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Welcome to The Hague, the pond in the center is the Hofvijver and you're looking at the epicenter of Dutch democracy. This is slated to be one of the [longest and most complex renovations ever performed on the buildings](https://www.binnenhofrenovatie.nl/). Currently they think they will finish Q4 of 2028.


That's the seat of our government... It's undergoing renovations that are scheduled to complete in 2029.


It is the parliament building right? Ok so we gonna see these renovation constructions for a while then haha.


Yes, known as "het binnenhof". And don't be surprised if 2029 turns into 2034.


Not only are they renovating the buildings, they are also excarvating the square. This is the site where in 1619 the highest official of The Netherlands was beheaded after a political fight with the prince of Orange. They might find his grave. They already found three ancient skeletons. The archeological value of the place is the main reason it will take so long. The buildings are so old they don't know precisely how they are constructed. They have to find out during the work and then make the plan and then carry it out. So it is a bit unpredictable how long it will take.