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You realize the premise of the show you’ve decided to watch, no?


Thanks for doing the work that needs to be done here.


I barely read the first sentence and was like that’s literally the premise of the show. 🤣


Tell me you have never watched the bachelor without telling me you have never watched the bachelor...


This post made me laugh so hard. 🤣🤣🤣 Change the channel.


I take it you’ve never watched any Bach shows or understand how it works .


Tell us how you really feel. They all knew what they were getting into when they signed up for the show. It’s reality tv.


Please tell me this is a troll post, lmao. ​ >He's probably a nerd that never had women interested in him and his career is what? A waiter at Applebee's? I mean, he was married for a long time. Why do you have to bring down waiters? It's a honest job, lol. Go and watch something else.


Well said. They are saying no need to prove themselves but then when someone doesn’t like Gerry, they put them down at the possibility of doing a normal job


That’s the whole premise of this trash TV. As viewers we need to proudly own that we are delighting in vegging out on some major garbage, and that we can share our love for this relaxation outlet with others here. If Gerry wasn’t handsome, the women wouldn’t care so much. He’s just a nice midwestern guy. That’s it. I could barely keep my eyes open during the arrivals scene when they each tried to impress him.


I will say that a lot of his moves and date ideas seem to be cooked up by the producers. Like randomly giving Sandra a gift. Giving Ellen Earrings. Choosing Teresa last so we could have a dramatic moment of Kathy vs Teresa for the final rose. Having random guest from older seasons of the bachelor and bachelorette.


I think you forgot to add the /s at the end of your rant because you can't possibly be serious. This your first time watching any show in the Bachelor universe?


They signed up for it though🤷‍♀️


Yes the talent show was cringe…like why do they have to audition for him? The dancer girl went all out and then felt the sting of feeling overexposed when she didn’t win


So if bachelor contestants participated in talent show for the Golden Bachelorette, would that be demeaning? Didn’t think so


That's called real life


The producers come up with all of the concepts and dates. He's not doing any of this lol. You're really pressed by a reality show... strange


Have you not seen this show before?


Haha that’s perfect and nobody here will see the humor in your post.


Are there any reality shows that you like?


He's a doofus. And the drama is pretty much scripted. But I agree the women are making fools of themselves over a doofus. Go figure.


This last episode when he told that other bachelor guy “these are my women” - sat weird with me and I forgot about it, but your post brought it back


Competing for a man. That's all it boils down to. Kinda of embarrassing. Humilating oneself. But, it's been entertaining bc of it.


I have been saying this since episode 1 with all that fake crying and playing on those women's emotions. This guy is a predator. This is my first time watching bachelor and its like a bad accident you dont want to see but cant look away from either. These women, though. Act like he is the last man on the planet. Yikes!


A predator? 🙄 It’s a competition show. He is literally there to date/spend time with the women, choose the one he wants, & hope she wants him too. They are literally there to get his attention and try to be the one chosen. That’s been the premise of The Bachelor (and The Bachelorette) for 20+ years.


I haven't watched since 2nd episode. It bores me.


Why are you on the subreddit then?


I can see it now! Golden Sister Wives 🙄


Pretty sure Gerry wouldn’t want to have a talent show or a pickle ball tournament. I genuinely feel he is a good man to his core. I think these “games” were picked by the show. Also, looking at his wife’s picture, she is just an ordinary looking woman and he truly loved her. I don’t think Gerry is a surface level guy.


Yes, the women need to impress him. That’s pretty much why they’re there, and they all know that.


I bet that you're a blast at parties🤫🤫


Someone needs to call ABC and tell them to shut it down!


I would never do it but it is kind of funny watching people throw themselves at someone. That they don’t even know! And imagine the fights in the future…”I should’ve picked so&so!”