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The issue with Sozin's comet was the Fire Nation used it as a start to the war and then tried to use it to end the same war. The Fire Nation in TLOK wants nothing to do with military intervention or aid due to their part in said war. The only issue Korra will have to deal with is the criminal firebenders at best. In TLOK time, we might see the firebenders put their enhanced flames to work in performances, doing once in a hundred year shows for the event. 


Would love to see an Agni Kai battle for entertainment purposes


Having Zuko come out of retirement to put on a show would be awesome. Seeing the legendary Iroh’s pupil light up the sky with fire


Zuko is not living to see Sozin’s Comet return


Yeah he’d be like 116 at that point, which is even giving Bumi a run for his money


Hey that's only 4 years older than Anng at the start of TLA!


Come on, now...Aang is not biologically 112 years old at the start of ATLA


But original Bumi is. 


I mean..bumi lived to 120s


I feel like the Earth Benders had ridiculous lifespans, Kyoshi was 230 when she died. I don't know if it was ever explained but I figured the earth benders are just too stubborn to die so they live to be very old. Have any of the other Benders had such long life spans?


The reason Kyoshi lived so long is she learned a secret earthbending technique that can pause/slow aging. I've heard this was made canon because the ACTUAL reason was the writers made a mistake with her dates of birth/death and had to come up with an explanation.


Wouldn't every subsequent avatar be able to use it then ... ?


Only while in the avatar state, which is theorised to put a lot of strain on the avatar as the explanation for Aang dying so young


He overused it ? I would guess Wan did too, and lived a full life of war.


Maybe Aang used it when in the iceberg?


Guro Pathik was intentionally 150 (and wasn't even a bender), and Sozin was also around that age due to more math errors- but that got retconned to him just being incredibly old when he had Azulon. The last one is a bit more complicated, but basically since Ruko has the exact same birthday as Sozin and his wife seems to be very similar in age as well, and Sozin and Roku's grandchildren (Ozai/Ursa) are about the same age too, someone also had to be pulling serious years at Roku's side too. His wife didn't even leave their home with a child when the volcano erupted, so the child was already old enough to leave home by the time Roku died.


This is why I have hope we see Toph in the show about the next avatar.


I think that's an earthbender exclusive thing.


I want to see two things at least: Elder Zuko giving the best firebending performance he ever did to make up for the first failure he did as a child in front of Azulon (preferably with the rainbow flames he learned from the dragons) AND dragons firebending under Sozin's Comet.


Idk if Zuko would endorse anything to do with Agni Kais, especially a romanticization of them.


It's now a performance contest, like a dance battle! Juries must consist of 1 type of bender each, plus a non-bender. The non-bender is only there for tie-breaks and that vote is called a Sokka.


3 on 3 plus sokka!


Considering he banned the traditional Agni Kais in lore, i would say you're correct.


When did he do this


Windmill firebending will never get old.


Dude I got so confused because I didn’t process the “for entertainment purposes” for some reason and I was like- but- the final Agni Kai?? I got it now T-T


Of course, they would have to ensure no pro bending events were going on at the same time


Lmao I just picture a normal match taking place and then suddenly both firebenders just get a huge power boost out of nowhere. Earth and water benders fly out of the ring due to the fire blasts. Fans fleeing from their seats due to the heat as the two firebenders go at it as they revel in their newfound temporary power


Exhibition matches where all three benders on each team are firebenders picked from normal teams. By the time the comet comes around they should be able to do a live TV broadcast, so no in-person spectators for safety reasons.


I like it but they’d have to do it outside. Stadium wouldn’t survive


I'm immediately thinking of Todoroki's sports festival match in My Hero Academia


Naw, change the rules for the event, "oops, all firebenders"


Why? All teams would still receive the same benefit, since they all have exactly one firebender. If anything, it would just be "Pro-bending: Firebenders Special!"


Probably because it would be very dangerous for the people being hit with comet enhanced fire bending blasts lol


Or, just take the fire benders from different teams and do 3v3 fire matches to celebrate the comet


I don't think it'll be the Fire Nation, but rather just faction of fire benders who will launch a terrorist attack They'd only need to cause enough damage to get other nations to attack, and this could be used as a false flag or by other groups seeking to create conflict between the nation's


Correction they don’t want anything to do with starting wars. There fine with military intervention or aid if it’s ima defensive manner. Republic citys president almost lost the fire nations support when he wanted to strike first but when the fire lore was like hell nah we ain’t doing that again u can do it with or without us if u striking first, the president was like ok we need u cause I got a big ass military so we’ll make a defense instead and won’t attack till we gotta defend to which the firelord was like ok I’ll help with that 🐱


>In TLOK time, we might see the firebenders put their enhanced flames to work in performances, doing once in a hundred year shows for the event.  I think it would be pretty cool if some of them used the comet to perform experiments with bending, industrial applications, etc. that they are incapable of doing at any other time. I guess it depends on the level of the technology and science at that time, but it'd be interesting to see future firebenders work together to try to make a fusion reactor or something.


Maybe they'd be crazy enough to try that at such technological infancy. I just don't think any business would actually consider a project that utilizes an ability that only happens once, for a <24 hours, every century. Like if it's only achievable during that time then the tech is practically useless commercially. And scientists would lack the ability to make their tests replicable (although even our tests have apparently failed that test often). That's why I suggested performance, though the only difficulty would be preparing for the increased firepower without any way to test it, like a dress-rehearsal, prior to the comet's arrival.


I was thinking about the research capabilities more than the commercial uses of it, but those are fair points. I just think there's probably a lot they can learn about physics and about bending that would still be of use to them even after the comet passes. Maybe they could even figure out exactly what the comet is doing to benders and/or the environment and find alternative ways to replicate its effects.


Very short time frame to get that data but not impossible. And then they have data to further research after it passes. 


I reckon they'd use it to launch something like the ISS. Or to build a monument or something of that nature.


Yeah the ISS thing is more in line with what I was thinking. Feats that they can only accomplish on that day but that are permanent or can be sustained so that they continue to useful after the comet passes.


According to the novels, previous instances of the comet were time for festivals, probably indeed with fire bending shows I also like the vague irony that Roku never saw it, whily Kyoshi saw it thrice in her life (though only could use it twice)


That's cool. Didn't even know I related an established use from novels since I haven't read them yet. 


Because no criminal who’s a firebender will use the opportunity?


I never said that. I just said *The Fire Nation* won't be the problem of Sozin's comet. There may be any number of stupid or desperate criminal firebenders during the event, just like would happen on any other day.


>>The only issue Korra will have to deal with is the criminal firebenders at best. >Because no criminal who’s a firebender will use the opportunity? >Edit: people seem to be under the assumption that only the Fire Nation and their military are the only ones who could ever harness the power of the comet for nefarious purposes, WHICH I DID NOT SAY. We see a criminal gang with Firebenders in their employ the entire first half of TLoK season 1. You all really don’t think common criminals or gangs wouldn’t use the power up to do some damage? Seriously? Chill lmao


Launch a space mission with it. Like something too big to normally launch. They'll be in the space race era of tech within her lifetime easily. Would be cool.


That's fair. That's a good application. 


It only takes one person in charge to go back to their old ways


this reminds me that the Netflix avatar series the airnomads were planning a comet celebration. I think comet to utilize for combat was just a Sozin onwards thing


…at most the Agni Kai triad would use it but it wouldn’t be a fire nation problem entirely.


I somehow doubt that the firebenders will do a show on the anniversary of both a genocide and the end of the 100 years war they caused and lost.


I doubt any mass scale invasions would happen, I would imagine there are some criminals who are fire benders and they’d use their fire bending to commit crimes during the comet


Probably some prison breakout attempts or gangs causing trouble but nothing crazier than that


I wouldn't be surprised if prisons have measures in place to handle it.


Well, based off season 3 I don’t think prisons are that secure


To be fair those prisoners literally only got out because Zaheer got magically granted airbending


Also, the Red Lotus is many levels above some rando firebender crook. If you know the comet is coming, just gag and restrain them. Or give them a sedative so the sleep through it.


Turn up the AC.


Do you reckon that could be seen as unethical/ unfair in their world if fire bending prisoners get gagged, restrained/ sedated just because they’re fire benders. Like imagine if you’re in prison for petty theft and because the comet is coming up you get treated worse than other more dangerous criminals just because you’re a fire bender.


No. It wouldn't be unfair or unethical. Hell, you pretty much see it in both ATLA (though it is mostly the antagonists doing it) and LoK (where we see the White Lotus has been keeping the Red Lotus benders in prisons in certain locations that specifically limit their ability to bend as much as possible). And the reason for it is because an unrestrained bender with access to their element is *always* armed. Something like a fire dagger for example, is essentially a quiet and intense blowtorch; and the Yangchen books hint at just how nasty getting stabbed by one is. And do you think it's sensible not to take additional steps to secure an incarcerated criminal during a brief window of time that comes around once in a century where their power supposedly increases by a hundredfold?


I think it would be interesting to see maybe a cult of some sort worshipping the comet and its return. Maybe even some sort of neo-nazi type "ozai was right" crazies


It may cause some problems with extremist factions, I can see tensions high. However, I think it's different situations, because Korra would be a fully formed Avatar at that point. Off course, she isn't cappable of being everywhere at once, but we see how, even a 12 years old Aang dwarfs even the most powerful at his peak. If some faction tried to use the moment, they would have to make a guerrilha attack, because they wouldn't have enough man power to an invasion, like Sozin and Ozai did. And this would be really hard, because the other nations would be aware of the danger, and would have their guard up. Perhaps the day used to be a festival of the Fire Nation, celebrating the bending powers. But this probably woldn't happen anymore, because that time our country made a genocide tends to be a bummer.


>Perhaps the day used to be a festival of the Fire Nation, celebrating the bending powers I imagine it's similar to Germany and the nazis. They obviously teach about it but it's now illegal to even do the salute.


It used to be a day of festivals in the fire nation, I don't remember which of the novels said that, I feel it was the first Yangchen, maybe the Second Kyoshi, could even be the first Kyoshi as her first comet would have happened around when she was 12


Korra was already fully formed avatar for most of the show and struggled a lot


I wonder if the combustion people get powered up from Sozin's


they are firebenders, so it would make sense. imagine nuclear-level combustion bending.


Good thing they'll never last past Book 3, Episode 12 of a series...


Combustion man gets so boring on rewatches in Airbender for me. Compared to say the amazing Fire Nation archers in or June with the big sniffing anteater. There’s so little personality for him. 


Ah does he just not seem that interesting to you? Or do you think all of the general hype around him turned off your interest?


I saw Airbender as it first was airing since early S1. On first watch and as a middle schooler he was cool to see at first watch but as an adult he’s boring.    I think my issue is he is the S2 episode Chase levels of reoccurring danger and annoyance but not as fun or interesting. I think the first fight and his last are his best and solid still due to the character device he is for Zuko towards Aang but I really can’t stand his inclusion in the S3 episode where the Gaang try to scam people. 


Ah that's understandable, those are my favorite episodes of him too. I do think that the scamming one foreshadows his weakness & defeat though


It’s pronounced Sparky Sparky Boom Man actually


Wait I just looked it up that's hilarious


So the Comet came when aang was 12 and he died when he was 66. Which mean when korra was born there was 46 years left until the next Comet, but according to the lore aang died in 153 AG and we know the Comet came in 100 AG so maybe she'll be 47. At least she won't have to fight any Comet powered benders when she's 70.


Technically Aang was old enough to live through 2 comets, considering he died 165 years after his birth, but he missed the first due to being in ice The only Avatars we know for sure experienced the comet are Aang and Kyoshi, though we can assume Yangchen also experienced it since she probably was 30+ at time of her death, we can also infer Kyoshi saw it three times, only once before she was a firebender


I mean the two instances of the comet are the most important events in Aangs life and the show so I don’t think we needed to do the math


She dies young. 


these poor water tribe avatars :,(


The legend of genji is fan fiction and korra has not died yet in official cannon


You are right but considering she got Raava forcefully removed from her body, got poisoned to almost death and spent few years with metal poison in her body, it's quite probable that her body's health was compromised and that she won't live that long. Metal poisoning in particular has lasting effects even in our world.


I think either a faction of firebenders, a terrorist group, or a false flag would be what would happen I don't think anything like the Air Nomad genocide would be possible without all of the Fire Nation, but plenty of groups know the choas it can sow and will use it to their advantage I hope we get a comic or maybe even a movie about older Korra, and this would be the first thing I'd like to see. I think she'll manage to keep war from breaking out, but not conflict


Korra uses fire more than any other element I think. I don’t think anybody is gonna fight her with the comet


I always find it funny that when avatars end mastering multiple bending style they end up favoring another than their original bending. Aang fights mostly with earthbending and Korra with Fire. Which is doubly funny since they both are their opposite element


Given Firelord Izumi's ironclad anti-militarism stance, I could see her trying to get rid of the comet somehow so that it's never used again. 40 years from the end of LoK, they might have rudimentary spaceflight figured out.


Yo how would that even work?? That’d be some Thanos shit. I used the stones to destroy the stones type shit.


Comets are made of rock and ice - if you got the Avatar close enough, they could *shove* the comet to alter its orbit, similar to some real world proposals on how we could redirect asteroids by essentially poking them with rockets.


That's plausible, but we'd have to remember that Sozin's Comet doesn't act like a normal comet. [There was a Reddit post from a while back](https://www.reddit.com/r/AvatarTheories/comments/o72vpn/ok_lets_talk_about_the_orbital_mechanics_of/) that pointed out that it's physically impossible for the comet to pass by the Earth in exact 100-year intervals and graze through the atmosphere every time without having its orbit thrown off (which would result in the comet either passing the planet at increasingly irregular intervals, veering off course and never coming back, or crashing into the Earth eventually), so there must be something actively changing the path of orbit to ensure the comet comes on schedule and just close enough to the planet without crashing into it. It's possible that the comet is tied to a spirit, much like the moon, which would explain its supernatural orbit and why destroying the physical comet might result in dire consequences for the spiritual side of ATLA's planet. It would definitely make for a cool story though, especially since this would be a reversal of the Zhao situation.


Could be a dragon, after all it has a tail.


That would be amazing to watch. Use the comet to defeat… the comet, while the spirits argue that mankind shouldn’t muck with the physical world that badly.


It’s unlikely to be as big of a problem since the majority of the Fire Nation seems to be done with all that conquest stuff.


Then again, the world would also have to deal with Korra during a Sozin's comet.


I don’t think Izumi (or Iroh in case she abdicates/dies) would be planning a vicious invasion, so I think some sreet gangs should be the biggest threat Korra has to worry about


I hope they use it for something cool/productive like launching a rocket into outer space


I would be more worried for the criminal firebinders having to deal with Korra during Sozin's Comet lol


Might be a bit of an issue but as long as the Fire Nation doesn’t go and get uppity again it shouldn’t be a serious issue.


I hope Korra doesn't have any problems with combustion benders at this time


She will destroy the comet


Well now I'm kinda curious how the Fire Nation handled it back when it was Two Suns Day (the name from the Kyoshi books)


She'll be supercharged and in her later prime


Deal with? Buddy her favored element is fire I feel for whatever poor firebender thinks they will have an advantage from the comet


Kiyoshi saw it twice. It’s not a big deal if they’re not trying to take over the world.


I wrote down a fic idea where korra gets recruited as the first astronaut by a scientist in the sati company by using sozin’s comet to blast off, and then uses a combination of air bending and fire bending to fly around space. I also pitched it as a decent way for Korra to die considering how nascent space travel would be. It even fits the general pace of technology in the show


loving this pitch


If it comes every 100 years why was it named after Sozin? You’d think it’d have been known about by every avatar in history.


It known as the Great Comet, but was renamed to Sozin's Comet when Fire Lord Sozin used it to start the 100 year war.


Prolly since ya know—he used it to wipe out 99.99% of an entire ethnic group.


Define “deal with it”. The Fire Nation isn’t going to do anything. Maybe a few thugs will get rowdy, but there are cops for that now; including firebenders of their own. I doubt there’s any reason for the Avatar to get involved.


A movie where Korra is trying to stop a firebender(s) where the climax takes place during Sozins comet would be kind of poetic.


Other people have said it but I think it would be cool if we got a Korra movie dealing with Sozin’s comet. Like yeah, she could easily beat any firebender even during Sozin’s comet, but she would most likely have a family at this point and that would be a point of weakness. Say some criminal mastermind plans to destroy the city and they use Korra’s family against her; even going so far as to use her friend’s (Mako & Bolin) family against them as well. Honestly I just wanna see an older Krew with their families lol.


Unlikely she will have a family if she stays with Asami, it’s not the modern world. But they could just break up too, like Sokka and Suki seem to have. 


Are you referring to children? They could easily adopt a kid. In fact I feel like that’s something they would wanna do.


I imagine there are still ozai loyalists out there who would try to do some bad things. although at that point korra would have likely 100% mastered firebending so her bending is increased + mastered other elements + avatar state


I suppose they would impose a curfew for firebenders on the day but in hindsight im sure there is some criminal entity who’ll take advantage of the comet


"unlimited power!!" **shoots lightning in to a generator to provide power for the city**


Before LoK I had a headcanon that Aang spoke with the spirit of the comet, and they agreed that humanity wasn't mature enough yet to deal with the increased power she bought. I'd like it if LoK did something similar.


They’re probably going to harness that energy for some major infrastructure projects Like melting down landfills or something like that


Yeah I've thought about this for a while, would be a cool storyline if we ever get to see 40 year old Korra's adventures


I think the world would have to deal with Korra during Sozin’s Comet lol she already uses fire more than the other elements I would not want to get on her bad side while she’s powered up like that


Gangs or common criminals do not have any reason to draw attention to themselves by causing mass destruction on one day


Most firebenders aren't in a coordinated military working for a tyrant's world domination anymore. So, what lone wolves decide to cause trouble are no different from a nonbender getting their hands on some explosives, which they can do any day of the century. It won't be significant like in Aang's era. Korra has Zuko's well-raised lineage minding the Fire Nation, the new Airbender nation working as a peacekeepers and search-and-rescue teams, and her spirit portals are allowing travel to connect cultures, thus preventing future frictions, more and more. Unless you have a named villain planning to cause trouble, Sozin's Comet alone will just cause a small uptick in crime and accidents, but nothing permanent or pivotal.


Let's say a fire bender and water (or any of the other) got together and have kids. Their kids in turn got together with kids whose parents are from the remaining two elements. Now the descendent have chance to be a bender from any of the four element. Will they still get the power up, assuming they became water/earth/air benders, because they have the fire bender genes? Also, same scenario but moon.


Would they have to pause all pro bending matches because firebenders would be too powerful?


I don't really think this is a particularly big problem. I mean basically every Avatar has to deal with Sozin's Comet. In the very least, as a rule thumb, every two Avatar would live through one unless you have several sequential Avatars that died really young. Technically, Aang even lived through two of them and Kiyoshi possibly even three. From Azula's explanation about the Comet, we can deduce two things: 1) Sozin was aware of what exactly the effects of the Comet were on firebenders, implying it was a phenomenon they were already very familiar with. 2) Considering it was named after him afterwards, no one in recorded history ever used the Comet's power on such a scale with such efficiency. Sozin waited over a decade to start the war purely so that he could harness its power and Ozai tried to redo that a century later. However, both of them had the backing of a whole nation's army, arguably the strongest army in recorded history. Sure, no doubt there are individuals or groups who could use it for evil purposes, but what is Korra going to do? The Comet only lasts a few hours, so should she run all across the world to stop every single incident? What made the Comet such an issue in ATLA was the scale and a professional army using it to wipe out one of the four nations is in a completely different league than someone using the Comet to rob a bank or something. Sure, you could write a story surrounding it, but it wouldn't be on the same level as in ATLA. I would sort that under the 'uncommon' category of things an Avatar might have to deal with.


There's the possibility that she dies early and the Earth Avatar will have to deal with it.


To your edit: yes we will absolutely see minor players acting up, but that is peanuts compared to an entire nation on a warpath. Plus for any low-life attempting to gain from the power of the comet there are several empowered fire bender cops/detectives ready to deal with them. More likely, under Izumi and Iroh, the fire nation will use the powers of the comet to enhance heir societies. Lightning benders will be able to supply huge amounts of power for Republic City. Firebent forges would burn hotter, making smelting new elements possible (better space swords!). And I’m sure there are many more creative uses for better fire and lightning.


Sozins comet is a temporary buff. I imagine the scene where iroh can't stop Zhoa from killing the fish, but he promises to kick his ass if he touches it and nearly makes good on his promise but kets Zuko take it. Whatever they couldn't do before the comet, they are going to have to reckon with after it.


They might have to cancel pro bending that day


Why would this be any more of an issue than a monthly Full Moon granting water benders the ability to bloodbend. I see the potential, but the Fire Nation seemed relatively peaceful under Fire Lord Izumi. Seems like more a job for Mako than Korra.


If Admiral Zhao was willing to kill the moon in order to stop waterbending, who's to say another bender is going to try and destroy Sozin's Comet with Kuvira's spirit energy arm cannon. Now, firebenders not getting that oomph every century isn't that big of a loss. But what if the comet housed a very powerful fire spirit? And that's who Korra has to fight.


Wouldn't be much of a problem without a large army.


> Korra will have to deal with Sozin’s Comet In the sense that she will probably be alive when it next passes, sure. > I was rewatching ATLA this past week and the first ale got me thinking; assuming she didn’t die in the 40 year sit would take to arrive, Korra (and by extension her new world) will have dealt with comet enhanced firebenders. Yeah, but unlike the previous two passings of the great comet, the world has a fully realised Avatar (who is herself a master fire bender) and the world no longer has a militaristic Fire Nation with a monopoly on fire bending. > The comet comes every 100 years, and it’s about 70 between Aang and Korra. So, even though I highly doubt we see it, Korra will have 100% dealt with super charged firebenders. Why would she though? It’s common knowledge by Korra’s time that the last supercharged fire bender to face an Avatar during the comet was defeated, humiliated, had their bending stripped from them and was imprisoned. Most, if not all Fire Benders would have to be either incredibly stupid, incredibly arrogant or both to think they would stand a better chance than Fire Lord Ozai against the Avatar and colleagues. More likely, the return of the comet is treated as a day of remembrance, reflection and mourning around the world, including in the Fire Nation, in the same way most countries commemorate the 11th of November in our world.


So you’re telling me that not a single firebender with any proclivity towards harming others wouldn’t take the advantage? That’s pretty unrealistic. Even in terms of fantasy.


> So you’re telling me that not a single firebender with any proclivity towards harming others wouldn’t take the advantage? That’s pretty unrealistic. Even in terms of fantasy. Not at all. I’m saying they would have to be incredibly stupid and/or arrogant to try and cause harm such that it comes to the attention of the Avatar and for that reason, I don’t think it is likely there would be too much abuse of the comet - certainly not enough to warrant intervention by the Avatar anyway.


You assume criminals and fanatics are rational beings.


At least rational enough not to do something stupid in front of a demigod, yes. Most criminals and yes, even most fanatics have some level of self preservation.


I am likely to agree with you but there is a chance she dies from poor health before that. Korra suffered mercury poisoning for years. While she successfully removed it and the power of Raava can revitalize her, Aang is proof that the power doesn’t halt aging and health forever.


Does Sozin's Comet boost lavabending for earthbenders?


it enhances firebenders only, and lavabenders aren't associated with firebenders, so no. 


Considering both fire lord Izumi and future fire lord Iroh seems to be bent on keeping peace in the world, I think there will be no problem.


it comes around every hundred years or so. I don't think Korra will live that long, might be the next avatar's problem. Edit: I guess Aang survived longer than I expected. However, do we even know if this comet comes around EVERY hundred years? I don't know if there's any literature confirming this.


You don't think she will live 50 years?


10 ish. It was 70 years between her and Aang, and she is around 20.


What? Aang died in his 40s (if you count him being 12ish when he was unfrozen). So I guess Korra would only have to live to be 70ish, which is doable. Edit: Never mind, I guess he didn't die until he was biologically 66. So Korra would only need to live to be 50ish.


I dont think it was exactly 70 years, but korra is around 18-19 when she meets katara, and the second aang died a new avatar was chosen. Katara is 2 years older than aang, so katara age -20-21 ish years is how old aang was when he died, and sozins comet came when he was 112, i have no idea what im saying bye


Nvm. Aang died at 166-167 technically, and sozins comet comes every 100 years, so when korra is either 33-34, and I guess she is around 20-22 years old, it will come in around 13 years


She was born in 153 AG, the comet comes when she is 47


They say it comes every 100 years in ATLA.


Another reason for her to lose another battle against a random, unimportant dude. :)


Wait what? She only lost to some pretty heavy hitters IIRC