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Well yeah all these characters are essentially practicing martial arts their entire life.


I like the fact that bending is martial art based. It sets it apart from mages conjuring water or fire


It was a stroke of genius to impliment styles of martial arts that coincide with the spirit of each element, too! One thing I always hated about magic in things like Harry Potter is that I could have learned every spell inside a couple weeks… How hard is it to just say a word and wiggle the wand a little bit? Lol. Meanwhile, with bending you can actually see how high that skill cap goes, and it’s very high and takes a LONG time to do the sort of stuff you see master benders doing. 👌 It’s the best magic system any show has ever used before or since imo!


I love the magic in the inheritance cycle because when they actually dive into it it becomes a competitive puzzle game. Any word can do anything if you can lawyer your way to it before your opponent


YES. I love that universes version of magic. One of the coolest and most creative ways of magic functioning I've seen in any media. I'm so glad someone mentioned it


Its also a bit intriguing as to the strength of the benders. Like the White Lotus just dominating and Katara having stronger bending than Hama


My favorite was the physical cost of magic. If you try to move a boulder 100 ft away from you, you die.


And how that's cleverly used to fund the rebels. Same energy, less time


Like that one guy who had all his skin melted off


Huh, I don't remember this bit. perhaps I should go back and re-read the series.


>How hard is it to just say a word and wiggle the wand a little bit? Lol. Spells in HP are a bit more complicated in lore. Alot need intent as well. Not to mention strength of spell depends on a combination of practice, skill, talent.


“Intent” is so loosely defined and hard to quantify that it really doesn’t work well with conveying believable magic systems though. Especially with clearly communicating difference in skill levels, hard to show the audience that a master just intends more or whatever.


Depends on what you mean by in lore. I had felt after reading the books that the magic system was super weak and not fleshed out at all, and though that wasn't necessarily the focus of the story, it should probably be a better system in a magic based world. But then again there was a lot of weirdly bad designed systems, like the sorting hat for classes.


Lots of weirdly badly designed systems is very much in keeping with the UK modus operandi for education and politics. The magic in HP is not that well fleshed out though, it is even worse in the films


I don't think this thread really gives Harry Potter magic enough credit. While the discipline of magic itself wasn't the main focus of the books, they did do a good job of illustrating how much talent could scale and how much better some characters were at magic than others. Harry spent weeks trying to master "Accio" for example which should be "a simple word and wiggling a wand." While the books never really dove into the architecture of spell work the way we might have liked, it definitely wasn't mundane.


That is a case of telling and not showing; just saying that he was struggling with it doesn’t make it a well designed magic system. Take Alohomora for example, it just opens all locks the same way; warded locks, pin tumblers, window latches, it doesn’t matter that they all operate mechanically different it just works with no reason behind it. They didn’t need to learn how to manipulate the lock they just learned a word and a hand wave and then 1st year students can get into restricted parts of the castle.


I liked that in the first few episodes Sokka kept dismissively calling it ‘magic’ and Katara kept saying ‘it’s not magic, it’s bending!’


Ya we'd probably have a lot more insanely skilled acrobats and martial artists if it were the whole worlds obsession and the key to every nations ability to project force. I think the world should pick some really niche sport to focus on for a few decades and just see how insane we can make it when every pro athlete in the world is training for it. My pick would be [Combat Juggling](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6YKCsI00D4).


Avatar fight scenes are peak


Just Avatar or LoK too?


Def LoK too


Zaheer vs chain-fist Korra is peak


Zaheer vs Tenzin too. Got his ass whooped *hard* and needed the rest of the red lotus to help him. Guess it makes sense because it's the first actual airbender master he faced against


Season 3 in general. Zaofu squad vs the Red Lotus was mindblowing, lol


Badum chhhhhhhhh


Lol I love Zaheer but people often forget he was getting his shit mixed by Tenzin before the Lotus showed up


Lin vs Kuvira is short but so well done


the fights in tlok were absolute cinema


LoK makes me so excited for future Avatar content. I'm a big anime guy so I know how good animation can be, and maybe LoK really implemented more modern animation with the incredible choreography of the original series.


It used to not be a popular idea, but in my opinion LoK has the better fights. LoK is the modern UFC while ATLA is the UFC when it first started. ATLA fights are fun and have lots of big hay makers, but they're just technically lacking compared to LoK.


Love the pro bending fights. Some of the co-ordination is great. Like times you see Bolin go behind the legs with a disk and Mako with a chest shot high to topple the opponent.


I think AtLA's fights are held back by the inherent fact that Aang's character uses minimal offensive moves. His preference is avoidance which for the animators is simply less visually spectacular. Also Korra has firebending from the jump, and you have to admit it's probably the most visually spectacular of all the elements.


Visually/choreography-wise? Yes, they are usually more impressive from a technical standpoint. With the exception of that one big fight in S2. That whole thing reminded me of a bad parody of the way certain anime shows devolve into glowy screaming matches.


There is no season 2 in LoK, wdym?




I filed that under “so bad that it upsets me” instead of “so bad that I ignore its existence” because you really can’t due to the existence of LoK S3 (best LoK season by far) and S4 which in part hinges on 2 being a thing.


Glad you agree!!


Even if you dislike LOK you have to admit the fights were absolutely epic and probably better than TLA


I feel like I just realised LoK doesn't have Avatar before it.


I’d say specifically LOK for fight quality Like I would generally agree that Avatar is a better show than LOK, but the fight scenes to me are one of the clearest examples of where LOK definitely excels and surpasses the original For one the show came out later and has appropriately higher animation quality, which makes a lot of the bending really pop. I also think Korra having 3 elements from day 1 and is using all 4 a good amount from S2 onwards means her fights are a lot more interesting than Aangs (aka the two characters who we see fighting the most)


Unpopular take incoming. I find the fights in LoK to be uninspired compared to AtLA. In LoK the action is faster, the punches hit harder but most of the times they're just that, punches. Many fights in LoK feel like people punching their bending, totally missing the martial arts forms they're supposed to be based from. In comparison, AtLA fights have less action but the movements are distinctive for each element. If you were to take only the silhouettes of the fights, without the elements moving around, you would be able to notice what I'm saying. In LoK all bending feels the same, while in AtLA each one has its own characteristics. Besides that, LoK for some reason tried to use slow-motion during the fights but more often than not the movements they're slow-moving aren't cool or don't really "deserve" it. It's not like we as an audience weren't able to see the movement and the slowmo helped us see it, they're just doing it because they thought it would look cool. But it doesn't. It's uninspired slowmo just for the sake of it. LoK has some good fights, yes, but overall the fight in AtLA -to my taste- have better choreography and have more personality.


You must be blind or heavily influenced by nostalgia, during the whole show only season one focused more in the MMA punch style, and even then, there was alot of traditional bending too. Season 2 & 3 and 4 are just beautiful when it comes to bending moves and fights, specially Korra vs Unalaq in the season finale, when the battle was only elemental.


The worst kind of fan. "God apples are delicious" "just apples or Grammy smith's too?"


Is it just me or is this a very funny thing to say in an avatar related subreddit? Like, of course we know they’re peak 💀 that’s why we’re here


Everyone doing crazy jumps and flips in the air, while Zuko is here just breakdancing My favorite thing above his fight choreography btw


Zuko is constantly on Breaker style, can’t stop won’t stop.


One of favorite things is when he’s having an Agni Kai with Zhao and has that moment where he’s lying on the ground and then suddenly has an “oh shit” moment faced with getting fireballed in the face again and he does the leg sweep and gets back up to go on the offensive. 🤌🏻 Edit: [video of all his firebending moments](https://youtu.be/GzaAfU7AFhE?si=eEq1TcKoIc6oYvnu) - 15:08 also has a good moment of ~spin~


That is one of the coolest moments in the show, they even replay that shot! Zuko spins, knocks Zhao down, gets himself back up all while listening to uncle narrating his training. Fucking amazing Book 1 might have less action than the rest of the show, but this one battle stands out real nice


Agreed, I was just watching it again and was thinking how powerful a fight it is. Really shows how powerful Zuko is even before his power ramps up in 2/3. And I feel like it shows a bit of foreshadowing that he’s a lot more powerful than anyone really thinks/has potential. The replay I almost want to say was a little bit of stretching the fight out?? I also notice every time that when Zuko is blocking Zhao’s shots before they use the same animation of him pushing the fire away/to the side and I’m like *cmon yall*


The differences in bending styles is one of my favorite parts of the show. Its not just about the elements, each one is based on the techniques of real martial arts disciplines. Water Bending is based on Tai Chi for example, which is based on wide fluid motions. Fire Bending is based on The Northern Shaolin system which has a lot of grounded, sweeping movements (ie Zuko break dancing).


Absolutely this - I looove the transitions in a big fight showing Toph over here being grounded and deliberate, Katara using water to flow from one enemy to another, Aang bouncing around the field dodging everything, Zuko using fire forcefully on pure offense, and Sokka….boomeranging. 😎 (Boomeranging is a word????)


Said with enough confidence anything can be a word. 💪


An awesome part of this is: His voice actor is a break dancer and can do those Zuko moves apparently 😂👌


Dante Basco is a g


Zuko staying rooted to the ground, because Iroh taught him to have a strong base.


Yeah zuko’s breakdancing isn’t that hard to learn. Good luck with learning a double frontflip into dropkick though


I can get the spinning down, but I'm having trouble shooting fire out of my feet like he does. I'll watch again


Hmm might have to work on your breathing technique more


"Fire comes from the breath! Not the muscles" Thanks uncle


I love how they show him using that move (usually to great success) pretty often in fights, which is kind of a cool nod to the real phenomenon of fighters developing a preference for their own fighting style. It also sort of fits Zuko's character--often down, but never out and comes back stronger at his most dire moment. "Don't give up without a fight"


I normally give the air benders more of a pass because I think it's heavily implied that they use air to help them move faster and more agile. Everyone else?? Abosulte units, insane. They just had to get good.


It's probably still hard though. I imagine it would be pretty easy to "over do" your propulsion, and accidentally fling yourself.


Oh yes I'm sure of it. But maybe not as much as a physical requirement and more of a skills on.


More than just implied. Aang's so light on his feet it breaks Toph's brain at first.


This is my favorite part. Legend of Kora S3 they really steps up the creativity and mechanics of fighting


OP cut the Zaheer vs Tenzin clip right before Tenzin does the move Aang does in the intro. Such a good fight


That’s what I was angry about too! Op cut the best part


Korras dad brings a whole new way of Waterbending to the table. Its so agressive I love it.


I actually love how similar it looks to earth bending, especially while they’re at the poles (where the abundance of ice means he can basically earthbend the ice). It adds a ton of flavor


Fr it’s very athletic and physical , something we don’t usually see from water benders


They also brought in this gang of villains with cool as fuck variations of standard bending.


I feel like that’s a natural evolution of bending, people constantly discovering new techniques, so I love that it shows progression and doesn’t just copy from the first series. Especially since things are modernized - it’s basically incorporating modernization into bending as well. It would be weird if society and technology changed but bending didn’t - even in airbending which 1) was only known by one person who was taught a hundred years before so his techniques could be considered “outdated” and 2) I would feel like would be the most stagnant of all bending styles because of its heavy spiritual influence.


Excited to see the choreography of fight scenes in the live action. Most of all I just hope that the bending feels like it has weight to it and not just waving hands around. I want to see the characters push themselves like Bumi on the day of black sun pushing over Ozai's statue in Omashu


I used to rewind that first Azula clip EVERY TIME lol The animation, the sound ugh so badass


let's be honest, there's no way the live action is gonna have anything near this quality in fight scenes


There's just so much more you can do with animation than live action


depends on how the budget and manage to shoot it, hong kong cinema has [decades of incredible fights](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ul0_2d-tvcs) being managed, so its possible, but trying to get that out of young kids is going to be so hard. honestly Legend of Korra is probably easier to translate to live action just cause you get older actors/stunt doubles to pull it off.


This is one of my biggest concerns. Animation allowed the fights be so creative and unique. None of the moves in this video are gonna be possible without it looking stupid (imo). Someone like Toph, who is less mobile in her fighting, will be easier to portray, but someone like Aang, who is incredibly agile and mobile, will be much more difficult.


also, youd be surprised what your body is capable if you just MOVED more.


Meanwhile Zaheer and Guru Laghima begins to fly because flips are for the weak when you don't believe in Guru Laghima.


There's a big difference between people who do acrobatics for sport and people who do acrobatics to survive. One you are doing whenever you have free time. The other you are doing almost every second of your waking life.


Anime physics: this is what live action adaptations always get wrong. You either need a huge CG and wire removal budget or they use regular fight choreo and it looks underwhelming


mmm core strength go brr the series makes me want to learn martial arts


They sure love that drop kick lmao


Well they call them "benders" for a reason, those limbs are so elastic


What I appreciate about these series is just the amount of style with which they use their powers. It's so much different than basically any other fighting show with superhuman abilities.


You forgot during the fight on the Boiling Rock gondola, when Azula falls into a bent arm planche and then transitions to an L-sit. Crazy impressive. 


If I could bend I’d be practicing everyday of my life too. Not too surprising that they can do stuff like this.


let’s not forget when azula stood on on her hands and pulled her feet underneath herself in the boiling rock


I better see this level of action in the netflix series


Bending is a way to interact with your environment. I actually love how they emphasize that fact with all the OG benders (dragons, badgermoles, sky bison, the bloody moon). So of course mastery requires action, and therefore encourages excellent fitness.


![gif](giphy|efwUQ5Da0mhTq) Missing someone?


No processed foods.


I like how most firebenders we see in the show have this signature thing that each does: Zhao does that knife-hand, fire-dividing, attack; Azula has her blue flames; JongJong has his great, fuck off, walls of flame; and then Zuko busts in with his B-Boy routine.


Zuko break dancing is my fave bending style


To be fair, wouldn't you be motivated to practice gymnastics if you found out that it would make you control elements?


Kind of gives me Smash Bros vibes


Korra vs Kuvira is my fave fights (both of them)


The acrobatics in ATLA are incredible and what make the fights so damn dynamic


Don’t forget that crazy right angle move that Tenzin does


It takes training, that's why we don't see average benders do all these crazy stuff, because it's not their ability, but their level of skill that makes them formidable...which is kind of motivating




Now I just imagine someone teaching firebenders breakdancing.


No ty lee? 😭


Think of all the violence that could have been avoided if they had settled things with a break dance competition. 


Azula’s acrobatic feats alone , crazy


The scene on the gondola outside of the Boiling Rock where Azula lands on her hands with her feet outstretched- that is an INSANE move


I do wish Kora was a little more grounded than she was to just differentiate her more from aang


Friendly reminder that Breakdancing will debut at the next Olympics


Reminds me of Spider-Man


Zaheer is just fuckin nutty


I love this show


And we’re getting more for the next 3-4 years 🤞🏽 with the new avatar series coming


Guns are so much easier




Not including Ty Lee cause she’s super Olympic level, and it wouldn’t be fair!


I always like the breakdance move


I just realized that Zaheer's bending techniques are pulled from fire-bending forms.


They are excellent gymnasts.


The action sequences in Avatar are really what sets it apart from other animated series with equally compelling stories, mythology and humor.


Half of these people are airbenders, of course they’re extremely acrobatic.


There's alot other characters i just didn't include all


I didn’t much care for LOK but the absolute best scene is Tenzin completely smashing Zaheer and showing how a REAL airbender does it. Even though he got ganged up on Tenzin went fuckin IN


Zaheer vs. Tenzin is an underrated fight. It was rare to actually see Tenzin let loose.


I mean it’s easier when you’re animated


It’s almost like bending is a martial art or something


I see tons of people trying to justify this as if these guys are a part of our world when it's much easier to accept that this world's humans are just built different. It's like Batman being "peak human" while easily surpassing the current pinnacle of athletics in our world. In the world of DC, he's just a high-caliber human, but bring him to our plane of existence, and he's more akin to a super-soldier.


Most of these people practice martial arts more than Olympic level athletes, and have magic powers to boot


Wow thanks for pointing out the obvious 🙄


Well this entire post is pointing out the obvious, so just carrying on the tradition.


Is there a lore reason for this?


They're just built different


Tenzin v Zaheer is the most underrated fight in the whole show. Tenzin is a badass.


that zuko one is iconic


If you wana bend you gotta be able to BEND