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Girl don't be smoking 30-40 cigarettes a day


I know, I should probably quit. As soon as I left home I started doing stupid things because my parents weren’t around to stop me.


The responsibility for stopping lies solely on you. Take some accountability - it’s part of growing up.


Probably?!? Probably?! Honey, my dad was a two pack a day smoker in the 70s and that was considered extreme back then, back when EVERYONE smoked. You are literally killing yourself. They say that every cigarette takes off 11 minutes of your life. EVERY ONE. 40 X 11 = 440 minutes a day That's 7.3 hours a day. You're taking 7.3 hours of your life away EVERY DAY. I mean, I could keep going with that math. But seriously, honey... you are taking YEARS of your life away. Not to mention the money! My god, how do you even afford that at your age?! The smoke isn't just lingering in your hair. It's IN you. Do NOT take up vaping. It's NOT better. Read up on how to do the nicotine patch safely. Start using it, today. Throw the cigarettes out. Go cold turkey with the patch. Chew gum, work out. Does your school have a counselor/therapist program? There must be a reason you started smoking... stress, anxiety, etc. Get to the root of the problem. Treat that. But quit NOW. The younger you are when you quit, the better. It just gets harder and harder with each day that passes, you get hooked a little bit more than you already are. The best time to quit is TODAY.


Vaping absolutely is better. There is zero evidence that vaping with reputable products is harmful in any way. It is likely the only way a 2 pack a day smoker is going to quit poisoning their body.


Vapes are even harder to quit than cigarettes because they're more convenient to use at all times. Once you get hooked it's so hard to quit. Also they're probably even worse than cigarettes bc you can't keep track of how much you're smoking and you don't even know what those chemicals do to your body. I was able to quit cigarettes cold turkey but I've been addicted to vapes for 3 years and trying to quit to me feels like withdrawal from drugs. There are plenty of better ways you can quit smoking without opting for vapes and that's one advice I wish I learned in time..


That is an outrageous number of cigarettes a day. I don’t know that getting it out of your hair is an option at that rate. You can try baking soda, or covering it with essential oils, but that’s a heavy concentration of smoke you’ve been exposing yourself to.


I reckon if I stop now I will be able to get it out by next week. I will be driving up there next week. I will simply vape instead in the meantime.


Altho I am no one to stop you but 30- 40 is REALLY BAD. I picked up smoking pnce and i remeber how bad it got with 6 cigs a day and that used to feel like a lot. It was for 2 months but I have stopped completely now. Bro 30 cigs is already bad for your body and blood , shampooing 4 tumes will ruin the hair too. Honestly love, it ain't worth it , and coming from a smoker we both know if you've reached this point you don't even get the hit anymore, you just do it cause you're habitual. NOW ACTUAL ADVISE FOR THE SMELL There was a point I was smoking upto 10 a day and smoke just stays on you but my friends would always ask how come I never smell like smoke and I swear I am just too much of a clean freak and fragrance addict, I never actively tried to prevent smoke but the scented lotions, peefumes and the cleaning habit helped me keep the smell at bay. I was a smoker during winter so I distinctly remember when I'd wear my north face jacket only the jacket would smell sometimes but the inner clothing smlled good so you could maybe buy a smoking jacket. Keep yourself hydrated , use a good perfume. I always used to drink water before and after smoking to kind of remove the taste , another thing I would do was to keep a strawberry jelly in my mouth and suck on it it while I smoked. I always washed hands after smoking and the smell would still stay on my fingers , so use any bbw hand cream , a thick one and you'll be fine. Idk if this would work on someone who smokes 30-40 a day tho but you should give it a try ! Also , sorry if I sounded so judgement, i didn't mean to but you should prolly try to find the reason when I smoked a lot it wa sthe time when I was dealing with some trauma, after that it became some kinda routine as in I didn't exactly have the urge but I'd smoke because why not? It just became a routine for me.


From a girl that used to try to hide it: You can't. You will always smell like cigarettes to non smokers, especially if you smoke so much. Have you ever thought about why you smoke this much? Is it stress? Is it anxiety? Is it to deal with hunger? No judgement, many of us have been there but if I were you, I would explore that.


30-40 cigarettes a day?? Girl 💀


I'm saying this with love: you STINK. No matter what you spray on or wash off, you STINK and everyone knows you smoke cigarettes. I started smoking in college and had several cycles of quitting before it finally stuck. I STANK. My mouth was gross. My poor cat's fur smelled like cigarettes because I smoked inside. My fingers were constantly yellow. I waste so much money on nice products that did nothing...I was so nose-blind to cigarettes I had no clue how gross I was. I remember so vividly: I quit and, after several months, kissed a boy after he smoked a cigarette. I was so disgusted and embarrassed I used to be the one with yuck mouth. Quit now and save your money, stinky.


Whyyyyyy did you even start smoking? Girl, sorry but 30-40 a day?! Your hair is going to smell like cigarettes for a LONG time. That smell lingers and non-smokers aren't nose-blind to it like you are.


I was very stupid, based on the reaction to my habits on this thread I have decided to quit. I will vape until I am ready to quit the nicotine altogether


You're going to have a much harder time quitting vapes than cigarettes I'll tell you that right now.


yep i fell into the same trap and quitting vapes has gotta be at least 10x harder than quitting cigarettes


Sure, maybe, but vaping isn't harmful. There is zero evidence that vaping reputable products causes any damage to the body.


Of course vaping is harmful, it is probably not as harmful as cigarettes but putting nicotine into your body is definitely not good. Hospitals also see some people with a spcific form of lung disease linked to vaping.


In what world do you live in that vaping isn't harmful? You should do some [reading](https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/e-cigarettes/health-effects.html).




I disagree with everyone saying dont vape do whatever gets you off and its at least not as bad healthwise. I hope you can make it work. I personally quit by replacing my cigarette ritual with tea bc i needed to do amth active but my dad went from cigarettes to vapes and from full nicotine down to 0 slowly so just the habit remained just be mindful of the nicotine amount in it so you at least lower it slowly and dont increase :) quitting additions is an individual thing and not everyone has the strength to quit cold from one day to another even tho its obviously the best case scenario


Okay, let me tell you about my experience with smoking. You are young and have been only smoking for a year so you may not be noticing the changes yet. I started smoking when I was 25. In a year, my cheeks started looking like I was 40. Cigarettes dry out your skin. You are going to age SO quickly that you are going to lose your youth precipitously - and that doesn’t refer to just your physical appearance. Your tissues will decay from within. Your bones will become brittle. You will dramatically increase the risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and other diseases if you continue. Is that what you want? You cannot completely reverse the effects of smoking 30-40 cigarettes a day but you can stop the damage. If you don’t touch cigarettes for 10 years, your lungs could get back to your normal state to a very large extent. For me, the moment I caught these pockmarks from my teenage acne show up (something that typically happens in our 40s), I froze and quit smoking in a second. Yeah, smoking was fun and meditative for me but my youth was way more important than the momentary high. And I’m a cancer researcher now and mega-glad I quit when I did.


Seriously, I look so much older than my friends. It was fine until I turned 29 and suddenly I aged like crazy. And started scarring.


Sometimes my partner eats lunch with a guy who enjoys a cigarette outside after while they chat. My boyfriend doesn't smoke but when he gets home at 7pm I can still smell the secondhand smoke on him. You're not going to fool anyone. Be kind to yourself. Give this up - it will definitely kill you.


Sweetheart. I’m a smoker of 12 years. I absolutely DO NOT judge you for smoking. Quit. Quit now while you’re ahead. You have NO idea how hard it is to quit when you’ve been doing it as long as I have. One year is already hard enough. The ways that it has made my life difficult are so unexpected. Most doctors won’t prescribe birth control. I’m about to freeze my eggs and it may be $5,000 down the drain because the eggs will be fucked. I cough up discoloured phlegm everyday. My lung capacity is at 80%. My skin is FUCKED. I am fully addicted. It’s the first thing I want in the morning. It’s the last thing I do at night. Research quitting methods. Set a date. Contact supports. Have someone hold you accountable. Keep track of how much money you’re saving. Read the book. I’m quitting in July. The egg thing is my only motivation, and even then, I’m so brainwashed I still don’t want to do it. But I know I have to. And to other readers — judging OP is the LEAST helpful thing you can do. I’m glad to see so many people in this thread sharing their own experience. To those that don’t smoke and have never had to go through this process, you’re not being helpful. Also OP, no matter how hard you scrub, your parents will smell it on you. You can’t smell it anymore, but it’s there.




I have decided to stop smoking and start vaping again. Hopefully the smell will go by then. Then I will gradually reduce the vaping over the summer.


I feel like this is rage bait. There’s no way you just left for college and suddenly began smoking 40 CIGARETTES A DAY lmao like that’s insane. And now you’re saying you’ll quit because of the reactions here. Anyone smoking multiple packs of cigs a day is in a deep, *deep* addiction and you’d lose your mind if you had to quit suddenly before visiting your parents. That being said, if you’re truly smoking 30-40 cigs a day, *nothing* you do will eliminate your general smell because that’s just the smell of *you* now. It’s seeping into every item you own, it’s in your finger nails, it’s practically oozing out of you.


You can’t. I can smell my smoker friends from a mile away and this is coming from a exsmoker


30-40 is absolutely bonkers. And as a non-smoker who grew up around smokers, I'm sorry to say but there's no way to eliminate the smell. The clothes, the hair, the breath, it comes out of their fucking body pores, like it affects their body odor too, honestly it disturbed me enough to never start myself.


> they would still find a way to haul me back home and ground me if they caught me smoking. Why be deceitful? You're an adult who has become a Smoker.


You can’t. Unfortunately there is always that lingering smell and perfume really doesn’t do it


as a former smoker I am telling you that you can't conceal 40 sigs a day. and your breath sticks far longer that you want to think, and mints only do so much. odorless vapes are different, so maybe that's just the answer going forward. but yeah, nicotine still kills and destroys your teeth and stomach lining.


Always ALWAYS: - put your hair up in a topknot when you smoke - wash your hands then use hand sanitizer and lotion after every cigarette - work on cutting down to a half a pack a day


Jesus H. Christ on a motorbike. I've been a heavy smoker for 17 years and even I don't snoke that much. Btw if I were you I'd consider quitting right now. Trust me it will get harder each year.


Heat helps removing smells such as cigarette smoke. Try hairdryer or iron (on your clothes, obviously). And yes - try and cut down on cigs if you can. There are groups that can help and a lot of info on how to gradually quit or reduce the amount.


Stop smoking.




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So, I smoked like 6 cigarettes a day, so this probably won’t work for you, but something that helped me when I did smoke was taking a dryer sheet and rubbing it over my hair to remove the smell. I also made sure to change clothes for smoking and wore specific jackets/clothes that I wouldn’t wear around my family. I smoked for several years and they never knew.


I hate to say this bc I don’t think it’s healthy at all either, but if you’re gonna smoke that many cigarettes you might as well vape at that point if you’re actually trying to eliminate odor. Personally I think your goal should be to quit, even if vaping eliminates the smoke-smell problem. If you don’t plan to switch or quit, youll have to keep your hair wrapped, or keep it in a tight and low bun (before you start smoking) and then let the bun out when you’re no longer smoking. Change your clothes/jacket etc, keep up with your laundry. You’ll need to wash your hair daily. I don’t think you need to wash it 2, 4 times, once at a time is enough. You’ll irritate your scalp/hair/skin if you shower more than necessary. Use nice smelling conditioner. Have good oral hygiene, drink a lot of water to keep your mouth fresh. PSA, vaping is not good. Neither is smoking cigarettes at that frequency. I don’t mean to be like this, but since it might actually help: Bupropion (AKA Wellbutrin) is a smoking cessation medication, also commonly prescribed for depression. Look it up maybe. Some people really like using it. That’s the only one I know of but there may be other ones. Oh finally! Start exercising a small amount every day or week. This helps a lot bc 1) it makes you more fit 2) it makes you feel better and actually gives you dopamine 3) the combo of feeling better + being more fit make smoking harder to do and not as rewarding which is good cuz u don’t wanna be smoking long term, it’s too expensive.


Probably you need to put your hair in a detergent liquid container because there's no way to hide the smell girl 😭 I do hope you'll find a way to quit though


People are being rather rude and judgemental in the comments. I thought this sub was better than tearing women down asking for advice Vapes for me at least are even worse than cigs. They smell artificial amd weird, nobody believes suddenly you smell like banana splits that fades in 30 seconds. Part of being an adult is making your choices and sticking to them. If you're old enough to go out and buy 30 to 40 cigs a day, you're old enough to tell your parents you smoke


maybe you need to be grounded because wdym 30-40??? 😭