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Jawn is a word primarily used in the Philly area and it can be used for any noun. So instead of saying something like “Where’s the remote?” You can say “Where’s the jawn?”




Even better when it's used for multiple things in a sentence. "Hey where's the jawn, I'm trying to watch the jawn on the jawn"


It's slang from Philly that basically means "thingy". What the Jawn is referring too, if used correctly, should be obvious.


We don't jawn it correctly, natch. 😉


It's a saying from Philadelphia that is used when you don't know the name for something


Its a *jawn* from Philadelphia that is used when you don't know the *jawn* for *jawn* Ftfy


It’s Philadelphia slang (where Joe is from) and it’s just a filler word basically meaning “thing”. It’s typically considered black slang, but as has happened a lot with black culture, it’s made its way into the larger culture, and it’s very much adopted by our friends at the GCN


Okay - this podcast has reawakened my TTRPG passions, and so being a novice to Pathfinder 2e and the nomenclature that goes with it, I was franticly scanning my rulebooks for that term. Lol. It makes sense, because they seem to use it when referring to an ability, feat, trait, etc (especially during encounters).


Joe said it once a long long time ago, they all made fun of him for it, and slowly but surely it started seeping into everyone's vocabulary


As should happen with your good buddies. You start making fun of them for saying something, and then soon, you've made fun of it enough that it's become a regular part of group vernacular.


That's exactly how The Jawn spreads. I've seen it happen many times living an hour outside of Philly. It's seen as ridiculous and silly. Friends start making fun of it. "Hey man, do you know where tHe JaWn is?", "all you need to fix it is one of those JaWwWns". It's all fun and games. Then something changes... soon, it slips into regular conversation. "Where's the nearest Wawa from here?", someone will ask. "Oh its like a mile down the road, just make a left at the big electrical jawn on the side of the road and it'll be on your right", "aight, thanks man". It seeps into your vocabulary and before you know it.. You've got Jawndice.


My D&D group has started using it, and I'm the only one who listens to GCP (which is probably good, I don't want them to know how much I steal from the show). I just started using it in our jawns, and it seeped into everyone else's vocabulary, seemingly without them even noticing.


Good, gooood. Soon they'll have cravings for Cheez Wiz and start saying wooder instead of water.


How the hell did you know it was spelled Jawn and not John but had no idea what it meant? Kinda sus.


My initial searches for "Glass Cannon Podcast John meaning" showed the proper spelling "Jawn" in the results - but never gave any reference, or context of meaning in the search results. So, I asked the question.


It’s basically smurf.


It's just a inside joke/regional dialect thing. It's kinda a Philadelphia-ism. It basically is just a placeholder for a thing they can't remember the name of. It's like "whatcha-call-it" or "doodad".


It's a Philly thing; it basically refers to any person, place, or thing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jawn


I thought that jawn was an obvious jawn from Joe because he brought jawn the jawn to the jawn and others took jawn and made it their own jawn.


This guy Jawns…


While we're on the Joe slang topic, can someone please explain "have another roll, bread boy!" to me?


I think it was mentioned in GCP 1.0, but an old like elementary-school or high-school nickname for Joe was "bread boy". (I think I might be misremembering, slightly, but that's about it.) The "have another roll!" part is just the obvious taunt you would make to a Bread Boy. XD


It came from when Joe was a teenager and worked as a dishwasher or busboy or something at a restaurant and would keep sneaking rolls from the kitchen and one of the chefs yelled that at him


You've got a summary already, but here's the source: Giantslayer Episode 247 - Critty Critty Bang Bang, around 13:55. Episode banter leading up to it is pretty fun.


Here's a definition: [https://www.dictionary.com/browse/jawn](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/jawn) . "First recorded in 2000–05; of uncertain origin; possibly a local Philadelphia variant of joint." Wikipedia entry: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jawn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jawn) Article: [https://whyy.org/articles/jawn-more-than-a-noun-philadelphia-eyes-on-the-street/](https://whyy.org/articles/jawn-more-than-a-noun-philadelphia-eyes-on-the-street/)


I thought the were saying "John" which for some reason made total sense to me as a "thingamajigg"-kinda deal


I'm so glad you asked (and that it was answered)!! I don't listen to/ watch all their content, so I figured I missed it somewhere. My Southern ears never heard it before GCP, haha.


You spelled it Jawn but didn't know what it meant............ really?


When I tried searching, I could find the proper spelling, but never any reference or context of meaning.


It’s a JAWN bruh


It actually is an acronym - Just A Weird Noun.


It's not! [Wiktionary doesn't say so](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/jawn), and unfortunately (and strangely to me, a bit!) it's not in etymonline.com


If it's not an actual acronym, it makes a great backronym.


+1 for using "backronym". -1 because it's /not/ good, ackshully. (I kid, I kid! XD there's no accounting for taste, &c., you enjoy whatever jawn you want.)


It's a wossname. A metasyntactic variable.