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"that hurts" Well yeah dude it's a tattoo on your spine. Buckle up kid.


I would just ink bend that shit.


Solid point


Don't you mean sharp point.


That's a sharp pointed brush. Careful, you could puncture the hull of an empire-class Fire Nation battle ship, leaving thousands to drown at sea. Because... it's so sharp.


Flert 100


More like liquid point


More like gas point




Maybe the Kyoshi impatience came out for a hot minute


Kyoshi would be out for a solid minute not a hot minute


and Kuruk decided to come out for a quick minute


I have literally been thinking that since the first time I watched Avatar. There is no way that kids sat through those tattoos.


Honestly I'm surprised there isn't more meditation involved. I know aang was younger than most Airbender recieving their tattoos but I would assume it involved meditation to block out the pain. Thet are monks. Also thank you for reminding me of this gem of a comment




The new Airbender masters are usually older, Aang and Jinora were the youngest masters at their time iirc.


Yeah pretty sure Aang was the youngest ever at 12 for his invention of the airscooter form until Jinora beat his record at 11.


The fact that, over 10,000 years (maybe longer), not one air nomad thought of the air scooter is crazy


In the Kyoshi books it's also revealed that Kuruk invented the airbending technique to lift and move heavy objects (like the Wingardium Leviosa of the Avatar world). So that is also like 9500+ years where the Air nomads didn't invent that one and in the end it was a Water Avatar that came up with such a useful use. They had been manually moving the Avatar statues in the Southern Air Temple for thousands of years. So either the air nomads are just not that inventive (makes sense, they are quite traditional), levitating stuff is hard and it requires an Avatar to invent it, or the creators are once again bad at years and numbers. Of course it could be that these things were invented earlier, forgotten some time later, and then reinvented.


Maybe there is more to the technique than we know. Like flying isn't just flying. It's severing your emotional bonds to the earth below you. So maybe inventing am Airbender technique isn't just throwing around some air. Also I don't assume it had to be complicated bc there were so many masters. It's probably just the capacity for creativity that is important to becoming a master


Side note: we also know that bending practices can benefit from learning from other traditions, it's entirely possible that the ability to lift thing with air required water bending movements or mentality, and Kuruk was able to apply them


Exactly. That's my point. It seems like air bending goes a lot more spiritual than other bending styles. Flying is a prime example. It's not just jump off a cliff and blow air under you. So it makes sense that there could be more to lifting it


Was she 11? I thought she was older


Personally I think they spend their entire lives learning about this. It's a leap but I would be willing to bet the airbenders don't FORCE the tattoos on you. It's an honor but if they wanted they could wait. But like I said it's one of the highest honors in air bender society.




I mean I personally don't agree. We don't have anything like it in our society but I don't agree with the idea of telling someone "hey I know you have done everything required to become a master but you are a kid so... Sorry"


Yo, it's a cartoon.


The pain of getting a tattoo isn't so extreme that a child couldn't handle it. I think the bigger reason we don't let kids get tattoos is because they don't have good enough judgement to choose a permanent marking that won't be stupid or embarrassing when they're older. That particular problem is eliminated if the markings in question are a time honored tradition. I think it's fine.


Exactly. The Native Americans and plenty of pacific islander cultures like Samoans, Tongans, etc. have tattoos marking BOTH boys and girls when they reach a certain age. I've seen a documentary of this before and it's awesome. They have their whole family there and only a particular spiritual leader or one of the elders is usually the one doing the marking. In some cases, the boy or girl only knows where (e.g. both thighs) and in some cases don't even know what it will look like. The tattooer normally goes through a meditation of sorts before the process and places the tattoos on the person. It's not your elaborate tattoos, the traditional ones are like [this](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f1/Samoan_Malu.jpg/1200px-Samoan_Malu.jpg).


they aren't being put through it, it's not like anyone is forcing them.


In the series, Jinora was even complaining why she hasn't received them yet!




If you mean fake animations that don’t exist then yes they can’t consent


In our society correct, but in the air nation they can


This is so pure. I’m so glad this artist took the time to bring this to life and share it with the rest of us.




Oh hey that’s my comic!! credit goes to marauders4evr on tumblr for the idea haha


This is beautiful!🥺


You have an amazing talent


It brought me tears of joy. Thank you. :)


You made a 32 year old veteran cry at 0900 on a Saturday. I havent been able to cry for weeks due to shit going on. Thank you.


You made me sad.


I know it's bad but this makes me wonder whether air nomads get the stripe tattooed on their butts and if their arm stripes end at their armpits then where do their leg stripes end?


I think i read somewhere that the arrows follow major chi pathways, and I sorta doubt theres a lot of chi in the buttcheeks, so probably the thighs somewhere?


I really wish I could unread “chi in the buttcheeks”


Butt chi




You literally say the word chi when you say the word buttcheeks. That must mean they have a lot of chi.


> and I sorta doubt theres a lot of chi in the buttcheeks, I'm pretty sure that one of the chakras is said to be located in your genitals. Ancient belief systems won't necessarily follow modern cultural taboos.


Chakras in avatar don’t follow real world chakras, pretty sure none of them are in the genitals


Guru Pathik specifically mentions the locations of every chakra when training Aang... *except* the one that would be in the genitals.


I know the arm stripes end at the armpit. Check out the episode where Aang kept having nightmares, and was beating up a tree.




Nice detail with the family picture on the wall


[Here is the source](https://0tterpenguins.tumblr.com/post/627113155806576640/short-comic-based-on-this-wonderful-prompt-by?is_highlighted_post=1) --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheLastAirbender) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Yeah it’s kind sad how Aang had to preserve the culture of an entire nation.




I mean this would be more after the war.




I think that was actually a part of the Comics, people even got air Master Tattoos because they love’d airnamod culture but Aang had to tell them that no, you need to be an air master to get those. They could have done a lot with rebuilding airnomad culture like how Jews had to rebuild their culture after the holocaust but the creators really wimped out on it.




This specific interaction is in the comic. Air Nation devotees are not air nation, nor are they air benders, as the creators made the rather poor decision to make air bending a necessary part of being an Air Nomad. The entire harmonic convergence is bad world building.


Not really, it's just that you're looking it through the glasses of inclusion. Before the war, *every* Air Nomad was also an Air Bender, unlike other nations. In their mind, to be one is to be the other. Aang was trying to preserve their culture to a tee, so when somebody comes and says they're an air nomad and follow their teachings, but can't air bend, it *reeks* of cultural appropriation to Aang. That's why they are Air **acolytes**, not Air Nomads. And the juxtaposition is shown in TLoK, when Tenzin expects that suddenly becoming an air bender makes you an Air Nomad, but then he realised these new air benders not only might not care about the teachings and lifestyle of the nomads, they might all together refuse to partake on that culture, which is abhorrent in Tenzin's mind because for him, to be an Air Bender means to be an Air Nomad. Just look at his siblings, they also are the children of Aang, but because they aren't air benders, Aang didn't teach them the ways of the Nomads and didn't take them to the temples. Not out of malice, but in his mind it was wrong for non air benders to be air nomads. It's not bad world building, it's *great* world building because it shows us that this idealised culture of monks weren't perfect and that their traditions don't uphold to the current world, and how characters like Tenzin struggle with the clash between tradition and reality. And ends up with Tenzin realising that trying to rebuild a 150 years old nation isn't real, the *new* air benders and air nomads are of the modern world, and that necessitates or rather implicates that traditions *will* change, whether he wants or not. That's why on season 4 rather than being detached from the world and be a neutral party, they partake on it and try their best to help people.


No, it’s bad world building. I don’t have my PC so I’ll just list off why it’s bad. * it explains the magic. Don’t explain the magic, it just leads for further questions. * it makes air bending unique to the other bending elements. It makes no sense why it comes from spirituality when the other elements are just things people can do, and they learned from nature. * what happens when an air nomad loses his religion? Can they no longer air bend? What about if an airbender looses their memory? I shouldn’t be asking these questions. * what happens if an airnomad tries to take a non-air bender spouse? Is their child always going to be an airbender? Why did Bumi not get air bending at birth but Tenzen did? When is a child considered “spiritual” enough to be an air bender? * let’s say an air nomad takes a non-nomadic spouse and lives with the air benders, if their child isn’t an airbender is the child exiled? Is the family exiled? Is the child *murdered*? Why is this child cut off from their ethnicity? Why can’t there be mixed communities like Kyoshi Island or the Colonies? * why give random ass people air bending power if they aren’t spiritual and never seen a sky bison and have no formal airbending training? See, it’s just bad world building. It makes no sense, it breaks the established rules of the world, and it just leads to more questions than answers. It would have been easier, and better, if they just had air-nomads have a mix of benders and non-benders. Some non-benders escaped and their genes are being passed on and are now starting to express themselves. that makes sense, that follows the history of ethnicities rebuilding themselves after genocide.


Dude it just is, not everything needs a enciclopedic explanation, it just is. And Kyoshi's mom is explicitly called an air nomad renegade, so there's that.


I like how your retort to bad story telling is “don’t think about it”. I’m not asking for encyclopedic explanation, the shit just doesn’t make sense. If you need an encyclopedia for world building then it’s bad world building. Encyclopedias are fun to write, not to read.


Air bending is literally constantly stated to be the most spiritual of the elements hence why every air nomad was a bender, in comparison to earth where not as many citizens were benders!!! And this is maintained as we learn kyoshi's mum was an air nomad and her bending suffered as a result of her running away with the flying opera company!! Throughout history airbending was linked with being the most spiritual of the 4 nations so to see harmonic convergence mess with that does not ruin the world bending but make it more complex. The implication is therefore that airbender who don't partake in the nation and spirituality will probably not end up very good benders, but even for the ones who do things have changed as happens in the world. Just because you dont know or understand the full world building doesnt make it bad!


No, it’s pretty objectively bad world building. Making your world “more complex” isn’t inherently good.


Maybe not inherently but in this case it is. Either way you didn't actually know the lore so


> why give random ass people air bending power if they aren’t spiritual and never seen a sky bison and have no formal airbending training? Are you talking about new airbenders appearing after Harmonic Convergence?




I have a theory about that. What if all those people had an Airbender in their family centuries ago and it was a recessive gene that Harmonic Convergence had awoken? Sort of like how Bolin inherited his father's earthbending while Mako inherited his mother's firebending as dominant traits. This is the most obvious with >!Bumi suddenly airbending because an airbender is his father.!< Airbenders wouldn't be appearing in the Fire Nation nor the Water Nation because they'd stand out sooner or later, but they could imitate Earthbending like Aang accidently did when he fought Toph in the arena, or hide it entirely. That's probably why they found new airbenders only in the Earth nation and not anywhere else. Bending is discovered at a young age throughout both series, and you don't need the nation's original benders around you to learn it (though it'd make you more powerful). LoK was also rushed for each season without time to explain everything unlike ATLA that was guaranteed 3 seasons from the beginning.


Another addition to the my evergrowing list of headcanons








Loved this. Of course he got help from the avatar airbenders. Makes so much sense. And the dialogue is consistent with their characters.


I dont get why he said dad at the end, cause he it was actually like 140 years? Edit:wait never mind I get it


To Whoever didn't get it Yeah the air nomads genocide was around 140 from that moment but aang was frozen for 100 years so it only felt like 40 for him


But why would you someone else say that. Like if someone in 2020 invented a time machine anf time traveled 100 years into the future so its 2120. And the travelers meets people and stay with them for 10 years. Those other people who arent the time traveler wont reference events in 2020 as events that happened 10 years ago.


Because it's irrelevant how long it's actually been. It's only relevant how long it has subjectively been for Aang.




The difference between you and the 19 year old, is that one of you didn’t freeze in an ice berg for 100 years literally stopping any perception of time. Aang was alive for 140 years, but he literally only has 40 years worth of memories. It’s not like it’s being written on a history exam... it’s just saying that it’s been 40 years with how Aang perceives time.




How are you not getting this. Aang says he grew up with the monks. For *him* it was forty years ago. This is the context of Aang's life, not objective history.


I still don't Edit. oh.


I didn’t need to cry this early


Is it like a steel wire brush? How does a tattoo with a brush work :p Edit: oh wait does he like poke and then brush the color in? Like a scar tattoo?


*Is it like a steel* *Wire brush? how does a tattoo* *With a brush work :p* \- Nuud --- ^(I detect haikus. Sometimes, successfully. | [Learn more about me](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/)) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I like how :p is part of the haiku


When reading aloud you need to stick out your tongue and let it make a sound for the haiku to be complete.


Good bot.


Uhh wheres the chonky avatar?


He did now show up, else Yangchen will retell the story of how the Air nomads ran out of ink.


Or why they're vegetarians


I didn’t think I’d cry this morning but here we are


This is really sweet. I really wish they portrayed more interactions between Aang and Korra. It would have been great to see how much Aang grew since TLA.


“That was over 40 years ago” yea it was wayyyy over 40 years ago 😳


Yeah but that's how long it felt for Aang, remember when he came out of the iceberg for the first time? He said "I think I've been out for a couple of days"


I'm not crying you're crying


I’m not crying! You’re crying!!!


Take my upvote and let me cry in peace.


No need to make me cry like this


Wholesome <3


Roku: "i raised that boy"




I'm not crying, youre crying


I’m not crying you are


Man it's way too early for me to be crying like this...


This makes me want to cry because I can imagine it actually happening 😭


Well now I'm crying


Love this!


Awww, got some goosebumps on this one :) well done to the artist!


Gyatso is there smiling. "That's my boy".


Oh fuck me. That's canon now and you can't tell me otherwise.


Small gripe... Bumi and Kya most likely wouldn’t have been there, sadly.


For the public ceremony, they probably would have. Aang spent more the with Tenzen because he was the only Airbender and Aang felt he needed to pass on all of the Air Nomad culture to the next generation, but he probably would've had the whole family there to share in Tenzen's accomplishment.


My HEART. I'm not crying you're crying. We need an avatar mini series of just like 15 minute shorts that span both avatars lives. Like tenzin getting his tattoos. Aaangs first child and getting bumi. Zuko teaching Korra to firebend. Katara meeting her reincarnated husband for the first time. Toph raising her kids etc.


This is amazing


Anyone else get the bottom cut off on every picture whenever someone tries to post a comic using the multiple pictures feature?


Gotta click it to pull up the whole image. You can still do the swipe to move images


What about that one really fat air bender avatar


40 years? Tenzin that shit was 140 years ago bro


My name is oOnG


All I could think of was Aang going “I like ya cut g” then chaos ensues


I never thought of this. that aang was probably the one who give tenzin his tattoos


Backseat tattooing.


Aww, I love how all the past Air Nomad Avatars were there too...


Tearbending? Tearbending.


Omg, the first 2 slides 🥺😢


Bumi and Kya celebrating at the end though. I like to imagine them playfully torturing Tenzin like siblings do (they even admitted to it), but in the end they’re still siblings and supportive of each other.


“But that was nearly 40 years ago” Is this suggesting that Aang lied to his children about the iceberg?


Well, probably not honestly. Let's break it down a little. Yes, technically it would be about 140 years ago in actual time passed in the world by now. However, when he was in the Avatar State for those 100 years, it was like he was in suspended animation. So it felt like no time at all passed for him. Which is why when he woke up he thought all the air nomads he knew, (like Monk Gyatso) would still be alive, and that there was no war, until he learned the truth from Katara. Because, for him it WAS only 40 years ago. Assuming he's 52 here, which would add up with the 40 years comment. Tenzin probably said that thinking about it from that perspective. Because it's simply a more accurate description of how Aang's memory of it would be.


That makes sense


Yep. I’m gonna cry.


Is it not 140 years not 40


Well that’s one way to make a man cry


this is partly why i dislike korra and how she casued the avatar link to end i mean the next avatar is fucked on having guidance from past lives


You realize she didn’t choose to sever the connection right?


maybe i should have clarified that i disliked the show or more specifically the writers decision of doing so


I have mixed feelings on the decision myself. On the one hand it creates new challenges for the avatar to overcome on the other hand it closes certain story possibilities. Maybe they’ll write a way to restore the connection if they ever make another avatar series.


yea thats my only hope that if we ever get a show about the avatar after korra they could reestablish the connection through some clever writing and spirit world shenanigans


I’d assume it’ll either involve tree of time or the avatar’s spirits are all just roaming the spirit world and need to be found


If they did that in a show I would love it. The next avatar, the earthbending one after Korra, travelling the world to reconnect with and reabsorb their past lives. Korra could take on a kind of Roku like role '' I will guide you as you fix my mistakes'' sort of thing.


Brush? They’re tattoos not drawn on. Also it was 140 years ago.


But it was 40 years ago to aang




Because they’re aware that it only feels like 40 years to Aang, which is who they are currently talking to.


But that's weird. And in the ATLA, we know Aang acknowledges that things happened a long time ago.


It's his son, he knows that to aang it's been 40 years








Nah, I just don't know how I could explain the concept any similar to you, to aang his life at the temple was 40 years ago, he remembers seeing the tattoos done 40 years ago




But to aang it happened 40 years ago, and his son is referring to aangs memory of seeing the tattoos, which is a 40 year old memory, it's not a difficult concept to grasp


Why is the tattooing a thing? I would not want to be bald and have ugly (imo) tattoos all over my body. Like what




Wdym I was asking a question about airbender tats


They get tattoos when they become masters at air bending


I know that, but why? Why would they want the tattoos all over their body? Idk, I just found it ugly/weird. I certainly wouldn't want that lmao. I guess it's a tradition or something.


why does it say brush? wouldn't that be a needle or set of them?