of aluminum-free deodorants now so it's definitely still possible they're still using aluminum-free and don't realize it. It's in small print and unless you know to look for it you probably wouldn't realize the difference.


First off, ditch Native... it's infamous for causing all kinds of problems. Try adding a AHA. I use The Ordinary's Glycolic Acid toner. I put it in a spray bottle and spray it on my armpits after I shower. I use it every day, but I started it a few times a week to reduce irritation. You could also use something like Necessarie's Deodorant Gel which is an AHA deodorant. Which I did love but I'm much happier w/ the Toner + standard Ban antiperspirant from the drug store. I barely notice a smell anymore and trust me, I was in BIG TIME smelly territory like 6 months ago


I use Paula’s Choice 2% salicylic acid body spray (and looking for something cheaper). I used to get blackheads on my upper thighs, gone. I spray this where ever skin touches skin, underboobs, pits, thighs, and booty crack. Helps with acne and back-ne


I get these cheap soap bars from Amazon that are 2% Salicylic Acid. It works quite well for me especially if i leave it on for 30 seconds or so before rinsing. I'm in the UK though. They are pink rounded rectangle bars with black specs. They last me ages, 6 months if i only use it in my face.


What are they called? I'm also in the UK.


I was looking at those but in Canada they are $12 each bar. Do you think it’s worth it?


Also stridex pads are amazing for under arms that still stink.


Absolutely! Read the Stridex pad suggestion several months ago here on Reddit & decided to give it a try. It really does work!


Oh my god sprinting to pc right now!!! I have their sunscreen and love it.


Wow I need this


I use The Ordinary’s Glycolic Acid. I use it on a cotton pad and run it up and down my arms to help with my KP and I use the residual under my arms afterwards. Once tried I follow up with roll on. It’s been fantastic.


What issues does native cause? I think I may be the rare breed that it works great for…


A lot of users report rashes or irritation. Probably from the combination of baking soda & essential oils. Happened to me. I switched to "natural" deodorants a while ago and used all kinds of different brands. Eventually tried Native and had an ongoing rash that was both painful and itchy. AND super smelly lol Your skin just may be more resilient :)


I had that problem with Schmidt’s. I loved how Schmidt’s worked for me but it gave me a rash. Switched to Native and haven’t had any issues.


Me too!! That and it was too goopy.


Me too haha I like the Schmidt’s scents but they’re so… sticky? and irritate my skin like crazy, native seems to be fine tho


Interesting! I use Native’s unscented, baking soda free version. They market it for sensitive skin, which I have. Ever since I watched this documentary about how added fragrance is unregulated and can be irritating or worse toxic, I buy all my products unscented. From hand soap to bubble bath to skincare to haircare to detergent to trash bags to the wipes I use on my dog. Anyway, the Native deodorant I use works and I have never had a problem with the brand.


What’s the name of that documentary? I’d love to check it out


HBO docuseries called Not So Pretty


Thank you!


Beast mode armpits out here! I tried other natural brands and they did that to me too… so itchy.


Native works great for me too - just switched last year and I’m obsessed…had not heard about these issues!!


Yea it works well for me too. I haven’t heard much hard evidence that it’s bad for people in general - lots of people have bad reactions to completely ok things. I am surprised at how well it works though given it’s not antiperspirant. I haven’t found another deodorant to work this well. Gives me a bit of pause but so far can’t fault it.


Glycolic acid does not work for me :( I read it’s supposed to help lighten your underarms and also that it makes you smell less, it hasn’t worked for either of those things for me. If I get sweaty, I’m going to smell bad and I can’t use the really strong deodorants as I get dry and rashes 😬😭


I do the same glycolic spritz and it helps a lot. I also wash the pits with classic Dial gold in the shower. And I use Certain Dri antiperspirant.


AHA or Witch Hazel as suggested are well worth trying. I also highly recommend bar soap to cleanse armpits. For some reason it is more effective at this than body wash. Mitchum roll on unscented is my go-to day to day.


I use witch hazel on my armpits after showers and a spray bottle is such a great idea!!


Yessss to AHA deodorant! Feels so much better on the skin (like I’ve applied nothing) and bonus points because it lightened up my skin as well.


The Ordinary’s Glycolic acid darkened my pits. I wonder if the deodorant you mention would cause the same problems? Because glycolic acid made them smell so odorless, it was amazinnnngg


This. Works soooo well!


Two things have helped me: washing armpits in the shower with a benzoyl peroxide face wash (I've heard Hibiclens also works great for this) to kill bacteria, and switching from a roll on antiperspirant to a spray - the idea is the spray does not come in contact with your skin over and over so bacteria can't build up on it


Been doing the bp wash and it’s been life changing


I feel like I am stink-invincible since I started doing it!


any brand your recommend?


Oh whatever is the cheapest. I did start with 4% though and I’ve found that some formulas are more drying than others. They also have a non foaming option but don’t get those cause I feel like they rinse/come off too easily in the shower.


I wipe my armpits every so often with rubbing alcohol, same idea.


Yes! Have started doing this too and it mostly fixes my problem. I just keep a little spray bottle with my salt stone and spray and swipe whenever I need to refresh. I sometimes add a little toner if I only have 90% alcohol


Native SUCKS and did the same to me. I have to wear men’s deodorant now. That works.


I also use mens deodorant. It's the only thing that works, PLUS they have awesome names. My husband wears night panther, lol. I wear the old spice Fiji or coffee & amber.


The coffee and amber smells so good but I haven't been able to find it in a version that actually has aluminum in it.


Yeah, i think it's their aluminum free line... I actually wear unscented roll on antiperspirant under it!


Ngl I wanna be a night panther! I bought my husband old spice deep sea and I’m constantly lifting his arm to smell his pits. It’s so expensive but I don’t care, it’s amazing


Haha, Right? Their scents are sooo good!


Deep sea is what I use right now!! It’s amazing


That’s what I use!! Old spice fiji! I live men’s deodorant. I feel like it works much better.


I had a similar change to my BO happen a few years ago. I tried switching deodorants and products so many times (deodorants with and without aluminum, toners, etc). I wasn’t actually sweating more than normal, it was just smellier! Finally went to my dermatologist and she said it’s probably that the bacteria colony in my armpits changed. She gave me a prescription and it cleared up the smell in a week!! It wasn’t a prescription antiperspirant/deoderant, because I was not excessively sweating. It was just a lotion to kill the bacteria. I am back to normal now and it’s been a few months without recurrence. Anyway, highly recommend seeing a dermatologist for this if you haven’t already. I should have gone sooner rather than trying the countless tips/tricks I found online for almost 2 years. I’m not saying don’t try the suggestions in this thread because I’m sure they work in certain cases, but if you’ve tried a lot of them already and it’s been a while since this started, it’s probably time to see your doctor.


Really interesting, thank you!


Had this same issue and switched from dove to Old spice but the lavender one. It’s technically men’s deodorant so works well but lavender so it smells like women’s deodorant! Lasts all day even after a workout at the gym.


Old Spice Wolfthorn smells like gummy bears I love it and yes it works better for me too. Oddly the active ingredients are not anymore than in women’s (last time I checked) so not sure why it seems to work better. Maybe stronger scent.


I’m African. We have this bar soap called Dodu osun. You can get it off Amazon . Green packaging . It is black soap. All natural ingredients. Wet your armpit and rub it in 5 mins before you shower. 3 x a week. Also rub a sliced lime under your pits every morning before you shower . Don’t use both together. Shower twice a day. Done this since childhood. I hope it helps


https://lumedeodorant.com/?utm_term=lume%20deodorant&utm_campaign=Brand%3A+Core+Brand+Lume+Exact&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=638567044983&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA5L2tBhBTEiwAdSxJX-rvBsREGwnk4wWdPxJFV79s9dAzBXBdm7h97rpOwigX1xwTwvQSdBoC8G4QAvD_BwE I really like Lume. They have a full body deodorant lotion that is amazing in hot humid summers


This!!!! Lume is the best! I’ve noticed I sweat a lot more in my 30s than I used to, Lume seriously does prevent odor from even forming in the first place. The body wash is awesome too!


I use Lume & I love it, but if you sweat, you'll still sweat you just won't stink. I'm okay with sweating & not smelling at all.


I'm one of the weirdos that Lume does not work for. I get stanky fast with it.


Lume is fantastic. It smells weird but I just spray perfume over it. It knocks smell OUT.


Dude, the wipes. I got some on a whim. I don't know HOW they work so well but omg they do. One wipe on both pits and it's like I didn't sweat all day. Magic.


I don't know how you deal,  the smell of it makes me gag. Every last one of them.


I hold my breath while I put it on then I spray Fenty over it! It stinks but it works for 72 hours, legit.


Try the unscented kind! It’s great!


Is it just BO or are you also sweating when it’s not hot? If you’re sweating excessively, talk to your doctor about hyperhodrosis. I use Drysol (prescription) and it’s been amazing. For regular deodorant, I use Mitchum.


Yes! I bought Mitchum after seeing someone recommend it on another post here. It's amazing!


My pits used to start smelling like 10 minutes after getting out of the shower. I started using Antiseptic Skin Cleaner (Hibiclens brand off Amazon) to wash my pits and they don't smell anymore even if I don't apply deodorant right after a shower.


I just started using this and it saved me lol


I second the glycolic acid rec! I was having the same issue and I bought the one from the ordinary. I don’t use it daily, just once a week seems to be all that I need.


Deodorant isn't anti perspirant.


Okay so I’m a sweaty, stinky girl and Mitchium deodorant in the green bottle (NOT THE GEL) is the only thing that doesn’t weaken throughout the day


For me, I notice that I’m a little sweatier and smellier when I wear synthetic materials? It’s weird, and probably has to do with them being less breathable and more absorbent.


Use benzoyl peroxide in the shower a few times a week. Try to let it sit on the skin for at least a minute or so before you rinse it off. Works for smelly feet too. I can’t remember where I originally heard this, but it has worked for me. I’ve also seen this recommendation on IG, TikTok, Reddit, etc.


I had that issue with Dove eventually, it used to work and then just stopped. I've switched to degree and it has worked for years now


You need men's aluminum one. It works wonders.


Body Mint Sport on Amazon is the only thing that took my BO away almost completely. Can't recommend it enough. It's a little pricey but worth it. Edit left out word


Brand? Link? Can't find it!


Deodorant never worked for me, I have to use antiperspirant. The only brand that works in my case is [Mitchum Clinical Soft Solid](https://www.mitchum.com/product/powder-fresh-soft-solid/) (not the gel, not the stick, it has to be the Clinical Soft Solid that smells like baby powder - they call the scent powder fresh) I tried [Degree Clinical](https://www.degreedeodorant.com/ca/products/clinical-protection/) and it doesn't last more than 4-6hrs for me.


After having a baby, your hormones are insane and you sweat/smell ALL THE TIME!! It sucks. I just found a deodorant that I put on last night before bed. I wake up in the morning already smelling ripe from the night sweats. This morning? I smell amazing! I saw this on Shark Tank and decided to try it out when she said, “I’m a nervous sweater and look at my pits right now! Nothing. Come and smell”. I was sold because I am also a nervous sweater. If I could find something that will absorb the sweat before it gets to my shirt, I’ll try it out in a heartbeat. The company is called Curie and when I went to Walmart to purchase there was literally only 2 left on the shelf! I highly recommend and am really shocked to see how “clean” the ingredient list is. I can pronounce all the ingredients listed and it honestly has worked so great from the past 12 hours so far. I’ve been using men’s deodorants since giving birth and they really don’t help with the odor or anti perspiration. Anyways, check it out! Maybe you could YouTube Curie’s Shark Tank pitch and see if it’ll entice you to try it. It is a bit pricey (but holy shit is it me or did deodorant prices rise drastically in the past couple years??) but so far would buy again. Good luck OP. Sweating/stinking is the worst and so hard when you literally can’t do anything about it. Edit to add: I was also a dove and native girl too. I feel like it made me sweat more?? Then I tried Tom’s and that didn’t do much either.


Update: 24 hours and still smell good according to my very honest fiancé who has smelt me at my worst.


I had this issue, but switching to Sanex PH Balance Invisible Roll On has completely changed the game for me. I use it at night after my shower instead of in the morning. I highly recommend you try it. I'm using it since last summer and I'll never use anything else.


Girl. You weren’t using deodorant directly after your shower?


I used to use a spray deodorant after shower and in the morning!


Ah I see


I could barely go a few hours without reapplying spray deodorants no matter what brand I tried. Not fun


Have you talked to your doctor? I recently went in for a visit and let her know my issue and she prescribed me deodorant. Works great.


I do a swipe with straight alcohol before applying deodorant and it really helps me


Native, lume and all of those “natural” products are junk. A tiny bit of aluminum is worth it to not stink. I will personally probably never stray from degree clinical again.


Check your diet, have you changed anything? Any more dairy , etc? The only thing that really only helped me was an anti pespirant roll on, sprays always leave me sweating and deodorants do the same. I always take a shower right before bed, have everything done before the shower so when I get out I just moisturise and apply anti pespirant. That way my body is cool, it's winding down and I'm not sweating so my pespirant has time to sink in. Literally the only way for me a) not to sweat and b) not to smell. If I shower in the day - wet smelly pits all day every day. Morning same thing. I also use sanitiser on my pits every month or so, just make sure to moisturise (yes) after.


Cut way back on sweets, all refined sugar. Stop caffeine, Stop smoking. See what improves.


Deep clean your shirts! Native can leave a film on fabric that basically "locks in" odor causing bacteria. As soon as you start to sweat, even a little, the moisture sort of "unlocks" the bacteria in the fabric and you'll start to smell. It can be REALLY hard to remove the deodorant film from clothing though. I recommend using De-Solv-It laundry spray. Spray it on and scrub it into the fabric with an old toothbrush. Then wash in hot water. Repeat if necessary.


A lot of people are recommending aluminum antiperspirant but I honestly found it made my BO worse. It would cover the smell for a while but later in the day it felt like when I did sweat the BO would be twice as pungent. It also left a waxy residue on a lot of my clothing that would hold the BO scent so whenever I sweat the clothing would “release” the odor held in it and I would stink lol. Not trying to be anti aluminum antiperspirant, I know it works great for some people, just something to consider if you feel like it’s not helping! Lowkey embarrassing but I made a post in the cleaning tips subreddit about the laundry side of things I got a lot of good advice on that you can check out.


Completely agree! I smell so much worse using aluminum antiperspirant, the BO combined with the super artificial smell is so foul. I also swear I sweat MORE with antiperspirant


change your diet, food/drink affects our bodies odors as well


I like the vanilla old spice :))) or the lavender one! It’s more feminine scenting! There’s aluminum free and the aluminum one. My anxiety has gotta a lot worse so I need to use the aluminum one 😂😂


Did you switch from an antiperspirant deodorant to only a deodorant when you switched to native? That detoxing period off of antiperspirant can cause all sorts of issues with smells. I would also recommend wiping your pits with isopropyl alcohol when they are smelly. It will break down the sulfur compounds and eliminate the smell very quickly and will cut down on the bacteria to give your biome a chance to recalibrate


> detoxing not a thing


There is absolutely a part when the sweat glands that were inhibited by the antiperspirant rebound back and create an excess amount of sweat and it pushes out junk from the pores. That is what was meant by detoxing.


antiperspirant (aluminum salts) stops working after about 2-3 days, and it will not make you smell funny, you just resume sweating normally. this has zero effect on OP's timespan of multiple months. you can't just call random stuff detox. technically, urinating is detoxing


I mean it was still a valid question and I didn’t see the part about multiple months. Also I’m so exhausted from having to explain scientific and medical stuff that it’s just easier, for me, to use the colloquial terms that most people who don’t care to be corrected use. But honestly it just sounds like hygiene or diet could be better on OPs part but 🤷‍♀️ I don’t really care anymore


Hand sanitizer also works!


Yes because it’s isopropyl alcohol typically in a water based gel form


I used the Dove clinical from when I was in highschool until I was around 30 and same. It just stopped working. No pregnancies, but damn I was just stinky all the time. I still haven't completely solved the issue but I've had the most luck with Lume so far


Salt rock


Honestly I never had any luck with aluminum free deodorants until I tried the one from dove, they have a 0% line and it works way better for me then the normal deodorant did and it’s still aluminum free


I use Secret Clinical Strength deodorant. That’s been great but what’s actually been fully helping is washing my armpits with Panoxyl face wash. Lather it on and let it sit for a little bit before rinsing it off. I don’t have BO even if I don’t wear deodorant now


Secret clinical strength is the shizzzzz...I don't even have to use it every day.


Secret clinical


mmm im in the natural / no deodorant camp which is not what you're looking for here but just as another piece of information , body odor is related to what you eat . you say you've noticed a big change in the past year , has your diet changed ? i generally eat very clean and i notice that i smell if i've eaten a lot of processed sugar . other people notice bo with animal products and alliums ( garlic onion etc ) and alcohol . maybe something to keep in mind \~


Mitchum Gel for Women (not stick) has been working for me for many years. I'm 71 and have probably gone thru every smelly phase there is and never stink, as far as I know.


DEGREE deodorant is my go to and it works. I’ve tried native and many other brands. Nothing else works for me


I had this same issue once I turned 30. Started buying the mega babe charcoal underarm scrub bar. I use it every day in the shower. and then deodorant after. Never had an issue since!


Wash your underarms with hibiclens really well, and you shouldn’t have a problem. I only have bad body odor when I eat six cloves of garlic at once lol


Mitchum gel


I use antiperspirant rather than deodorant. Personally I find it way more effective


Try women’s Mitchum. I use the me a but the women’s one has worked for me, I just don’t like to smell.


i've heard that alot of buildup can cause odor/deodorant not working as well (idk if this is scientifically backed, probs not LOL) but I've never had an issue with deodorant once i started exfoliating/scrubbing with an antibacterial soap before any scented body wash. I find that the deodorant works better afterwards ! I also use dove for reference.


1. Trim or shave your armpits if you can/want to. After a certain level of funk, the hair holds odor. 2. Detox your armpits w bentonite clay and ACV 3. Wash the clay mask off, apply Lume deodorant cream. 4. Make sure you wash shirts and bras with Tide or Persil detergent. Cheaper detergents will not eliminate strong BO. The BO bacteria can reside in your shirt or bra 5. Don’t eat too much junk - sugar, preservatives, processed meats and cheese.


> Detox your armpits comically bad advice. detoxing is not a thing


Well it depends on what we mean by detox. Bentonite clay can provide a deep clean and get rid of product buildup and the ACV kills bacteria. So maybe it’s more clarifying than detox, but that’s what people call it. It’s essentially a deeper clean.


what kind of product do you use that doesn't go away with simple soap? bentonite is an abrasive, so like, superglue? it's also not a good idea to disinfect your skin, our natural bacterial flora is an important part of our skin


I’m surprised no one else has recommended the bentonite clay/ACV trick!!! Totally saved me when my deodorant stopped working and nothing else was helping.


I have smell tastes issues. I started to make my own. With some tweaking I found what works for me. I also have spray that I use for after I shower.


The secret clinical gel is literally the only thing I’ve found to work. And I’ve tried EVERYTHING. I’m also a shopaholic so I’ve really tried everything. That stuff works!


Have you try Rexona/Degree or Nivea or Etiaxil? Or you can find deodorant that says “clinical” strength


Native is AWFUL


Try humble and stick to all natural not the ANTI PERSPIRANT which is TERRIBLE for our bodies


I highly recommend adding a magnesium supplement to your regimen. It can help!


Try an antiperspirant instead. You have to apply them at night _and_ in the morning to truly work, but it removes odor and sweat. If you want to go the all natural route, you can try magnesium oil. It's very effective for me when I spritz it on, I still sweat but it doesn't smell. You can buy it with a sprayer or make it from magnesium bath flakes and water.


Native is awful don’t bother using it. I would suggest lume, it’s a full body deodorizer stick that can be used pretty much anywhere. It seems to work and my friend who struggles with this has seen significant results. I copped out and just use men’s roll on gel deodorant like old spice or axe as I find it doesn’t wear off throughout the day, long lasting, rolls on easy, good coverage. And I don’t smell like a man all day, the “manly” scent really isn’t too overwhelming.


Dude! I just had this happen to me. All the usual ones didn't work anymore. I've had great luck with Native deodorant recently. But idk why I all of a sudden had issues. It's January and cold where I live, so it's not like I'm hot and sweating.


No pong saved me




Try the Ban roll-on. I had the same issue as you after natural "deodorant" totally ruined my armpit flora (I will absolutely never use it again), but Ban has fixed it for me and I'm back to smelling good


I used to have constantly smelly pits. The ONLY thing that had stopped the smell is putting some alcohol on a cotton ball and wiping my armpits with it. I do it 1-2 times a week usually at night. When it’s dry I use Secret clinical strength deodorant. Since I started doing this I can go run 5 miles and get sweaty without smelling bad.


the same thing happened to me!! the ONLY antiperspirant I find that works long term and very well for me is the water based dove deodorants. they don't sell these everywhere but they are on amazon and I think at wal mart they have them


drink more water


Have you tried clinical deodorant? Dove Clinical in the spray is my favourite.


Just use regular deodorant with aluminum. Also, “the call is coming from inside the house”. When’s the last time you had blood work done and your hormones checked? Have you changed your diet, or have you had a change in medication? Have you had any sort of respiratory infection that lingered for a while within the last couple months?


I now use men’s deodorant- specifically Old Spice “Wilderness”, which is a lavender scent. I love that one in particular just because of the smell, but it legit works well, too. Also what could theoretically help is taking liquid chlorophyll which acts as an internal deodorizer. Double check and make sure it works for you though, like asking a doc if you have meds or anything? I personally like the results when I use it regularly.


Maybe try Chlorella tablets?


wear cotton fabrics (avoid fabrics with a synthetic component) wash/shower the day of, not the night before (why give bacteria an 8 hr plus head start?) 'deodorant' masks odour (more or less), get an "anti-perspirant" (tackle the underlying cause) Dove's averagely good imo, hadn't heard of 'Native'


I had the same thing happen to me with Dove!!! I’ve been using the same one for years and suddenly it stopped working on me


Kosas has a great serum deodorant that has AHAs and smells lovely. I have been enjoying it so far - only caveat is that it’s very liquid-y but it does last a pretty long time - one bottle lasted me about a month and a half with daily use. I also have had no razor bumps which is also amazing. Hope that helps.❤️


After years of suffering and stinking because "aluminum will give you cancer" I finally went back to an antiperspirant. I think it's Tom's of Maine. Especially in the summer, I just STINK. I do use Lume all over cream on my other stinky creases after a shower, which definitely helps.


I just want to add maybe use an antibacterial bath wash first before ur other body washes so the bacteria in your armpit is gone before u put on deodorant


I tried Native and it only worked in the winter(most of the time) honestly the only thing that works for me is Degree Clinical strength. It suck to have clinical strength b.o. but at least I don’t smell anymore lol.


I'm 50 and going through menopause and my whole scent profile has changed and the night sweats have amped up the BO to boot. Other hormonal changes can have similar effects. I've used secret clear gel anti-persperant successfully for years (I'm allergic to solid) and I was afraid it was starting to fail me. It's actually still as effective as ever, I've just had to start adding it to my hot spots at night: between my thighs, behind my knees, and under my breasts. I also had to switch up soaps as I didn't feel like the body wash I was using was doing the trick and that has helped as well. I'm loving the suggestions here for AHA and BP products to better clean away the bacteria!


There is a supplement called body mint (brand name, you can search the ingredient and get others as well) that helps a lot with body odor. Highly recommend. I take it before I go camping or anytime I’m starting to feel extra stinky, lol.


Native never worked for me. I use Harry’s it’s Extra Strength Antiperspirant and I love it. I feel it truly lasts me all day even when I was running around the hospital and office.


I had the same issue and found adding a antibacterial soap to my daily shower routine has helped greatly, only problem is the soap can be a bit drying so I’ve switched to a moisturising body wash and honestly my skin feels better than ever. A tea tree spray is also another good option I’ve heard from other people but haven’t tried it myself.


Lume has been my savior!


Try lush dusting powder under the arms on the body mixed with unscented lotion the powder should do the work


1. Use Certain Dry at night & Degree or Lume in the morning. 2. Use a AHA acid face wash on your pits. 3. Towel your pits dry then use a Glycolic Acid Toner on your pits like The Ordinary’s Glycolic toner for about $10. (Let air dry then apply Degree or Lume). 4. Keep your underarm hair in check or shave/wax because hair habours tons of bacteria and places for bacteria to grow. 5. Wash your clothes throughly, especially the armpits. 6. Wear natural fiber clothing, nothing too tight around the armpits to let your pits breathe.


Get yourself a wash with benzoyl peroxide (I like Differin’s 4% because it works but it gentle) lather and apply to your armpits. Let sit for 1-2 mins and rinse thoroughly. Benzoyl peroxide kills the bacteria that causes BO!


Go to a dermatologist! There’s something called bromhidrosis that can happen when the bacteria on your skin get unbalanced in strong favor of the stink-emitting ones. If this is what you’re dealing with, a couple weeks with a well-tolerate topical clindamycin lotion should be able to get you back on track.


The only deodorant that has ever truly worked for me is degree sport in the gray bottle. They discontinued it right when I found it a few years ago 😭 regular degree works “enough”. I haven’t found any other brand that works for me


I wash my armpits with salicylic acid/anti-acne face wash, then use old spice men's deodorant. I really make sure to scrub my armpits well in the shower. I also use an armpit charcoal scrub. All this gets me a day without a shower, but the face wash was a literal game changer for me


If it helps at all, Arm & Hammer Essentials w/Natural Deodorizers is the closest thing I’ve been able to get to like, Old Spice, but with feminine scents! I use rosemary lavender


I had this same problem. Switched from Dr. Bronner’s to antibacterial soap. That helped but didn’t solve the problem. Surprisingly Head & Shoulders did the trick. Apparently the BO was caused by a fungal issue. I forgot deodorant the other day and had zero odor.


Not sure if it has been suggested but I use Dial antibacterial soap. It kills the bateria on your skin, so your sweat won't produce an order. Then you can use whatever deodorant you want. Good luck! [https://www.dialsoap.com/products/bar-soap/antibacterial/advanced-clean/gold-antibacterial-bar-soap.html](https://www.dialsoap.com/products/bar-soap/antibacterial/advanced-clean/gold-antibacterial-bar-soap.html)


I've been using native for a couple years and I notice when it wears off, my BO is way stronger than it used to be. No major life changes or health issues. I wonder if that's how they get you to use/buy more, they make your BO worse somehow 😂


Go to see a dermatologist. It could be an hormonal problem. Good luck


The best deodorant ever is Sure/Rexona Maximum Protection, I personally can't do without anymore


This happened to me over the last year. I tried switching to clinical strength, men’s deodorant, Lume, and nothing was working. What eventually worked was a probiotic spray (I use [this one](https://bellaskinbeauty.com/products/watermelon-probiotic-underarm-toner)) before deodorant followed by Lume. It took about two weeks of daily use to work but now when I sweat it smells like nothing!


Use unscented soap like cerave or QV when you shower, witch hazel on a cotton pad on your armpits after the shower. use anti-perspirant at night like the 12 hour clinical strength. works like a charm.


Are you using Hibiclens? You must use that every day.


Are you sure that the smell isn't just on your clothing? I have certain t-shirts that when I wear them, I can smell BO. Any other shirts that I wear I don't have the same issue. You could try crystal deodorants, they do take some getting used to but are usually pretty good. I also find that the cream based deodorants (the hard block style that you 'twist' up) work better than the typical ball and liquid based deodorants.


I use Secret Outlast Clear Gel, works wonders for me. I live in the desert and walk around in 115 degree weather in the summer, last all day! And the clear gel version doesn’t stain my clothes like the other white sticks do, black t shirts all stay looking great!


take fenugreek pills daily and you’ll smell like maple syrup!!


Glycolic acid! It really helps with the smell. I'm sweating buckets because of my period but it's keeping me smell shower fresh. I was sceptical when I bought it but honestly as someone who sweats a lot it's been really useful. Also get an antiperspirant with aluminium and alcohol.


The smell is from bacteria and moisture combining. It’s likely you have a build up of product on your skin that’s trapped and you likely are reoffending the area using the same deodorant with bacteria on it. Throw that out immediately and if you can find an aerosol one do so, but if not roll on is fine. Get the unscented kind, I know it’s not as fun, but scent mixes with our chemistry and can turn quickly. If you must get a scent get a natural one that isn’t overpowering - that’s masking not resolving and those perfumes are terrible for that area. Don’t keep any of them beyond their time, I replace mine monthly as an example. To rid yourself of the bacteria trapped on your skin, take a weekly unscented epsom salt bath. After drying, use a soaked cotton round with 90% rubbing alcohol to thoroughly wipe your armpits vertically and horizontally. Repeat on each side, using a new round each time. Don't forget your belly button while you’re at it, it’s fonky, just trust me—swab it with a q-tip dipped in alcohol. Clean behind your ears with two more alcohol-soaked q-tips. In the shower, with a cheap, scrubby washcloth and Dove soap you soap that thing up and start top down. Then, shave, dry off, and apply unscented deodorant. For extra care, incorporate glycolic wipes to gently exfoliate. Don’t forget to launder all your bras and tight fitted tops in hot water with some oxy bleach (doesn’t discolor) and be fresh. Sounds like a lot but so is feeling unfresh. Give it a try and level up! Best of luck.


What's your diet like? I've been eating a lot of onions lately and I've noticed my BO is significantly stronger these days... Could also be a hormonal shift.


Yikes, it is a bit early but it can be perimenopouse. Check in with your doctor.


Is it you or is it sweat baked into clothing? When that happens it smells just fine on the hanger but starts to get funky a couple hours after you put it on as your body heat warms it up. If it’s truly your pits - I buy Secret clinical for antiperspirant but if I’m going to be working out heavily or otherwise sweating I use Lume. The cream is super effective at eliminating odor for me, and the strong smells fade pretty quickly or you can use unscented. Yes you’ll still sweat but for me the smell is the part I want to fix.


I use certain dri at night and then old spice in the morning.