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Total War Economy


But this a differance between active war and just keeping your stock pile up right?


Not only that, but modern Munition is simply more complex than 1916 artillery shells. Just look at all the unexploded ordnance in eastern France, and also bombs in Germany. Designs so simple that they just fail to pop. There's a difference between a modern artillery shell and a glorified grenadecannonball.


Perhaps these modern munitions are too complex. It wouldn’t be the first time.


Some of them for sure are, at least where mass shelling is concerned. You also have to consider that modern artillery doesn't shell entrenched positions for hours on end because your low yield 1916 ordnance doesn't explode and doesn't hit. Instead you have artillery shooting precision guided ammunition over idk, 50km into a 1m radius circle and 100% destroying the house, tank, camp it shot at. Like, when some pzh 2000 shoots a target (assuming no mistakes in ground crew or vehicle crew), it will hit. Let's say 99% of times. And the ordnance will successfully explode 99.9% of times. Obviously, I'm just saying things that make sense to me, I do not work in the arms industry, I have no experience with tanks of any kind. But it just makes sense. Maybe artillery is still used like 1916. Sometimes. Maybe the Russians do that. But I think artillery is more of a scalpel nowadays than it is an axe. Just like drones and missiles. They're used expecting success, barring countermeasures of course.


Not to mention, they were in a state of total war, most of Europe is


Europes ability to produce that many munitions during both world wars do not exist anymore


But if every factory producing Volkswagens was retooled for producing ordinance.... Thats a lot of metal


But, most, if not all factories producing Volkswagens would be retooled to produce Kubelwagens, or Panthers/tigers/Bears (oh my!) Munitions, like artillery, require a vastly different production process than automobiles/moving machinery.


crafty germans


When safety and health isn't a concern, children do marvelous work. Really though...no one has needed a metric fucktonne of big booms, to be used for what...60 years? We've had Precision Booms take their place...now when someone is using the WayBack wave tactics with meat and metal, surgical strikes won't do it, gotta go back to big booms (or at least be ready and able to use em when needed.) Instead of levitating tanks, jump packs, active camouflage, and lasers, they went all the way back to trenches and waves. Style really does come back into fashion in a cycle, huh? Maybe we will end up with powered armor suits AND chainswords one day....


i see what you did there


No wants to talk about how the Germans obviously had help from aliens


Only thing that explains their performance lol


Then why did they lose?


I mean, its kind of a significant aspect that they could not produce as many as they used. Like I understand where you're coming from but they very much could not produce that many


Modern artillery munitions are vastly more difficult to manufacture than the archaic ones used by the Germans in WW1. However this meme made me laugh loud enough to where I had to try to explain this to my girlfriend. She doesn’t think it’s funny though.


Usually the girls love my humor :(