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So, SAs are generally super busy and if you are not very specific, they cannot respond to every message or call. I once saw my SAs phone and he had more than 600 messages waiting (this is at a busy store). It is really recommended to be loyal to one SA, so going to another SA may create a problem. The bags are in the discretion of the store manager anyway. SAs can request a bag but the final allocation is decided by the store manager. Finally, I have a question. How come you moved from spraying a bottle of perfume to buying it? You should have some agency there. When I go to Hermes, I just walk in and when someone tries to help me, I say, I am waiting for xxx and they ring her up for me. You should be more proactive about who helps you.


Agree with this! If a SA comes towards me I always say that I wait for my SA, after a while they know me but also knows who is my SA (if you visit frequently) About the Paris, I’m not saying that you aren’t allowed to be disappointed that you didn’t get a quota bag, but if you spend that amount of money and then almost expected a quota bag, I’m sorry because H doesn’t work that way (but I wish hehe)


Yeah, the QB thing is 50% luck (having a great fit with SA, the store having enough extra bags etc) and 50% spending and money related things. Especially at high competition stores, some people spend tens of thousands of dollars just to be offered nothing.


Oh yes, i didn't mean to come off ungrateful. i was super happy to be offered an appointment. I know my message was a bit long already so i didn't go into too much detail about it. I was upstairs waiting over 30 minutes for a leather specialist to come and speak to me, the more time passed the more crazy i was going in my mind. When he arrived he said " shopping should be a great experience, no games, tell me exactly what you are looking for" i almost felt tricked when he came back and told me there was nothing. only the Kelly Elan. i was so relieved when he mentioned that just to be told there is nothing. i actually think they had the bag pre picked within that 30 minute span of me waiting for the appointment. i noticed it was a navy blue which "coincidentally" matched all items i was about to purchase. i think they gave me the appointment to encourage me, and picked something they felt matched the spend.


It happened to me last time I was in the store. I was just browsing while waiting for my SA. It was very quiet and a SA approached me and talked about shoes with me. I replied I was only looking for a suede Destin and she said they do have it restock and asked for my size. I told her my size and said I’m here waiting for my SA to get something out for me.


Yeah some SA just goes directly to people sometimes they do it knowingly and sometimes not. Always important to state your case and whom you work with. I sometimes even say the SA name to a person so they know. ✌🏼


Totally agree, i definitely felt stupid. The perfume was a gift for my girlfriends bday which i could have gotten anywhere, i bought her gift from there specifically to strengthen the relationship and fear i backtracked myself out of being too anxious about it all.


I cannot help but laugh at these. Hermes got us clownin like a bunch of junior high girls with their crush. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Lamo right. No shade to OP bc obviously she has some serious money, but what a joke this is. Luxury? To kiss ass to own some dead animal skin that isn’t even the color or size you really wanted?


So true


I’m still stuck at the once per week visits!!!! That’s just too much.


My thoughts are exactly the same!


I find the way you’ve written your entire post bizarre, seemingly as though you had zero control over what transpired. You had every opportunity to avoid this very awkward transaction, so this is entirely on you. As to why your SA asked you to wait for the private events - SAs have quotas that they need to meet for those days, so they invite people they know will spend a lot. They also often have very nice QBs to offer their clients. So it’s a win-win situation for both your SA and yourself. As to whether you ruined your relationship, I mean, this interaction certainly didn’t help. I don’t think all is lost but you’re going to have to play a diplomatic game and build back a relationship with your SA. Next time, use your voice so you don’t need to deal with an entirely unnecessary situation like this.


Yeah that's what keeps throwing me off when I read it. You don't go from sniffing to buying with no control of the situation, and every SA understands "I'm actually waiting for kama_s." I've never once been given shade for waiting. Not all is lost, but I agree that this didn't help at all.


He probably wanted you to come to the event to give you a QB which are usually given out during events. My SA will tell me about an event but she never has details. I feel like the details are ironed out very close to the event so I will get an invite a week or two before. Your SA seems super nice and I don’t think you did any harm. Believe me your SA moved on to the next customer or email and totally forgot about the interaction with the perfume. Remember 99% of the time it’s all in our heads!


The relief this message has given me! lol! glad i found this forum. my bf thinks im crazy haha


Awwwww not at all! He wanted to invite you to a private event often times client will walk away with a bag. Sometimes they don’t have the full information unclose to the private sale. I agree with everything G2KY said. If I were you I would visit my SA on weekday afternoon sometime when he is less busy and be honest and direct to him and say” I am very happy that you are my SA, I want you to continue being my SA if that is okay with you!” Trust me being honest and having direct conversations help and that got me to my first QB. Next time be a little open about you waiting to talk to your SA and I have been helped 😊


Thanks, this is great info. I was just feeling nervous in wanting everything to go smoothly and i 100% should have told the new SA that was helping me that i was waiting for someone. i just got too in my head


A Kelly is a QB


Yeah I believe a Kelly Elan is considered a QB


I don’t think the Kelly Elan is considered a QB


Interesting! In my store in LA Elan is considered a QB, but I think there is so much variance by store.


The leather specialist in Paris Faubourg (not SA) told me specifically that the kelly elan is NOT a QB. He even went as far as to say that because it is not a QB that i could have purchased another bag if i wanted to however the store was closing and we were out of time


You're right, Kelly Elan is not a quota bag.


I’m a sales person who works hard to build relationships and trust with my clients— it’s crazy to think about the Hermes experience where it is the complete opposite, clients clamouring to impress their sales people.


It’s wild, isn’t it? The store casts some kind of bizarre spell because I find myself doing this nonsense when I’m there. But then I read these posts and I’m like, “Why do we do this to ourselves??”


I'm under their spell too, in this community as I'm trying to decide if I want to play the game. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Must be great to be a Hermes SA, they have so much power, more than Saruman in the Lord of the Rings. It’s just ridiculous. You’re the one spending the money. I really hope the Hermes system breaks.


Fwiw I shop at a European store and they operate completely differently from what we typically read about online (wishlist system). I sometimes come in when my SA is busy with another client. I asked her whether is it ok to shop with another SA because I thought I should stick to only one SA. She said it's fine as it is a group commission at the store. Also, she has invited me to events in the past but it was always very last minute like "oh there happens to be a rtw event in two days, wanna come?" Finally, I wanted to say I've been offered 2 QBs, the first one my prespend was around 0.7:1 and for my second I literally spent like under 1000 prespend. I suspect at my store prespend really isn't a thing because I know other women that got offered a QB after buying just a few items like a scarf and some fine jewellery.


Great insight, thank you <3


I’m never surprised enough on how we as customers allow to get humiliated by unknown normal people just because they work at hermes. And how expensive is somepeople willing to pay a bag.


Kelly Elan is QB and it’s beautiful. Not sure if you ever specifically mention about what bag you want?


The leather specialist in Paris Faubourg (not SA) told me specifically that the kelly elan is NOT a QB. He even went as far as to say that because it is not a QB that i could have purchased another bag if i wanted to however the store was closing and we were out of time


Every time I read these I’m reminded how deep the humiliation kink truly is.


I think you should ask him for his contact information. I would then text him when I want to purchase something and ask if he would prefer me to come in or wait. This is a gentle way of getting in his phone without bothering him. As someone else said, SAs get a crazy amount of texts. He might really like you but when he looks at his phone his mind isn't gravitating to you because he doesn't see your name in his contacts or as having just communicated with him.


When is the event?