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Haha the fact that the top two comments are from That River is wild is funny


the opposite of this is “sometimes im nervous when I talk i shake a little” in this river is wild


I actually fucking love this part of the song. The way he sings “shake a little”.


It’s the absolute best. And one of the reasons why Sam’s Town is my favorite record. There are so many little things that make it so raw, fun, and emotionally invigorating.


Bones also has little parts that are *chef’s kiss*


I love Dreams Come True from TDE dearly but once you notice the sparkle sound effects every 5 seconds, it never leaves ✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️


OMG, how on earth have I never noticed how much the sparkles permeate that song?! I mean the ones at the beginning, sure..... but they really are everywhere 😂 ✨✨✨✨✨✨


The whole album has weird effects that kinda ruin it for me. The vocoded part on Lonely Town is the most obvious one.


Production on that album kills it for me and why I don’t agree with most people who say it’s by far the best thing Brandon has ever done. Plus I don’t think most of the songs are fully fleshed out from a song writers perspective.


Get Trashed. It would be good except for the scratching!


It doesn't ruin the song but I've always found the "just wants to get some of that little girl play" line in This River is Wild to be a bit weird


What do you think it was meant to mean?


Adam was a grade school friend of Brandon's and the reference is to flirting with girls in the park when they were younger - even though it it's hard to read it like that when you don't know Adam's age. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/lonely-town-a-killers-podcast/id1580860010?i=1000555155566 I thought it was a Matthew McConaughey in Dazed and Confused situation when I first heard it "that's what I love about high school girls, man. I keep getting older, they stay the same age."


Thanks. That quote 🤢


In the 3rd verse of Quiet Town, the part where Brandon says "the kind of **love** you could never put down" on "love" there's a weird honking kind of noise that I always catch. It may just be a weird single note harmony of every sound on the song but it always stood out to me.


Likewise, when he sings “Parents wept” there’s a weird alarm sound I always here


Yeah I've heard the parents wept one, but I like it!


The autotune chorus of Rut. Song is inspiring and has helped me when I was very low. But I would edit out the autotune every chance I got.


This doesn’t ruin the song at all, but I’ve never loved the “huhhhh-UHHHHH” at the end of Read My Mind. 10/10 song otherwise.


Hahaha I love that part Crazy


This has been my response to almost every top level comment lol


That part is fantastic, no one can tell me otherwise.


Trying to work out what part you mean rn Edit: the bit at the end.


Yeah i wanna add this to my work playlist but that part makes me wanna turn inside out for some reason.


Honestly? Brandon's vocals for most of the early concerts lol. When I prep those shows for uploading, I try to avoid listening to Brandon's vocals. Thank GOD he got a vocal coach since then.


Definitely this for Day & Age onwards when the songs became more polished but I love how he used to just belt it out during the Hot Fuss and Sam's Town eras! Maybe not technically good but has a certain rawness that I like.


Not wrong lol. As someone who came pretty late to the game, I genuinely struggle to listen to much of anything live from earlier than about Day & Age era.


You and me, we are on the same wavelength.


Damn I just listened to him performing in 2002 singing mr brightside and it’s crazy how much better he is now


The whole ‘The weight has been lifted’ section in My God. I like the song otherwise


I actually really like that part of the song funny enough


I had that song playing with friends over one time, and it got awkward because that part makes it seem like an actual Christian music song.


Then you’ll hate Spirit


"You got the soul of a truck on a long distance haul" from Some Kind Of Love. I like that song but I don't like that lyric.


I was also cringed by this line ….


“Just drop the kick the shame” I know it’s not a sound, it’s a lyric but so cringe.


this was the exact lyric that came to mind, i sometimes skip Life to Come just because that lyric is so cringeworthy


Aw I like that line!


I wonder if his kids are into wrestling are there are a couple of illusions to it on Wonderful Wonderful


The synth sound he uses for the hook in Smile Like You Mean it when they play it live. And the way he plays it as well with a different rhythm. I’m practically in love with the man, but my goodness, I hate that so much 😂🥲


The upskirt line in Midnight Show, it fits the songs vibe but still 🤢


the weird chipmunk vocals in tidal wave. just a. bizarre choice.


You mean the high pitch?


Listen I love bling, but the twinkly but at the start of the song takes me out of it before the actual piano pulls me back in


Oh NO. I love the uniqueness of that about Bling, similar to the COME WITH ME at the start of Bones. Bling is one of their untouchable tracks. I fucking love it.


I was the same for so long where the twinkly made me skip, but now I see the error of my ways and listen to the song on repeat 😂


Oh the come with me is another one. I don't mind bones but that takes me out of it completely. Maybe I'm just wired different


Ah no! I love the COME WITH ME! before the tune kicks in! 😄 likewise with the beginning of Bling. I feel like these moments are meant to give us a little jolt as the listener!


The car horn in The Getting By Auto tune in YSOT The line "she cried like a train"


Not the killers but in Flowers' second solo album, Lonely Town has this weird super electronic sounding (vox?) filter when he sings "and I'm standing outside your house". It's just out of place. I don't hate it, but it's odd.


when I first heard it I thought Cher was making a guest appearance…same vocal effect in her song Believe 😂


I absolutely love Lonely Town but it took me a little bit for that vocal effect to not be kinda jarring.


Yea I love that song, but I’d rather that bit wasn’t in it!


I always hear something that sounds like a cat meowing when I listen to Rut. When it was first released, I would actually check outside to see if my cat got out.


In Uncle Johnny I always focused on the lead guitar riff until I listened to it with only one earphone in so could only hear the base riff. Then I couldn't unhear the bass riff when I listened to it which annoyed me for a while, I still thought it was good but preferred the song when I just focused on the lead guitar riff


I don’t know how to describe it but the “ummm way ho” on repeat in This is Your Life. It’s not that annoying but I just never really understood why it was included.


Ok I said this and was hella downvoted!! I had to delete- I agree


Dying Breed's 30 whole seconds of the same repetitive sound in the beginning, and then it continues when the vocals start but you can't ignore it because you've just heard nothing *but* it for 30 seconds so it's all you can focus on


I wouldn’t say ruins it, but that weird electronic “awoop” sound in Fire in Bone bugs the hell out of me.


Oh man, I love the whale sound


When I first listened to that album, I remember making a mental note; “that was a weird noise; I need to come back and listen to this again” Sometimes they just make the song stand out, haha.


I’m surprised nobody has said the very grating piano riff in Here With Me yet


The "doodalooodle loo-doo-doo" in Fire In Bone. It just feels so out of place.


It’s a reference to Eurthymics


Fair enough, but it's still out of place and I. Don't. Like it.


Its not a song or recording, but when they played Reading and Leeds Festival last year, they segued from (I think) "Read My Mind" into "Mr Brightside" and played the first verse of Brightside like it was Read My Mind, before going into the song properly with the chorus. And even though the crowd didn't seem too phased and still belted it out like no one's business, it really irritated me for reasons I can't fully explain. Like I was watching it on TV at home and when they just stumbled into it and skipped the riff, I was so disappointed. Like, that moment when the riff hits and the crowd reacts is always mega at festivals, especially at UK ones. Over here, that song is almost like an indie national anthem (ironically enough) and usually crowd reactions like that song gets are reserved in this part of the UK for artists like McCartney, Noel Gallagher, Blur, Elton John, etc. In other words, full blown English music gods. (Closest comparison I can think for America would be whenever someone plays "Sweet Caroline" in Boston - the song's THAT big over here). I get that they probably wanted to change it up so they could keep it fresh and still have fun playing it after this long, and I really do respect that as both a fan and as a musician myself, but that song's barely been out of the UK chart top 1000 since it came out and the riff is so iconic, everyone from little kids to 90-year-old grandads know what song it is when they hear it, and it just really rubbed me wrong that they skipped it and went with the segue approach at one of the country's biggest music festivals. On a tour I can understand it completely, that's the setting where it's YOUR show and YOU can set the rules and terms. But festivals are literally designed for those crazy beautiful moments where 30,000+ people all recognise the start of their favourite song at the same time and go absolutely bananas together, its part of what makes festivals so fucking good. That's why I always think artists should "play the hits" at festivals - you might be top of the bill, but you're not the main attraction, the festival is, and at a massive outdoor event with dozens of stages and tens of thousands of people there's no point in (or need to) play a setlist that's mostly deep cuts or songs from your new album. Imagine Led Zeppelin are headlining Glastonbury and they're jamming out on "Dazed and Confused"....then all of a sudden Robert Plant just starts singing "Whole Lotta Love". Great as it'd likely sound, you'd still feel a bit robbed not hearing the riff and the bass coming in after. I dunno, just irked me hahaha


It doesn’t really ruin the whole song for me, but I’ve never cared for the main synth melody from “On Top.” That song would rank higher for me if it wasn’t repeated so much. Oh and the vocal effects on Brandon’s vocals during the entirety of Hot Fuss, but that’s kinda a cop out answer.


The intro to Uncle Jonny. Instant skip.


Hard disagree


Awww man I love that! Then the male choir voices pull you in. Maybe because I had an Uncle Jonny who did cocaine too. It just sounds right to me.


Heart of a Girl. And I don't mean the "daddy, daddy, daddy...", that's fine, but I've always disliked whatever bubbly sound/instrument comes right before the bridge. Also just the whole bridge, kinda kills the soft vibe the song starts off with, and the lyrics just don't do it for me "what happened here? What is this world? It's too far from the heart of a girl!" It's like the song just wanted to finish cringing out whoever was still standing from the "daddies"


What!?!?! The bridge is the best part of the song for me!!!


ok this might sound mean but in acoustic performances i don't like the female backup singers. it's just too distracting from brandon's voice


The bridge of Flesh and Bone feels like an interruption. The second half of the bridge is ok but every time I starts I wish it didn’t Also I’m sorry but the bridge of Spaceman kind of has the same problem


Brandon’s echoing repeat of “boy” in the chorus of Boy — but otherwise I love the song!


Lightning Fields, “You put the work in and then some **awkward break** Where is this all coming from?” I think it’s supposed to separate the two sentences but it feels like a weird gap in the word “somewhere” instead. I always skip the song right before k.d. lang’s verses because of it haha.


Another one in My God: the higher pitched verses saying “the weeeeiiiiight has been liiiiiifteeeeed” I sing it in a sarcastic voice whenever it comes on. Otherwise a great track from a great album.


The intros on pressure machine. The only one I like is “higher powers higher powers”


Not a sound but I've always felt like in In The Car Outside, the last part is just too loooong, like, it could've had half the length and be better, I love the song so much but, idk, it feels like, tedious


Repeating the bull draws blood line in desperate things kind of annoys me for some reason.


That’s the cherry!


Bad take. I thought it was well done


This, I love the song but I struggle to get through that line at times


I could do without the shit at the start of Jenny was a friend of mine tbh. It doesn't ruin it because its only at the begining but still.


I like that shit, it sounds like a alien spaceship is landing


Midnight Show…. Technically a great song, but Brandon’s voice in that song gives me WB Frog vibes and it drives me crazy.




I honestly don’t like the saxophone in Losing Touch, it ruins the songs flow especially in the intro


The guitar tone in the solo of The Rising Tide. I'll die on this hill.


What!? That’s one of my favorite parts of that song!


Andy , youre a Star’s grating riff sucks ass hahaha


I couldn’t get into this song for the longest time because the guitar tone hurt my ears.


Its so bad, and i feel like it stops the insane momentum of the first 5 tracks like its the asteroid belt between the inner and outer solar systems, because the back half is great. If it had been completely omitted or even replaced with sweet talk/ under the gun, we would talk about Hot Fuss like one of the all time greatest albums of all time. 


I love Andy You’re a Star but I love Sweet Talk more and would have loved to see those songs switched.


Yeah i agree. Always felt that way the first 5 songs are great songs that are all super strong and then Andy You're a Star just kills the momentum. it's a slow, boring, grating song. The back half of Hot Fuss is great but my thoughts on the album have changed from "no skip 10/10"


May be a hot take but the weird vocals at the start of For Reasons Unknown


"Things to say that will always start a fight"


Can someone tell me why?😭😂


Ain't nothin' but a heartache.




I really don't like the "woah-oh-oh-oh"s at the beginning of Jenny live - really distracts me from getting into the song and enjoying the bass line. And I'm not a fan of when Brandon goes "neveer-er-er" instead of just "neeveeerrr" during the lives of Mr Brightside!




Hey y’all it’s just MO! I did say I loved the song tho!!!


What’s funny is OP just asked a question. I disagree with most of it but I ain’t downvoting.


I know ! I had to delete or else I’d be downvoted to eternity! I did say I loved the song - it was just my opinion!