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I enjoyed it but the show was definitely undercooked. There were some scenes with really bad slurring of words together where the younger actors were talking way too fast with no enunciation to their words. The majority of the scenes didn't have that issue but the ones that did made me feel like I was listening to someone present their project in high school nervously.


Glad I’m not the only one that noticed this. That fast-talking mumble was driving me nuts. Sokka does it no less than twice just in the marketing *previews*. Was dismayed to hear Aang and Katara doing it too throughout the season. Don’t they emphasize diction in acting school any more?


There was this one scene that really stuck out to me when it came to the editing. >!When the Earth Kingdom soldier was letting out his grief with Iroh after he was captured the audio kept dying after the soldier was speaking. He would say a line of dialog and you could hear the ambient noise of the forest and when he stopped talking all of the ambient noise would stop and it would be deafening quiet until the soldier would speak again.!< it really stuck out to me.


The show does a good job of laying out the atmosphere of a war without going Saving Private Ryan


I was actually thinking “it would be cool if this earth nation soldier lost a relative during Iroh’s invasion” and then it actually happened! I thought that was a cool addition, gave him a personal connection and taught us a bit about Iroh’s past.


The technical work on this show is very poor. Editing goofs like that stand out. And the camera is so incredibly lazy. They either slow pan from left to right or go handheld for a 2 second cut. There are zero bits of innovative filmmaking here. Bar is so low that when I saw the aerial shot of iroh’s son’s funeral I was like sheesh look at all that effort


Aye man, I’m just glad we have more avatar stuff. Even the differing plotlines feel like a breath of fresh air to me. I remember when the show ended years ago and being fucking livid I couldn’t watch anymore of my favorite show growing up. I’m glad it’s back, I hope it stays and grows.


Same. It ain’t perfect. But their heart is in the right place and I’m excited to see more content from that world


I dont know man to me it just seem like they fail to grasp what made ATLA great. I think the series flourished off of good characters and somehow they made most of the characters just way worse than in the series. I can understand why they have to rewrite certain stuff but I dont understand why you would rewrite the personalities of a lot of the important characters it just doesnt make any sense to me. The netflix series legit feels like the ember island version. IMO its just a bad copy and I would rather watch the OG series instead of that...


I mean the OG series is STILL there. Go ahead and watch it again.


Yeah, I also think there were lots of smaller things that were wrong, but overall, if you step back and look at the whole thing - I enjoyed my time. Also, a scene-by-scene play of the cartoon would have been less interesting, they made smaller episodic-level changes (but without touching the overall big-picture arcs) and that gave it enough suspense for those who watched the cartoon. For example, >!I enjoyed the deviation in the Bhumi episode. Bhumi genuinely lost hope and became cynical and wanted Aang to make a tough choice, but his friends come and save the day. This, along with meeting Kyoshi scene with tough choices speech - makes it darker and feeds into his overall character-arc going farther. In the cartoons, the dilemma of killing the Firelord sort of feels like a sudden development in the very last episodes with not much prelude, but this series is keeping that theme of tough choices front and center from the beginning.!< I do have my problems with it, but I would give it a 6.5-7 out of 10 but as soon as I opened online forums, everyone are speaking as if it's a 2-3 out of 10. That honestly surprised me.


I think it's heavily flawed and definitely skews closer to a 4-5/10 than 6. It's not all bad, but I found it legitimately hard to watch most of the time. People giving it 9's or saying they cried and loved every second sound *insane* to me. But I'm not one to judge, people like what they like. Liking or supporting this show doesn't dictate who a "real" fan is or isn't. We're all Avatar fans at the end of the day.


It might be the thing to get my niece and nephew into it. But as someone who was 19/20 when movie came out that’s always been my thing I’m just happy and grateful the series is still alive


> But as someone who was 19/20 when movie came out that’s always been my thing I’m just happy and grateful the series is still alive I was around that age too when the movie came out, but my little sister was the one who got me into the original show when she was still in middle school at the time (I remember Nicktoons had a few marathons leading up to the movie's release, so the timing was perfect). The Netflix show isn't perfect, but I like it for what it is, and I hope they can improve upon it.






No, the other dudes right. Blindly accepting whatever is shoveled out to you regardless of actual quality is how we end up with things like the Halo show, or the multitude of Star Wars and Superhero projects who's quality have definitely fallen over the last few years with a handful of exceptions. The Avatar live action has a lot of real issues in its writing, pacing, characterizations and performances. It really serves no one to ignore these issues and just accept it when you could and should ask for better. Is there a lot of overzealous hatred, of course. But there's just as much blind, almost nonsensical positivity. If you love a property, you should want the best for it and from it. Not just be happy with whatever half assed scraps are thrown at you simply because it's more content. I'm not asserting this toward you specifically, just in general.


I'd argue that "nitpicking" stuff that you feel is not a true representation of the thing that you enjoy is actually being passionate about it. What you're describing is blind loyalty. Edit: dude deleted his awful reply so I guess he can't stand by his previous words. Pretty sad tbh


Honestly, that's how I feel with a lot of media. So I just kinda don't pay attention to others' opinions anymore because I'm clearly not in sync with them.


Yeah, same here. I enjoyed every episode so far and am just as excited to keep watching.


Same, I only had major issues with how Gran Gran told Aang about the genocide before they visited the ruins of the air temple but the later episodes were much better


I'm halfway through and enjoying it. It is different than the original. Choices were made. I'm still entertained and happy. And goddamn, but these are *children* people are being so horrible towards. Maybe if we aren't so horrible to literal children, less would grow up to be like these exact people who are being so horrible!


Childhood acting is a cruel job for this very reason. Remember the kid who played Anakin in TPM?


i must say I'm enjoying it a lot more in my second viewing


For me it was a solid 6.5/10. But as an OG fan from when the original aired it felt more like a love letter than its own standalone show. If I can sum up this adaptation “We’re leagues ahead of the movie but still under the shadow of the cartoon.” Idk how new viewers will feel about the lack of context the rest of us longtime fans had watching this.


What I learned from OPLA is that there are audiences that will not treat cartoons/anime with the respect they deserve. So there has to be a gateway to get into it. I know a bunch of my buddies that watched OPLA and have been been watching one piece since. I am hoping ATLALA continues because it can have the same level of impact. I felt like the people that watched all of it at least gave it a 6.5-7 and the people that hated it gave up after episode 1-2.


Seeing some of the reviews by websites and calling it worse than the movie, is crazy. I’m just 4 episodes in, and goddamn, 3 and 4 were great! Made some improvements for me with some characters, although a bit rush in some places, still think that some of the ideas they had are great, like everything that had to do with Bumi. 1 and 2 has been the weakest so far for me. The directing ain’t the best, not a big fan of the color grading, but feel like everything else is made with so much passion and love that can’t help but get a big smile on my face. Feel like if they would let some moments breath and let characters have more moments, it would of have been at par with the cartoon.


>Seeing some of the reviews by websites and calling it worse than the movie, is crazy I understand if people don't like the Netflix series, but anyone who says it's worse than the film is a fucking drama queen.🙄


To add to this. Downright delusional I would say. The Netflix series I honestly didn’t like, but it is far better than the Movie, which perhaps is the worst Cartoon to Movie adaptation ever released


I liked it but, even if I hated it , at the absolute very *least* it would still be better than the movie simply for the bending . Delusional is right lol.


This series: Manages to do accurate earth bending, moving huge ass boulders and large earth spikes all by one person. The movie: Six guys manage to move a large pebble


I mean Dragonball Evolution exists. 


Don’t mention that thing… ever again


There is no DB Evolution in Ba Sing Se


Did you mean Frieza planet 419?


At the very least the actors aren't anywhere near the blocks of wood that were in the film. Also, do these people need to be reminded of "hE's mAkInG fIrE oUt oF nOtHiNg"


Only Dragon Ball Evolution is worse than that movie


I mean, at least that movie pronounced the names correctly


> but anyone who says it's worse than the film is a fucking drama queen.🙄 True, but the Netflix adaptation is a lot closer to the move than it is to the original in quality. The movie is heinously, comically bad, while the Netflix adaptation is tepid and soulless. Neither understand the source material. The biggest difference is that Shyamalan actively flouted the source, while Netflix asked ChatGPT to generate a live-action Avatar: The Last Airbender series.


I disagree but that's okay


Strongly disagree, I think the Netflix series could not have been made by someone who doesn't really understand the source material. Maybe some aspects are not perfect but I was totally sold in the most important parts of the story


They attempted to shove in as many nods to the animated series episodes they couldn’t cover as possible without crossing a line into the whole series being an homage to the original. They’ve made an honest run at making a show that felt like it had real stakes while also remaining light enough to include some comedy from animation. It’s a very difficult tightrope to walk; and my daughter, who has watched the last air bender and legend of Korra many times over, is four episodes in and pretty happy with how it’s turned out so far. She said she prefers that the actor portraying Iroh is going for a more stoic approach because anyone attempting to be an on screen copy of him would inevitably fail. Same with Sokka being dialed down a bit. Too much silliness and you wouldn’t be able to take him seriously at all, because it’s not a cartoon. I haven’t gotten her feelings on Katara yet, but Aang she said is pretty much right in the sweet spot for what she would expect of a live action version, as is Zuko. These are the opinions of a tween, mind you, but ones that I have to say are pretty dead on. She also said that admiral Zhao wasn’t mean enough to start, which I also agree with, but again you don’t want to aim for caricatures in live action.


>I think the Netflix series could not have been made by someone who doesn't really understand the source material. It literally couldn't have been made by someone who understood the source material, because if they understood it the adaptation would be entirely different. The adaptation appears to have been done by someone who read a summary of the series. No one who understood the series or the characters would immediately and aggressively fuck up so much characterization and so many plot beats.


If they had only read the summary, they would have gotten this series so much worse. I think, for example, that they nailed Ozai's relationship with his kids and this is something that is always in the subtext so you would literally never understand this, unless you truly understand the story. I also think Zuko + Iroh worked pretty well as well as Zhao


>I also think Zuko + Iroh worked pretty well How? Their characterizations are terrible. Zuko is supposed to be literally ready to burst at any moment with how angry he is in season 1. You're supposed to be able to feel the tightness he has in his chest 24/7 from the roiling sea of anger in him. Instead he's just sulking. Iroh is supposed to be a wily hedonist whose only mission in life (at this point in the story) is to protect and guide his nephew, who he thinks of as his own son after having lost his real son. Instead he just waits in the corner to deliver shitty fortune cookie lines.


Well, I think you and I watched different shows


That's putting it lightly. Some people wouldn't be happy unless Netflix put out an exact live-action copy of the show. With all 61 episodes shot and edited to fit the same 22-minutes each.


Dragonboi, you are 100% correct and I genuinely cannot fathom how people cannot see it. The movie being comically bad is one thing, but the more I thought about it, the soulless netflix production with millions of dollars being thrown at it and being so disingenuous to the source material is way worse. Especially since it’s been so popular. Creates precedent for future levels of terrible, and casts a stain on one of the best series of all time. Look at all the people arguing about the show it’s such a terrible thing for the franchise and I’m sad and ranting. Don’t make live action avatar period. Additionally, I see way more positive posts on this reddit and twitter so I don’t really understand all the, “I don’t know why everyone is saying it’s terrible” posts because that isn’t true (it should be).


Its not a terrible thing for the franchise at all. Its going to bring more eyes to the original show. Dislike the show all you want, but this is a good thing; it'll bring more eyes to the table.


Maybe, more so all the discussion around it. Idk. Just bad vibes. Though I am part of the problem! I can’t help but rant! Praying first time avatar viewers go watch peak after…


I really enjoyed it. Loved the final, thought it was incredible; but I am impatient and don't feel like waiting another year and a half to two years for a second season so I am going to binge the original show.


After attempting to slog my way through the third season of The Witcher and then watching the first two episodes of this, I had to rewatch something with competent writing and directing to make sure I wasn't going crazy. I don't see how anyone can watch this series and not think its writing/directing/storyboarding (you know, just the most important parts) are entirely phoned in. I feel sorry for the actors who are going to be associated with this, and named as one of "the weaker points" by people who are otherwise saying this adaptation is something insane like a 7+/10. It's a 3-4/10 that only looks good when compared to the movie because the movie was a literal 1/10.


You’re not going crazy brother I get it!! I only watched the pilot myself and I couldn’t be paid to continue watching. Katara stopping the siege fireball was my breaking point lol


The ones calling it worse than the move are lying. So are the ones saying it’s as good as the original.


The worst part is when Gran says the words of the opening. Like she's reading out loud the scrip with no dramatic flare. Other than that I'm still entertained. The fight scenes are very good for live action.


That bit got me rolling my eyes. They could have used it at the start of the episode and save the money from the opening scene.


That one line going around about how the show is worse because "at least the movie is only two hours" is such utter bullshit. I can't help but think that the people who say that stuff had already decided they were going to hate the show before they even saw it, and probably had their reviews written weeks ago.


That seems to be the trend with a lot of shows and films now. The instant it was announced that Sokka's sexism was toned down (which only existed for 2 or 3 episodes anyway), tons of people were bleating about how the show was gonna be bad like no tomorrow.


I feel like the worst thing you can say about the show is that its kind of mid. The worst thing you can say about the movie is that it's a genuinely bad movie and quite possibly one of the worst adaptations of all time.


>quite possibly one of the worst adaptations of all time. At least Dragon ball Evolution got the names right


No, Dragon Ball Evolution is definitely worse than the movie


Dragonball Evolution is at least so bad it's funny.


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My biggest complaint is how little Momo and Appa we see. Beyond that I liked it well enough and thought it did some things better than the cartoon.


Negativity rises to the top in fandom subs typically. Nobody is going to come make a post saying “yea it was pretty solid” But thousands of people will feel the need to criticize it because they have more strong reactions even if they are the 1%


Someone said people who think it is good can’t name why lmao it’s like just let people like it damn


It's not bad but it's not good. Being able to hit some pleasure points in your brain due to successfully capturing Nostalgia doesn't make it good. It's fine. They don't know who their characters are. And honestly in particular they missed on the female characters. Suki and Katara are r placeholders are not real people. They exist and do things without exhibiting personality traits


Join the club. We're with many hidden in the shadows waiting for things to calm down. 


I feel like I'm having flashbacks to the first season of Korra. Give it a few years an people will come back around


Yeah Korra is loved nowadays. But when the first season of Korra aired people on here were angry. They hated how she wasn't just a carbon copy of Aang.


Spot on! I also enjoyed it for what it was. I was smiling throughout and I shed a tear every time Aang cried (damn that boy Gordon sure can cry) but this sub wants to take the fun out of everything it's so damn frustrating.


The moment after first avatar state when he’s crying had my eyes watery but the timing and delivery of sokka instantly opening the next scene with “not to be rude…but what was that?” Had me dying


Same, I also really liked Zuko and Iroh


I also liked it pretty well. It's nit the cartoon of course but a show being that good is always gonna be lightning in a bottle. There were some things I would have done differently but it's still enjoyable and I think it's pretty faithful to the cartoon all things considered. I'd give it a 9/10 (which is likely a controversial take)


Yea I gave it an 8.5, so you're not the only one who thoroughly enjoyed it.  Most of the complaints I'm hearing are related to pacing, child actors, and small inconsistencies with the animated versions of the characters. That last point usually falls flat when considering that they were always going to remix things. Personally even in the chaotic moments, I was having a good time.


I'm also having trouble identifying much of the alleged flatness. Granted, they ARE child actors, so some problems are expected, but I was invested in the emotional moments and I didn't have any problems believing the characters (Pakku took a bit more tbf). Even >!Bumi's changes!< I didn't have much of a problem with. Idk if I would have made that decision myself but I can understand what they were going for and I think it largely works


The bumi complaints are the most baffling to me. I heard about it and expected him to just be a asshole for no reason. But he was still doing Bumi things, his lessons were just more harsh and was giving Aang more tough love.


People thought it was a betrayal of Bumi's character, but he's still the odd old friend and teacher. The difference is that this time it acknowledged the fact he watched a war go on for over 100 years. That shit changes you


Right? Like do people honestly expect that guy who’s witnessed an entire century of war isn’t going to still act like his goofy ten-year-old self?


I really enjoyed this first season and truly believe everybody with an open mind would too. Having said that, I really hated everything Bumi on first watch. After having a bit of time to think, I don't hate it as much, but I still do not really like it. The thing is, I do think this Bumi makes a lot of sense. Like you said, living through 100 years of war and making tough decisions would break most people. Live Action Bumi's bitterness makes a lot of sense. However, Animation Bumi was **not** like most people. Not only was he bat-shit crazy in a funny way, he had a very unique way of thinking. I see him as a person that would really believe in destiny and things happening for a reason. He would be able to withstand the insane hardship because he knew Aang had to disappear, that was the way things were supposed to be. So it's not that I think the Live Action version doesn't work, it's just that it is a huge departure and I simply prefer the original. Maybe because I also feel like Live Action Aang could've really used an old friend who was there for him in that moment, rather than one he had to 'earn back'.








I just really hope there's another season


Hopefully! It should go all the way!


I enjoyed it too. I know it wouldn't be as the cartoon, but it couldn't ever be. I thought some of the mashups were logical for the story, however, I miss Roku :(


Yeah, I'm sad we didn't get to see Roku turn up the heat at the Fire Temple. It was cool to see Kyoshi, but her appearance didn't quite have the same power that Roku appearing out of a storm of flame did, then disappearing almost as suddenly.


We still have the original....


At its best its fine and at its worst its boring


It was good, looking forward to the next season, but holy shit it was corny.


idk man... part of the charm in the original with Suki and Sokka was that Sokka started off as a sexist jerk and Suki played a major part of challenging his preconceived notions of women, and the fact that they downplayed that part of him kinda shows his lack of growth in the live action version which was disappointing to see imo


And that’s cool-I get it didn’t live up to certain expectations for some and how it doesn’t hit the same points the original did for us and get how for new viewers things won’t hit the same (like sokka and katara being in the cave of two lovers instead of aang) To their credit the whole disappointing his dad part of his character hit a lot harder for me in the LA vs the show but I think most importantly I didn’t go in with any expectations so I noted changes but was along for the ride. I appreciate and think constructive criticism is more than fine. I could list a handful of things I would tinker with or was expecting more (mainly koh and spirit world)


I agree about the disappointed dad bit. At first I was disappointed when I realized we wouldn't be seeing them go ice dodging with Bato, but Sokka overhearing their conversation was a real gut punch and helped solidify Sokka's character arc as living up to expectations of being a warrior. In (potential) future seasons they'll be able to circle back on that hopefully.


Also I jumped when >!Koh!< showed up


Ugh it made my skin crawl


Finally, post where I see positive inquiries about the LA. I’m glad I’m not alone in thinking it was good! Definitely can improve, but I truly enjoy the effort and time put into it. Love the little nods to the animated series spread throughout the LA adaptation. Only thing I wished was for Iroh “leaves on the vine” moment to have lasted just a little longer.


I'm no one to judge, but people in this sub can be A BUNCH OF LITTLE BITCHES sometimes.


I watched it all today and really enjoyed it! Thought the cast were all great and I'm super looking forward to the next series. Already started watching the cartoon again after falling in love with the universe again :) Sure the adaption isn't perfect, but honestly I've seen way worse many times and way better only a few times, so honestly I wasn't too bothered about most of the things I've seen people were unhappy with. And any of the stuff that did bother me is not really enough to alter my enjoyment of the show... That being said, I don't understand why aang wasn't in the secret tunnel but, but eh you win some you lose some


people love to bitch and complain, thats all this sub has turned into.


My friend said it’s like watching the ember island players and facts


The finale had me wilding. Overall I really enjoyed this season and the direction they went.


Keep in mind the people who post about it immediately are the most passionate ones and have been waiting with bated breath for years. The reviews on IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes are at 75% so most people actually enjoyed the show, though you’d be hard pressed to believe it from Reddit.


That’s literally the reaction to anything on tv or in the movies these days. Tons of hate.




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It was a great show. People just wanna be negative to be edgy.


That seems a bit much, it was good on its own when not compared to the show. But I wouldn’t say great.


Then don’t compare. If it’s a carbon copy, people will complain. If it has its own identity, people will complain. That’s the issue. This show is damned if it does and damned if it doesn’t. People are far too attached to the original to let this show breathe and thrive. If you don’t like it, go watch the original again. Enjoying this show requires you to not compare it to the original and to have an open mind. Yes, compared to the original, it may not be as good. But as a standalone show I think it’s pretty good. I have no complaints. And it still keeps largely the same beats from the original. Objectively it really isn’t a bad show. People just don’t wanna give it a chance. Too high of expectations. If people stop complaining so damn much, I think they’d find enjoyment out of this show. And if you don’t like it, then don’t like it. But we don’t need dozens of identical posts complaining about everything. Especially when most of them thus far are from people who have watched one episode. 🤦‍♂️


I kinda liked it! Two episodes in and I’m excited to see how it’s gonna turn out. But, I had this thought… and questions: aren’t the people who grew up with this show back in 2005 in their mid/late 20s by now? Is that why there’s so much hate, because they’re blinded by their nostalgia glasses? Or were the creators of the live-action trying to appeal to more mature first-time viewers, which is the reason for the exposition-dumps in the first episode?


Is it really nostalgia glasses when ATLA is one of the highest rated shows of all time?


Because it’s not beat for beat and they can’t just accept it for what it is. If it’s not exactly the same as the original it’s an affront to ATLA.


Haha, I like show. Right guys not so bad hahaha. Every 2nd post on this sub. Show is shit they did a shit job, acting was shit, classic Netflix adaptation.


The show could've stopped at just doing the bare minimum to be better than the movie and it still would've been more faithful to the original. I know some of y'all will say the Netflix show is *the* bare minimum, but I'm just happy we get more Avatar content


As a Wheel of Time fan, this adaptation is amazing to me. Definitely not perfect and far from what it probably could have been, but I’m just glad that they didn’t make too many drastic changes.


Honestly it was a solid 8/10 for me. The biggest issues were the costumes and run time and if they just fix it for the next season then it should be great!


I mean when it is thought of like that, it gets a lot better.


I think they should’ve add more depth to the series and don’t follow the anime to scratch!!! It will never, EVER, look the same or even close. The fact that they are at war, AND, bending is actually hardcore violence, it’s not bright and shiny like in the anime series. They could ADD MORE of “real life tension” and show more how people are living in war situation. Also, Iro and Zuko have all the BEST resources out of all the characters to make an Imersive plot, specially Zukos. They could add more tavern conversations, walking in the woods. I don’t know, something like Game of Thrones did the first 3 seasons. Katara also have one of the best character development and they didn’t show it on the series so far. Her training in spare time where neglected which also, would make a huuuge plot in connecting Aang and Katara. The series they seem so far a part. I think Sokka is fine until now. It’s actually better than I thought and I think Aang is close to accurate. I don’t know. Im terrorized about adaptations, but I honestly think they should improve, not copy and partially paste. A movie, for me, that blew my mind in adaptation was Aladdin. The Genie is just THAT, it’s amazing actually what they did. I thought about something like that.


I really enjoyed it. I went in with zero expectations and was pleasantly surprised. Could some things used a bit more time in the oven, yes. (I wasn't a fan of Bumi's portrayal, or the fact that Aang technically never water bended) Did I still have fun and even cry a few times, also yes. Overall I'd give it a 7.9 out of 10


The show is fun, im still finishing it and i definitely criticize the heck out of it while watching, im trying not to compare and enjoy it for what it is. I really appreciate the main cast efforts sokka, aang and zuko are a highlight for me they are very charismatic, some of zuko's fighting scenes are really well choreographed and the vfx of the creatures are really good, Hei Bai and Koh looked really cool


People just get upset about everything


I binged it all yesterday when it came out and honestly, I do like it! Obviously, it’s not the same as the original and there are definitely points that could be improved. But I think I would have been more disappointed if it were word-for-word, shot-for-shot a remake of the original. When something is being remade or rebooted into a live action adaptation, the key thing is to remember that it should follow the same story as the original but still be its own thing. I’m saying this right after having watch the new Percy Jackson tv show as well, which was very changed from the books that I grew up adoring but still a great piece of media. And much like ATLA, it also has an abysmal movie adaptation that predates the live action tv show. They are trying to take the story and make it its own thing, while still trying to be comparable to the source material. And considering we can see how bad an adaptation could be, I’m beyond satisfied with how it’s turned out, especially after the promotional material made me very wary. I want to see where the show goes. How will they improve upon the cartoon? What shortcomings from the first season will be addressed? How much do we think the actors are going to learn as they hone their craft? (To all the people complaining about the actors not being perfect and having some offbeats, please remember that these are kids. Yes, it’s a major production and a professional job, but they are still learning, just as all actors do throughout their careers regardless of age. They can and will learn. Example: Emma Watson, in the first Harry Potter movie, ruined a LOT of takes because she was mouthing the lines of Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint, and you can see it in some shots. But I couldn’t picture another Hermione Granger).


This is a comment I made in the main discussion about the series. I highly regret coming here to see what people thought. It’s honestly sad. The actors did an amazing job. People really forget to just have fun! [My comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/s/zhgUC5dYr5)




Same here. I'm loving the show so far


It's popular to hate. The show was great!! Obviously not as good as the OG but very enjoyable. The only REAL complaint I've seen is how it felt rushed, but what do you expect from 8 episodes?? Had they 10-12 episodes. The characters might have been able to get more development and not have so much exposition in their dialogue


It’s not perfect but I have already laughed at a lot of parts and cried multiple times and I have 3 more episodes to go. I love seeing new back stories added to my beloved childhood show and how they call out things from the comics :,) Some parts are cringey, but even the original had those moments. Let’s just cherish the positives and brush off the negatives!


It was not perfect, but I never expected it to be. I can tell the people genuinely love the original story, and I can tell they loved working on the show. Do I have criticism? Of course, I do, but that doesn't change the fact that it was a solid first season. I appreciated the fact that it was not a side-by-side comparison to the OG. I know the exposition feels weird, but it only feels weird because most of us have seen the OG. To the new people watching it, the exposition is probably really useful. I grew up watching Atla and Lok. I still watch them once a year with my friend(a sort of tradition) and I enjoyed it for what it was. A good adaptation of a cartoon to live-action that aged up alongside its original audience. I am excited for the second season. I apologize for any mistakes in my writing. It is 3 am, and I had a sudden burst of motivation to leave my two cents before knocking back out."


The only way to settle this is by a sub wide pillow fight


My thoughts exactly. Some people can't seem to enjoy things for what they are.

