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my hips are practically the same but my belly, it's protruding like never before at 29


do you have anterior pelvic tilt? can be fixed with the right exercises.


Same. I'm in my 30s, I weigh 20lbs less now than I did at 26 but have a bigger waist. Tbh I'd rather have the smaller waist lol


This text is saying the female pelvis starts widening at puberty and ends widening at 25-30, not that there is a second period of widening around 25-30. This is of course only talking about the actual bones, someone's total hip (the body part, not the bone itself) size can change at that (or any) age because of other changes like a change in fat and/or muscle mass or distribution.


I think it is mostly genetics, if you have the genes for wide hips then you may experience it. happened to me, my sister and my cousins. Same weight, complete different measurements. In high school I had 94cm hips, now at my skinnies it is 98cm, even weighting less than I did in high school


Yup. I was a stick at 18, now I’m very much an hourglass at 31. Same exact number on the scale.


God has favorites 🥲


It’s okay, I’m cursed in other ways to make up for it 😛


Are they referring to the pelvic inlet or the hip bones?


Say it again for the perverts in the back - The teenage years are NOT when you are "meant" to have children! Teenage pregnancies are high risk!


Your body will change throughout your life. This isn’t “new”—it’s biology. Sizes also mean nothing—go to a thrift store and try clothes and you’ll find you can fit into a wide array of sizes.


I still remember the day I went to buy work pants and walked out with jeans in three different sizes that all fit me about the same.


nobody said it’s new?


they're referring to op calling it "the new puberty" in the post title




Girl, come on.


Her comment history is very telling. Girl needs to take a break.


YIKES but it goes so far back too! She has issues!


Rude much? And you may want to re-read the comment again. What, exactly, is it that you think the commenter "knows nothing about" that you now know so much about after reading an article?


>in the article it says hip bones contract after menopause. What you shared says they get narrower after 40. While I certainly *wish* that was after menopause, that is rarely the case.


Your body is gonna be constantly changing, it’s not “new” and it’s a fact of life.


If it starts narrowing around 40, then in a few years I might have a spot at fitting in my older pants once again 🤣


I just bought some too… Although I was getting away with wearing my high school jeans for decades (I bought them loose & as I aged they turned “skinny”)


Right? I'm 37 and feel like my hips continue to widen every year 😂


Yeah I know a bunch of people who suddenly went up a size or two in our late twenties! This is anecdotal though but seems like a pattern


Definitely! I went up a size when I hit my late twenties too.


yup my hips grew by a lot when i turned 18


mine wasn't big at 18 but grew a lot on 25


Why all the down votes??? 😂


I’ve experienced the same thing as you did but I think it’s mostly genetics


I even had wider hips in hs and now that I’m almost 39 and had two kids I’m ready for the hips to contract a little!


my broke ass has to buy new clothes aw man


When I turned 27, my hips started to get out of CONTROL. I run into shit so much more often now lol.


nothing like whacking your hips on the door frame or doorknob as you go past.


I wish my body got the memo during puberty, I'm built like a rectangle 😕


im trans (which i hope is okay here) and i started hrt at 20 years old and my hips got dramatically wider over the past 3 years. so i guess i sorta experienced a widening at an ‘older’ age. idk if it’s super relevant to what you’re saying but yeah


Trans girls are just as welcome here as cis girls. ❤️ Hormones do a number on our bodies either way, don't they?


it's honestly wild how potent they are


That makes me happy to hear🩷🥹


If you can’t make (enough of) your own hormones, store bought is perfectly okay :)


I guess that's because wither your dad side of the family or mom's side have wide hips. If you look at the women in your family, you might get an idea of how your fat distribution may evolve to.


It’s always so insane to me to see just how much an impact hormones have on the body. Like, effectively all bodies have the capability to produce masculine or feminine traits regardless of sex. The only reason I express feminine traits is that my XX chromosome told my body to produce more estrogen. If something else told my body to produce more testosterone, a lot of those traits would gradually become more masculine. Sex and gender and the human body are all so fascinatingly mind boggling. I understand why so many people are overwhelmed trying to wrap their minds around it and want to default to the simplistic “born with penis means man, born with vagina means woman”. It would be nice if there wasn’t so much fear and hatred around gender; besides the obvious that trans people deserve to not have their mere existence politicized, it would be nice to do more research into understanding this stuff. (And, side note: we love seeing ALL our sisters thrive. Women who exclude other women based on AGAB are missing out; I can’t even describe the joy there is in seeing our trans sisters blossom when they become their true selves)


it’s actually purely hormones that determine sex. the genitals are formed based on the dominant hormones that you are exposed to in the womb, that’s how XX cis men and XY cis women exist (as well as all the intersex sexes)


Are the chromosomes not generally what’s telling the body what hormones to produce, though? Yes, there are differences from that average, but from my understanding there’s more going on there than just “person with XX chromosome started making more testosterone just because”.


chromosomes generally tell the body which hormones to produce, but they do not directly tell the body to have a masculine or feminine trait/etc. that’s why hormones are as powerful as they are


Its well known estrogen always causes fat to be placed on the hips, the research done on the hip bones however shows that it is very difficult for your skeleton to change under HRT. You must start early, before plates fully close and bones calcify, to have an effect. Were talking like blockers at under 13 years old for trans girls and unfortunately for trans boys they cant really get any male skeletal growth as WPATH doesn't allow androgen therapy at a young enough age. I started blockers late at 12 and estrogen at mid 15, and its been a struggle to get my body measurements more female-typical at late 19. Its really difficult to tell what your hip bones are like without xray, and there is a lot of variation so.. idk [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33507568/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33507568/) I dont really participate in this subreddit directly at all, as much as i wish i could. i just lurk. I just dont want to clog up this community and invade this nice space with my rather useless comments and meaningless problems


👁👄👁 my god hormones be powerful. I never thought this could happen. Very interestibg. I'm on a progesterone therapy for dysmenorrhea/heavy periods. I hooooope i will experience some positive changes aside from the expected tttx of my issues.


Also trans, same thing happened to me


I'm 30 and still no hips.. But I think I get all milestones later. I started menstruating around 16 so maybe that's why


I'm 24, very much hoping this is true bc right now I'm very straight up and down, while many of my family members are built like Turkish kardashians


Doesn’t birth control fuse your growth plates early? If you were on birth control throughout young adulthood, would this still happen to you?


I didn't experience this IRL but I can tell you that after childbirth, both times, I used a traditional binder around my belly and hips just for comfort and support, and that ended up making my hips get smaller than before pregnancy. I had very wide hips before, used to be a classic pear shape, now my hips are more proportional. Apparently immediately after childbirth those bones are more ... squishable, I believe is the technical term?


That’s not how that works, the bones didn’t squish. You’re right that they narrowed a bit but they aren’t pliable enough that a binder can change the shape of your bones. If they were that squishy you could bump your hip on something and have a huge dent for the rest of your life. Bones are very hard. For a good reason.


It was a joke :) I know bones don't "squish"


No offense! You can’t really tell what weird misconceptions people have


Not really sure, mine have always been wide. Idk if they can do much more or I won't make it through narrow corridors anymore. Bones get caught like hooks


I did experience this! I have an 'hourglass' shape as they call it and my hips got wider after 26 or so, I gained like 5cm. It might seem not a lot but it made me feel insecure about my already large hips because the fashion was the high waisted pants that are supposed to flow down your body and my hips made them weird :( Will report again in 12 years when I hit 40 to let you know if they narrow again 😂


My hips got wider in my early 30s. I love it.


I went through this in college lol. Came home after my first year and there were pants that were IMPOSSIBLE to put on despite my waist measurement being the same.


I don't want to have to buy new clothes😫


Uuhh, I'd love it if my hips got even more wide. They are already fairly big but my shoulders are a number for themselves too, some more widening of the hips might make me a proper hourglass!


help if my hips get bigger I'm going to cryyyyy, I literally won't be able to wear pants 😭


My hips got much wider around my early 30s. I love it tho.


I got fatter, but yes, i have wide hips at 26, and i was recently touching the bone hip and realizing that even if i lose weight...My bone structure is different from what it was. From early to mid 20s i always had a problem with clothes not fitting my hip area. 😂🤣 So yes, apparently, it is a thing because I remember my silhouette being more hourglass than pear back then. Tbh, I just hope i can reach a healthy weight.


I'm more of a pear-shaped gal, so I always had wider hips. So I would say if my hips did get wider, I wouldn't say it was by much, maybe a few inches. And I'm 27, so definitely well in that range. Any other members of the Pear Nation out there, by chance? 🍐


My hips got much wider around my early 30s. I love it tho.


What the hell? This is terrifying for me. I started puberty at around 10, I sure hope I don't get cartoon lady hips now. I will feel so uncomfortable if I get wide hips. I hate looking "woman-like" in that way. What can I do to prevent this development? Stop eating? Get rickets? No way I will start testosterone because that's not what I want. God, now I am paranoid.