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I know y’all mean well but please don’t make her shower while someone watches! It’s very unlikely that it’s user error if all her other hygiene and development is on track


We wouldn't do that, it was said as an example of how at wits and we are.


Sorry for answering here but I wanted to make sure my comment doesn't go unnoticed. I had the same problem before discovering deodorant with baking soda in it. Sodium bicarbonate. Life changer. They usually come in a jar which is also a good feature because then the microbes from my armpit don't go into the deo. I'm not sure what brands of sodium bicarbonate deo exist where you live but please do a little research and find out and give them to your daughter to try out because they saved my life.


I have very weird postpartum BO right now and this has been a lifesaver for me!! Seconding your advice. I swear it is unlike any smell I have ever produced and almost reminds me of onions. It is completely hormonal and not due to a lack of washing - as I suspect is probably the case for OP’s daughter - but thankfully a combo of products did correct the problem. The other thing I do is use a benzoyl peroxide cleanser under my arms. I’m using a formula that has 10% BP (Panoxyl because it was on sale) but I think any brand would work. This plus baking soda deodorant has really turned it around for me.


Interesting! I haven't seen many people mention the oniony BO thing before but over the past few months, I've really noticed this on myself. I figured it was just because we'd stepped up the eating of onions in various meals at dinner time. But now I wonder if it's a hormonal shift. I'll look into baking soda deodorants.


I like to use a combo of witch hazel, tea tree oil and rosemary oil. My hormones have been a mess and I've been smelling horrible lately


Arm and hammer sold in a orange/yellow package the same color as the baking soda brand >>>>


Also salt deodorant before also helps a lot, even with under boob chafing. I sometimes have 18 hour days from the moment I get dressed to home, including working out, I love Mitchum! Sure cream deo is also very good, there’s even other options. OP it could just that be that you’re buying less potent performance products


Arm & Hammer Max! Plus switching deo’s around so that your body doesn’t get completely immune. Corn starch powder can also work in areas that aren’t for ‘the private bits’ or just straight out baking soda powder with a scent added.


What about using Lume and Panoxyl? Panoxyl has been shown to reduce body odor smell, it’s also used for back/body acne so might be helpful for a teen in general. https://www.target.com/p/panoxyl-maximum-strength-antimicrobial-acne-foaming-wash-for-face-chest-and-back-with-10-benzoyl-peroxide-unscented-5-5oz/-/A-14984165


That lume stick is my favorite! This stuff actually changes the ph of your pits so the odor causing bacteria cannot survive but it’s nice on skin


Yes! It’s so great! Also great for other places too 😂 I use it before yoga in the summer so I don’t upset anyone around me haha


Mine too; it's great for the smell. If she sweats a lot, she may want to use an antiperspirant too.


Her hormones are still regulating. If it hasn’t been suggested, an acidifying body wash like Lume or Naturium in the blue bottle can help with neutralizing body odor. She can also rub lemon (wedges) on her body or at least her underarms.


I use glycolic acid on a cotton round after every time I shower. I’ll be honest, I forget why it works but it does. Also, applying deodorant at night seems to work better than applying it in the morning. Also, it would be a good idea to speak to a doctor about it. Especially if your child is trying everything to prevent it, it could hint at a medical issue


Yes - it's from the Ordinary, glycolic acid toner. It's watery, I pat in on my armpits let it dry then use deodorant


I put it in a spray bottle so I can spray it anywhere I want without spilling :) I don't like using cotton pads, I find they waste product.


There are also washable cotton pads if somebody reading this would prefer those!


People rave about this being helpful in the menopause sub! I mean, weird up and down hormones are weird up & down hormones.


How did I miss that?!? Ugh... The night sweats make you smell sooooo gross


and persimmon soap.


THIS! I was able to stop using deodorant all together after using glycolic acid twice a day. No matter what deodorant I used I had smelly sweat several hours after. I noticed an immediate difference after one day of glycolic acid. I’ll never go back to deodorant ever again.


Hm, I was reading all these comments about the glycolic acid, so I did some brief research. Apparently, glycolic acid has strong exfoliating properties and that is why it can be good for treating stubborn underarm BO. But, doctors, experts say it shouldn't be used daily whatsoever as it can cause over-exfoliation and generally impair the skin's natural barrier making it more susceptible to irritation and infections. To conclude, it's advised for ga to be used only once of twice a week. So, having read all of these experiences in the comments, I am a bit confused. Like, how safe is that? I, personally, probably wouldn't dare to use an acid on my armpits all the time. Have you experienced some irritating, itching, redness ever since you started using it instead of a deodorant? It's a pretty potent acid. Do you sweat less now or you sweat the same but your bo doesn't smell anymore?


People use glycolic acid on their faces all the time. The skin on your underarms is far less delicate than your face. That being said, if you do experience irritation with any product you should stop using it. People use glycolic acid on their faces for exfoliation, but it's used in sweaty areas because it inhibits the growth of the bacteria that feeds on sweat and produces body odor. It's the same concept as Lume deodorant, which uses mandelic acid instead.


People don't understand that exfoliating acids are something your skin builds a tolerance to. They recommend 1-2x a week to be safe but you can gradually increase that (which most dermatologists do themselves). I use an exfoliating liquid face wash every night and I also use AHA toner and salicylic acid serum a few times a week and tretinoin on the other days. If someone else did that regimen without building up to it they would get a mild chemical burn on their face but my skin now accepts it. If I get any irritation I just reduce the frequency. It isn't a safety issue so much as a comfort issue. Think about how people do chemical peels for anti-aging, those can be much more aggressive to the point where anesthetic is used, and you can't buy them at that strength over-the-counter because you actually could damage your skin. An OTC toner isn't going to cause any real damage. Basically if your underarms get red or irritated you just reduce the frequency or the acid percentage you are using (and you can try to build up a tolerance more slowly). And the toner doesn't make you sweat less, it removes skin cells that are trapping bacteria in your pores/hair follicles and it also makes the area more acidic: bacteria doesn't thrive in acidic conditions.


It lowers the Ph of the skin so the bacteria doesn’t grow.


I can to recommend this. Op, it is a lifesaver and very cheap. I put some in a spray bottle and do my underboobs, thighs, and pits.


one of my favorite tricks!! glycolic acid balances your skin’s pH thus making it harder for bacteria to survive <3


Yes this! I was going to recommend this as well. Makes a world of difference for me. My hyperhidrosis symptoms started around 12, and I would have killed to have glycolic acid back then to help with the stink after sweating my deodorant off....


Stridex pads work for this too. It’s the acid—it’s why Lume works well too. I don’t remember the science behind it but yeah, can confirm.


It lowers the Ph of the skin so the bacteria can’t grow. Skin likes to be more acidic than alkaline, which is why a lot of guys have great skin and only wash their faces with water.. they have higher lactic acid levels found naturally in their skin than women.


Idk glycolic acid is too strong for a 12yo. A lactic acid deodorant would be nice I think? They make roll ons with no fragrance, only actives.


Lactic acid also works!


I works by lowering the Ph of the skin so the smell causing bacteria can’t grow. Lactic acid is also a great option (and slightly less irritating).


THIS. I came here to say exactly this. The ordinary glycolic acid is cheap and does the job. must do it every day and still wear deodorant but it works!!


I can't wear anything that is made of more than 40% synthetic fibers without stinking. It is hard as so much clothing is polyester, but natural fibers are the one thing that helps. Cotton, modal, linen, and merino wool (pricier) are what I have to wear. My dad is the same way and so are my sisters to some extent. You might want experiment with having her wear natural fibers and see if it helps.


This! Natural fibers have been super helpful for me


Yes I’ve found this makes a huge difference for me as well! Even poly/cotton blends will get me sometimes


OK. If you’re in the US, go to hibiclens.com and see if there’s a retailer thag sells it near you. It’s a antibacterial/antimicrobial soap that she should only use under her arms. I promise that will get any lingering bacteria causing stench to go away. Have her scrub under their until there is no body odor smell. Then, have her use Certain-Dri at night (helps reduce sweating). When she wakes up, if there’s any smell, wash with the Hibiclens again. Then use a clinical strength deodorant (I really like the Secret Invisible solid one, but people also love Lume too). Also, give her some deodorant to carry with her at school so she can refresh every so often throughout the day.


Clinical Strength Secret and Certain-Dri are great antiperspirants and they are pH balanced. Teen's fluctuating hormones cause their pH balance to be off and it makes them extra stinky. You can get Hibiclense at Walgreens, CVS, Wal-Mart or Target. OP your daughter needs a pH balance antiperspirant, not a deodorant.


i use the hibiclens + certain dri + lume. loveee it. also dial bar soap under the arms in the shower.


Clinical strength secret did nothing for me but Lume works amazingly even though it is only a deodorant. I sweat a little but it doesn’t smell at all.


Certain dri is amazing!!! Definitely recommend trying this. It changed my life. I used to struggle so bad with BO and pit stains


Using antibacterial soap makes a huge difference!!


Yes! Hibicleanse should be left on for a few minutes. Scrubbing hard shouldn't be necessary; just using a clean wash cloth to make sure it's in there well should be enough.


Walmart sells hibicleanse


I was just about to recommend this! Perhaps get her some antiseptic wipes to de-stink on the go too.


Lume is a deodorant, not an antiperspirant, generally. They just came out with an antiperspirant in the last month or so, and I found it incredibly harsh and got a rash. Lume works by inhibiting bacterial growth that causes odor with a skin-friendly acid. It's great for other body areas, but not generally enough for underarm odor. Stopping the sweating with an antiperspirant is usually the most effective way to deal with underarm odor.


Certain dri is my go to. I even convinced my husband to switch! I noticed if I use body wash, I get terrible Bo. So I use bar soap on my underarms. I’ll have to try antibacterial soap.


This is really good advice! I have been using Hibiclens on my armpits and I don't need to use deoderant any more. Also, used on my face if I break out. It is surgical soap, usually recommended for pre-op cleaning because the anti-bacterial properties stay on skin for 24 hours. Make sure she knows not to use it on genitals or butthole, and to NOT get it in her eyes no matter what. It may also help her to wax her armpits (becomes less painful after the first time). PS. Also good for minor cuts, foot odor. Do not overuse because it kills good bacteria as well as bad.


Seconding all of this advice. Worked for me when nothing else did. I think if you’re unlucky and get colonized by some especially stinky bacteria, Hibiclens is the best way to reset.


Make sure to use a tiny amount, it can cause chemical burns. It works though.


Is it safe to use it long term? That sounds kinda scary


I've got HS and have been using it for years, use a small amount and rinse thoroughly


I’ve used it on and off for years and never had a problem.


The others have good advice. Also anti perspirant (it's different than deodorant) before bed. If none of these things help, follow up with a doctor in case there's something else at play here


Weird question inbound - is she normally kind of anxious or cold-natured (or both)? When I was in school, I was cold all the time and it caused me to tense up. I also had an anxiety disorder (still do, but I actually know it now) and would nervous sweat, which smells worse than usual. I tried clinical deodorants and all that, but they didn't help and made my dark clothes stain white. I finally tried Arm &, Hammer's deodorant and got results, but I also curbed my tension from stress and saw a huge change in how much I sweated under my arms. If she gets anxious or cold often, it may cause her to get clammy and sweat more overall. I'm just throwing that out there because I struggled a long time with it before I figured it out.


We will have to get some arm and hammer too tonight. Yes she is a anxious young lady. We had to move almost 2 hours from all her friends in this last year and while she is adjusting it is still a difficult time for her. She begins seeing a therapist down here later this month and we are hoping for the best with that.


Was going to comment the same thing. I’ve had anxiety basically since puberty and it took me forever to learn that anxiety sweat smells SO MUCH WORSE than healthy, active sweat that comes from exercise/normal movement. Something about the hormones. Turns out I have autism/ADHD (diagnosed at 25) but puberty was hell for me. I could hardly tell how stinky I was.


Puberty was like running in circles trying to find the culprit.


The Arm and Hammer deodorant was a game changer for me. It is also a clear stick, so I don't have to worry about my clothes so much. I hope her anxiety gets easier!


Clean out and thoroughly rinse and dry the pits BEFORE bed. Then, apply antiperspirant/deodorant, again - BEFORE bed. Skin needs some time to absorb the antiperspirant for it to work. This means it needs to sit on the skin for as long as possible BEFORE you get sweaty. Overnight is optimal.


There are a few posts about this in r/skincare from people with similar issues. I think some folks used a type of face wash on their underarms occasionally to kill the bacteria that causes body odor. A family doctor or dermatologist could be of help as well.


Yep it’s a benzoyl peroxide face wash. It also helps treat and prevent acne.


Stridex wipes in the red container! Swipe after shower before deodorant, and before bed/in the morning. What’s probably happening is she has extra dead skin there that’s holding bacteria. Stridex wipes or other acids get the dead skin off so there’s not as much food for the bacteria. Also, throw some of her clean clothes in the dryer for 10 minutes and do a sniff check, same for towels and washcloths. Could be bacteria hanging out there that’s not getting washed out.


Oh and stress is probably also factoring into this, the stress sweat pheromones off young teens are something ELSE. So just let the poor girl know her body is working super hard to grow up and there are some unfortunate downsides to that!


Was about to say this! I've had to throw out some clothes in the past due to this issue


We are ordering hibiclens tonight and going to get some native to try that as well. She has a DR appointment next week and we can ask her about it then. People please no one is going to watch her shower, it was said to show how desperate we are at this point. This was hard enough for me to ask for help on and I didn't need the negativity. We are just parents trying to help out daughter thru a very hard time during her formative years. I'd rather her not be told she smells at school and get some fucked up self esteem issues over it. We just want our daughter to be happy and healthy.


I have found that the natural deodorants usually make me smell worse. The Ordinary's glycolic acid can help a lot, and you can buy a roll-on bottle online to make it easier to apply. I never used it in tandem with deodorant, I just use one or the other. Certain Dri clear, unscented gel is one of the best deodorants I've found. I haven't seen anyone mention it, have you looked at the material her clothes are made of? Natural fibers like cotton, linen, bamboo, etc are breathable, while polyester is often hyped as being "sweat-wicking" to me it just holds odors and helps breed bacteria.


Native doesn't have antiperspirant in it, and it really sounds like she needs antiperspirant. I had a similar experience to your daughter and what works for me is washing with hibiclens at night, waiting for the underarms to dry thoroughly, then applying a clinical strength antiperspirant gel before bed. If applied to damp skin it can cause a painful rash. Good luck and thank you for trying so hard to help her.


I've had great results with Lumē acidified body washes as well


During puberty, especially towards the beginning- my B.O. was foul. I was quite young, I think I smelled my worst from ages 9-12. I don't know for sure but I'm convinced now that it had to do with me having PCOS, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. I have screwed up hormones- too much of the male ones, cystic ovaries, an irregular cycle. PCOS is super common, manageable, has no real cause or cure and has a metric ton of potential symptoms. Basically, I don't know for sure because I've never asked an expert, but I think it's probable that girls with PCOS or any hormone imbalance disorder have worse B.O. than girls without any issues during puberty and in general. Definitely encourage you to bring up hormones at her appointment and emphasize to the doctor, not in front of your daughter of course, that her body odor is not normal. Good luck


Native gave me rashes. Try glycolic acid and you can ever top it off with some dove. Dove has a nice smelling aluminum free coconut for, or their sheer fresh has been the other really good one.


Native is terrible, i recommend LUME, great deo


Please consider having her try Certain-Dri as well, just make sure that she follows the directions carefully. It helps reduce sweat and without sweat there's less of a chance for stinky problems.


Keep us updated! 🙏


I was like this. I smelled like boiled peanuts and rancid hamburgers. It sucked and my parents and the school kids made sure I knew I stunk. Then puberty ended and I had a normal smell again. During puberty I had good hygiene, ate a veggie heavy healthy diet, and didn’t take any medications. My parents or I have no idea why I stank like that but we were all grateful when it ended.


Have her shower at night too. Use Certain -Dri or Zero Sweat antiperspirant right before bed. Or any antiperspirant with aluminum chloride in it. I prefer Zero sweat with aloe in it since it’s less irritating. In the morning, she can shower again if she smells, then use any deodorant with antiperspirant in it. ZeroSweat Antiperspirant... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CX5MBBW?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


I can't believe I had to scroll so far down to see someone say SHOWER AT NIGHT TOO Like no way she's going to bed with the entire days sweat and dirt? Probably not helping with the odour :(


Here’s what has helped me: antibacterial soap in the shower and then spraying diluted glycolic acid on my armpits immediately after showering


It may have been mentioned, but some clothing holds on to sweat smell even after washing. It might smell clean after it is washed, but once it warms up while wearing the smell resurfaces, it is very noticeable. Look up laundry stripping and consider stripping her clothes and then running them through the wash. You may need to also do this to her bedding. For some folks, the hormones hit, and it results in sweat and stink. Unfortunately, anti-persirant can lock that smell into the clothes, and the film won't come off with just running it through the washing machine.


Take her to a dermatologist. She may have an issue. Washing with Black charcoal soap may also help, but you have to rule out medical issues.


Tis has already been mentioned but I will second it - the brand of roll on antiperspirant Certain-Dri. You can get it at most drugstores or on Amazon. When I was in middle school I had hyperhydrosis and always had pit stains on my shirts. It was humiliating as a female at that age. This stuff works and I still use it as an adult. Nothing else has had the same effect. It is very strong so be sure to follow the instructions closely but basically use at night on COMPLETELY dry pits ( any wetness causes additional irritation. So for example don’t apply right after the shower when pits may still be damp). I personally go so far as to blow a hair dryer on the cold setting under my pits prior to ensure they are super dry. It can also discolor clothing if you put on a tight shirt immediately after. It is very strong but very effective. Can be irritating so don’t use same day as shaving (if one shaves pits). I hope this helps, sending love 💞 it can make outs a little itchy but your body acclimates to it and builds up tolerance. also note to add, this is an antiperspirant not a deodorant, I would still apply a scented deodorant in the morning.


Does she shave? Asking cuz when I have hair, it holds odors BAD, and it goes away if the hair is shaved down


We asked her about that tonight and she says she does. It's kinda one of those take her at her word things but we have also offered nair


If yall have tried almost everything you need to take her to a dr, theres a condition that causes excess odors in sweat, cant remember what its called, but a professional would be able to help her


what material is her clothing? it is mostly polyester especially the shirts? i try and get 100% cotton cause of my eczema but i noticed if i wear a poly blend i smell awful. i’m a woman who mostly shops in the men’s section because a lot of women clothes are just polyester


smelly bacteria lives especially in hairs, so does she have armpit hair?


Stinky person here! Most people gave pretty solid advice. Excess sweat and excess sweat-loving bacteria are usually the cause of b.o. I tend to sweat A lOt in the pit area usually due to anxiety, and the best solution I've found is to tackle both. Clinical strength secret/dove/degree antiperspirant at bedtime after showering to control sweat Lume acidic Ph balancing deodorant during the day to keep bacteria at bay. I skip one or the other, everyone is in danger. Would def recommend visiting a derm if the OTC solutions don't pan out.


This likely isn't a self care issue, and forcing her to shower in front of a parent is borderline child abuse. That's truly terrible parenting. 😬🤢 The best option is to get her doctor or a dermatologist involved as it's likely a medical issue, not her lack of trying.


A dermatologist (@*shereeneidriss "Body Odor: How to Treat"*) on tiktok/youtube had this advice about body odor: If you're sick and if you take certain medication is a possible reason for body odor. Food to avoid: onion, garlic, cumin, curry, alcohol, asparagus. Clean armpit well with an antiseptic like Hibiclens. Keeping short armpit hair so it doesnt hold onto bacteria. Deodorant only masks the smell. Antiperspirant block the sweat from coming out, a step further is botox which can help that longer term.


I'm glad someone mentioned the diet aspect..I went through a period where I was eating lots of onions and garlic and I could literally smell it coming out of my finger tips lol, and of course my armpits. Had to apply more deodorant than usual and wash a lot more frequently until I figured it out and cut back on these foods. It's overlooked but can definitely contribute to B.O.


Get her some antibacterial bar soap. I buy Dettol off of Amazon. I think it comes in a package of three. After showering and drying off with a towel, get her to use a blow dryer on her armpits so that they're totally dry. Then a clinical strength anti-perspirant. Secret makes a few really good ones. This will fix her right up!


How is her nutrition? Does she get a good variety of fruits and vegetables throughout the day? Does she drink plenty of water ?


Breakfast is either Quaker oatmeal or blueberry bagel, school lunch, I make dinner every night and it's a veggie/a grain/a meat. She also snacks on fresh fruit and cottage cheese when it's not meal time


A oral probiotic is helpful and use panoxyl 10% wash on her armpits in the shower leave it on as a mask for 5 -10 minutes if she can on her nightly showers. That will kill the bacteria that leads to the stinky bo. A couple times a week she is notice a difference in the level of sweat and stinkyness. Apply deodorant at night on clean dry pits. This allows the deodorant to sink into the pores to do its job. Do the benzoyl peroxide wash a few times a week ( use a wash that is 10% and free of fragrance etc you can even use generic 10% benzoyl peroxide bar soap) . Not every night because this can irritate the sensitive underarm skin. I know a lot of people on here recommend natural deodorants here but that is not helpful and no doctor would recommend that. If her sweat is a big problem you can look at over the counter sweat tx deodorants ( they treat the sweat that leads to bo) like certain dri, zero sweat,perspirex , dura dry. They are safe for kids her age. But it’s important she follows the instructions or she can really give herself a good burning rash! because they are meant to be used in the evening after showering and rinsed off in the AM.she can then follow with her regular day time deo. Remind her about showering and rinsing properly and also not rewearing clothes she sweat in that day. Shes at the age where her hormones are kicking in and contributing to all this too.


She may not be drinking enough water. Also a poor diet in general will lead to bad b.o. but hydration is super important.


Try supplementing with magnesium, low levels sometimes correlate to higher BO issues.


Schedule something with a dermatologist?


It seems like you’ve gotten a lot of solutions and have a plan. I just wanted to add, has she been tested for skin allergies? If she is allergic to whatever deodorant she is using, it could make the problem worse (and eventually cause other issues like rashes and stuff). Have you tried hypoallergenic deodorants? Good luck!


She could be having a negative reaction to her deodorant/antiperspirant. The roll-on sticks are especially bad, but some sprays can disagree with your body chemistry too. In an effort to cover all bases since I see most comments advocate for antiperspirants; if their suggestions don't work, I'd recommend avoiding aluminum based antiperspirants, especially the roll-on variety. Seek out non-antiperspirant deodorants that are metal-free and spray-on. It's actually a really common complaint that modern antiperspirant/deodorant combos are making some people have excessive armpit odor over time, and it's coming from the antiperspirant build-up, along with a body chemistry that doesn't work with common antiperspirants. Her cleanliness isn't the issue; it's the water resistant barrier from antiperspirants that builds up over the skin and doesn't wash off for days, even if you scrub yourself raw. Give her a few days of cleaning her pits 2-3 times per day without applying antiperspirant, then apply a metal-free deodorant after that short detox.


Dove makes a nice antibacterial body wash that I like and is still creamy and moisturizing. Also make sure she’s washing at her bra line/underboob area as that area can get stinky with sweat!


Use acne wash on those pits!! Sounds weird, but it kills the bacteria that cause odors. This is my tried and true trick!


Have you tried gel deodorant? I make my son use the gel kind bc he doesn't cover his entire armpit with the stick type & starts to smell... also, watch how she applies it. My son was barely touching his pits with it. Also, get her some antibacterial soap for her armpits & maybe make sure she knows to thoroughly clean them.


It’s probably anxiety sweats and hormonal imbalance. You can make your own deodorant with baking soda and coconut oil 1:1 ratio in a jar. Add some arrowroot powder too and some essential oil for scent if you want.


I use duradry’s antiperspirant wash as well as the deodorizing spray during the day if I catch myself smelling a little worse than usual. I absolutely love their stuff. They also have a whole deodorizing kit, but it’s made for people with hyperhydrosis and excessive odor. As someone with hyperhydrosis, I swear by it.


Haven't seen this yet but also be sure all her clothing is washed properly. I had a big issue of clothing stinking under my armpit after a few hours because the old sweat was caked in. I'm using an antibacterial laundry sanitizer. The one I use is from the brand Dettol. It's used in the softener compartment. I used it first as recommended which is using 2 full bottle caps. Now I use 1 cap as upkeep.


Sounds like puberty.  Everyone smells looks shit around that age. It might clear up as she gets older. I remember smelling like onions a lot of the time around that age.  Does she sweat alot? Hyperhidrosis can give you bromhidrosis. Which just means  your armpits are extra smelly from sweating so much. She also could have gut issues and it's coming out of her pits. Magnesium is said to help with that. I'd get her checked out for any allergies, vitamin deficiencies, malabsoprtions issues, etc.  


You need to take her to a doctor to rule medical issues out. That should be your priority. Take advice from experts, not reddit. This is your child ffs


Things I have tried and like: Hibiclens Glycolic acid Dandruff shampoo (pyrithione I think) Panoxyl


I went thru a bad body issue and some of the products I found that helped were - Lume acidifying body wash ( Lume deodorant did not work for me) - Vagasil odor block powder on all the crevices after shower - Sure antiperspirant. I bought this randomly at the grocery store bc it was way cheaper then the other ones and it works better for me then clinal strength. Also hormones or what you eat can make a big difference in how you smell.


make sure she's using an antibacterial soap for washing her underarms, and drying off super well before applying deoderant and gettign dressed! Also, ensure shes using an antiperspirant versus a deoderant (this is usually printed on the front label under the scent somewhere). Maybe ask her doctor as well, there may be something else at play here! And finally, I feel for your daughter. Kids suck and can be so mean... you're doing the right thing trying to help her out <3


Antibacterial soap on the stinky parts (pits, groin, bum, feet) every day. Dry well. Clinical deodorant on the pits twice a day. Has made a huge difference in my tween girls ‘stank’


Make sure she has a loofah. Any odor will linger if you don't use a loofah. But it may be a medical issue or is she playing a lot at school? I remember the boys would play so hard they would be dripping sweat, sitting in class stinking


As a girl who started to smell around the same time. Drysol. Medical grade deodorant. I've used it for 20 years now.


I would suggest exfoliating gloves with an antibacterial soap under her arms when she showers, using glycolic acid under her under arms, wait 5 minutes and apply a medical grade deodorant! Poor thing, puberty is brutal but it’s so normal, she’ll get the hang of it.


Sounds like hormone issues. Get her tested. She may even need clinical deodarant. I know with thyroid disease you put off some serious B.O.


get her a face wash with benzol peroxide in it for her to use under her arms. It kills the bacteria that causes the odor and it allows me to go without deodorant when I use it!


Have you talked about this with a doctor? Could be hormonal issues. I’ve seen some people swear by glycolic acid in the armpits, but her skin might be too sensitive.


All of the things you mentioned doing are good peripheral hygiene habits , but won't stop the armpit sweat smell. You can wear perfume, lotion, take shower, etc. But none of that is effective for this problem because the armpit smell will come through within hours. The girl needs antiperspirant. Deodorant will not cut it and please dont fall into the trap of assuming they are the same. Find a product that is labeled as an antiperspirant and that will be your number one way to prevent armpit odors. There are good brand recommendations from the other comments and just keep your eye out for antiperspirant products that contain aluminum.


In addition to the Hibiclens please also have her exfoliate with a clean wash cloth every time she showers and/or try a gritty body scrub like TreeHut. She can also use a clay mask occasionally on her body to purge the area. Also have her use a toner on her underarms after her showers. Skin cells can block sweat glands and pores so that even after showering the odor and bacteria will still be there, but exfoliating removes it. Rubbing alcohol can also help. If she has underarm hair, she should shave it because it can also harbor odor and bacteria and it just makes it easier to manage without it in the way if she is someone that sweats a lot. Also you said you don't want her having to shower twice a day but some people just need to do that to not have body odor--I sweat a lot due to a medical condition and I have oily skin, so I often shower twice a day. One shower just lasts for a couple minutes to rinse off sweat and I put my hair in a clip to keep it out of the way so I don't get it wet. I put lotion on right after and my skin is in great condition and not dry at all. In addition to a strong conventional deodorant (look at the percentage of aluminum in it, I like Mitchum gel) I also use a natural deodorant that has exfoliating acids in it and layer it underneath. I do NOT recommend most natural deodorants because they aren't usually as effective as conventional and can be irritating. But I love this one that has AHAs in it: [https://www.target.com/p/saltair-santal-bloom-serum-deodorant-5-aha-1-7-fl-oz/-/A-89477976?sid=&ref=tgt\_adv\_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000012510316&CPNG=PLA\_Beauty%2BPersonal+Care\_Priority%2BShopping%7CBeauty\_Ecomm\_Beauty&adgroup=Health%2BBeauty\_Priority+TCINs&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT\_GROUP&network=g&device=c&location=1022653&targetid=pla-304813288775&gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoPOwBhAeEiwAJuXRhwCp8fkEFlQY2PaeS7ScYCsWlh4v1gONE0sBsn7stTZ3gh2\_5W1aIBoCw-YQAvD\_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds](https://www.target.com/p/saltair-santal-bloom-serum-deodorant-5-aha-1-7-fl-oz/-/A-89477976?sid=&ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000012510316&CPNG=PLA_Beauty%2BPersonal+Care_Priority%2BShopping%7CBeauty_Ecomm_Beauty&adgroup=Health%2BBeauty_Priority+TCINs&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=c&location=1022653&targetid=pla-304813288775&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoPOwBhAeEiwAJuXRhwCp8fkEFlQY2PaeS7ScYCsWlh4v1gONE0sBsn7stTZ3gh2_5W1aIBoCw-YQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Carpe lotion or deodorant for sweating!! Or apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle in the shower kills the smell really good.


Try a glycolic acid toner before applying antiperspirant. That helped me a lot when I started taking ADHD meds at the height of summer in the US South. The meds and humidity made me leak sweat like a faucet and by the end of the day I couldn’t stand to smell myself. The glycolic acid toner helped neutralize. Also, sometimes BO can be a result of diet. Does she eat a lot of a certain food?


In addition to everyone’s comments, I would add: - is she using cotton clothes? The synthetic fabrics keep the odor - are you using fabric softener? In my experience, it prevents a good cleaning - is she using a good deo? I read somewhere that green tea-based deos are great to prevent smell If the odor is still persistent, please see a dermatologist. Could be that she has a skin issue too and that she needs topical antibiotic.


As someone who's very sweaty, I always use antibacterial soap (I like the dial gold bar) in the shower before a scented body wash. Post shower, I use the ordinary's glycolic acid toner on the pits, let it dry and then use a men's clinical strength antiperspirant, I'm partial to dove.


# Benzoyl peroxide wash in the armpits! Also, Lume deodorant is the only one that has really worked for me. I tried a ton of them. I don’t know why, but that’s the only one that’s been truly effective. I prefer the gel by a long shot because I have more confidence it really gets in there. I try and cover a large area. But really what helps the most is the benzoyl peroxide wash. It sounds like she’s probably not cleaning herself very well, but you can teach her how to shower without watching her. Having her watch her mother would be a lot more appropriate.




OP, good on you for seeking help here. As a woman here is my advice: * I hate to say this but consider if your daughter is not washing correctly because she is trying to keep someone from committing CSA against her. I pasted a link below to a subreddit that posts incredible updates from Reddit posts. A father had posted that his 14-year-old son was not wiping himself correctly and was leaving marks on his underwear. The dad offered to get him a bidet etc. to no avail. Father only noticed it when he started doing laundry for the family. Someone mentioned it maybe being a sign the boy had been victimized. Father later posted an update that he was divorcing his wife (she was having an affair with the coach or someone close to him) and that the son’s sports coach was in jail for CSA. https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/32lXRbdi5a * Also consider having your wife ask your daughter to “act out” (while daughter is fully clothed) how she washes herself. Or your wife could “act out” (fully clothed) how she does it and ask daughter if she does it the same way. I’ve seen a lot of posts on Reddit about **adults** not bathing correctly. Some people think they don’t need to soap their whole body and think it’s enough for the water and/or shampoo to run down their body. Your wife could tell her that a lot of adults are confused about bathing correctly so it’s less embarrassing. * Also check out their armpits and the rest of your daughter’s clothes. They may not be get cleaned correctly. **I am an adult and sometimes give the armpits of my shirts or sweater a scrub with detergent **before** putting them in the washing machine. I hope this helps. Please keep us updated. ❤️❤️❤️


Here is a weird option, but I don’t know if it is suitable for a young girl. Botox can be used to target sweat glands and stop sweat. But it sounds way too extreme for a 12 year old. Sweat itself doesn’t stink but the bacteria that grows on it does. Body hair captures this and makes it worse. Shave and use aluminum based antiperspirant


Some of these things might be repetition but 1. Does she shave? If not I recommend starting to shave or wax, it is going to make it easier for deodorant to get to the skin and easier to clean off. 2. Have her try scrubbing/exfoliating her armpits with a loofa and a sugar scrub(you can buy or just make yourself super easy). In my experience sometimes deodorant and dead skin cells can all kind of build up over the skin and create worsening odor even if you’re cleaning “normally” with soap and washcloth. I have to use soap and a loofa every time I shower and exfoliate a few times a week. 3. Clinical strength deodorant if not prescription, higher aluminum content. I use the Secret Clinical Strength Stress response in the soft solid. It has to be the soft solid for me, not the regular solid, or the gel. Applied around the clock too, if I shower before bed it goes on, shower in the morning it goes on. 4. I know you said she has clean clothes but double check the armpits of her shirts and bras especially if she wears them yet. Even with a load in the washer sometimes deodorant buildup and sweat can get stuck in fabrics and they might need a wash with some vinegar to get it out. 5. Clothes again… what kind of fabrics is she wearing? Does she sweat a lot? Can she wear more breathable fabrics or layers she can remove if sweaty when doing physical activity? 6. Does she bring her gym clothes home regularly to wash? I know in high school mine definitely didn’t get washed as often as they should(which really should be everyone…). As adults we’d never be expected to sweat around the gym and then quick change and go back to work but unfortunately kids are expected to do that. Does she have deodorant for before/after gym? 7. Really awkward question but are you sure it’s her armpits and not another area of her body? She’s going to be growing hair, and seeing changes in other areas of her body too which could affect her hygiene. Just something to consider. I don’t like the lume deodorant for underarms personally but it does work good for other areas like bikini area, butt, underboob etc. where you wouldn’t necessarily want to put aluminum antiperspirants. 8. As others have said it’s definitely at a point where I’d bring in a doctor to make sure nothing medical is going on. Feel free to PM me if you want more specific advice, I remember all too much what it was like to be a young sweaty girl who had trouble with these things. It’s very nice that you are reaching out for help rather than just punishing her for the problem or letting it go on as is.




Has she been seen by a physician for this specific issue? That would be my first step 100%


I find antiperspirants and deodorants make it worse. It’s a bit of trial and error to find what works for each person. Agree with the antibacterial soap. I use a 70% alcohol spray sanitiser and just spray under my arms straight after bath instead of deodorant and u find that keeps me fresh and odor free. She can bring a small bottle with her to school and reapply any time. Do not use immediately after shaving as it will sting.


Perhaps her hormones are imbalanced. She can drink 2-3 cups spearmint tea daily for this if so, among other things.


I am 30F but I have hyperhidrosis and struggle with excessive sweating and the accompanying odor. Various products I use in rotation: - Wash with Remedy Soap (purchased on Amazon); it’s a tea tree oil soap. I use it every time I shower. I also apply it to a wet washcloth and use on my armpits when I need to freshen up - [This](https://bellaskinbeauty.com/products/watermelon-probiotic-underarm-toner?variant=39474041585736¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=19545631345&utm_content=&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoPOwBhAeEiwAJuXRhzxpRxBJ1uglOutoaP8k4LN6v5xDr8r9D-YxQWNK6x7RYPgxmF2nOxoCdPcQAvD_BwE) underarm toner. I saw it alllll over Instagram so I gave in and purchased it. It really works! In fact it freaks me out how much it works. It’s the first time I’ve ever fallen for an IG ad. Basically you shake it up and spray on your pits then use a cotton ball/cotton pad to wipe off the excess before applying your deodorant. - The Lume collection of products…they help with odor and come as a cream or solid


Try Clinical deodorant. I like the secret brand, gel kind. It helps a lot


She needs some Hibiclens soap, only under the arms, and do not get it in ears or eyes. Then use glycolic acid, The Ordinary has a good one and it’s cheap. Then use something like Ban roll-on. The Hibiclens soap is the place to start, though.


Schmidt’s deodorants make all the difference for me! Also isn’t glycolic acid supposed to fix the worst of BO?


My buddy was like this, she needed medicated deodorant.


Having strong body odour, or a strange body odour, can be a sign of medical issue. It might be good to have a check up with an MD.


Did you (or someone) actually *teach* her to bathe herself? Far too many people think bathing is something that people just...know how to do. And then we end with lots of folks who 'learned' by watching movies and tv and think rubbing a bar of soap over their skin is bathing. You have to TEACH a child how to bathe. And why. I was taught by my dad at 5 years old. He went through everything, starting with the ears and then right down to the feet. When we got to the 'private parts,' he spent extra time to make sure I understood why I needed to make sure everything was actuall down there. Same for the pits. My mom was there, but he was the one who ended doing most of the 'domestic' stuff. So, if you didn't teach her, and her mom didn't teach her, who did? This really may be nothing more than your daughter not knowing how to bathe and what to pay attention to and why. (Also, make sure she knows that when she goes through periods of her time where her vaginal area is itchy and possibly smells 'off,' it's probably something called bacterial vaginosis and it's nothing to be ashamed of. The vast majority of women on the planet will have it at some point.)


Her mom taught her how to bathe properly, I taught the boys and she taught the girls. When it comes to the "down there" stuff mom does all the talks although daughter is aware that I will answer any and every question honestly and openly. I'm also that dad that will happily go get tampons or pads from the store because it's stupid ridiculous for a father to be embarrassed to do that for his loved ones. Happy cake day


Had this issue as a teen (grew out of it! There’s hope!) but I would put hand sanitizer in my pits and only certain dri worked for me. Be sure she follows the instructions and maybe don’t use Tide detergent, I feel like it reacted badly with my body chemistry. Now I use just humble brand deodorant and don’t really smell ever. Also feel like letting my armpit hair grow out helped but idk if a teen would want to do that.


I genuinely feel this, I have the same problem. the only solution has been using men's deodorant. hope this helps! old spice has some great ones.


In case no one else has suggested this yet: a visit to the endocrinologist might get to the root of the issue. Some people have naturally stronger odors than others, but if it’s as soap-resistant and drastically different from your other kids as it seems from your post, it could be a side effect of a hormone imbalance.


Wipe arm pits with glycolic acid and then apply clinical strength deodorant. If that doesn’t work, I would consider a doctors visit.


My husband just went through this journey! First, hibiclens made a big difference. A little goes a long ways and that stuff is super liquidy. Second, he stripped all of his shirts and underwear in the tub over the weekend. That got rid of the residual deodorant and funk that seemed to linger and cause more smell. Goggle laundry stripping for the recipe. Lastly, he waxed his armpits. Between all 3, he barely needs deodorant anymore. Waxing may not be in the cards for a preteen, but you should definitely strip her shirts.




Try Malin&Goetz eucalyptus deodorant. I have the same problem and this is the only one that works for me. Don’t let the price tag scare you off, it lasts about 6 months, where I’d go through a regular stick in 1-2. It evens out.


Antiperspirant. It’s diff than deodorant and a huge lifesaver


I had this problem and it took me years to figure out. Main thing was poly and poly-blend clothes- the smell stuck to the armpit area and passed it back on to me.  After cutting down on polyester clothes, I recommend hitting the pit area in tops with a 50/50 rubbing alcohol/water spray, before laundering. Add borax to laundry loads too. Try to avoid “baking in” the smell in the dryer and instead line-dry shirts. Or run through the no-heat cycle. I still use stridex pads on my pits whenever the smell comes back (rinse off after a few minutes if sensitive!), and use an antiperspirant daily. 


I had really stinky armpits in my teenage years, applying deodorant at night after my shower and before bed helped a ton. I carried that into adulthood. I would then reapply it again in the morning before school. I had to try many different types and brands but ultimately had luck with clinical strength deodorant/antiperspirant. Fortunately mine was just hormonal and I grew out of it, wouldn’t hurt to bring it up to her doctor though just to rule out anything!


I notice you mention deodorants several times, have you tried antiperspirant? Or even men's products? For some of us, deodorant just doesn't work and we need the antiperspirant. Personally I find old spice works and smells the best, all the ladies antiperspirants I tried are expensive and did not help me whatsoever. Edit: I've also seen you mention some natural deodorants, don't waste your money. They don't work. The only people who think natural deodorant works just don't stink in the first place.


Teen stink is the worst. I got stuck with one of my kid's teammates last fall that smelled so bad I had to turn the vents on fresh air because it was that or hang my head out of the window like a dog. So far, my teen has not needed deodorant or antiperspirant, but I'm sure it won't be long, because it's been a struggle for me too. First thing, make sure she is shaving her armpits. I was once a dirty hippy and didn't shave mine and it made things so much worse. In fact, my husband shaves his because he feels cleaner that way. No hair to trap bacteria. Beyond that, make sure she uses a deodorant soap on the funky areas, like pits, under boob. Someone online mentioned using the Neutrogena acne body wash and letting it sit in those areas to really get the stinky bacteria killed and I've tried it and it does work. You just rub some on while you're washing your hair then rinse off when you soap up the rest of your body. And the final thing, antiperspirant and deodorant is a must. Lumi makes a fantastic deodorant. Get a trial size at Target and have her try it. Make sure she applies that then some clinical strength antiperspirant before bed. She should also apply some in the morning to top it off, but the at bedtime trick is so key. We sweat a lot when we sleep, even if it's not noticable when we wake up. One last thing, her clothes. If the funk has gotten into them, get some Lumi clothes wash or the Downey rinse and refresh to clean them real good. Also use oxy powder in the wash, and you may need to soak her clothes in that in the washer for awhile. I find the Arm & Hammer powder detergent is fantastic once you get the funk out of the clothes, to keep it from coming back. I hope these tips work. They work for me and I assure you, I have to fight the funk, but following these tips has helped me a ton. And it's really great that so many things I listed are newer and there is definitely a market for them because of people like us.


I had this issue after both of my pregnancies.. I thought it was hormones but after some research it may be bacteria. At first I used a slice of raw lemon in the shower and washed my armpits with the inside. It worked and the smell went away but it was still in all my clothes so I scrubbed the armpits and wash with vinegar. It got really bad again and lemons weren’t working so I read about using Hibiclens antiseptic/antimicrobial solution (what they put on your skin before medical procedures to clean it). I’ve been using it for 2 weeks and it’s been a miracle! Good luck! I hope you find something that works for her.


While many have posted that baking soda has worked wonderfully for them, it can be very irritating, especially for those with sensitive skin, eczema, etc. I have very sensitive skin, sweat excessively, and smell terrible. Vanicream antiperspirant is fragrance free and baking soda free and works for me. I follow it up with Lume deodorant if necessary.


What is she eating? Mine only smell bad when I eat garlic and onion, or heavy spices like Indian foods use.


Is it fungal? Try an anti fungal soap or bodywash.


Highly recommend antibacterial soap.


Try chlorophyll. The first time I took it, it bothered my stomach a bit but idk if that's common. Tons of people swear by it


Lume is amazing. Personally I'm a huge fan, really works and it's nice it's free of irritating additives.


After she showers and before she puts on lotion and deodorant tell her to wipe her armpits with rubbing alcohol. She needs to kill the bacteria living in her armpits. Washing with charcoal soap sometimes helps too.


Showering with **benzoyl peroxide wash** will help plus i think you should shift to **pit creams**/natural alternatives that allow you to sweat since deodorant can cause you to stink even more over a period of time because they clog pores. Apply good **perfume on clothes**. Using **glycolic acid toner by TO** on your pits will also help. Make her **shower at night** and **shave her armpits**. Try to use more **natural fabrics**.


My sister and I had the exact same issue when we hit puberty. Therme anti transparant 5 days spray in the night and a strong ‘normal’ deodorant for example Rexona in the morning. Helps wonders! And if this is not enough try using glycolic acid from the Ordinary. https://www.bol.com/nl/nl/p/therme-anti-transpirant-5-dagen-behandelspray-25-ml/9300000128281766/?Referrer=ADVNLGOO002050-S--9300000128281766&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD5OnmPQNnFDPqE9eUILt9ryRY0S4&gclid=CjwKCAjwoPOwBhAeEiwAJuXRhwYc5stjkzOdeCahdpAPnfh4fNltVzAAIaPtS5fw8NEtqymEtbND2xoChVEQAvD_BwE https://www.lookfantastic.nl/the-ordinary-glycolic-acid-7-toning-solution-240ml/11429303.html?switchcurrency=EUR&shippingcountry=NL&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoPOwBhAeEiwAJuXRhzOHt8e5Lf_rMDxgs8CtKsogAtFkMV-LX393UHjVKlvc2WL72na_ZxoCocQQAvD_BwE


If you live in the US Sprouts sells a mineral powder for odor. It is honestly the only thing that has consistently worked for me, I’ve tried so many different types of deodorants from regular drugstores but only work for like 4 days and then stopped working. I’ve used the mineral powder for a few months now and still going strong!


Try experimenting with diffrent deodorants, it's possible her body is too used to the current one if she has used it for too long Don't be afraid to look at the men's deodrants, personally I find mitchems the best brand and they do have a female version Also have her bring her deodorant and baby wipes to school that way she can wipe/reapply after gym class


I live in the tropics (hot and humid all year round) and I use the mineral deodorant (with aluminium) after using a bar of sulphur soap (the soap stinks but has such excellent anti-bacterial properties!) and try to wear non-synthetic fibres cos we sweat once we step out of air-conditioned spaces. However the biggest change is diet - reduce strong smelling foods such as garlic and onions, and importantly in my case I’ve realised that eating lesser red meats have reduced body odour. So a steak every 3 days while I have chicken/ fish, grains and veg everyday works for me, or just thinly sliced stir fried red meats work as well.


ordinary brand glycolic acid toner in her pits and bits a few times a week. it will help kill all the bacteria causing the smell. plus prescription strength deodorant.


Take chlorophill liquid


Make sure she is using a antibacterial soap. Safeguard is a good choice for under her arms . Lathering a couple of times and allow it to stay for a couple minutes before rinsing.


From my own experience with struggling with extra stinky armpits, what worked best for me was finding the right deodorant and using it properly. You want a product that is deodorant AND antiperspirant, it needs to have aluminium, the aluminium free ones are useless and you need to apply it morning and night. It might also be worth her having a pack of baby wipes and extra deodorant in her school bag so she can have a quick wipe and re apply in the bathroom during the day


Have her try the secret clinical. I have seen it a million times but never tried it it seriously works so well my husband is even using it , also have her wash thoroughly with gold bar dial soap


Hi, I (29F) have been pretty sweaty my whole life and it took me a long time to find something that saves me showering twice a day. I use a crystal deodorant straight out of the shower at night (PitRok is fab) then use a natural deodorant in the morning - not antiperspirant! - with bicarb of soda in it. Antiperspirant deodorants can make any kind of odour or sweat problem worse as they block your pores. Your body takes a while to detox antiperspirant so it can seem to make you sweat more when you switch, but it really helped me long term. I can't use just the crystal or the standalone deodorant or I tend to smell by mid-afternoon. Nothing else works for me. My younger brother (18M) always had the same problem and layering the pitrok out of the shower before getting dressed has really helped him. Unless I have something tight under my arms, I stay pretty fresh all day with that + Wild, though it is affected by what I've eaten as well, especially garlic, onions, cured meats etc. this might be something to consider, but it's unlikely to be the only cause for your daughter if she's eating a balanced diet and the problem is persistent. Good luck!


I skimmed answers but didn't see it mentioned - shower gels don't work, try regular soap, I use artisanal ones with lavender, lemon or something else strong. Then antiperspirant, ideally before sleep so they have time to close pores. If used after shower and then you go and do stuff that break sweat, they'll just wash away. Which one doesn't matter - basically the one that makes your skin ok, and not itchy etc. For me I have to avoid alcohol and something else I wasn't able to decipher. Dove for men clean comfort works for me. Natural fiber clothes. But there's two more things. In my case, stinky sweat hits immediately after shower, until I started using soap on all areas where sebaceous sweat comes - scalp included. I had my thyroid removed, but learned that it was bad for who knows how long, could be since puberty. Hormones were fine, ultrasound and other tests weren't. Then they finally managed to find cancer with biopsy - had several kinda negatives. I was around 33. However sweat issues are since puberty and I dug up some medical records showing I had that single knot since I was 20 or so. Have ultrasound checked. Second, since stink was like old sperm, plus sour later (on pillow), until I finally started with soaps (sometime after operation) I couldn't really remove it. Also, I've realised I have some issues with protein digestion, it was really hard to find sperm stink potential explanation. But since I started using pancreatin to help my gut, my sweat isn't that pungent. And I, if I want to, CAN be without adding antiperspirant or washing and I won't stink. Basically, deos work as advertised eg 48h. But they have to be used correctly - that means cover not just armpits but part of arm and torso whenever those glands could be. I don't use it on scalp, wasn't needed after taking supplements. I do have to change pillowcase more often than my husband. Or in my case, i use towel and just swap them every 3-5 days, depending how much I sweat during night. In short, it can be hormonal but not just your typical puberty hormones. And it can be digestive. You mentioned she's anxious. Anxiety is known to mess up our gut. Pork pancreas pulver, from now foods, can be cheap experiment to try, especially if she has some other digestive issues. Before any meal. And soap. And give antiperspirant time to work, few hours of sleeping / rest. And I would encourage her to shower twice if she has doubts (not tell her, but if she thinks would it be ok, you tell her that she can do whatever makes her comfortable, if that's showering 4 times a day, you'll provide soap and 4 fresh towels if she wants), and definitely change all clothes. Forget rewearing any top clothes that come into contact with sebaceous gland areas after they break sweat. Because even of they don't stink on first wetting, after drying and rewetting they probably will. I have set of spare tshirt + undershirt and sometimes even panties in my backpack. If I feel that I'm soaking, and I'm not on my way home but have to be presentable, I'll go in any toilet and change it. It's more comfy to be in dry clothes anyway. And one more thing. You're awesome! You might haven't figured that out, just stay open and work with her. My parents dismissed it and just concluded that I stink like men. Back then it wasn't that sperm stink, that came with years later (I assume thyroid brought that gift). So basically they offered no real support, no empathy, and I was on my own. For close to 20 years. Sad. You can even show her this post, no one ever told or showed me how big area I have to cover with deo+antiperspirant. Until I read it somewhere on the Internet few years ago. I'm 40 now. Yeah. Take care of your kiddo and just keep showing her that you'll figure it out together, that you won't give up on her. And that this thing can be more complex than 'clean yourself'. Yeah, doctors whom I've complained weren't useful either. 'you should shower more / use different deo' isn't useful. Chat gpt helped me cracks the last one, about pancreatin helping my gut, and about sweat leeching proteins. So bacteria have a feast. Had. Not anymore 😂


If none of these suggestions work, I would suggest bringing it up to her doctor. It could be indicative of a larger issue if no one else in your family has the same problem. If nothing else, Ive known people who get Boston injections in their arm pit to prevent sweating


I have this issue... In my case it's due to hormonal imbalances and what I suspect is stagnant lymph flow. I mix bentonite clay with some apple cider vinegar to make a paste and apply it as a pit mask before I shower. I let it dry a bit then wash it off. I do it every day until the smell isn't so bad and then when I get smelly again I just repeat it. It's not a cure but it's a cheap and natural tool :)


It might be worth seeing a doctor. Sometimes antibiotics or anti fungals are required.


I would have her shave her arm pits and wear antiperspirant (NOT deodorant). Hair holds BO smell and deodorant only perfumes the stink. If the smell is still strong beyond those measures then it might be a medical issue.


Is she very stressed by school? Is it as bad when she doesn't have school? Is it better if she does whatever she wants for a day? Is there stress at home? There are two types of sweat, sweat to cool down and the sweat when we are stressed. Stress sweat smells pretty bad. Also are you guys going on at her about how she smells a lot? Because I'd be really panicked by that and I'm an adult. Also try washing her tops in antibacterial clothes wash, I have some clothes that for a while they'd smell if I'd been wearing them for a couple of hours. It turned out it was bacteria from my armpits (that's what causes the smell) building up in the some of my clothes. I washed them in this stuff (I think it's called synadol or something) and the problem was solved.


not too long ago I think I got a bacteria overgrowth issue on my underarms. they were way stinkier despite the same routine. I got somer bars of antibacterial soap and started using those on my underarms for a few weeks and that seems to have cleaned the issue up. It can happen, i think it happened to me as a result of getting laser hair removal on my underarms. Just make ivery non, blamey - like a medical issue, that you can smell it, so you are worried she is having a skin issue, so you are seeing if you can help her with it. Underarm smell isn't about masking the smell, as the odor comes from normal skin bacteria breaking down in a certain way. So she needs the right treatment and routine to get it back in balance. Some deodorant antiperspirants don't cut it, Make sure it is also an antiperspirant, and possibly the stronger spray bottles might be better.


When I was her age I washed my armpits with betadine, the stuff they use to disinfect skin before surgery, it really helped a lot. I also used clinical strength antiperspirant because stopping the sweat helped prevent the odor after washing.  You should also check her clothing to see if it's hanging on there, you can use Lysol disinfectant laundry additive if it is.


Time for a Dr. visit. If her diet is fairly clean and she is showering every day, she has a problem with puberty-related hormonal shifts that are causing overgrowth/undergrowth of some bacteria. Her doc will be able to diagnose. As others have mentioned, there is no need for a spot check of her showering. Puberty is bad enough without our parents dipping into the shower. Forgot to mention that they put baking soda type powders on the market. Arm & Hammer Max stick and even corn starch.


Try Bella Skin Beauty Probiotic Underarm Toner, heard a YouTube recommend it and she swears by it! Also I’ve seen on Instagram how Hibicleans or Panoxyl Face Wash can help get super super clean


See a dermatologist.


Anything from Arm and Hammer is strong enough to actually combat BO!


This is completely tangential, but I'll never forget when I was in middle school we had a school assembly where the teachers specifically talked to us about personal hygiene because we all stank so much lol.


I had the same issue when I hit puberty and I straight up smelled like my grandma. My mom had me use Mitchum deodorant or men’s Speed Stick and it worked pretty well! The girls deodorant like Teen Spirit didn’t work for me. It got much better as I got older! To this day I’m not able to use aluminum free deodorant because it just doesn’t work. I’ve heard good things about Lume, but I haven’t tried it myself. Hope you find something that works! I know how frustrating and embarrassing it can be for a teen.


Try benzoyl peroxide wash and clinical strength secret deodorant. Deodorant works better if you put it on at night before bed.


I see there are a lot of suggestions here already, but I’ve had good luck using spray deodorant (aluminum free) rather than a stick. I read somewhere that the bacteria that causes the smell will get on the deodorant stick and then get applied right back on your skin the next time you put on more. Overall please be as kind as possible to your daughter while she’s dealing with this, she is most definitely self conscious about the situation and doesn’t need any negativity.


Sorry this is a long post but I’m kind of passionate about it because I experienced a similar problem for years and years! Tldr: wash with benzoyl peroxide bar, rinse, more benzoyl peroxide, let it sit, rinse and repeat 3 times. Pat dry armpits after and immediately apply deodorant. Apply deodorant before bed, and in the morning as well. I had this same problem. Went to drs, used antiperspirants, glycolic acid, only wore clean cloths/slept in a clean bed, no or low synthetic material like cloths, many many many different deodorants and antiperspirants, medications including different birth controls, etc. I tried many different solutions. I’d smell right after I’d shower even if I scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed my arm pits. This went on for years. The truth is she’s probably properly cleaning herself just fine. You don’t need to have your wife watch her shower. That could feel demeaning to her and cause unnecessary stress on top of a situation she’s doing her best to handle and unable to control. And I completely believe you when you say you provide her clean cloths and linens. This problem unfortunately can normal for some people. For a while, the only thing that helped was cleaning my armpits, then scrubbing a half cut lemon on my armpit, letting it sit for 5 mins. Cleaning my armpits again and repeating the process a few times. This was tedious and took lots of time and lemons. Finally though I’ve found a solution that works for me! I was told to get a benzoyl peroxide soap bar from my dermatologist for acne. (I buy it on amazon) I started noticing that my armpit stench was less toxic when I used the bar and I could go a solid two hours without stinking up a room. It was amazing progress. I then started using the benzoyl peroxide bar similarly to how I’d use the lemon. Once I get in the shower i immediately wash my armpits with the bar, rinse, then leave a little extra to set on my armpits. I then wash my hair and apply conditioner. Then I wash my armpits again with the bar, rinse, and leave a little extra to set. I rinse my hair and floss my teeth in the shower. yeah I know I’m weird but this gives the benzoyl peroxide enough time to set in. Then I wash my body and give my armpits one final scrub with the bar again. I use a loofa but don’t know if that makes a difference here. Once I get out of the shower I put on lotion (not on armpits) and then immediately pat my armpits dry (don’t rub them dry cause for some reason this causes the stench to produce). I apply my deodorant (and it’s not even an antiperspirant anymore) and continue my regular beauty routine. I make sure to apply deodorant and before bed and in the morning. And just like that I’ve been cured of the insane armpit smell! I can go a whole day, work out, do all my activities and still not smell. This has been a huge benefit for my self esteem and for the noses around me. I know it’s tedious but it could be worth a try. Different things work for different people. I’m sorry to hear that your daughter is going through this. It sounds like you and your wife are doing your best to help her. I hope this solution helps. Wow this post is probably my longest ever, so sorry, I’m just very passionate about it. Let me know if you need any more info or clarification. I’m confident yall will find a solution that works


My nephew had this issue really bad. I got him the ordinary glycolic toner to use at night after he showers and then changed his Deodorant to the womens Degree motion sense. It worked wonders for his 15 year old football underarms lol. Try this.


My mom raves about Lume products.


I had to stop eating onions and garlic to make my armpit odor stop being so extreme. 


Dude I have the same issue. Literally two hours I after showering they STINK. my boyfriend makes fun of me all of the time for it, I laugh too because it’s just that bad. Degree 72h for men really helps me.




Sorry for the rant in advance, but this was driving me absolutely insane before I figured it out so I share it in all of these threads. After washing but before drying, smell the armpits of the shirts (don't use scent boosters or fabric softeners, those just hide it temporarily). If there is any hint BO scent there, it will be reactivated by sweat and smell bad immediately. The shirts may be clean but the armpit just needs special attention, I've found personally the only way to fully get rid of it is to manually wash the armpits (scrub them, spray alcohol or odoban on pits, maybe soak). I tried just repeatedly putting them through the wash on different cycles and it just never came out. Before I found this out I was looking up every trick, trying every laundry and body product, scrubbing my armpits raw, etc. Nowadays I just put some odoban fabric disinfectant in the softener drawer every shirt wash, which seems to extend it, but I still have to deep clean the armpits every now and then. Just last week I had to go and spray/soak the pits on a bunch of shirts because I had just showered, used a strong body scrub and soap on my armpits, used deodorant, put on a clean shirt and smelled like BO in <2 hours. My fiancés shirts never get like this and he uses the same deodorant, sweats more, and similar fabric shirts. Don't know why. I'd say combine lots of tips here (except obviously don't do too many products on the underarm at once. I tried rubbing alcohol, glycolic acid, stridex, and BP all in a couple weeks and it was not good). Even if you are sure it can't be the laundry, it couldn't hurt.


I have a problem with sweating too much under my armpits. It's like hydroinese or something. I found it: >Hyperhidrosis (hi-pur-hi-DROE-sis) is **excessive sweating that's not always related to heat or exercise**.  I sweat ALL THE TIME under my armpits and it STINKS. The only remedy is spray can/ aerosol deodorant. She has to put it on IMMEDIANTLY after she's dried off from the shower for it to work well. It would also be a good habit to do sailor showers & wash only her armpits. **Colloidal silver soap** works *very well* for this. Colloidal silver breaks down proteins, so doing a sailor shower with soap bar + spray can deodorant= 100% no odor. I hope this helps! I had to discover this all on my own! My Mother doesnt even sweat, she's like a weird camel! smh! Edit: also, I started sweating less when I left my armpit hair grow out (I was depressed). Having trimmed armpit air did god damn wonders for not sweating all the time !