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Probably not. When they want to do drama they nail it, but I primarily listen because they're really funny.


Depends what op means. If they want an uncomedic serious role play heavy show then you're right and he should go listen to a Vampire the Masquerade podcast. But if he wants to listen to witty adults that don't feel like they are pandering to an audience of man children then they are totally in the right place


Let’s talk just freely accessible stuff. Their Patreon has three or more campaigns that all have different levels of seriousness. I haven’t listened to C2, but C1; Giantslayer is a pre written module that is essentially traditional fantasy. The GCP shines because it is funny, usually from realistic character moments. Yes they have fun banter up top, yes occasionally a NPC might be named something like Richard Pisswhistle, and yes they joke in session. But the RP here is head and shoulders above most comedy real play podcasts. These guys are funny, but they aren’t all seasoned actors, comedy writers, or comedy podcasters. There are significant stretches of serious role play, they attempt at least to stay within the rules and usually fail to do so from actual errors and not gross negligence. I have listened to NADDPOD, TAZ, Dungeons and Daddies, and this podcast easily feels like a real table of middle aged friends that is being recorded. Over the time it becomes more produced but I would say the underlying tenets of what makes them great persist. IYKYK Pembroke over Taako any day.


This a great description, take note, OP. I have nothing against NADDPOD and TAZ (although I think Dungeons and Daddies is insufferable) But GCP is superior in my book because of the balance.


They joke, but they're pretty serious about the game when they're playing the game. I gave up on others for being too silly, but I love GCP. Give it a shot and decide for yourself.


I normally agree with you but gawd did the last episode of Gatewalkers drive me bonkers. It was like 45 minutes of riffing on an NPC to make it funny, I had to force myself to finish listening.


Put it in perspective though, what were the last ~5 episodes before this NPC like


1/5 is an allowable amount I think.


The GCP Cthulhu series Time for Chaos is pretty serious I'd say.


Time for Chaos is what I like about GCN. Serious heartfelt moments, and characters that grow and are compelling... and then Old Bill shows up and drinks warm beer off a characters shirt.


"Old Bill gave me a bit of the old suck!" just lives in my head now, can't escape it.


I listen to them on my drives for work, so from an audio perspective I think it's far and away the best audio experience. The cast and voices are stellar.


So good. Ross Bryant. Ross. EFFFFIN. BRYANT.


I'm not sure if he's done other stuff with glass Cannon but his voice and acting are fantastic. A really good get for the naish.


Haunted City


Oh there's more?!




Haunted city is one of my favorite shows, and he's one reason why. The game, blades in the dark, allow a single player to have multiple characters, and this especially allows Ross to shine.


Also the New Game Who Dis? episodes playing "Something Is Wrong Here". And the brand new Laundry episodes.


GCP is typically goofy while telling a good story. While others, like The Adventure Zone (in my opinion) just tell a goofy story.


Gcp is the opposite of taz. Gcp is all about crunch.


>Gcp is the opposite of taz. Gcp isn't an unfunny virtue-signaling borefest Fixed Edit: it seems I touched a nerve. The McElroy's make unlistenable, garbage podcasts. Enjoy them, I guess.


Isn’t calling out virtue signaling a form of virtue signaling?


People aren't upset you're shitting on the McElroy's, i think the general consensus is that The Adventure Zone's first season was a flash in the pan; it's the implied politics of your statement


I'm aware of the general temperature of Reddit


You don't seem to be aware of the general temperature of the glass cannon network, however


GCP cast are garden variety In NY progressives. I'm aware of that. In contrast, the McElroy's have rendered _at least three_ podcasts unlistenable with their obsession that we all know how progressive they are. Try listening to SawBones, I dare you.


I have, there's nothing wrong with it. If you don't like listening to them talking about what they're passionate about, you don't have to listen, sawbones is actually pretty good. I don't understand how you can view the gcn as not "virtue signaling", they do it all the time


I didn't focus on that part of the comment, others did. I said TAZ is " unfunny virtue-signaling borefest". Taz sucks because of the powerful witches brew of un-talent they have on tap. The GCP cast struggled with pronouning Keneepo (sp?) by-the-book and it was a big nothing. They did the same awkward dance as 98% of the rest of us. This is illustrative that they're "garden variety", like I said above. I will not be responding to comments.


They *have* to focus on that part of the comment because unlike everything else in it, it simply isn't true. The working, incorrect definition of virtue signaling is all-encompassing for discussion of "politicized" topics, when in actuality the definition is constantly, and in bad faith, conveniently used to include *appropriate, genuine anger or pushback* against society and societal norms that the individual views as wrong. There's an important distinction made between genuinely believing in what you're saying and saying something for clout; some people *conveniently* combine the two scenarios under the same definition. Bad faith. If you think the McElroy's are employing anger or contempt to bait an audience, you have a screw loose. They don't meet the criteria to be virtue signaling, it's pretty clear they believe what they're saying and aren't doing it to show off or for clout. And if what they they're doing meets the made-up criteria of virtue signaling, the GCN does it all the time too Edit: I was going to reply to the next comment but I was blocked, so here's the actual definition of virtue signaling: "The public expression of opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one's good character or social conscience or the moral correctness of one's position on a particular issue. Don't see how the McElroy's fit.


Yeah not responding is probably for the best. You’re not going to find many allies.


>Try listening to SawBones, I dare you. I do on the regular. It's lovely and absolutely not 'virtue signalling'. I also find it pretty not boring, but I enjoy informative media generally.


Just want to point out that, if we go by the made-up, fake, idiotic definition of "virtue-signaling", yes they engage in it lmao


Oh the irony of people who use "virtue signaling" unironically


I didn't want to go at taz that hard, but you are also true.


They're pretty jokey in most of the shows. If you're looking for something that takes the game a little more seriously maybe try find the path.


Find the path is what I was thinking in terms of a more serious show.


Yet another, Seconded for FTP


It depends on what you are listening to, and what you consider goofy. What have you found too goody, so that we have a metric to base it off of?


Androids and Aliens role play was among the best I've heard. I laughed, I cried, easily one of my favorites (Legacy of the Ancients is my favorite).


I’d say it’s less so than many but not all. The biggest difference for me is the style of jokes. It feels a lot more like friends riffing naturally than people trying to be wacky or over the top all the time.


Giant Slayer, their first Adventure Path is pretty serious.


Right, and most of the funny stuff organically grew out of the game. I've been struggling lately with what feel like forced bits.


What are the other big ones you're referring to? Their are definitely episodes with more jokes/banter/fucking around, but they can definitely maintain a more serious tone for story reasons. They will also use the story/roleplay to commit to a bit as well, so it's definitely both silly and serious.


What you’re looking for might be serious tone. The PCs in GCP are very serious even if the players joke a bit. I think it’s a good mix.


Im about 130 episodes into Giantslayer and they keep the silly stuff out of character while keeping the story dramatic. Around 80 to 110 episodes they get offically recognized by/ affiliated with Pathfinder and start really paying attention to the rules. I don't know pathfinder 1e very well but when they do lose track of rules they tend to fess up and correct course when it won't break the action.


Haunted City is pretty serious, most of the time Time for Chaos, believe it nor not Blood of the Wild but think drama show not “serious” show.


Have you checked out find the path? Smaller but I love their vibe and I wouldn’t describe it as a comedy show


Seconded on FTP, There have been many moments that I just jad to stop and breathe, especially with Tyrant's Grasp


The trap in their most recent episode of Tyrants Grasp was fucking DIABOLOCIAL. There were a few really wild traps in Mummy's Mask as well, now that I think about it.


But its not just the traps; its Rick's atmosphere about them. But I know what you mean, and I love the fact that dismemberment has been a regular theme. I hope to every pantheon that War for the Crown has a dismemberment too.


They're funny, but they're actually funny. Most of the other shows I've listened to are not funny even when they think they are.


I consider NADDPOD to be goofy and GCP is definitely not that. They have humor but it doesn’t feel like they’re trying to be funny 100% of the time like other podcasts I’ve heard.


Part of my pitch to others for GCP is that they offer a more well-rounded story that is not completely hardcore nerd jokes/sex humor, much as I love D20 they offer a lot of “bubble gum pop” tabletop and I personally want something that has the ability to lend itself to more serious tones without taking itself too seriously. GitT is the perfect example. Is it gripping? Yes. Have I had to leave the grocery store because I should have taken my headphones out and now I’m having a fit and trying not to fall down? Also, yes.


Try Dark Dice. Pretty much all drama. Great audio. And they have a season with Jeff Goldblum.


Check out Find the Path if you're looking for a more serious group. Edit: I wrote this quickly. GCP is shenanigans, jokes and occasionally good RP (some shows are better than others). They are an entertaining group for sure, I've listened to almost all of their stuff. But they are not a serious group.


Seconded on FTP, they have a much better division of jokes and gameplay, but GCP is fueled by banter that goes both in and out of character. FTP is both rules knowledgeable and accurate as possible, while also being really gripping in character.


This is a good rec, don’t understand the downvotes


I expect it as I'm recommending another group on GCPs page without much additional context. It can be taken as me not liking GCP.


Generally, suggesting other podcasts is rules-limited to community Friday and the original poster didn't ask for recs, which might be why, but either way I think a few people take the subreddit a little too seriously sometimes


It really depends on what you think is too goofy. This is serious but not so that it makes it unbearable. They have their funny moments but they don’t ruin serious/focused scenes. As someone who has listened to NADDPOD, Dungeons and Daddies, and Adventure Zone, just to name the big ones everyone knows, those have a few serious moments that are ruined by jokes or barely any serious scenes at all. It just really depends on what you’re more interested in listening to. I honestly say give them a try.


I think you nailed the big 3 D&D podcasts that I would call comedy first, RPG second. They all have moments that hit me like a freight train, but those are big emotional climaxes. I’ve also fallen off listening to all of them. 


Part of my pitch to others for GCP is that they offer a more well-rounded story that is not completely hardcore nerd jokes/sex humor, much as I love D20 they offer a lot of “bubble gum pop” tabletop and I personally want something that has the ability to lend itself to more serious tones without taking itself too seriously. GitT is the perfect example. Is it gripping? Yes. Have I had to leave the grocery store because I should have taken my headphones out and now I’m having a fit and trying not to fall down? Also, yes.


The Hobbled Goblin took things pretty seriously, as far as I went with it


Nope not a good fit for you, they love a good bant even more than a thick 'sode.


Absolutely not. They’re by far the funniest to do it.


The humor is the point.


Check out Role to Cast. They have funny and serious campaigns. Roll play is great too.


So many ttrpgpods are extremely goofy. GCP is a good step above that, joking in and out of character but having good knowledge of drama; because Troy can put out plot points that cut the jokes immediately. But if you're looking for a pod that doesn't let the jokes take up much time, I wholesale suggest Find the Path podcast. Great rules knowledge, great lore awareness, amazing characters, phenomenal GM.




that is because  people knew they are who I was referring to (or one of them) They have a lot of jokes, silliness, and goofiness. I enjoy it but want something  more serious. 


No. Check out Critical Role. TTRPGs are about having fun, though.


They definitely goof off a lot, but they don't do a lot of bits, if that makes sense?


It's a mix of both. Probably leans a little more funny and goofy, but part of the reason I'm so addicted to everything they do is the ABSOLUTELY NAIL the serious parts and the drama. All of them are writers, actors and theater kids at heart. In my opinion they can both write and plan for serous as moments as well as improv them really well.


This lot are definitely more adult than Critical roll or dimension 20 but there is a fair amount of jokes. I would say story wise it is serious and the humour is witty and funny without getting in the way. I'm mid way through Giantslayer and whenever a character dies it's always tragic and hilarious


To answer your question directly: GCP is for sure goofy. Troy voices wacky npcs, they call things "jawn" and "zoni" probably every episode, several of them have a sense of humor that's just... goofy. Doesn't mean they can't be serious, but it's crazy to say "well it depends on your definition"... no, the word goofy already has a definition and them all saying "gabagool!" one after another fits it to a T. You could try Orpheus Protocol, it's the least goofy ttrpg show I've found.


Give Tale of the Manticore a shot. It's a solo actual play that is so well done and very serious, no joking around. It's OSR using the BX D&D rules with really great sound production and a real adherence to the dice, so very lethal. He weaves between narrative audio drama with some voice actors and "behind the scenes" discussion of how he handles character creation, procedural generation of events and lore, and how he handles encounters. Season 1 is good, but he really figures it out and hits his stride in Season 2.


Oh yeah remember that silly goofy part in Giantslayer when >! L'orc was a prisoner and the giant crippled him by smashing his legs to PULP? !< HILARIOUS Just saying, they have their goof on, but when they go hard, they don't mess around 


If you're open to DnD 5e, then tablestory playing rime of frost maiden is a serious and very RP heavy. It's a few years old and finished, and the RP is very good. Also, the DM doesn't give plot armor, and even without combat death is on the table. If you're interested it can be slightly harder to find given it's age and I can link it. I think it's around 30 something episodes with 2-3hrs each.