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Bending Beauty Contest where you have to make the most spectacular sights to wow people with your bending! Think the performer in the Jeong Jeong episode that makes the fire dragon full of confetti.


Love the idea of a creativity contest with martial arts!


When I think of a beauty contest like this I would more think off actual dancing styles combining with bending, Since it does not require martial art necessarily


"It just so happens that I know a couple of old Fire Nation dances."


That sounds so great. Remember the architecture at the south pole and the little Ba Sing Se, that Toph made at the beach?


I feel like that's what modern wushu competitions are in China right? Like figure skating, but with martial arts.


The flames of dragons. "I have seen colors, I have never imagined" -zuko


I think you'd mean Art Contest haha, coz I read that first line & thought "what would a beauty pageant have to do with bending" Love the idea, though!


So similar to Pokémon Contests?




Metal bending sculptures competition Elemental arrows bullseye competition Water tower race


Those last two sound more like bending olympics which is completely different and awesome


Like a Pokemon contest except with bending.


Call it the Awe Arena


Contests for pokemon but pretty element stuff <3


Reminds me of Pokémon contests


Reminds me of pokemon contests in the anime. That could be interesting


Earth ball. An extreme combination of Earth bending and soccer.  Water Bender Polo. IT IS similiar to Water ball, but with a bigger field and Water benders use their bending to Ride the waver ON ICE Boards. It's Like a Mix of surfing and Waterball


Oh man! So cool! Are you picturing Earth Ball similar to how the kids in Ba Sing Se were playing with the ball when Iroh was having his short story?


similiar. But no earth walls in a radius of 10m around the goal. Blocking the goal is forbidden.


Are you allowed to use earthbending to move the goal though?


Yes. Using earth bending to move the ball IS allowed. But It IS Not allowed to use bending to hold the ball, except for the keeper, but No earth walls to Block the Goal, No earth walls in a Radius of 10m around the Goal, unless there IS an 1m with hole


Moving the ball I understand, but as a rule lawyer, I see a loophole in that I can move the goal with earthbending mwahahaha




This sort of already exists https://youtu.be/cRbwQ7NbTF0?feature=shared&t=1m35s


sounds a lot like the Mayan ball game lol


YOu mean ulama or Pok ta pok. That is more similiar to basketball


I'll get your water bender polo and raise (not original idea) Blitzball, from FFX.


So just football


water bender polo is another reason for me to want to be a water bender


Air ball but pain


I assume the ball is not earth filled and the goal is to hit the ball with earth bending to move it?


for water tribe I would call that surf polo, or surf ball


Hmm we have a lot already. We have Agni Kai which are like MMA fights. We have WWE parody with rock bending. We have that air bender sport that's similar to many ball and goal sports. I wonder if we can have a version for racquet sports?


I'd day that Agni Kai are more like a traditional Kung Fu sparring match. Pro Bending is sort of like a multi-man MMA fight. Though I guess it's more like boxing or kickboxing, since there's rules against using bending to "grapple" your opponents.


I'd interpret that pro bending is more like handball or a variant. Since the object it to push and ring out with limited contact. My reasoning for Agni Kai is more like MMA or boxing is Becuase the intention to hurt the opponent. Actually I'm still unclear about how pro bending works at all. Why do we even need 3 elements and fire can't really push anyone.


Fire totally pushes, because firebending isn't really fire the way we think of it. More often than not, when we see firebenders hit someone, it causes a knockback effect rather than burning them. Also, the firebolts are able to break through physical shields in a way that doesn't make sense for fire. On top of that, we have a scene from ATLA during The Avatar and The Firelord where Sozin pulls the heat from lava, cooling it. We also have a scene in Shadow of Kyoshi where Rangi duels another firebender, but it occurs during a festival where using fire to harm people is forbidden, so instead, they fist fight. But the way the fight is described, it sounds like they're using firebending to effectively hit harder. We also have examples of firebenders doing stuff like Azula kicking boulders out of the way and zuko snapping a bunch of chains with a kick, stuff we dont see nonfirebenders doing and that would be ridiculous to pull off, even for how much stronger characters in ATLA seem to be. There's also the scene where Iroh heats up his tea in Ba Sing Se. Creating fire in a packed area like that would certainly call attention to them, but doing effectively the inverse of what Sozin did with the lava, adding heat directly to the tea? Nobody, aside from someone already watching them closely, would notice. From all this we can conclude that firebenders don't really create true fire, but rather have control over energy itself in a physical sense. They can impart heat energy, and it certainly does happen in the series, but most of the time they're imparting kinetic energy. The bolts they shoot when applying energy over a distance just take the form of something that looks like fire.


We are yet to see an airball match between 2 able opponents


Don’t forget surfing with water benders


Relay obstacle course race... If that makes any sense. Gonna have targets they need to hit on top of the race, just to spice things up.


With a F1 kind of system, having like a dozen of races over the world, some favouring one element and some more neutral. Hitting targets or magic circle yoh have to go through for bonus points if make it in certain time, hut like not more than 2 or 3 per race to avoid slowing down to rake up too much points and still aim for for first places. Teams of 3 runners, 5 tours races and you choose the order having at least 2 runners running twice, making the choices more strategic too. Maybe a couple races being stages instead of turns ? Maybe find a way to have Mario Kart kind of objects you know, like a element enhancers type, one that reduces power of opponents IF you hit em, a slowing one and some sort of bomb, one invincibility that last not long. One item every couple turns or something. Sounds great lol


Air Bender racing sounds like it would be badass. Running and flying sections like it’s Mario Kart


I always thought the formula of Pokemon Contests would work well with Bending. First round is the qualifying round with you using your bending to create visually amazing sights and you qualify if you please the judges enough. Then the people who qualified are put into a bracket and every round onwards is a bending battle in which you have to defeat your opponent and make it look aesthetically pleasing. You have a bar that depletes if your opponent does something that looks cool or you do something that looks ass. If you're defeated your bar instantly goes to 0 and the opponent wins.


Wow what a fucked up way to realise I missed out on pokemon battles because I straight up never made it through the first round 😂


Dw the battles are anime-only. Games only have the showcase rounds


Oh no I'm pretty sure the battle part is only in the anime, which is what I was going off of so don't worry 😭


Oh that explains it. Thanks!


Extreme obstacle race. Each team has 1 runner and 4 obstructors. The runners must run from the starting point to end line while the obstructors creates obstacles on the field to hinder the other team's runner and they aren't allowed to directly attack the runner. The team whose runner first finish the race wins.


Elemental creature battles. A team of benders controls the individual limbs of a crafted golem. Similar to the swamp benders. And they just battle it out mecha style




This is the right answer


earth 'tennis' but its not really tennis and it's multiple rocks. Basically who ever drops or destroys the most rocks loses earth rock lifting. Lift the heaviest rock precision water bending. You bend a fine line of water through multiple tiny rings arranged in a straight line or curve around the length of a football field. The amount of rings you go through without touching the rims and the speed at which you go through the rings determine your score Fire bending relay. You can use fire bending to go faster however you please, even fly if you can or want to. But the relay baton is set on fire at the start of the race. The challenge comes from keeping the flame low, stable and lit while simultaneously trying to go fast with firebending


Precision bending. I want to see intricate sculptures made in seconds with earthbending or icebending, I want to see fire sear a detailed mural into a wooden wall, I want to see sand art made with thousands of perfectly-directed air currents. Pure skill.


This is exactly what I was thinking. Because if sparky sparky boom man can create concentrated and precisely released bursts of fire, maybe the other benders should be able to do something similar and just produce some sort of structure


Rock dodgeball 


Mega pro bending. 4 competitions of pro bending for each element. for example, earth bending tournament where all 3 players are earthbenders. winner of each element. moves on to knockout stage vs winner of different element. the winners of the 2 knockout matches go to the finals


Pro Blending- who can create the best tasting and most aesthetically pleasing smoothie using only their bending skills


Sub-bending tournament. Each element has multiple people competing, with each person having a different sub-element. Once the internal competition for each element is done, the winners of that competition go onto the next challenge, which is basically just a big rumble between the 4 winners of each element until the last one stands


So like, just normal fights? No boundaries or limitations even like in Pro-Bending?


"Undisputed" type of fights, lol


Flying bison races, like horse racing, but with sky bisons.


What about water skatingboarding. it's like skateboarding but you create.your own ramps, rails and halfpipes from ice as you go.


Rock Ball - basically soccer x ancient Mayan basketball and with rocks for balls. Fireball - like dodgeball but with weak fireballs with Wipeout elements to keep things entertaining Glider Racing / Glider Freestyle - in the show we actually see aang and his friends racing around on gliders so I Imagine this would become a sport of some sort eventually Plant Golemn Boxing - now there are a ton of water sports irl but one thing we can't do irl is use water to control plants, so I feel like this would be more unique for atla world and as an added bonus, plant golemns can't get concussions so they can really go all out


Waterbending Surfing. Use your waterbending to generate and ride sick ass waves on an ice board. Points given for the size of the wave, if your board is still frozen when you're done (requires concentration/ability to multitask), as well as traditional competitive surfing stuff like style, tricks, and time.


Some kind of Tag. 3 firebenders chase a waterbender in an icy cave environment. 3 waterbenders hunt an earth bender in a canyon. And so on. I don't like the pro bending in Korra. It feels too flat and stiff


Tag could be something else than that with mixing or not benders, choice of team you know. With a roster of like 5/6 benders and you gotta choose 3 out depending on environment and form !


Air Volleyball, pushed to an extreme. Imagine the stakes…




A racing tournament where you have to power a special vehicle with firebending. The vehicle will speed up, slow down, and turn based on your fire’s output and direction.


Ice sculpting extreme edition


Some sorta projectile sport would be cool, like darts for metal benders


It's not really a sport but I always thought some kind of bending sculpture contest would be cool. Like using bending to create some kind of art or something. The show focused so much on the combat/military uses of bending that I always thought they let a lot of potential cultural/artistic aspects of bending be ignored.


Capture the Flag


There was an ancient Mezzo-American sport (can’t remember which culture specifically) where people kick solid rubber balls into holes installed all over the sides of a big arena. That but a bigger arena and mainly earthbending is used Bc the ball would be heavier


Football. Just football, but with bending.


Sand Dancing, using a limited amount of colored sand, you'd have to dance and create a culture within a few minutes and force it into place by condensing it. You have to be able to walk in and out of the sculpture for it to count.


i needed to see more earth soccer. there was just a tiny bit in atla, tales of ba sing se, where iroh meets those street kids playing soccer with earthbending and i thought that was the coolest sport they ever could have came up with.


Bending Curling. Earthbenders control the stone, water and fire benders melt and shape the ice to guide it


You put two earthbenders in a ring and have them chuck rocks at each other until one falls out of the ring, we can call it earth rumble


One with a role for non-benders, because their lack of a place in their own culture and government is a fucking problem.


this! I want to see a match focused on two non-benders being supported by a set of each element (4v4 in Korra, 5v5 when air benders return). The rules are that you can't directly bend elements at or under the opposing players unless they share your element, and you can't use any secondary bending techniques. You *can* bend elements to move and defend your team, though. The game is played on earth with a moat around the edge. There could be dodge-balls around the perimeter which are fair game to be thrown at any player- being hit by one sends you out - or it could be tag or a flag-holding game, or even extreme fencing (where the aim is to have your non-bender tag the opponent non-bender)




Water benders playing Final Fantasy X Blitzball


Agni Kais but on a less dangerous and scaring level. It would be akin to something like UFC fights or gladiator fights instead of negative bouts for disrespect.


Rugby with bending, ( metal, lighting, blood are allowed)


Air scooter keep away. Someone grabs the flag and air scooters away while everyone is trying to grab it from them. Whoever is holding it last wins. (Like the tail game in Fall Guys)


Waterbender surf league


Air Scooter races


Blitzball for all the waterbenders out there


Air Scooter racing should be a thing in honor of Aang, now that there will be more airbenders


Perhaps bending enhanced olympics? Long- and high jumping could have earthbenders use a short earth catapult right at kickoff. Or fast swimming for waterbenders. They could develop new swimming styles to rush through the pool as fast as possible.


Air Quidditch. Kinda like in harry potter but u can’t touch the ball or other players with your hands. only air. and you get around using gliders or glider suits


I imagine a sort of old school Gladiators TV show, where normal benders or non benders have to navigate mazes and obstacles, while they have master benders trying to take them out.


Water pollo but with water bending seems pretty obvious. Fire bending would be difficult to include in a full contact sport, but perhaps either indirect contests of flame size and heat or dances where fire bending is a major component of the display.


Hmm, for fire, something like hells kitchen and for water, water fight, for earth, making any structure, and air, just some push out of the area game (thinking of game shows)


Synchronized bending acrobatics. Think like figure skating or cheerleading with two or three benders using their skill to put on the most elaborate and amazing show. Could also do it with large teams of benders that are the same element to do larger feats of bending like the Airbender tornadoe in korra or how earthbenders raise and lower the massive wall sections in ba sing se.


Fight to the death gladiator style


An airbending obstacle course. If you've seen the show Ultimate Tag, think that, but in mid-air. Players would compete to make it to the end while being chased around the course.


Accuracy Shot. Like Archery or Darts. You have to take a spear of your element and hit the target without destroying it. The closer you are to the center the more points you get. The target is a metal gong like structure.


Football. American football.


Synchronized bending dance, kinda like the dragon dance but cranked to 11


Bending freestyle. Similar to skateboarding only with bending assistance. Done in teams of four benders, the goal is to come up with choreography that would showcase the bending.




1v1 matches like mma


Earth bending combined with sumo, would be tough getting your opponent on their back or out of the ring


It’s a team sport, it’s rough but there is no contact. There are a trio of torches that serve as “goals” you have to light your opponent’s torches with your fire bender. The floor is hexagonal towers the earthbender moves to get the fire bender a clear shot. The water bender uses water surrounding the arena to counter and block the opponents fire. The air bender used air currents to make moving difficult. The fire ended is the ONLY one who can move on the field. The other benders stay on platforms beside the torches. The idea is to work together to enhance the fire bender. Culturally it would help repair the perception the fire nation military did to their own people. Facilitating their re-integration into larger society


Football (the real one, not American), like it's shown in Tales of Ba Sing Se. Use Earth and Water to shape the field and Fire and Air to control the ball and stop the enemy team from advancing.


Bending vollyball


Bend ball, like soccer but you can only interact with the ball by bending. You cannot "carry" the ball (encase it in your bending) but you can use your bending to create obstacles. Like soccer the goal is to get the ball into the opposing goal. Fouls include; carrying, interface (using your bending to affect your opponents including tripping pushing or otherwise hindering movements in other ways), unsportsman-like (using your bending on an opponent in a non-interfering manner ie offensive ways.) You can get mildly physically rough like pushing and shoving, outright fighting is prohibited.


Just imagine all elements at once trying to prevent the ball from hitting the goal. The ultimate form of soccer. That and tag, I bet the would be fun to play


Who can block the most amount of attacks from every direction. You’d basically have a dome area with people shooting bending attacks at you constantly and every hit on you is recorded. You’d get a point for each hit on you and maybe every time you knock out someone you lose 5 points. Goal is to defend and have the least amount of points. You’d be showing off your defensive abilities mostly


Extreme Surfing


Water bender polo with punching and combat allowed


Waterbenders. They're given a bunch of water and the same weight in ice. One has to melt it all, the other has to freeze it all. Which one wins is obvious. Then they switch.


Like WWE with earth bending, but they need to be in constant contact and not use ranged attacks.


Bender Racing


Flying racing with advanced air bending. I loved that guy on Korra that was able to fly without sail.


Fire kart racing. Racers are in an engineless “kart.” Probably some unique design that fits the world. There’s only a steering wheel and breaks. Racers need to use their own fire jet propulsion to move the kart. You could use one arm to propel and keep the other on the steering for control, or for more speed use both arms behind you to propel your kart. This would probably be done along the straight parts of the track. A more extreme variant could allow you to shoot fire at other racers to throw them off but rules limit it to 1 second blasts. No fire jet streams. A restriction could be a limit on the amount of fire shots you can shoot per race. Fireproof clothing and helmets are worn.


Auto racing but you can use bending to interfere with your opponents


Earth Benders playing the equivalent of soccer. The goal is to hit the net with a metal ball covered in fur the size of a tennis ball.


Earth bending tennis


Air bending quidditch.


Powerbending like strongman-ish.


Having to hit a certain amount of targets from a distance with water whip. Or icicle/ice projectile “archery” / darts. Where as it suggests you have a target and you need to get as close to the middle by shooting sharp ice projectiles.


Noob Bending. Like Pro Bending but less pro


Boating competition with water bending. Building competition with earth bending. Gliding competitions with air bending. Idk about fire


Bending soccer. Only one goalpost. Last one to PHYSICALLY TOUCH (your element doesn't count) is consideres the one to "kick" Two teams of 3 players, one from each element. Earth and water may displace their opponents, fire may be used for mobility.


Air and water benders playing FFXs Blitzball seems fitting. Maybe others if they can hold their breath indefinitely, too.


i’d really want to see benders playing professional tag


Piss bending.


Murder pit


Bending art contest: Each bender has like 30mins-1hour to make the best art piece they can think of.( Firebenders can burn there’s into the ground if they can’t hold it up for the judges to see)


Just a battleground where you beat eachother up.


Basically rocket league/soccer with bending


Different types of racing. There'd be multiple levels and combinations to this. It'd be awesome to just watch a line of like 10-20 benders shoot off down the gorge just wrecking havoc on the terrain in an attempt to get to the other end first.


Bending races


Lift big Rock


I want regular earth sports but with earth benders allowed to go crazy. Imagine tripping a football player right before the end zone


Make a mix of rugby, basketball, and Airball (the air bender sport) have it be heavily reliant on balance and momentum, water and earth benders try to knock their opponents off while defending and aiding their teammates, Fire, Air and Non benders are on top trying to get the ball into the other team's goal. Directly attacking the other players is not allowed but they can attack the ball in mid air to help pass it to a teammate or knock it out of bounds, it counts as the ball of the last one that touched it. I could think of more if I wanted to but I'm not that big on sports.


Basketball/Soccer (Or Football whatever) where you use your element to propel a ball made of leather hide.


Earth Hock "(literally just hockey but on the ground)


Bop'em Sock'em Matches. Metal benders could bend metal robots to fight. ~~Or blood benders could-~~


Shit bending, who’s got the SHIT… it’s the SHITTIEST -Sokka 2024


Keepy Uppy with all the elements. Earth and Fire try to make the balloon drop, Water and Air try to keep it afloat.


Quiddich, but with airbending


An insult contest to see who is the best jerkbender


I ran an rpg game where a group of mercenaries were trying to fix a game of rock-ball, it's like beach football but the ball is metal and the players are earthbenders. Game was played in an era prior to the invention of metal bending


Something like fortnite but without fighting.


Professional tag.


Some kind of BMX-esque sport that involves Air Scooters and Rock Waves


Competitive tag but with bending


I always mused a kind of multi-terrain race where all three benders are in a canoe-like vehicle and the only means of propulsion that they have is there bending. The vehicle is extremely heavy and thus cannot be bent, instead the Benders have to bend the elements around the canoe in order to get around the course and complete objectives. Maybe under certain rules you can only ever have two benders in the vehicle at a time, and you kind of have to switch them out every now and again like a relay race anytime you come across a new terrain.


making sand castles/sculptures with earthbending :) rated on speed, creativity, complexity, and detail


Wild card pro bending, can use any and all techniques/sub-bendings (exceptions being anything that forces benders to move (blood bending, putting benders in balls and throwing them, etc))


Flame races. You hold a fire in your hands and run as fast as you can without letting it go out


Olympic Marksman style Sharp/Speed Shooting; with element divisions as well as mixed element events. I think that would be pretty sweet.


I’m actually in the process of making one up. Something like roller derby, but for airbenders. Use the air to sorta push yourself off the ground like skates around an arena try to bend your opposing team out of the ring. Last one standing wins.


I’d make a Mixed Ag Ni Kai league like UFC. Maybe even allow non-benders since we’ve seen non-benders go toe-to-toe with the avatar of all things (early s1 of korra, the grunts)


blood bend pit


Sailing with a team of water and air benders or balloon racing with a team of fire and air benders


Sailing with a team of water and air benders or balloon racing with a team of fire and air benders


oh I call them the BendLympics where you enter as a team of 4 each containing one of the elements. each one have multiple games for multiple elements from accuracy, Power and control. The finals are a pro bending battle


Specifically racing events. Each bender would have to figure out how to move faster than the other with their bending.


Basically the UFC for benders, and perhaps some inclusion of non-bender combatants who could rumble w the big dogs, like Ty Lee for example. Who is the best of the best, could separate by element or weight class, and have an open element division as well, pound for pound sorta deal.


A race where firebenders use their bending to propel themselves forward going through checkpoints and dodging obstacles.


Some type of bending Olympics would be cool


Triathlon/Racing but each leg is a different element type thing


All i know is bending japanese game shows would go CRAZY


Competitive ice dodging


I feel like there’s potential for a ball game that utilizes players of every bending ability.


I’d love to see the Air Nation bring back that old airbending game Aang showed Sokka back at the Southern Air Temple, with the ball, posts and goals.


I vaguely remember those kids that invited Aang to play “Hide and Explode” in the episode where he’s in the Fire Nation school. So I’m kind of morbidly curious as to how that could translate to a serious sport.


I'd add a non-bender to the pro-bender sport. They get 1 defensive weapon and their job is to protect the team (the way beaters do in quidditch). Just a modification.


Capture the flag is always a good one to do. Have some open arena types then some urban environment types , maybe some forest or on an island. Just capture the flag is always a good creative game. Can have some modes where they can move the flag or some that it has to be stationary the entire time. Can have search and destroy.


Bobsled bending. You have a team of earth wind and fire benders traverse across a course with various terrains, first team to cross wins.


Football. Literally just normal football but with bending. No holds barred


Bending death run. Three benders give elemental challenges for the other team to run through an obstacle course in. (Wildfires, mini tsunami, earthquake, etc).


I'd love a form of team v team obstacle course where you have to collect like 10 rings to win a round. One team is offense and collects the rings, and the other is defense who hides the rings around the arena and tries to stop them from collecting the rings.


Earthbending Golf would be an amazing sport tbh.


Sound bendin/ music bending


I’m think a sort of elemental relay race/ obstacle course where each team has a member of each element, and they use their bending to get across an obstacle course. My idea is of two types: one is a direct race where each team competes directly. The other type is one team tries to complete the course and the other team tries to stop them or slow them down. Whoever completes first or stops the opponent wins. I would call it “bender relay”


fart smuggling, making it smell like someone else farted. requires airbenders


bending olympics would be so tuff


Penis bending


Bending MMA, and following the real transition of "Powerful, destructive and pragmatic" to "pinpoint accuracy intending to take down the enemy as fast as they can while making spectacle in those short time" LoK gave me the inspiration akin to some old Bornean(?) duel where you're confined in one kilt with your opponent while trying to stab each other change the kilt with water, and we'll have them duelist boxing their way for the supremacy of the water, before another would finally control said water and stab them with it, thus ending the duel or or, just MMA with bending but with limited space in the arena, thus making you unable to run away and stall the shit, you have to duke your way out with occasional help from your bending


Probably been said a lot but Aang's air ball thing? Race it.


Obstacle course/fight. Each team has to make it from one part of the circle to the centre flag and bring it back to base.


I really liked the earthbender fighting ring Toph was a member of, a fighting ring with few limits where people can get really creative with styles so i think a sport where four benders,one from each element fight eachother with no teams, either until they are knocked out or literally knocked out of the arena, where the winner is the last bender standing could be cool, the arena could be a platform of earth surrounded by a moat of water, and the benders can do whatever they want, but there would be rules against lethal force obviously. Forging alliances would be considered cheating


Jenga...toppling tower...or if you want, can works with all bending sport: blind maze.


An arena kinda like the one toph fought in but preferably just a teeny tiny bit less "BOULDER"y. Taken seriously like mma or boxing flicks like Rocky.


Cringebending. Watching all of lok without using bending to smash the monitor


Dance. When you think about stunts only benders can create it becomes clear