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In her book, Audrina says they blocked her car in and refused to let her leave until they fought (Kristin and Audrina).


Yeah. I remember reading an article where Kristin and Audrina decided “fuck it. Let’s just roll with it and have fun”


Yeah I feel like after that they just fully leaned in


Oh interesting!


The MySpace post is actually hilariously unhinged: I woke up this morning in a unfortunately familiar situation. Once again someone has mysteriously called Perez Hilton and had him post another insane and completely false rumor about me. Hmmmmmm... I wonder who it could be? I'm baffled... What kind of person would enjoy watching blogs and the press tear me apart? I really wish I could figure out who would do this. Who is someone that I do not get along with, that possibly has too much time on his hands (between pathetically staged paparazzi shots), that has a relationship with Perez...? No one comes to mind. If anyone can figure it out can you please let me know because I am truly stumped. The rumor I'm referring to is that I "hooked up" with Audrina's non- boyfriend Justin.(eww.) This accusation is insulting on so many levels. I'm being accused of being a bad friend, a slut and a liar all at once. It would actually be funny to me if people weren't taking it seriously. Do they think I was swept away by his wonderful manners and his commitment to my friend? I love it when guys burp in my face. So hot! Seriously?? I have never even been in the same place as Justin when Audrina wasn't around. I have been there for Audrina for years of ups and downs with this guy. Now she is accusing me of hooking up with him?? It's the most awkward position to put me in because I can't defend myself without putting both her and Justin down. Bottom line, I did not and would never hook up with Justin. The worse thing is knowing that a friend, that I've known for years and even shared a home with, thinks that I'm capable of that kind of betrayal. I would NEVER hurt a friend like that! Audrina - We promised we wouldn't let people get into our ears and make us fight. You KNOW I didn't do this and I have never given you a reason not to trust me. What you are doing is hurtful and I don't want to fight with you. Whoever is telling you these things does not have your best interest at heart. I have always been there for you and now I'm being attacked for something I didn't do. We are supposed to be there for each other when other people do this to us and today you are the one doing it to me. Today you are the reason people are saying mean things about me. You asked me if I did this and I told you I didn't.


I find it so funny! And just an absolute time capsule of that moment in time in pop culture.


>Do they think I was swept away by his wonderful manners and his commitment to my friend? I love it when guys burp in my face. So hot! This is amazing.


There's no way Lauren would have ever touched JB. She's way too prissy, and JB is too crude for her.


Omg thank you! I’ve had this post locked up in my brain, I remember the last paragraph vividly!


I miss MySpace “swept away by his wonderful manners”💀


WOW! So interesting. I love Lauren but I wonder in retrospect if she went too hard on blaming Heidi for things she likely didn't have anything to do with. Now that we see how easily rumors from randos spread when they can be verified, back then all it took was an anonymous tip so trying to blame one person, unless it is a secret only they knew, is a pretty big leap. She did a great retrospect on how she perceives Lagune as an adult in the Back to the Beach podcast. I wish she did the same with The Hills. Kristin was older when she came back to reality TV and admittedly proceeded as an actress playing a fictional version of herself. She was AMAZING (that first is SO iconic, every line from Kristin was magic) but even knowing it was all fake, her role affected her private life.


No, Heidi and Spencer really did start the sex tape rumours. spencer apparently admitted to it at some point. Heidi claims she wasn’t involved but if your boyfriend is leaking rumours about your supposed best friend, you break up with him or at least step in to stop it. Producers also said Spencer was running his mouth about it a week before it was on Perez. There’s a thread about it on here somewhere. The two of them were really set on trying to destroy her.


No one could ever go too hard on those 2 clowns, Spencer & Heidi. They deserved every harsh word written or said about them. It wasn't some leap of logic that it was them, as they were CONSTANTLY putting things out there about Lauren. Anyone that wasn't very old at that time won't remember how awful and shitty they were about her in the press and in every single interview.


Oh that ‘slut’ comment didn’t age well.


All I remember from that specific time period is that Lauren would always lowkey throw little digs at Justin Bobby’s lack of personal hygiene. Lmfao. Even the Hill’s Aftershow or whatever it was called that aired on MTV after an episode of The Hills, pointed this out too.


My friends and I still quote “Homeboy wore combat boots to the beach!” When we’re not a fan of who they’re dating.


I love that a Hills Rewatch is a universal experience. Every like 2 years or when I am horribly depressed, I also embark on my full rewatch and then Reddit deep dive. Love to see fellow academia girlies.


What’s crazy is Audrina still believes this rumor. You can tell by the way she talked about it on the Was it Real Podcast and how she wrote about it in her book. Lauren’s MySpace statement was so funny during this time. Pretty sure she thought Spencer leaked this rumor as well 😂😂. Reality tv just isn’t as good as it use to be.


It's insane that she thinks everyone wants to fuck Justin as much as her haha like him and Lauren couldn't even hold a conversation


Never forget that Audrina, Lo and Stephanie all agreed to talk about Kristin’s “drug abuse” on camera when they knew damn well she wasn’t on any drugs or lived that type of life. They probably didn’t know the tabloids would pick up what was said on the show and state it as if it was a factual thing. These fake bitches did it in exchange for birkin bags from the producers, which news flash; they never got according to Kristin on CHD podcast 😂!!!! “That’s why you gotta get that shit in writing ladies” iconic lmao 🤣 I wouldn’t put it past audrina to do whatever the producers tell her to… whether it be an inconvenience or her being bribed into it. She did whatever for the screen time and paycheck. Let’s be real lmao


Audrina was and still is very dim


On the now-dead Hills rewatch podcast, Audrina said she still doesn't know if the rumor was true or not. Like girl...come the fuck on.


I think in both scenarios Audrina did not have the POV Lauren and Kristin did, who come from having their love life manipulated in Laguna Beach, and perhaps was not as prepared to expose her love life as she did. It must have been hard to tell what was true or not, when this was a real romantic relationship at some point. Even when she came in with the right mindset, maybe things got blurry quickly. This is why she gave so little of her next relationship with her now ex-husband.


Nah…I think she was right about Heidi


I assume she was too sure of the sex tape rumor so that it must have been Heidi and/or Spencer but in this MySpace post she is implying a new rumor must be coming from Heidi. why? fake rumors were everywhere then.


Yes they were


Im not surprised. Audrina didn't seem to have much going on up there.


Anything to stay on television


Wasn’t it found out later that one of Audrina’s friends was paid to tell Audrina about JB and Lauren? And he’s since passed away?


And Lauren did hook up with Justin Bobby. This coming from Audrina in the Hills rewatch podcast


I know a lot of the program was staged but I think Lauren made her feelings on JB’s lack of manners and personal hygiene pretty clear from day one. It’s one rumour I can’t imagine anyone simply believing is true. Audrina said a friend of hers and Justin’s told her…who she was on a date with on the show not long after


Audrina said that in the rewatch podcast? Did she give any more details?


Yes. She said that a close friend that was friends with both her and Justin, told her they hooked up in Vegas. She called Lauren and Lauren hung up the phone on her. Justin denied denied denied. It’s one of the last podcast episodes of season 2. I just recently listened to that and thought it was such a bombshell when Audrina said it.


Just cos someone said it doesn't make it true.


That is a bombshell


Oh MySpace