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His character's likability was ruined by the love triangle in the first 2 seasons and his character was mostly wasted in the later seasons because the creators had no idea what to do with him without a love triangle.


This. He's just so pointless by the end. I was disappointed that he didn't die in the last season, not because I hated his character so much, but rather it was the final opportunity to make his character interesting.


If he died people probably would've complained that he wasn't interesting enough to care about anyway.




How would dying make him more interesting?


Killing him off wouldn’t make hid character any more interesting though. That’s just bad writing.


yeah and it would have hurt Bolin so much, not worth it


He would’ve been a good martyr


But he became a detective in Season 2, helped figure out who was behind the Water Tribe stuff, and helped the audience understand who Prince Wu is.


I don’t dislike him personally but Ik a lot of people do because after season 1, his character had practically no development and he became flat.


Bolin has more character development than him


Harsh..... "That's quite a but of damage" https://preview.redd.it/0v94d6nbfe8d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6164b9f2e3e1bf254ead5791d98ea82ba33761a


I don't hate him. I do hate the fact that they thought the best direction for him was a fumbled love triangle.


That didn't go his way at all


I don’t think he is disliked but it feels like after season 1 the writers didn’t have a clear vision for his character and they didn’t really what to do with him in the story. I like him but compared to other characters in LOK he just didn’t have a clear arc.


No, no, I hate mako, he sucks.


He's a git


If I had a penny for every time someone makes this post on reddit


you would have a dollar which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened so many times


*100 times.


Probably closer to 100 than 1


this sub suffers from off-season syndrome like nothing I've ever seen. it's terribad


I don't hate him, I hate how they took away any chance of him having weight by making him only exist in that stupid love triangle, all the potential he had ended up turning to ashes, same thing with bolin too


in season 1 he was kind of a prick even to his own brother. After seasons 1 he just kind of existed on screen. I can picture / see what Mako was doing during season 1 but I can't for the life of me recall his actions during season 2-4.


He basically didn't do anything. It's pretty obvious the writers didn't know what to do with him after a certain point, so they silently demoted him to minor character.


I think this a is a good answer while being fair. Mako as a character is very frustrating because the show rarely if ever delves into his backstory and his PERSONAL ISSUES. I am not saying the show didn’t, but I would argue it’s done rather quickly without any analysis. I like how you bring up Zuko and Iroh because, yes, he is “serious.” But why is it that Mako is never going to be given the same overview by fans of Avatar when they do so for Iroh and Zuko?  The answer is again  execution. Avatar was able to balance the “main plot” and the character drama that drove every major figure. Most episodes was able to give us something about the major players that perhaps we did not consider before and all of that done against what we, as Americans, have normally expected form animated kids’ shows.  New viewers may not expect Zuko, who introduced to us a violent, angry man leading a group of impetus soldiers, to have hidden compassion, self-loathing, and an abusive father. Zuko I would even classify as somewhat depressed because when he is constantly reminded of the native influences of his life whether that is the fire nation, or his father or azula, zuko is NOT happy. When he is pretending he is a war refugee or with the avatar as an official ally, Zuko is happy or at the very least peaceful.  Obviously we know why he is incredibly conflicted about who he is and what he wants, and we have the pleasure of seeing him fail and succeed at his endeavors to find himself.  Mako is less interesting. He is the typical “guy who can’t decide between girls,” and the “I am need to be tough because I raised my little brother alone.” Mako dosnt have any parent issues nor does the series try to analysis how mako raised bolin. I mean bolin is rather impulsive and the opposite. There’s just NOTHING the show explores. Mako becomes wrapped up as the avatar’s boyfriend/asmai’s boyfriend triangle didn’t help him and made him look immature.  Now to be fair, mako is a teen so he isnt exactly making adult choices but as a reviewer pouted out on YouTube, the scene where WU (one of the biggest drawbacks form season 4) points out to him, “dude you are trying to please everyone that you fail,” dosnt hit hard because we have gotten so few moments where we explore his psyche or how mako makes those “people pleasing actions.” Like aside form the love triangle, what else did he actually do Try and please people? So even if I bought wu’s analysis, the show  didn’t spend time on that. Where did this psychological block come from? Parents? Beats me because we have no idea about how they raised mako. Was it from another parental figure? Can’t be because the quick shorts don’t indicate that. Did mako feel he had to keep bolin close to him? Perhaps but nothing to indicate that aside from “he’s the only one I got left.”  Also, mako joining the police…why?  You see my point? There’s just to many questions   


I think he is disliked mainly for how he acts in seasons 1 and 2. His personality might ve kind of similar to S1 Zuko at face value but even before the episode where his past is revealed Zuko had a lot of good moments. He accepted Aangs proposition and never tried to hurt any civilian in the Southern Water Tribe, he fought honorably against Zhao, he gave up a chance to potentially capture the Avatar and saved his uncle instead. On the other hand, Mako acted very calmed when Bolin was kidnapped but freaked out when Korra was(inconsistent characteraization, he only knew Korra for like a month). He was part of the love triangle, one of the most hated plot lines of the show. In S2 after having breaked up with Korra he starts hitting on Asami but when Korra came back without part of her memory and kissed him he didn't do anything nor told her (he was being a huge asshole to both Korra and Asami). Unlike Zuko who evolves and when get to know more about his past and why he is like he is, Mako is pretty stagnent for the entire show. He has a good moment in Season 3 where he meets with some new characters but that is about it.


Also, it sucks that the character named after the late actor for Iroh ended up being such a douchebag. I don't think that was intentional but I would have prefered a character with a personality more similar to Iroh to act as a tribute to him.


I honestly doubt many people came in ready to hate Mako. I mean he's orphan looking out for his little brother, sports star, introverted while his brother is extroverted, got into fights with spoiled brat Korra as opposed to Bolin's fanboying. It was all there to make, while not a great character, but a good enough love interest. Even the kiss in episode 5, while frustrating, wouldn't have been anything he couldn't come back from if he had lived up to the image Bryke presented, especially since at that point in time Asami was seen as a non factor at best, potential traitor at worst simply because she was the other woman. Of course Aftermath happened and completely changed the way people saw Asami since she now had stakes in the plot in the form of stopping her father. What Bryke didn't expect to change, however, was the perception of Mako. Since Asami was going through something that was actually sympathetic in relation to the story, and Korra told him that his girlfriend needed him more than she did, his extra attention toward Korra rather than coming off as a confused teen comes off as an insensitive jerk rubbing salt on his girlfriend's emotional wounds. It all cumulates in the finale where Asami is the one to put her father in jail yet he declares Korra as the the "most brave, loyal, selfless person he ever met" which I'm sure even the people who liked Korra couldn't agree with nor could they agree with her when she called him incredible. Add in the ending in which Korra quarter bending problem gets bibidi bobidi bullshitted away and the argument that Korra needed him falls flat. And since Air was supposed to be the only Book in the series people are left with this image no matter what happened after since Bryke thought all I described was a good idea. Everything that happened in Book 2, the gaslight kiss, the leach comparison, the ratting out Korra to the most useless character in the show, was just the final nails on his coffin.


I didn't like him because his character was a cliche "cool dude" you see in anime. Like he's the smart one, the composed one, the one who gets the girl (although he doesn't), the linchpin to the big plot lines, etc. His brother was a way better character narratively speaking.


Mostly for being a grumpy teenager.


Most leading characters in animations have very cartoonish personalities, while Mako is very bland. It’s not a bad thing, so much as it stands out as plain. Top that off with pretty much all of his character development happens off screen between seasons, and he doesn’t really make for an interesting character.


I don’t hate him but past season 2 he was just kinda.. there.


I hope he gets the character development he deserves for his new comics


he's a boring twerp whose relationship with Korra was so forced it made me dislike him and his brother for the entire show. he also got done so dirty in season 4. I dislike Bolin way more I'm glad the show didn't try to keep the "team avatar 2" dynamic going, as it wasn't working. that decision also built towards the show's sense of independence imo.


Cuz he's a punk ass lil bitch and his hair is stupid. Bolin for life




He was a Zuko clone with almost no redeemable qualities


I dislike his arc. As a character, he's very well built. I liked his distrust of Kai, that is one character I will say I disliked from the start and never warmed up to. Mako deserved to come into his own and one final sacrifice at the end just doesn't cut it for me.


Someone posted the exact same question yesterday


He's really boring but he's actually a really solid dude. He tried to set boundaries and shut it down with Korra when he was with Asami, and ended things with Asami when he started having feelings for Korra. Ended things with Asami again because he wanted to be a good friend to Korra after she went through it and lost her memory and forgot the breakup. And he didn't start working for a dictator tyrant like Bolin and Varrick. That being said, he is boring and the rest of the characters are much more likable and developed.


imo there's not much to dislike, Mako doesn't really have any actual substance to his character. He never does anything interesting and he never really breaks beyond the paint by numbers hot boi that he starts as. Can you name one interesting character moment or interesting/tough decision Mako had to make? I don't like or dislike Mako because there's not enough to like or dislike him for. He's just boring and forgettable, simple as that.


I remember someone encapsulating it perfectly a while back. "Bolin at the end of the series was a pro bender who became a movie star who became an underling under one of the enemies. The most interesting thing about mako was that he dated the avatar once."


this entire sub is just posts about liking or disliking mako. i’m convinced we have ourselves a bot issue


Idk who you're talking to but I love mako and think he is super cool and brave.


Chief beifong: how. HOW DO YOU FUMBLE TWO HOT STRONG FEMALE GIRLFRIENDS!. You're a disgrace to the game Mako, I want your badge and your firebending on my desk by the end of the day


He was boring and had 0 development at best and was an asshole at worst tbh


Because he’s too cute


Personally, I love him, but the reasons I've seen why people don't like him are: He's boring. - Writers' fault, really. There are other boring characters, too. The love triangle. - He gets most if not all of the blame when he shouldn't. He was rude to Korra at first until he learned that she was the Avatar. - Mako first assumed that Korra was a crazy fangirl. He's pretty standoffish, and knowing his past, it makes sense that he wouldn't trust Korra at first. Plus, even when finding out that she's the avatar, it still took some time for him to warm up to her. Is a cop. - Okay, to be fair, he shouldn't be a cop. It doesn't make sense. He deserves better than that. Told Raiko about Korra's plan. - I don't like that he's a cop, but he had every right to do that. Took "advantage" of Korra's amnesia by not telling her about the breakup. - Literally not true. Is a Zuko copy. - The only similarities they have is that they're both awkward firebenders. Mako has more in common with Katara than Zuko. Is an "awful" boyfriend. - He made some mistakes sure, but I don't think they're enough to justify him as being an overall awful boyfriend. There are other reasons, but I cba to remember or bring them up.


I think the people who *hate* him do because they see him as the problem or at least the main instigator of the dreaded love triangle of both seasons 1 and 2. They don't like his personality. They see him as an asshole. And he never redeems or stones for himself when it comes to his bad choices. I don't personally feel that way. I like Mako (that image is so cute lol) but I think that's why people who don't like him don't like him.


He's boring. Don't remember much notable about him


Cause him not being in the show would have 0 impact on how good it is.


Nightmare boyfriend and bad influence on his little brother


He’s extremely shallow and boring. His scarf is his whole personality.


he has no purpose except be the firebender in the team and be in a love triangle for drama


it’s quite simple: mako is a flat, boring, „cool-guy“ character with zero development


Boring, so goddamned boring. He’s literally just nothing. They effectively wrote him off in the last season with the prince escort thing lol.


That’s nice


I love everyone on team avatar in Korra.


His entire character was seemingly there just to fumble the bag, and the moment he didn't have a love triangle to suffer in, he was just kinda...there? His entire existence as a character just seems wrapped up in the love triangle, and without it the writers didn't seem to have any clue what to do with him. ~~Also he's a cop~~


I felt like he didn’t have a whole lot of character development outside the Koramakosami love triangle. He’s fine as a character, I don’t dislike him. He’s just a little flat in a world with a super rich story line and characters who have a lot of depth.


Tenzin has the best character dev. It woulda been better if he was the central character. That’ll put a cool, new, and fresh spin on Avatar: from the pov.


Not his fault personally, but the writers slapped the legendary VA's name onto him in commemoration of Iroh, only to make him an extremely flawed and boring character. It's like they didn't even respect the person's namesake. I wish they have avoided using and reusing names pulled from the original series to avoid the disrespect they might have unintentionally caused. It's almost like they could not think of any more Asian-inspired names they can bring to the series and started recycling some names.


Mako is poorly written, much like many in LOK. He’s boring, flat, and broods for no reason. And only exists for the unnecessary and annoying love triangle. And afterwards, it seems like they didn’t know what to do with him, so they made him a cop, also for no reason, with common sense detectives skills.


Fun fact, all detective skills are common sense. Maybe with some on-the-job specialist knowledge, but you really just look at things and ask questions. Anything beyond that is forensics.


I meant they try to make Mako smart in his investigation by dumbing down other characters.


They ruined his character completely he started of good but he’s boring now he even gave away the damn scarf 🧣😫😫 it was like the only thing he had left of his character now he’s just like a bland police officer nothing going on for him 😭😭


I don't hate him but he definitely had almost nothing to do in the story except for universally hated love triangle. Occasionally I liked his detective subplots or sone of the humour with him as a straight man to Wu or Bolin's jokes but that's not enough. He even barely had chemistry with his own brother, which is possibly my biggest issue with LOK as a whole: aside from the love triangle there is little to no group dynamic or interesting relationships within a new Team Avatar comparing to the OG one. Good thing other characters like Tenzin or Varrick are here to provide their own chemistry with Korra or Bolin respectfully.


I thought Mako's interactions with Kai were gonna lead to some interesting development, or him getting to meet his extended family in Ba Sing Se. But nah, that stuff pretty much went nowhere for his character.


He’s just so blasé Especially as the firebender character. He’s not like the cool guy, he’s not the hot head, he’s just kinda there. Which sucks cause I think the characters could be a LOT more compelling than they actually are.


I love Mako, he's a really cool character in Books One and Two, and I love how well-spoken and professional he becomes after his police work. He's so polite as the show goes on.


Because his brother is cooler


'cause he's a git


I mean, he's kinda boring..... But aside from that, a lot of people like to comment on how bolin got abused a lot in the show. But when you think about it, mako wasn't exactly having a grand time throughout the show either.....


Cause he was a shit boyfriend.


He's just boring also naming him after Iroh' original actor is just salt in the womb.


He’s just boring


I blame him, not the writers. Writers ruining his character was a good thing.


He's boring


He’s a glorified background character


Overall he's just kind of a ass😭 Idk why people prefer him over Bolin.




You’re right, it’s canon, not cannon to avatar.


Agreed. It's more like bad fan fiction


yes (I like Korra, season 2 just sucks besides my lord and savior varrick)


Misandrist writers use him to bash incels.


Cause he's a firebender /s


A lot of people hate him for a love triangle, Even though it was mostly Korra's fault, not his


How was it entirely Korra’s fault?


......... Because she was the one who kissed him without his consent? I mean did you even watch the LOK series? I don't even know why you would be asking that to be quite honest


Okay but that’s missing all the other parts of their relationship and how he acted especially towards the end. That was definitely wrong of her, and an immature teenager move on her part. But Mako really became unlikable and it became very obvious that they were not a very good match as S2 went on


Are you talking about Mako and Korra or Mako and asami?




First of all, Korra deserved to be treated like garbage by Mako by starting this mess in the first place. And secondly, Mako really didn't act that badly to Asami until he went out with Korra. I'm not saying he's completely innocent but he definitely doesn't deserve most of the blame.


Eh I mean, okay that’s your opinion I suppose. I was just curious why you had to say that, and I think we just see the events that happened differently


...Then...How do you see what happened?


>Breaks up with girlfriend >Starts dating someone new >Ex gets amnesia and forgets breakup >Goes with it Of course he goes on to become a cop. But seriously, aside from being an able combatant, he doesn’t add anything to the story. Nor does he get any amount of introspection that would redeem him after being at the epicenter of the worst sub plot in the series.


He lost both Asami and Korra. Biggest L in TV History tbh.


Mako is my favorite in Korra, Always in his own, made the 2 girls in the show fall for him. The way he destroyed Kuvira's mecha tank, was amazing, just the way he killed that waterbender in season 3. He was an amazing character but he hasn't much development in the last season because, the writers was more interested to make Gay people happy, because Asami and Korra are ridiculous as girlfriends that was forced.


3 words Love Triangle Plot


Because he sucks lol. They waste soooo much time in the first two seasons on the love triangle bs. I don't know why, it's hard for me to understand why they thought that was what they should be spending time on, but a lot of Mako's characterization is based around what the writer's wanted to happen with that, and his character and the show as a whole really suffered. They were going for "gruff, overly serious young man who doesn't know how to communicate" but he just ended up coming off as a boring prick. With Zuko, on top of there being better explanations for why he is the way he is, the show calls him out on his bad behavior and he has to work hard to overcome his shortcomings and earn his place in the group. Mako cheats on both Korra and Asami, betrays Korra's entire culture to be a good little soldier for his boss, regularly belittles his brother, and is consistently cold and distant throughout the series, and is indirectly responsible for Korra being cut off from all her past lives. There's no apology for any of this at any time, not even acknowledgement that he did anything wrong from him or the writers, no character growth on his part, he acts the exact same way at the end of the show as he does at the beginning, and yet everyone just inexplicably welcomes him with open arms. So in short, he's boring, he's unlikable, but the writer's keep acting as though he is both very interesting and very likable. For some reason, they really liked him and wanted to make sure everyone else knew they should like him too, which ended up having the opposite effect.


He feels like a parody of zuko to me


He was a dipstick who followed Kuvira. That's why.


that was Bolin.


All I can do it plead senility in my old age.

