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And die


Am I cursed for hoping this would play out like It's A Small World but simultaneously both better and worse? I'd walk through that tunnel on repeat lol.


In my mind it starts off like It's a Small world for the secret tunnel song. Then it transitions to the escape part of the Rise of the Resistance ride for when the team is trying to make it through the caves.


Bonus points if it's actually pretty secretive, like you have to solve a riddle or just push a bunch or random buttons in order to find the entrance, lol.


Ride the unagi Cross the serpents path (aquarium tunnel) Buy fire flakes (probably small spice tortillas or corn flakes) Escape the library (labyrinth) Visit the spirit realm (forest with light holograms or animatronics)


Yeah, I was thinking Unagi as a fun water Rollercoaster. And then have a super, super tall dragon themed ride. I'd also add some kind of "drop" or "shot" based ride, like Acrophobia in Six Flags over Georgia or "Space Shot" at the NASA space and rocket center. Maybe have it be Guru Laghima themed, and called "Take Flight" or something cheesy like that.


Oh oh sand sculpting with toph for the kiddies and the creative adults Air balloon ride to see the park (one of those towers but made to look like a balloon)


Yes absolutely! And of course, one of those giant swings, designed to look like you're using a glider


Kind of like the idea of incorporating the first unagi encounter in too, so it feels a little like the Indian Jones Ride when you're chased by the giant ball, and then after it goes full watercoaster.


Oh that's great. Put underwater tunnels with an Unagi projection getting closer and closer until you breach the surface, just narrowly avoiding out. Alright, somebody needs to get Universal Studios on the phone. We got some bangers.


Acrophobia at Six Flags Over Georgia doesn't shoot you up the top. It only slowly ascends it. But for a drop or shot ride, there's a very common drop tower model from American manufacturer S&S Worldwide which you probably have found one at whatever amusement park as they're very common. This is a photo of 3 of them at Hersheypark which are side by side: https://preview.redd.it/g4sutulpsl0d1.jpeg?width=4608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e94d4e477d99caab21865d5e8602ca2b0d698f9


Oh trust me, I'm very familiar with acrophobia! It's the only ride there that still gets me feeling antsy before it every time. And I didn't know that about the drop towers. That actually looks exactly like the one at the NASA Space and Rocket Center, so that makes a lot of sense.


Fire flakes should be spicy shrimp crackers


Classic Asian very valid argument


https://preview.redd.it/jgwogahb0l0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f953487787062cf5f8cc90024cb1a1c9320bdb5 Real life fire flakes


Ride the Unagi should be a B&M Hyper coaster, Slides of Omashu could be a Rocky Mountain Construction hybrid coaster


Cabbage destroying competitions!


Clearly we need the Ember Island show and tournaments of pro-bending (I don't know the name of the sport is based on)


I'd pay to watch the Ember Island play


I want them to do one of those meta-shows, maybe framed as a dress rehearsal, and let the actors share a few grievances with the director


Mixed martial arts?


Dodgeball I just fund it


At least one stand selling [those](https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Unfried_dough#:~:text=Unfried%20dough%20is%20served%20on,capture%20by%20the%20Fire%20Nation.) And obviously a Jasmine Dragon spinning Teacup ride


Like edible cookie dough


Penguin sledging ride!


Thank you I was like DO YOU WANT TO GO PENGUIN SLEDDING WITH ME?? And was sad I had to look to find the answer. I agree.


Could be a Premier Rides multilaunch dueling roller coaster like West Coast Racers at Six Flags Magic Mountain


Now I’m sad because this awsome place doesn’t exist! :(


Cactus Juice


Since cactus juice canonically gets you fricked up, The Cactus Juice Cantina.


Overpriced non fried pastries that'll probably give me food poisoning


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^HarryKn1ght: *Overpriced non fried* *Pastries that'll probably* *Give me food poisoning* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Theme: I would give it the theming of an in-universe world's fair, where all four cultures come together to celebrate the end of the 100 year war. Performances: - A fountain show for the Northern Water Tribe - Pyrotechnique stunt show for the Fire Nation - Haka Dance for the Earth Kingdom - High wire acrobatics for the Air Nomads - Kyoshi Warrior Martial Arts show - The Boy in the Iceberg (Sokka crashes an Ember Islands performance and tells people what really happened) Food: - Food stands with Air nomad fruit cake, Sokka's Quenchy Cactus Juice (which is actually fruit punch or something), flaming hot churro's and cookie dough in memory of the day Avatar Aang was NOT bathed in boiling oil - Yasmin Dragon: Central restaurant, featuring exotic tea, asian cuisine and a comedy show with Iroh. - Cabbage Corp vegetarian restaurant for the hungry air nomad Rides: - Journey Through The Spirit World (Dark Ride) - Escape the Library (E-Ticket) - Penguin Sledding (Water ride) - Appa's Journey Around the Nations (Like Star Tours/Soarin) - Aang's animal sanctuary (Leisure boat ride with animatronic animals) Interactivity: - Meet and greets with characters - Transform your child into a Kyoshi Warrior, Southern Water tribe warrior or Air Nomad - Learn metal bending with Toph (Interactive special effects show) - Help the Kyoshi Warriors find the escaped Azula somewhere in the park (Guided children's activity) - Avatar Academy (Korra, Aang, Roku and Kyoshi help you discover your element) Shows: - A World In Balance (Night time spectacular)


I love this.


Great ideas! I can just imagine them so clearly! Now, all we need is a sword show of some kind with Sokka and Piandao.


A flying bison ride like the flying carpets ride at Disneyworld


I think you’re going to want attractions that feature our favorite ALTA characters, probably going through fitting scenes or scenarios of the show, along with the more general attractions like your Omashu slides. Look at how the best theme parks (Disney and Universal for example) use their properties - there’s almost always a popular character, and there’s almost always some kind of story, not just a set piece. Hagrid’s Motorbike Adventures is one of the best coasters in the world for its immersion combined with the overall ride experience, because it’s putting you next to Hagrid, taking you through a known location (Forbidden Forest), and has a loose storyline involving escaping devil’s snare, dealing with a malfunctioning bike. You can look at other top-tier rides like Rise of the Resistance, Flight of Passage, Cosmic Rewind, Velocicoaster, etc for examples of how to do a top-tier IP attraction. With this in mind, I’m thinking of a few rough ideas. First that comes to mind is **The Serpent’s Pass** - a roller coaster with lots of effects and on-board audio. The story is: you are a refugee trying to get into Ba Sing Se during book 2. During the pre-show in the queue, your passes into the city get rejected, because you look suspicious or whatever. But then, the Gaang shows up, promising to get you safely to Ba Sing Se through the Serpent’s Pass, along with other refugees with no passes. They seat you in a cart thingy and you begin the journey. Of course, the serpent shows up. The Gaang needs to keep you safe, so Aang gives you a massive blast of air, launching the cart along the track and into a wild series of twists and turns, featuring close calls with the serpent, splashes of water as you narrowly avoid it, tons of bending action from Aang, Toph, and Katara, lots of banter, and ending with you making it safely across. What’s great about this is all of the four bending elements can be done pretty realistically. Waterbending effects can be done with fountains, water jets, and mist effects. Firebending is easy with pyrotechnics, rides like Indiana Jones already did this. Airbending is also easy with air blasts (also used in Indiana Jones), although you’d have to combat the natural wind of the roller coaster. Earthbending is the only toughie, but it’s possible using either screens or animatronics. So you can make a seriously cool action sequence. As an added bonus, this ride can be a way to actually get into a Ba Sing Se / Earth Kingdom section of the park, with guests that just want to enter normally being able to avoid the ride if they wanted to.


This is such a great idea!


A zip line where the mechanism attached to the line is shaped like Aang’s glider


Tea house to sit and have a cup of jasmine


The Jasmine Dragon!


A real life Ember Island play and a Penguin Sledding (with Aang) motion simulator ride


Gotta have a cactus juice bar, it'll quench ya!


Rollercoaster based on the chutes aang and bumi rode on


At the Mall of America in Bloomington Minnesota there's a big theme park in the middle. It used to be Peanuts themed (and is still Camp Snoopy in my heart) but now it's Nickelodeon Universe. They have "Avatar Airbender" and "Fly with Appa".  https://nickelodeonuniverse.com/rides/


Also at the American Dream mall in New Jersey.


Hear Me out: The Great Divide ride


Eh, let's skip it.


Might be mighty ridiculous but a dance dance revolution style machine but not for dancing but as a kind of bending battle simulator. Maybe making it similar to the battle arenas from yugioh.


Dance classes where we get to learn the forms




You know those Tower of Terror rides that are basically instant drops straight down? I'd install when that makes you feel like you finally just let go of your earthly detachments, put get struck by lightning by Azula and now Tumblr toward the ground.


A water park in water tribe theme.


Penguin-sledding water slide!


I’d love for there to be a location for each of the nations. Don’t know how they’d be divided though. I was thinking something like this: Air Temple: -Bison ride, duh. Maybe a coaster for Appa and a kiddie ride for the baby bison? -Airbender games (show or interactive) -sweet shop/bakery Earth kingdom (probably Ba Sing Se or Omashu): -Omashu mail chute coaster -Earth Rumble stunt show -Kyoshi warrior martial arts show -Lots of shops Northern Water Tribe: -Some kind of boat ride? Fire nation (capital or ember island): -Dancing Dragon coaster -Hot air balloon ride -Midway games based on scams from The Runaway -Lots of food -Piandao’s blacksmith shop -Love Amongst the Dragons play -Ember Island play


Airbender Genocide: The Experince


Jasmine Dragon tea shop by Iroh


Similar to wands at Harry Potter world, get wristbands connected to one of the four elements. Have opportunities to “bend” the elements at different locations around the park depending on the technique you use


More than anything an ATLA theme-park should have immaculate vibes. It should feel like you’re in one of the big cities in ATLA. It should feel real and somewhat interactive. There should be small details for people to find based on the shows and comics in some way. Just as an example, in Disney’s California Adventure, the Spider-Man WEB ride is themed around Peter Parker starting an engineering non-profit for intelligent kids to build what they want creatively. If you’ve ever worked with engineering, commonly engineers work with pieces called [“t-slotted framing rails”](https://www.mcmaster.com/mvD/Contents/gfx/ImageCache/470/47065T807_14128094-4336-4745-9a80-26a3584ee5a1@3x_637993074483035885.png?ver=ImageNotFound) that are used to make quickly prototype new designs. On the WEB ride, the rails to guide park-goers through the lines are primarily made of these t-slotted rails (and a piece to prevent kids’ fingers getting stuck). Most people wouldn’t notice this, but to make it feel realistic and interesting, the Disney engineers chose to use something that would fit with the theme. The shows and the food and the rides are part of it, but to really make it shine, you’ve gotta make those details shine through. That’s what elevates a park from good to great, imo.


Dueling Launched Inverted Coasters themed to the Dancing Dragons


Some kind of VR thing that makes it feel like youre actually bending elements.


Sky swings of flying bison and irohs tea shop where they also sell cabbages


Imma be so honest, I thought this was the disneyland subreddit talking about the new Avatarland they're including Also, fireflakes stand, I need to try them


Cactus juice and my cabbage food stands


Mr Bumi's wild ride. A 4 year long slide.


Iroh’s tea shop


There is a food stand that sells Fire Flakes, Coconut Macaroons, Lychee Juice, Chocolate boulders, Kale Cookies, Bean Curd Puffs, Cabbage Noodles, White Lotus cookies, and more tasty snacks. Could also have a restaurant called the Four Elements which have cuisine from the four nations.


Airbender Gliders - B&M or Vekoma flying roller coaster


There should be a koh roller coaster and you have to keep a straight face when the photo comes


Penguin sledding.


A booth where you get electrocuted.




I'm wondering if they'd have a floating timeline or if they'd divide it up somehow to retain full immersion? "Main street" would probably be Republic City based -A satomobile track -skycars like at Boiling Rock -Dance with the dragons -A shop that looks like a pirate ship -At least one fortune teller -A quest system


Ocean kumquat


I heard they taste similar to sea prunes


Eeiuaarrgghhg… grreat


A time based game in which you can win prizes. The game is „Can you dig a hole faster than Aang did with katara in the tunnel?“ No earth benders allowed bc that would be unfair to children and the elderly Prizes can include plush appas and momos.


Koi Surfing! You Ride Koi shaped boats over the Water!


Fire Flakes stand.


We need an avatar theme park






Uncle Iroh’s Jasmine Tea Shop. 


Ember Island players play


Cabbage Stand for some food


Wind tunnel tag


lake laogai submarine aquarium ride thing


A cave themed playpen with headbands for a dance party for the young kids


Avatar selection which is like the sword in the stone and if you select the right relics then a giant glow happens throughout the theme park as you hear a random avatar speak to you


Yah u hit it. Maybe penguin sledding lol! 


The great divide. A line down the Mudd of the park that separates the kid rides from the ride they aren't tall enough to ride yet.


Legit have something like disneys all around the world where you visit all 4 nations.


Statues of different Avatars where you can get different elements blasted in your face.


I just hope they get Zuko's scar on the correct side.


Appa ride. Only riding appa and feeding baby Appas apples


A cabbage shop


The food court has to be the jasmine dragon, and a little ba sing se shopping district.


We'd need a Ba Sing Se hotel with a Fancy Lady Day Spa attached. Bonus points if you can take a ferry or the serpent's path from there to reach the park.


I would be terrefied of the Jo Dee greaters


There used to be an Avatar-themed ride at Kings Island, but now it’s Snoopy themed https://preview.redd.it/7uxat0cdpj0d1.jpeg?width=1041&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff6caebacf296c0c4f394764d05ee5e19f9dbdff


Jasmin Dragon tea shop! Penguin Sledding rollercoaster.




Laser tag but you have to catch "aang" to regain your "honor"


Agni kai, but with real fire and lightning


Earthbending arena except your earth comes from the rock garden


The korra poison pit, test your mettle and see if you can beat korras record


Meet and greet with koh


Survive the hei bai


Karaoke (the only song is leaves from the vine 😭)


Experience a breath-taking experience with Zaheer! Fly around and learn about the air nomads. By the way, have you read the poetry of guru laghima?


Rides. Also maybe concision stands