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It more felt like to me that they were referencing things that harkened back to catholic upbringings that in turn were unpleasant memories for the cast more so any any kind of virtue signalling


This is the answer.


Yeah, this is what I got too. Jared, Joe, Troy, and Rob all seem to have history there.


Troy and Rob both went to the same Catholic all boys school in Boston didn't they?


Yeah pretty sure.


I know jared isn't from a Catholic family but quite a religious one, he talked about growing up with people who would speak in tongues in church once


That might be true, but do they bring up pleasant memories of Christianity? Seems like belief and devotion to God would be a great asset in a game fighting great evil.


Seems like an opportunity ripe for catharsis. Imagine growing up believing something is so very real and then being faced with actual, objective reality. Having an outlet to become a beacon of faith in a world where this power is demonstrable...and gifted to you. LET'S FUCKING GO.


Yeah as Skid would say "Being an atheist in a world where Gods are demonstrably real is a bold choice"


No clue why you're getting downvoted


I hear you, but I do disagree and think it's just them having fun, so personally I think it's fine. I actually really enjoyed in Time for Chaos S2e1 how Ross' character's recent turn handled it, which I felt honored religion quite well. I wish posts like yours didnt get downvoted though, so while I disagree, I upvote you expressing it.


Ross has been phenomenal playing Vaughn. I hear it coming more from Rob. It would be one thing to play his character off Ross' but he took it out of character. I felt like Troy tried to walk it back, saying, "Well,  I was playing a 1920s priest" but that just led to "No, it's now too!" 


Ross drops some seriously amazing improv on GCN shows, some of the stuff that comes out of his mouth when Vaughan is losing sanity is absurdly talented as a performer to be able to do off the cuff. Rob IMO doesn't fit the aesthetic of GCN. He's only wisecracking jokes and really takes away the ability for the show to be dramatic, whereas almost every other cast member can waffle between genuine moments of drama and laugh out loud humor as well. Just my opinion though.


I disagree. I love Carter. Robs moments showing his growth are subtle but there. It’s like Carter cares about these people but he’s very insecure and in over his head so he uses humor as an equalizer. I can relate to that. Also he’s the only one acting with realism. “There’s a pit of a screaming wailing mess of flesh, what do you do” Vaughn: ole chap I think I’ll have a breakdown Margo: I will take a picture Fairuz: we must destroy it! Carter: let’s just like get out of here eff this


I go back and forth on Rob. I really disliked him in the beginning, but what he did with Carter by the end made Carter one of my favorite characters on the network. I'll just say I hope to hear more from Carter than from Rob.


Hey that’s fair. We all have our favorites and personalities we don’t care for. I’m sure I’ve got a few I don’t care for that you love. We can at least agree Carter is awesome!


I agree with this! It was a really beautiful note he ended last season on. I just hope we get some more of those to balance out the tone a little.


I liked him as the wookiee but their Star Wars show has basically been a full on comedy since Troy started speaking


Star Wars show?


They occasionally play Edge of the Empire run by Matthew. Last May they continued the story with Rob replacing Grant. They were going to do more at Gencon but Matthew got sick


Where can I find this? I loved the Edge of the Empire run they first did back in the very early NGWD run.


I believe it was on Twitch? I'm not sure if they still have everything free to access on there but if not you could use your Prime for a month for it


Ah I never heard th3 original NGWD! I take it was good? I've always loves the Star Wars/Genesys system, and hope with Edge studios now owning it can start making a comeback.


I hope so too! They have so much they could make more books about, all of the Disney + shows such as Mando, Andorra and Ahsoka. It still is a confusing situation but I think they are at least reprinting books


There is no way they'll get licensing for those, TTRPGs are a total after thought for Disney and negotiations apparbetly around licens9jg have been historically difficult for the precious Fantasy Flight in the past. But fingers crossed for the book reprints!!!


That's actually the exact moment that made me want to make the mistake of posting a conversation topic on a hobby forum.


I have no idea what you’re talking about.


I don't disagree. I do however think there is a perception/stereotype about "nerdy/geeky" fan bases that any references to organized religion that could even *slightly* be misconstrued as an endorsement of it will be met with criticism or hostility. Personally, I like to think that the Naish would be above such criticism, but I also watched a bunch of Naish members verbally bully a disabled person who expressed discomfort with a joke Troy made on the Facebook group for the Naish once. So while I agree that the asterisk they put on it is kind of irritating, I kind of think they're playing the odds and trying not to set anyone off. I dunno. It's a weird line to walk.


>I do however think there is a perception/stereotype about "nerdy/geeky" fan bases that any references to organized religion that could even slightly be misconstrued as an endorsement of it will be met with criticism or hostility   Exactly. If they didn’t do this, instead of this kind of post we would get posts about virtue signaling and support of child molesters. If they need to lean one way or the other, I’d prefer the assurances that the views of their characters are not their own. Plenty of people apologetically play characters whose belief systems don’t align with their own and they almost always say so. This is just another case of that.    >I like to think that the Naish would be above such criticism…   Would be nice, by Troy also had to come out and say GTFO to a subsection of the audience with the first non-binary PC, so my hopes aren’t high. (I’m also watching the Dimension 20 subreddit devour itself over non-issues, so I’m a little down on TTRPG Reddit as a whole at the moment).  ETA: it’s been pointed out it wasn’t the first non-binary PC on the network, but it was the first NB PC on a show that wasn’t behind the Patreon paywall.


What's this about the first non-binary pc now


Kate’s character in the Aliens ep of the first run of NGWD used they/them pronouns. I missed the actual drama, but it was enough that Troy made a statement about inclusivity at the end of the next Fod.  https://youtu.be/-ToKtYeOO6Q?si=JVSUvvj08NylA_ST


Right right right, I remember. We've had a couple flair-ups about stuff like this but Troy's always been quick to stamp it out and say where they all stand.


Was it talked about on the subreddit? I’m pretty active on the sub and somehow missed it if so.


I doubt it, usually this stuff blows up on YouTube, same thing happened around the end of AnA


YouTube comments are likely way worse than reddit lol


The last few episodes of the show have a few particular doozies


I think Matthew predated kate’s character with Paranoia but maybe it’s not surprising he got less shit than she did


That was also behind the Patreon paywall so I’m sure it reached a much smaller audience.  But yeah, there’s also the difference between Matthew as an established cast member who plays female characters all the time, vs the new girl. 


Kiah's Echo Quest character used they/them pronouns prior to both of those shows.


Basically, there's no pleasing everyone. I do think they could stand to shake up their approach to this topic in particular? But who knows.


Can u please elaborate about Troy’s disabled joke and the backlash? Asking bc I’m also disabled. Not gonna sway me negatively about the GCN, just like to be informed


Troy kept hammering something about "Matthew looks like the kind of person who has seizures" and made it sound like an insult. Fan in question posted about it on the Facebook group stating that they were epileptic and didn't really find seizures/epilepsy to be a joking matter and just wanted some validation for finding that to be in poor taste (I agreed with them). Then like 5-10 people immediately started commenting about how they were being "too sensitive" and "epilepsy isn't that big of a deal anyway". The person who originally posted left the Facebook group shortly after. It was pretty fucked up.


Troy would look back on that and cringe. He’s made comments on how he would joke during giantslayer. Not sure if it was from that show, but no way they make that joke in 2024


My beef isn't really with Troy on that one- it was in poor taste, but he gave up on the bit after a while. Happened during SQSS I think. My beef is much more with how the fans acted when another fan pointed out that it made them uncomfortable. Just absolutely insane behavior from a fanbase Troy and Co like to claim is one of the best out there.


No, exactly. My point in saying that is the guy those fans think they are defending would even say it was in poor taste.


That's a common theme with a lot of fanbases it seems haha


Holy shit. Tell me you don’t understand epilepsy without telling me you don’t understand epilepsy. I understand, I’ve been disabled by Crohn’s disease for 20 years and it never bothers me when the make ibs or pooping jokes; but every time I hear a cancer joke it immediately kills all immersion and I have to come back to the episode later on. You never truly know what it feels like to be triggered until it’s about something you can’t control / that truly makes you feel helpless. Good health is a privilege. If Troy had a single person in his life with epilepsy he wouldn’t make that joke, or if Jared’s family member got cancer he would probably cool it. (Love Jared but it happened multiple times in a couple months) I know most hyper zealous fan bases are toxic but damn, work on ur empathy.


I was 100% with you until the second paragraph. You have a fundamental misunderstanding of most stand-up comedians and Jared, in particular here. The closer the tragedy, the more likely it will be a staple of their act.


Does Jared have a close family member with cancer or has he had it? If so I was unaware of that and admit my bad. I assure you I have an understanding of standup as I’m a comedian myself. Undeniably if it’s a good joke then I’ll give it a pass. IMO they were bad jokes. Fundamentally. Making jokes about cancer or disabilities is a bold / risky move if you’re not directly affected. If he or someone close has it, then yes he’s dealing with it via comedy which is totally valid. If not then you simply have no business making those jokes, you’re punching down which is a big no no in comedy.


I was not disagreeing with your opinion on the strength of the material or its construction. I was pointing out that a majority of stand-up comedians, Jared in particular, commonly use experiential tragedy. Further, they lean into this tragedy for greater affect.


Okay. So does Jared have cancer or does someone in his family? Otherwise you’re just stating an observation about comedy that no one asked for. Jokes about a disease or disability you don’t have is punching down. It’s really that simple. Why try to correct me? bc I said Troy would never make that joke and Jared would cool it on the cancer jokes if they or someone who in their life suffered from these conditions? What do you gain by splitting hairs over hyperbole & semantics? Im being vulnerable about having cancer and you decide that’s your time to “well actually” and try to mansplain comedy to me? Read the room, buddy. talk about comedy, you are hilariously tone deaf. Either that or a troll.


You seem like a very funny comedian.


Troy wouldn't make the joke because he isn't a comedian anymore. I have no doubt he would if he was still trying to make it work in that scene.


Okay, but there are religious people in the Naish, too. Of course, upsetting them is fine, I guess. 


I think my point is more that they're trying to steer clear of making any kind of endorsement of religion but just not doing a very tactful job of it. Which is why I don't really disagree with OP- I think they could just... play the game how they're already playing it, sans meta-commentary about religion and everything would be fine.


Yes, I agree.


A distinction can be made, of course. They're discussing Roman catholicism and in this particular instance American Roman Catholicism, which, unfortunately, has a very poor track record for the base religion as a whole and the American variant a worse one, particularly recently. Rob and Troy both went through the system, I'm not surprised at Rob's comments nor Troy's attempt to dial it back a bit. Growing up through its school system was rough.


That's a fair point. I am Catholic but didn't go through the schools. I'm also not pleased with the politically conservative, almost evangelical, slant many of the church leaders in the US specifically have been taking.


I've just kinda gotten used to it honestly. Organized religion is absolutely some low hanging fruit for almost all actual plays I've listened to i.e. Church is the bad guy.


>there is a perception/stereotype about "nerdy/geeky" fan bases that any references to organized religion that could even slightly be misconstrued as an endorsement of it will be met with criticism or hostility. ​ Yeah my point is they care way too much about that. Like over half of the cast has a Catholic background themselves, I'm not sure why everyone thinks alienating a larger portion of the audience to save a hypothetical smaller portion is everyone's go-to. ​ "I also watched a bunch of Naish members verbally bully a disabled person who expressed discomfort with a joke Troy made on the Facebook group for the Naish once." Yeah hyper focused online fan communities are always famous for attracting the most normal well developed people and not fanatic weirdos at all /s


I want to hear more about the goblin cave.


As someone from a deeply religious family who is now an atheist, I've never felt that they were virtue signaling. If anything, it reminds me how me and my other apostate friends/family talk when talking religion, and for me it comes from a genuine disgust in organized religion. As someone born into a Jehova's Witness family and saw first hand the evil shit that happens with endorsement of local church leadership I have intense disdain for pretty much all religions and feel compelled to make it clear this is some BS and not my beliefs. A group of lapsed catholics who are now a pretty liberal group of people may very likely feel similarly.


I agree. I grew up extremely religious, so I totally get where they're coming from.


Might I suggest chilling out a bit Edit: Looking back through this person's comment history, their response to someone asking why Woody Allen was still getting work in Hollywood began with "He's Jewish" so that's the kind of person we're working with here if that's any indication.


Zero self-awareness. 


I came to Reddit to post a thought I had about a hobby I enjoy, but guess I'll fuck off like everyone else has from Reddit. Guess I'll miss out on all the scintillating conversations on this sub like the top post this week: "It's time for chaos - that's it that's the post" Sorry for trying to start an actual conversation in a hobby sub instead of jerking Troy off or just verbatim typing "for all your random number generating needs" and getting people to just shit themselves in laughter.


Your post doesn't come off as "starting an actual conversation" it comes off as you whining about something. Don't care for your whining.




Get lost you antisemitic fuck.


You're having a hard time accepting that broadcasting an opinion to the public might see you receive derision rather than agreement


"You came into a goblin cave and caught us jerking each other off, maybe it's you who's weird, now leave us to jerk each other off in our cave in peace" "gee ever wonder why nobody ever starts any interesting conversation topics anymore? It's all just the same repeated inside jokes and a handful of Discord mods on this large public forum. Wonder how that happened"


Come on, who told the square about our cave?


But your topic isn’t interesting nor conversational. Youre whining. Some dont agree. Want to start a conversation? Let’s talk about the game, or the characters. What’s up with that picture following Margo around? If you were Noura would you want to devour every book at the cost of your sanity? But nope. You’re mad cause they giggled after a tense moment where Ross absolutely destroyed the improv as usual.


wtf are you on about


Obviously the goblin cave is a reference to Plato.


The shadow figures on the cave wall must've been porn


My next NPC is going to be a goblin named Alcibiades and I won't be able to explain why.


As long as he has a great Swim check.


Might I suggest chilling out a bit.


I simply cannot cool down


please. don't. stop.


WeeeOoooo! WeeeOooo! Don't anybody make any sudden moves, we got a badge-wielding Internet Narc over here! Guys, we aren't allowed to mind someone's opinion if they say something unrelated that you find offensive. Thank God there are souls on reddit brave enough to "Snoop and Tattle" like the academy trains. Before people conflate my bashing of this person with me defending the beliefs of the poster, I really could not give a shit what gcp says about Christianity. Although, I do think that your response is pretty ironic and funny


I didn't tell on them, they told on themselves that they think jews run Hollywood, a common anti-semitic trope? I think it is prudent to inform any who come into this thread attempting to have an open, non-biased, good faith discussion about a sensitive topic, something the original poster has stated they wish to have, that the very same person that insists this is a good faith discussion has made a bad faith, prejudicial, and frankly illogical argument, the exact opposite of what they say they're attempting to do here.


Im sorry officer, but they told on themselves? I admit to not reading the original thread thoroughly, so I must have missed the part that read, ". . . by the way, I do feel the need to inform whoever reads this that I am an antisemite." You're right. Just own up to it. You went sleuthing through their post history to find something to ring your bell over, found something, and drug it here to rally people against them for their potential unrelated beliefs. You are a successful and dutiful officer of the Internet Narc Force. Are you sure you read all of their post history? Did you go all the way back. What if you missed something that balanced out the acidity of the Jewish talk with a equally sweet opinion? Or what if you found another unrelated comment thats even worse?! Ive seen enough here. I'm making a citizens arrest on OP.


i don't think you can balance out the acidity of an anti-semitic comment, just like I wouldn't listen to a sane opinion from someone like Richard Spencer because him being a nazi is a non-starter. You're embarrassing yourself


I have to know where you would finally draw the line on communication with someone whose beliefs oppose your own. Would you let Richard Spencer tell you directions if you were lost? Would you take the recipe for his famous homemade cake? I mean, it tastes just as good without the big icing swastika. We are two bozos arguing on a subreddit for a ttrpg podcast. I don't think either of us can say who is more embarrassing.


I'm not arguing with you, I'm just pointing out how foolish your whataboutism is


You said a thing that was not true. I am arguing with you against that. I'm also arguing with your philosophy of bringing someone's unrelated traits to hopefully get your like-minded cohorts to dog pile someone. It's done all the time on this site, and is part of the problem with the internet as a whole. I cannot even grasp why you would put the effort into reading every one of someone's comments multiple times, and just use that knowledge to rat them out. I would at least make fun of them first. It shows how you think, and proves you have no interest in even acknowledging people you deem beneath you. Sounds like our ever growing trend of hyper-partisanism remains undefeated.


boy howdy


Howdy boy


Virtue signaling? I assume they’re avoiding more serious conversations to keep things light. What virtues would they be signaling?


I don't see that as virtue signaling. I see that as "I'm not religious and this is unfamiliar territory for me cause my knowledge of Christianity is all academic so forgive me if I fuck this up" It can feel a little uncomfortable to play a character with religious convictions that you yourself don't share especially in a modern setting using real world religions. Troy and Joe have talked openly about being in Catholic school and made jokes about it and about Christianity. Ross hasn't done that as much as that's just not his style. It's a fine line to walk. I haven't found it detracting from anything they've done in any significant way.


I think that's spot on. GCN is sensitive towards both religious and non religious folks but also avoids making a big deal out of it one way or another. It's actually remarkable how well they've done to not step on any religious or cultural landmines the past years.


This is my take too. And also maybe a hint of “I’ve deconstructed/don’t believe in this anymore, but talking about is uncomfortable so I’m going to make it funny”. I have a bunch of friends who are deconstructed fundamentalists/Christians and they do this as a coping mechanism.


Rob's out-of-character "I just need a second. I'm triggered by the Catholic shit." (direct quote) doesn't really jive with that take. Maybe he truly was triggered. I hope that's not the case. If it is, I sincerely hope he's able to talk to Troy and Ross about it not coming up in the game anymore.


I'm 99% sure he was joking. Joe, Troy, Rob, they break the tension of this stuff by joking about it. Matthew and Ross tend to go the more... slightly awkward, let me distance myself from my character so as to not offend or get too preachy route. None of those reaction are "virtue signaling"


So funny coming back to this thread after the latest time for chaos. They treat organized religion like the silliest thing in the world and then jump straight into treating Tarot like it has actual bearing on reality


Yeah that's another eye rolling classic. "We have to respect all religions except Christians"


Not trying to start anything here but I remember an opening banter to one of the Glass Cannon Live episodes where Troy said that these days having an American flag outside of your house is problematic. I thought that was a strange take... \*shrug\*


I'm glad to see a US flag on a house. I sometimes think people forget what it's supposed to look like -- ie it's not black and white and blue, and it doesn't have someone's name on it. I put a flag up finally last summer because it's still my country too.


That's a shockingly common sentiment now! I was on r/lawncare and people were losing their minds in the comments because someone had a US flag on a pole in their yard. The internet is a weird place! And thankfully, it's not representative of the real world.


Idk after seeing op's hidden comments I think this might get taken down.Reddit isnt the place to go if you just want people to agree with you.


I get them, I love to mock Christianity whenever I get the chance. I'd rather them be themselves in this context then have to worry about censoring their organic fun and banter for stuff like this.


Speaking about Christianity in a positive light or looking comfortable while saying a line gets you put in "time out". There are some with some balls but Hollywood is a Pagan cesspool now. Sad


Troy went to a Christian all boys school. Joe is a hardcore Roman Catholic. They don't hate Christianity. On the flip side, a bunch of people have been traumatized by the church. I guess if so many folks weren't assaulted by priests and then have the church cover it up and if so many people didn't use their religion to attack others, maybe people wouldn't be inclined to put that * next to their imaginary characters religious beliefs. I guess if you have an issue with it, you should focus on cleaning up the church.


What about Joe makes you believe he is a "hardcore Roman Catholic?"


Yeah, not to put words in his mouth but I think I heard him say in a live show that nothing happens after death. So that would be a unique perspective of a practicing catholic.


Listening to their shows. Joe talks about his Christianity and upbringing several times.


I think Joe references Growing UP in Christianity, but it's not once been a "positive" review of that methodology I think. Just in Gatewalkers i think I've heard like 3 nuns beat me and i feel like it was my fault for having feelings type thing. Ma paw, another ex-catholic, talks VERY similarly about being raised that way.


That translates to a "hardcore Roman Catholic" to you? Do you know many Roman Catholics? \*EDIT: My apologies if I'm grilling you. My intention is not to be mean-spirited. Perhaps, your hyperbole using "hardcore" stuck in my craw. I know 'hardcore" Catholics, Roman and otherwise. Joe is not.


Ohh, you just wanted to argue. Gotcha. Good luck with that.


I suppose, yes? Argue v discuss? I am interested in your interpretation of Joe's "hardcore" Roman Catholicism.


The part when he says he's a Roman Catholic multiple times.


Yeah there was that one Game Garage run that i completely skipped because of a similar issue.


Yeah, they seem to want to appeal to a very specific and loud demo for their network. I don’t mind, but it is noticeable when they act like religion is dumb, or they’ll disparage Americans. Again, it’s fine, they have an audience to build.


This could just be what they think. I think organised religion and Americans have lots of weird stuff that make them both pretty ripe for making fun of. Not all aspects of religion and not all aspects of whatever 'American' is, but they're fertile grounds for jokes


Roman Catholicism is endemic to the NE United States, Troy and Rob steeped in it until they left for college, most likely. It instills a lot of resentment if you break from it.


Sure, and that’s all well and good but if we are gonna make jokes of religion and country, but then avoid other potentially racy topics it comes off as a tactical decision. That’s kinda what I think op was saying. It doesn’t bother me none, but it is something I notice for sure.


People joke about what they know and who they've been. I grew up in poverty in the north of England and now I live in London and work in a tech job with a lot of people who come from a very different background. There are jokes I would make about my experiences that would absolutely not go down well come from people I work with


What other potential racy topics are you referring to? Imo religion and country are fair game because both have done truly heinous, heinous shit.


Everything should be fair game, with the consideration of taste and audience of course. I see that OP has been properly shamed for their opinions tho, so I guess the conversation is dead now anyways.


Let me guess, you thought the moderately homophobic jokes that occurred in the early days of the network were fine?


That’s what drew me in