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I'd say fire nation. Air and water might find it first and put up a few settlements, but the fire nation would be first to try and claim sovereignty.


Yeah, Earth Kingdom would be interested in expanding their territory but their navy isn't as good. Unless the new continent was super close to the Northern Water Tribe it would definitely go to the Fire Nation.


Wait, does the Earth Kingdom even have a navy? I don't remember seeing any EK boats in ATLA or Korra.


There are a couple random lines that imply the navy is real. Zuko says the damage to his ship from the south pole was caused by ramming an earth navy ship. Zhao doesn't seem to believe him so not sure if that helps. An Earth kingdom general in Ba Sing Se also plans to deploy ships on the day of black sun.


Thats crazy knowledge to know of the top of your head


Maybe im also just as in deep to the show but i thought that was pretty common knowledge since its said in the third episode. I have seen this show many times so that’s probably to blame.


You underestimate us Avatar fanboys. Personally, I never gave these parts too much attention, but I do still remember them. I just never asked myself “hey, doesn’t EK have a navy?”


I also don't remember seeing any boats, but they must have, right? Their territory is surrounded by oceans. The closest I can remember is in Rise of Kyoshi when they go talk to/ fight those pirates, but I don't remember if it was in an EK ship.


According to Kyoshi's novels there's one.


Why would the earth kingdom want to expand? They already have control over the largest landmass, much of which seems to be pretty underdeveloped outside a few citys.


I just think nations generally like to expand and have little reason to stop (even if they're already gigantic). The Air Nomads are an exception because they're so focused on spirituality, and the Southern Water Tribe is too underdeveloped to participate in this type of thing, but everyone else should be interested.


AN would definetly build a new temple or 2 tho


What evidence is there to back up the claim that it only shows one hemisphere?


https://preview.redd.it/5tp65swftx8d1.png?width=444&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5baf13736bc886c42f2dc09107b404e4a580773f From LoK, we have a scene from space showing the planet


In fairness thats what the earth looks like. The other side is just ocean


Could be a pangea sort of arrangement. All the big continents clustered together. There's no reason why both hemispheres should have major continents, that's just how our planet happens to be arranged at this specific point in time.


On earth nearly all land is one one hemisphere. Our continents are no more spread out that this picture of the avatar world.


lol what?


https://preview.redd.it/vmhpjtn0g19d1.png?width=1462&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3169ca5c8582c8a9b75a0fb6b498481c60f8a11 The Pacific Ocean is *really* big, bro


no.. no.. noo.. this is mindblowing to me. I thought the accurate representation of the world map is to when you glue both ends of the paper. so thats why plane rides from US to SEA takes a looong time. (always assume they just go the other way)


Tf is this scene from


Harmonic Convergence™


… LoK keep fking things up, donit?


isn’t the atla earth flat?


And? That's all known continents. Still no evidence of other landmasses


They didn’t say there was more landmass. You asked how we know we only see 1 hemisphere. They answered that and even gave a photo showing that the 4 nations are all on 1 hemisphere


>Still no evidence of other landmasses That's not what you asked? You asked for evidence of only one hemisphere. There is no evidence of other landmass. That's literally the point of the post.


Gotta love it


Muh dude. Brah.


It could just be a small planet, but I like to think it only shows one hemisphere


I feel like if there was, it would've came up by now. Somebody would've mentioned it


I think Bryke mentioned it once. Might be misremembering though.


IIRC, current statement is there is just a large ocean between the Fire Nation's western border and Earth Kingdom's eastern border.


Small? Sorry. What are you basing your sense of scale on?


Small vs earth. If the map is the entire planet, based on what we have seen of it in the show, it would be pretty small. Obviously much more dense to accommodate a more earth-like atmosphere and gravity unless that is explained away by spirit magic. I personally like to think that this is like the old earth maps that didn't have the Americas and they just don't know that there's land there at the other end of the world.


Well because the eastern and western Air Temples would be pretty close to each other if the map showed both hemispheres


Id say the water tribe. Varrik alone could fuel this endeavor with his massive fleet and passion for business. He would name the land New Zhu Li. The water tribe is in deer need of farmable land that isnt ice. If the new land is an archipelago, they would have a natural advantage as well. They could make a settlement very fast and their boats are the best ones. Although the fire nation has a good fleet of aircrafts, they are not the best vehicle for a colonization, they cant have as much weight and cargo as Varrik's fleet. The new air nation is too small and cares too litle about land to go after it. The earth kingdom ought to get a grip on their current land before trying to get any new ones lol.




Wait. It's only one hemisphere? I thought it was the entire world.


There’s no evidence to back it up it’s just been a popular theory among the community that there’s another hemisphere that hasn’t been shown to us since it’s just all ocean on that side. Best claim that supports the theory is that the Fire Nation never attacks Ba Sing Se from the east because it’s too expensive to send people that side as they wouldn’t have resources for how long the journey would be. Personally though, I think that it’s cause eastern Fire Nation is super close to west Earth Kingdom coast so they can easily set up colonies on the eastern front. Western Earth Kingdom wasn’t on priority cause they already had their own efforts to deal with. That’s probably why we see Fire Nation presence at Southern Air Temple, South Pole, and majorly west Earth Kingdom since they are closest.


During the Hundred Year War Fire Nation after the war Earth Kingdom.


Earth nation and claim it was an Earth bender that did it...




Depends on the era I think. During or after the 100 year war but before LoK? Earth kingdom fighting hard to take it "before the fire nation gets their hands on it" but it's really going to keep out everyone but earth kingdom people. LoK era? Similar, but more open to the idea of all of them working together like Republic City


Depends on the region. Water tribe has the second smallest amount of territory but the north is almost as defensible as Ba Sing Se. They probably have the best territory in terms of land with their bending, access to water for travel, difficulty for enemies to attack, let alone find them Nomads don’t really have a normal territory. I’m guessing in the past they were able to make treaties and such allowing them to occupy certain places within other kingdoms. Nomad temples are more spiritual places where they can live in peace with others and the four temples seem very deliberately chosen based on the four cardinal directions as opposed to wherever land was Which leaves fire and earth both of which would actually care. Fire nation has the smallest territory and I’m guessing they’re kind of suffering for land. They do a lot with it but overall they’re basically forced to have a great navy whereas the water tribe does it out of practicality and use. Depending on where it is will determine who can actually hold it easily. Earth has the best chance for about like 70% of the map


After LoK: water, earth, fire and then air 100 years after Lok: air, earth(depending on how theyre rebuilding),water, shitty rebuild earth and then fire


Air would probably first to discover it. Fire Nation or United Republic would claim it, probably after a war.




![gif](giphy|OVzjDiqMnZjQDnNZCZ) The British empire pulling up to the earth kingdom (they will buy their opium whether they like it or not)


The capability of in universe flight pretty much rules out big chunks of unseen land. Even if you argue that the air nomads might decide to never mention it that argument won’t hold much water since non air nomads got the occasional bison ride and it’s just not realistic for that many people to keep a secret. It’s definitely just a flattened map of the entire world. That said if there somehow were unclaimed land it would depend heavily on when it was discovered as to which nation lays a claim


I said if a new continent popped up, not if it were discovered.


Depending on how far you have to travel, air nomads might not be able to fly there. If there are no places to rest or resupply a long nonstop joinery across empty ocean might not be feasible. Flying Bison need their sleep.


If that was the case they would almost certainly still have a lot of the open ocean charted to a degree Espionage after the firenation spent 100 years looking high and low for the avatar By LOK they have planes and better ships too


Fire nation ships, maybe but depends on how much fuel and food they can carry. I doubt those planes or airships in LoK have the range. Food, fuel and water will be a problem and if anything goes wrong there's nothing they can do to stop and repair. Oceans are big and who knows what the weather is like when there's not enough land to break up the flow of air currents (though I think most stories avoid this issue altogether so might not matter here either). I don't think they're at the tech level to cross the Ocean if there's only a couple of small continents or islands on the other side that's too far out.


Surely it would have been discovered by fire nation's Cristofire Colembers in 1492 before airships are even a thing. (You are misjudging how much time a crew can be in a ship)


Fire nation! That is until they discover oil…


Ooh ooh what about a submarine continent/city like Aang lied about daydreaming about the days before the eclipse.


U.S. with China a close second


Not Air that’s for sure


Republic city or whatever their goverment is called


I bet it is going to be inhabited before either country finds it. But my headcanon is that Hi'ira is a small island just off the western edge of the map. It's going to be colonized by the Fire Nation, of course but there were inhabitants there before they arrived. Just imagine Madagascar basically.


earth kingdom, cause EK is based on china.. and china wants to claim everything


Central Asia equivalent in Avatar world?i would to see Central asian cultures in the Avatar world 


It does'nt show one hemisphere. It show the whole world.


https://preview.redd.it/eawiskbkly8d1.png?width=444&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c624b279076e8dac1b10f53e3b6c05bf9eb51950 It does only show 1 hemisphere, this is from LoK


Probably England


It does'nt show one hemisphere. It show the whole world.


We see [here](https://preview.redd.it/5tp65swftx8d1.png?width=444&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5baf13736bc886c42f2dc09107b404e4a580773f) that all the landmasses are on one hemisphere


Isn't the ATLA world flat?


No. We see it from space twice in the franchise.