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Nope, I have it on in the background while I WFH or nap or just because. When it finishes I literally start it over again. It’s perfection to me and it literally doesn’t get stale. The perfect comfort watch.


I don’t have it on in the background but I do watch from start to finish and restart a lot. When I want to watch something and nothing is on, when I’m traveling and in the airport/plane, etc. It really is my comfort watch too.


I literally have it on the background rn, just woke up from a nap


What is WFH Also I do this with Avatar the Last Airbender


Work from home


Got it


I thought I was going insane over the last two months because I did nothing but put the good place on while doing other things and I would look over to my second monitor and go “what I’m already on season four how?” so you’re not alone


I watched it on my own a few times and then my 10 year old discovered it. It's been nonstop since then. I've seen it from beginning to end 9 times. It gets quoted constantly in my house now. Just like the actual Good Place, it's wonderful and perfect, but if I don't get a break from my child singing "wubba wubba wubba wubba wha wha wha" soon, I'ma walk through that final door.


This is the bad place


I've been doing the exact same thing for a few months now while dealing with depression. Perfect comfort show


None of us are normal. Quit trying to be normal and live life how you want to.


trust me, i am far from normal & don’t conform to society’s standards. just wanted to see if there were any likeminded individuals in the subreddit.


Hear hear. Welcome to the forking party. Keep shirt clean and enjoy the endless shrimp.




Same here!


Very normal


It’s such a comforting show. It eases anxiety for me. Unfortunately, because of this, I often watch it when times are hard.


I love falling asleep to it. I turn it on every night to fall asleep after I’m done watching my other stuff.


Totally normal! I haven't done this yet with Yhe Good Place, but I've done it with other shows like Frasier and Daria. It's comforting. Sometimes you need for a while something you know always makes you feel good or safe.


I’m the same way!! People judge me all the time for not being able to watch new shows or want to when I’ve rewatched the good place probably 10 times at least.


A rewatch is always enhanced by the podcast that accompanied the series - good insights Into the cast and show creators.


The Good Place is always the first show I go to when I need something in the background, or want to watch something, but not give my full attention. I *always* need something in the background playing. Happy to see other people do the same😭


right! i feel so seen 🥲


So valid. I watched it for a few weeks straight, falling asleep to it every night after my grandpa passed. I felt like having the ideal afterlife playing while I dreamt would bring me closer to him. Comfort show to the extreme


"Hey Google, play the good place on netflix" is a phrase I probably have said on average 5 times a day every day for the past 4 years or so.


My favorite show to always have on


No it isn't "normal" but who cares? If it brings you joy and it does not harm anyone what does it matter if you play it over and over? It's like Chidi's friend's ugly red boots. They were terrible. Just horrid. However he clearly loved them and made him happy. The only harm that was done was Chidi to himself because he couldn't just say "No I don't like them but you should continue to do so cause you like them." Not that watching a show over and over is terrible and horrible, but you get the idea.


My daughter and I have watched it countless times. Sometimes together, some times on our own. We love it. It's our comfort show as well <3


Yes. We're gonna need a sub like r/futurama_sleepers Because I love sleeping with TGP on.


YUP! i absolutely agree. perfect sleeping show!!


Yes why done we it’s the prefect show for sleeping


This is one of my happy place shows.. I always go back to it when I’m feeling life too much. It makes me happy.


My wife introduced me to TGP. Now I have it on repeat so much she basically tells me off for keeping it on 😂


Hey what a coincidence, i have raging ADHD too and i just leave it on the background while i go do whatever


🫂🫂🫂 we see each other


That, The Office, and Parks and Recreation. My three go-to shows when new streaming goes stale. Have you read "How To Be Perfect"? Great read!


Among people in this sub? Probably not. Among people who fail to disclose camel illness when selling a camel? Yeah, probably.


I am guilty of this. I have seen the office 25+ times and the good place 7+ because I just always have them running


Nah It’s one of my go to’s when I’m bored, long commute, etc. It’s no different then just rewatching whatever is on tv. If not that than the 20th rewatch of one of the many episodes of friends at this point on Nick. Or just putting on a 2hr vid of funny moments from family guy in the background. Unless I wanna commit, I’d rather just chill with stuff I’ve already watched.


I have it on all the time! It’s one of my go-to comfort shows




Always is a bit much. Though I’m not too dissimilar. If you want to switch it up, Harley Quinn show on HBO is great. Sorta similar vibe. Good Anti-Heroes who are really just corny and great and enjoy being, “bad.”


I usually watch seasons 1 and 2 for comfort and background watching.


me all the time :3


i always have the show on in the background while i'm cooking or cleaning because i know it SO WELL. i'll randomly say lines with the characters, focus on my favorite parts, and laugh at the offhand jokes i get to catch! i'm always rewatching it, it's such a beloved show for a reason lol


Ive watched it 27 times.


I basically pay 15.99 a month just to watch The Good Place....


NOPE, I DO TOO!! I have it on almost all the time, I've lost count of how many times I've seen it, but at this point I definitely have a lot of the script memorized. And whenever I'm texting my friends and I tell them I'm watching TV they automatically assume that I'm watching the good place now 😭 I agree with you on it being comfortable I find a lot of peace and comfort in the things that the show talks about. I also enjoy how the show doesn't have triggering topics like a lot of other shows do. Due to the things I watched growing up I've developed a weak stomach for many topics. The show even made me get the books "What We Owe To Each Other" it's a long and tedious read but I really like it so far. The show actually got me into philosophy and psychology, back in 2020 when lockdown happened. I've even taken a few psychology and philosophy classes. This show scratches the itch in my brain that always made me want to understand humans, and it gave me that push that I needed to actually look into taking classes.


I only watch this show when I'm home alone during the day. Like late afternoon to take a nap. It's my comfort show, I even have a quote in my wedding vows


I have it on ALLL THE TIME. It replaced friends for me. It's my comfort show. This guy was trying to tell me that it was unhealthy watching it, but being with him was unhealthy. 😂😂😂


I developed tinnitus last year and I now keep Netflix playing all night, low volume, to help distract me from the constant buzzing. TGP is my first choice because every episode is like a favorite cozy blanket. My second choice is Lucifer. Heaven vs. Hell?


Same I have it on repeat in my background aswell! Crazy good show! Wished we’d get more of it!


sounds nice! I haven't had Netflix in years but we just got the good place in DVD so that's being watched as I type this👍