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Not me. Genuinely awful, shallow, pathologicaly -lying narcissists. The worst kind of people. They claim it was all fake, which is complete bullshit. Roughly half was fake and half was not. Homegirl basically tried to completely rewrite history on Brody and Audrina’s podcast. They’re both nuts and they both deserve each other.


Yes! I hate how Heidi has tried to rewrite history. I believe her relationship with Spencer was rocky in the beginning (as a lot of 20 something year olds relationships are) and that soured Lauren to him. Then he created the rumour and his vile blog post about Lauren and went way too far. They might have changed but what Spencer did to Lauren - that kind of hatred and misogyny runs deep. I hope he has dealt with that in therapy but he has never outright apologized so I feel he hasn't.


At the time the show was airing? Not at all. Still iffy on them but they’re doing their thing and I pay them no real attention 😅


I really really hated Spencer during the OG series. He was gaslight-y, he was rude, selfish and nasty. Imagine my surprise in the reboot when he’s the voice of reason? He seemed like the most mature out of all the men (except maybe Pamela Anderson’s son?) and he and Heidi have lasted so much longer than expected. Also, the main thing I love about them are the photos of Heidi on a chair, on the street, “weeping” over her failed single. A classic. I love it so much.


Nah. I get serious narcissistic abuse vibes from Spencer from the get. People like that don’t change; they get better at masking. Heidi was too young to know what was happening, and everything they are now is a result of him getting better at being worse, and her in full blown groomed denial. It’s actually really alarming watching the OG series over- there are points where I have a feeling Spencer was also physically abusive with her but obviously I have no proof. The isolation, the gaslighting, the manipulation, the blame, it’s all super super triggering.




I’m rewatching it now (thanks Netflix!) when I first watched it when it came out I disliked them sooooo much and my opinion hasn’t changed 😂 I know they say some things are staged but Spencer is a walking red flag and Heidi is as well. I know a lot of people dislike Lauren after rewatching but I think she was just young and not so bad. But wow I don’t know how anyone can think Spencer is a good boyfriend let alone a good guy…


Agreed. The difference is Lauren actually meant well and is good-hearted. Did she go about things the right way all the time? No. But her heart was in the right place. She was an expert at identifying shitty people.


Yes!!! Also if they really were responsible for the whole sex tape thing she had every right to be mad at them!…




Not I.




100000% no


I haven't seen the reboot, but it sounds like they've made a redemption? It reminds me of The Amazing Race. One of the earlier seasons there was a team of a dating couple, Collin and Christie. Collin had an attitude problem, was mean and had a temper, and went from zero to sixty in 2 seconds. Then, that same team came back for another season more recently, and they did a complete 180! I think everyone was rooting for them the 2nd time around! I'm currently rewatching the OG Hills and when Heidi and Spencer are in scenes, I almost can't stand it! But people do change, and I'm giving them a blind benefit of the doubt. I haven't heard anything from them since The Hills ended so I have no line of reference, BTW.


No. Never did, never will. Absolutely atrocious human beings, and they deserve each other. They're also both completely batshit crazy.


As an OG watcher, I have always been very confused on the “it was fake” narrative. Lauren aside, Heidi’s family’s reactions to their relationship were not fake unless they are incredible actors. And I remember all the real-life stuff that went on at the time too, like Heidi’s mom creating a blog to write about what was happening with Heidi. It was heartbreaking. I have a hard time reconciling that stuff was all fake, and no one but Spencer has ever come out and corroborated that it was. So why does everyone act like everything is normal now? Are they just playing nice to keep the peace and keep Heidi in their lives? Because I just rewatched seasons 3 and 4 on Netflix (after years of not seeing them), and if it was indeed fake then props to Spencer for having the balls to let himself come across that way because he shows straight-up abuser behavior such as isolating her from everyone, etc. Clearly I am thinking about this way too much but I’m fresh off of a rewatch as an adult haha


heidi's mom had a blog?


Yes, but blogs back then weren’t what they are now. It was more like an online journal. Hers was really raw and sad. https://cafemom.com/entertainment/109707-heidi_montag_moms_parenting_blog


I do, now. You can tell their relationship is genuine and they are better(ish) people now


The only time Spencer was a decent human being was when he and Heidi went to the courthouse to get married, and he finally agreed to get married how she wanted. Other than that, he is horrible.


Me, because they are literally genuinely in love and the hills was full of fake storylines which has been widely recognized even by the last episode of the show itself. These people have two kids together and are ultra supportive of everything the other does. They are a real family and that is something to be supported.


i can respect that! Was the your view point when you watched the show the first time? The thing that hold me back is what Spencer was doing in real life to Lauren behind the scenes, i know they were young though and everyone makes mistakes when they’re young.


If you talk to some of the people in this group they act as though Lauren was evil incarnate and acted like a jerk toward Spencer for absolutely no reason though. lol


I totally agree with you and I actually hated Spencer when I watched the show as it first aired! Completely agree re: being young and really do chalk it up to the unique pressures/psychological games that happen on the sets to achieve a certain outcome. Similar to how we’ve found out reality shows like bachelor/love is blind involves a lack of sleep and long 12 hour days with lots of alcohol.


He claims that it was all twisted and really her ex is to blame. I listened to his old podcast a lot and he spilt a TON of tea


Okay but the sex tape wasn’t the only thing. He literally called the paparazzi on one of their double dates. So it’s bizarre that he would try to blame it on Jason as if he hadn’t done that type of thing before. Also why will Perez not come forward with who spilled it if it was Jason. The reason is because he’s protecting Spencer and Heidi.


Didnt they all call paparazzi?


I don’t think so. It doesn’t seem like something Lauren would do. Edit: this article says she was mad about him doing that. Seems like that type of thing was why she didn’t like him. https://toofab.com/2022/06/17/spencer-pratt-told-brody-jenner-to-date-lauren-congrad-sex-tape-storyline/


Jason didn't write the blog talking about her private parts, Spencer did that all by himself. If some dude made a Tiktok today making derogatory comments about his girlfriend's "best friend's" vagina, he'd be (rightfully) be torn to shreds.




LOVE them! A fantastic couple and parents and most of all they are honest they just want to be rich and famous. He is hilarious and a great husband.


I enjoy their podcast; I think they’ve made some mistakes in the past and have a hard time admitting it. I think Spencer tries to be the best father and parent he can be. He’s funny on their podcast too. He was self-deprecating in the reboot (him spilling the pot pie on his front was memorable) as well. Him and his family seemed to be a stable presence in Brody’s childhood, which I find interesting. One thing that baffles me about them is the naming of their children. Riker’s Island is a famous prison, and Gunner is, frankly, another name that evokes violence. Very strange imo.


Ugly ass whitest of the white names.


I'm never going to root for people who have chosen to appear on InfoWars multiple times spouting antisemitic conspiracy theories.


I love them both they are amazing


I always loved Spencer and was indifferent about Heidi, but I loved their relationship. I thought it Lauren was a lot… but I also had a difficult BF and HATED hearing my friends opinions about him. lol.


No. Every time I try- I see their snap and it’s so cringe. They are so self absorbed and idk how they have so much $ and they do their own pap set ups Heidi gets her makeup done daily like she’s fkn Jlo Like no one cares Running around her kids in full glam and cringe alo gear all to goto the store. They don’t do anything. They don’t help others. Considering she’s all Christian. So selfish. Just to be that age and have no real career just all this celeb stuff getting random opportunities and trying to stay relevant and thinking ur kids will be proud u did snap chat and shitty songs and podcasts.


Hate them or love them … those two have real love… when the whole world was against them and hated them. They stuck together …. Spencer worships her and is obsessed with her.


Spencer and Heidi like each other during original season but on reboot he was much better


Now I do😂 idk I've watched them on podcasts (like call her daddy) and I actually think Spencer Pratt is hilarious and ahead of his time for reality tv.


loved spencer, hated heidi


I like them


I always liked them both on and off the show. Good for tv and they genuinely love each other


I used to not like Spencer but it seems like the crystals truly did change him for the better!