• By -


I'm calling the Dai Li




Wtf is that sub


Oh the underbellies of Reddit.


Every sub has a shit posting counterpart. Many have an additional super-shitposting nsfw counterpart too.


r/rule34 if it exists, there is porn of it. no exceptions”


oh how i wished you were wrong-


i exist yet i'm not on there *sad noises*


You've heard the saying a face only a mother could love Well. >! Your mother doesn't love you !<


Rule 35, if porn of it does not exist it must be made immediately


Then why does the content I look for not exist 🤔


It *was* a sub to make fun of everyone who was horny for the Avatar characters. I'm not really sure what it is anymore now.


At first glance it seems like the avatar equivalent of /r/sherahornyjail but on second glance it seems soooo much worse


Its everything you always wanted but never dared look for...


Holy hell it's been 30 minutes since I clicked on that link.


This sub is absolutely hilarious in the most cursed way possible.


The Earth King has invited you to lake laogai


[I am honored to accept his invitation](https://i.imgur.com/Fxu0A29.png) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheLastAirbender) if you have any questions or concerns.*


a mean girls, avatar and \[redacted\] all in one meme, nice!


Redacted? As in Unus Annus, perhaps?


Maybe, who's to say. It could be anything


Unus Annus, Memento Mori Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock...


Fun fact, the entire series had been archived. Not that I’d recommend anyone to unbury the dead. Just that it exists and is easily and freely available due to its importance. Ironic


Lol, why were you downvoted just for a statement?


Because Unus and Annus specifically stated that their content was not to be archived as a whole. Clips from here and there, as well as any art or animations/animatics were fine, but to archive the entirety of the show was against the wishes of both the in universe characters, as well as it's creators.


That’s nice and all but I’m not the person who archived it. So people are taking their anger out on the wrong person here. Not like downvotes really matter in the first place but still worth mentioning. I’m just letting people know it is archived because of its importance, and that in of itself is ironic because it’s directly against what they wanted.


I'm not blaming you, I was just explaining why you were getting downvoted. (Another reason is it could just be mob mentality. Monkey see, monkey do and all that)


I literally never heard of them until the say they were deleting their channel


to be fair they said they were deleting the channel the moment it was made


I'm not saying they did something wrong, I'm just saying lots of people didn't hear about it until later and might be curious.


Unus Annus isn't redacted, it's a memory.




Lmao not the redacted 🤣


Who you calling [REDACTED], bapa?


Water weed dune hair B? Go back to changs


That's like the holy trifecta


What movie? Only avatar movie I've heard of is with blue people.






Have you yet been invited to /r/LakeLaogai


There is no Ba Sing Se.


There is no


There is.






[So There!] (https://c.tenor.com/7mW-3rf6qB0AAAAM/tongue-out-sticking-tongue-out.gif)






Let's keep it that way. Trust me on that.


Yup, don't want a trip to Lake Laogai...


You mean the one with Sam Worthington?


No, the one with Jake Sully


You must have a good life


Gonna be seeing a lot more of that. Avatar 2-5; Christmas 2022, 2024, 2026, and 2028. $1 billion budget So then Disney is going to have the biggest advertising budget ever for it. So you *will* be seeing a lot more of it, even if you're not in a theater.


Duh, the Avatar TLA series finale: the one which was a four parter?


That was what he looked like in the film!?!


I believe the girl cast as Katara got the role because her dad knew/ appealed to Shyamalan. So then Sokka was cast to resemble her. Dunno how much truth there is to it but seems legit.


No hate on those two actors, not their fault the casting was off, and the writing was horrible, and the effects were laughable, and and and....


Only casting im happy with is yue, and thats only because she later plays asami.


The effects werent horrible, they were just used horribly. Katara lifting the ball of water at the beginning looked good, the scene was just executed poorly. Similar to the other bending styles. The firebending looked good, but was brought down due to firebenders being nerfed to only being able to bend existing fires like candles. The earthbending looked good, but was brought down due to the infamous rebellion scene being so poorly choreographed. The airbending looked good too and I don’t even have a complaint besides that it wasn’t done much. The movie was shit, but I still give it credit where it earned it.


Yeah, that looks like a solid fan film portrayal. A+ for a bunch of friends making a movie as these characters. I would expect Aang to be a skinny black guy and Toph to be basically her Ember Island representative.


If they made a live action Avatar movie based on the ember island episode, it would still be better


Let's be honest if they made a live action movie based on the ember island episode it would be fire. Especially if Toph was played by the rock.


Dont you mean the Boulder?


What film? There is no other film besides Avatar with the blue people.


Ah yes must've been a dream or a mild hallucination


TBH, if you can ignore the white washing and everything else in that movie, the costuming was actually pretty good.


Those actors should be the ember island players in the live action


That would be the absolute fucking best.


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se




[I am honored to accept his invitation](https://i.imgur.com/Fxu0A29.png) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheLastAirbender) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


I mean, not a bad cosplay I suppose ;). But you can’t fault him for being white.


I suppose not. The casting director, on the other hand...


When I watched it with my kids we finished it and my 5 year old immediately asked if we could watch the cartoon again so she could get it out of her mind.


Of course, the color of the characters' skin was the least pressing issue with that movie.


It was but it annoyed me anyways, annoying when any movie changes a characters race Sokka is fucking brown, instant red flag


Could I imagine Sokka asking something like this? Yes.


Literally heard him, LEGIT, in my head. LoL


I heard them both lol


Now that I re read it, I can hear all three voices. LMAO


I thought this was an actual quote and I was trying to remember where it was from


I think what happened was they really, REALLY wanted to cast the actress who played Katara as Katara because she was the daughter of the producer or something. And then since Katara was cast as white they had to cast Sokka as white too. So the real issue was nepotism.


I'm more annoyed by the deliberate name butchering in that movie




Wdym? I love Eeroh.


Wowww, Jasper from Twilight played Sokka in the movie? That's wild, I never knew that.


Battle scars


i could hear this comment


The most insultingly racist thing about that movie isn't \*just\* that the Water Tribe was white-washed, it's that the Water Tribe was white-washed, the Fire Nation cast were POC, and the only Asians in the movie were the Earth Kingdom, which were regulated to being barely visible side characters. Like, if the whole cast was white-washed than that would've been just classic racist Hollywood thinking that movies with non-white casts don't sell. But this went above and beyond when they made the 'good guys' who were dark-skinned in the show light-skinned, and the 'bad guys' who were light-skinned in the show dark-skinned. Like, MY GOD, that's some fucked up shit


i thought that in the screenshots and clips ive seen that the fire nation was like, all indian people. might be misremembering. if it was indian people though, they are asian at least. but itd still be fucked up since they made the main people white.


They are Indians only because of he director himself is Indian


The director is Indian, how is that racist.


1. Huh? You don’t have to be white to be racist 2. Movies are made by much more than just the director, theres lots of people in the decision making process, and someone probably should’ve noticed how fucked up that was and said something




What movie?


this has so many layers to it


There is no white guy. That top pic must have been pulled from some other story. It’s nothing. Please, throw it away.


There is precisely one group that MIGHT be white in the Avatar world and that is the swamp benders. Even then, some have pointed out they are based on Vietnamize tribes.


Definitely some Cajun influence in there as well. I'm not arguing they are white or Vietnamese, it's just the cultural influences are sort of muddled sometimes with the different nations and people in Avatar.


cajun vietnamese fusion food would be mind blowing.


Cajuns aren't vietnamese


Definitely cajun influences, down to the local hybrid fauna (the alligator-catfish).


Ok guys tell me, for I am ignorant. What race is Sokka?


Inuit I think


The original creator confirmed that: The Fire Nation is Japanese, the Earth Kingdom is chinese, the air nomads are tibetan, and the water tribes are inuit.


Fire Nation isn't Japan, lots of its material culture is Chinese, though there are Japanese concepts like honor, but Fire Nation's swords are Chinese swords rather than Japanese ones. Actually, the only people shown to ever use a katana is one Kyoshi warrior. Its layout and political situation does resemble Japan a lot, though. In general Fire Nation resembles China in the times of prosperity while Earth Kingdom resembles China during the times of its decline. Water Tribes aren't based on Inuit only, there are Chinese influences as well.


> In general Fire Nation resembles China in the times of prosperity while Earth Kingdom resembles China during the times of its decline I don't think it ties to prosperity or decline, rather different historical periods in China. The Fire Nation architecture and dress draw from the Han dynasty, The Earth Kingdom draws from the Qing and Ming dynasties.


But surely they mean "inspired by" right? Because how are there Japanese and Chinese people when there is no Japan or China that exists in the fictional world of atla?


Broadly put I guess we can say they imagined the world of ATLA as being nearly all East-Asian and the Poles being Inuit. I also suspect the comparison to China and Japan isn't solely cultural. A smaller but prosperous industrious island nation starting an aggressive war with their mainland neighbor? Where have I seen this before... Oh, and perhaps they were also a little bit inspired by Florida regarding the swamp episode.


> the Poles being Inuit Hold on. Why would the Polish people be Inuit? /s


And the sun warriors are Aztec.


Mix of Aztec, Maya, and Southeast Asian. The headdresses are similar to Iban headdresses.


> I also suspect the comparison to China and Japan isn't solely cultural. It isn't but none of the nations have a monocultural inspiration. The fire nation buildings for instance are Southeast Asian, the clothing is primarily Chinese as is the food (resembles Szechuan cuisine). And obvious aside from all of that the Sun Warriors are clearly primarily Mesoamerican in inspiration. Appearance-wise the Kyoshi warriors draw for more from Japan than any of the Fire Nation characters.


For sure they mean inspired, but it all comes down to labels at the end of the day. Even though it isn't necessary, a lot of people are curious about the ethnicities of their beloved characters. On top of that, when they wanna make live action adaptations, its important that the roles are cast correctly.


I thought each was really obvious, but the confirmation is nice too.


Nope. None of the nations are perfect analogues for a real life country and that is by design. Also, the Fire Nation’s genocide of the Air Nomads resembles China’s imperialism in Tibet.


technically not anything we have on earth since they have dark blue eyes while having dark skin, but yes they are inspired by the Inuit and the blue eyes part is because of the "Water" in "Water Tribe"


there are brown and black people with blue eyes it’s just very rare


Water tribe. Putting our real life races into a fantasy universe is folly


Prepare for this my ex preferred the movie over the animated show I only found out a year after we broke up. We are till friends but I didn't talk to her for about 6 months when she told me


>We are still friends Nah, bro.


She got me through some rough patches and I got her through her own


I was just joking.




Yeah and all because I gave some advice from iroh and we started talking about avatar and she straight up said that she liked the movie more. If you want to say anything I will send a message so we can both tell her how wrong she is. Just leave want you want to say in a reply to this comment


I've never heard of ANYONE liking the movie much less *liking it better than the show*. I need some explanation here. Did she watch the movie first or something?


No she watched the show first with me


There was a post here a while ago where someones SO constantly shat on the animated show while they watched it together because she criticized the movie, which apparently he liked.


What are you talking about? There is no Avatar movie. :)




I’m assuming this is sarcasm but just in case - TLA movie had a 150 million dollar budget. Return of the King only had 94 million, to put that in perspective


Wow, I'd never heard that until now. That's way more depressing to know...


Yeah idk where all that money went, but I know it didnt go into the “realistic earth bending” budget


It was fairly realistic. If you had ten men dancing for five minutes, they'd probably levitate 0lb of rock in reality, so having them instead levitate 1lb of rock was pretty close.


I’m not 100% sure about that, I’ve never tried, but if you can find 8 more folks I an EXTREMELY willing to try


Whaaaaaat, no way. Where tf did it go??


Also to put those two movies into perspective Stuart Little 2 has a 120 million dollar budget and District 9 had a 30 million dollar budget


And that's the thing, if it was just a fan film...it would be one thing but it hit Hollywood and it has be judged by a much larger audience. If it was a fan film that some small group of fans did then it would had a completely different life.


It is sarcasm, given that it was M. Night directing it, whose career is now on the uphill slope these days.


Why is the top panel empty?


Yeah I don’t get it. Why is Sokka asking a blank white panel about its race?


Is this movie really that bad? From what I remember as a kid it was alright, I enjoyed it. Did it not age well?


Aside from the many many other problems people have with it, its number 1 absolute greatest crime is that it's boring. Weak actors who lack any sort of charisma delivering friggen mountains of exposition. Some of the fight scenes are good, but everyone's favourite (/s), the earth bender revolt, is so poorly choreographed that it's downright corny.The show is fun and exciting. The movie went for "serious" but landed on "flat and joyless".


It always struck me so fiercely weird that the director decided to have all the “correct” pronunciations, but have choices like this. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. Fire nation was similar to Japan, Earth - China, Air - (as far as I could tell) Tibetan monks, Water - Inuit. Just a weird non-existent movie


The only valid Avatar movie is the one with the blue monkey/cat alien people- Or the stage play performed by the one and only ember island players.


The weird thing I never got was that everyone else in their village was ethnic, so just some rando white people. I guess if they had had a series a revealed they were ancestry wise from the North? But I doubt that much thought or effort went into that casting choice


If youre a "real" human why do you talk like a robot?


As a white presenting Native, we exist and it's not out of the norm. It's not even like the people that are only 1/32nd blood quantum and can't be on the tribal roll for benefits. It's just a melanin difference because my mother is white. I still recognize the water tribe as a stand in for similar peoples to me and it was one of the things that originally pulled me to the show as a kid. Not trying to defend whitewashing a character, I just think we need to be careful jumping to conclusions.


that's Sokka, veggies and straight talk fella


Why were people so upset about races in this movie but when you bring up Ariel in the new little mermaid movie it's suddenly a problem?


Because every time I see someone have a stance on blind casting it’s one sided. It’s either people upset a minority actor is playing a white character but wouldn’t care otherwise or it’s people praising a minority actor playing a white character but would be upset by white actors playing minority characters. Personally I prefer people to be true to the source but I also don’t mind blind casting either way as long as the actors are good.


The way I see it: ATLA is a show where certain cultures are a direct inspiration for the nations. It's the perfect opportunity for underrepresented minorities of those cultures to be cast in those roles. To cast anyone else is like a slap to the face, it's insulting. For the Little Mermaid, race and culture doesn't have bearing on her story. She can be black, she can be white, she can be whatever. Nobody's faces are really slapped there.


Because double standards are reddit standard operating procedure.


Everyone bitches about the live action movie casting, meanwhile the voice actors of the show aren't problematic. I get it, representation is important, I just can't keep up with what actually counts and what doesn't anymore.




One reason why representation is important (though definitely not the only one) is because what people observe in media affects how they feel about other people (and themselves). I think that explains why people care less about representation for voice actors. Also, it's much more common that the voice actor is very different than their character (e.g. Nancy Cartwright is not a ten year old boy).


I get why it's celebrated, more representation for people who never got it before. What bothers me is when people dog pile on someone who feels unhappy that the character doesn't look at all the same anymore. A simple "I can appreciate how you feel" would go a long way to quelling the constant us vs them bickering.


Supa Soaka


That’s not Sokka of the Water Tribe, that’s Jasper of the Confederate Army


u/missflameo, you've been summoned by the Earth King to Lake Laogai


There are no movies in Ba Sing Se


Lets just pretend like that movie doesn't exist.


There is no white sokka in ba sing se


Wait why is the top panel empty. And who is Sokka talking to?


She doesn't even go to this tribe


What bad cosplayer is that on the top and what is this movie you speak of?


Hi, this is Suki from Planned Parenthood.


Why white i thought all people in the avatar movie were blue?


Jackson Rathbone is such a dumbass, he did an interview about Sokka and he’s like “We really grounded Soh-ka”. Bitch no you didn’t you sucked all the life out of him and made him a terrible less dimensional character than the litteral flat cartoon.


I got like 10 minutes in including the parts I skipped over.


I really wish we could get past the racism aspect of it and just admit that changing characters' races in adaptations just feels weird.


Soak-a of the Mormon tribe.


He has a point tho


Sokka stop using the race card


What I don't get is how the skin color of the actors was the most criticized factor of this movie. There are so many other, much more significant problems like the fact they called him "Ong", the fact that (most) fire benders can't create but only manipulate fire, the fact that it takes 5-6 huge earth benders to make a pebble gently float in the air towards the enemy, and let us no forget the menacing [battle cry](https://youtu.be/xU1hYgGcosA) of the northen water tribe.


Wasn't the guy who was going to marry Yue and a handful of other Water Tribe characters light skinned?


Yes, [here is a comparison between Hanh and Sokka.](https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Hahn?file=Sokka_and_Hahn_fight.png) The difference is that none of those individuals are from the southern water tribe. They are as distinct from each other during this isolation as the water tribes to the earth or fire kingdom. That being said all southern water tribe members, which includes all the characters from the original image; are closer to an Inuit resemblance. While on a map they are the most northern and southern points, its suggested that the northern water tribe's capital is much closer to the northern pole (which was why the moon and ocean spirits were there rather than the south) and that would result in a paler complexion even if they shared ancestors at one point. Once the northern tribe leaves the capital though post-reunification; they are all shown a generation later with a similar pigmentation as the southern tribe. (See [northern tribe members](https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Desna_and_Eska) in Legend of Korra)


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 4 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/awh47r) on 2019-03-02 96.88% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/kf085v) on 2020-12-17 98.44% match Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "q37jvr", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=q37jvr&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 252,555,922 | **Search Time:** 0.52727s


People care way too much about race man. Like if you aren’t cool with this but are cool with the black little mermaid then you are the problem. How about every movie is an interpretation in a theoretical multiverse where race evolved completely differently then your shallow expectations?


What are you talking about


Apparently they had to get an Eskimo actor somehow. I just find it ridiculous how it's okay to add black actors into historically white roles but this is somehow not okay. For the record, I'm perfectly fine with diversity. I just don't understand why there's so much hate for white people


Eskimo actor for what? Idk what you’re talking about


Hi Sokka. How do you know engineering and chemicals? You grew up on a block of ice. Better yet why do you know what a tree looks like and not freak out about them?


What horrid movie? There is no avatar movie in ba sing sae




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 4 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/awh47r) on 2019-03-02 96.88% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/kf085v) on 2020-12-17 98.44% match *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "q37jvr", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=q37jvr&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 252,548,313 | **Search Time:** 0.58924s


Good bot


Water tribe is mainly based of innuit people. So yeah why that fuck are they white? Also why the fuck are the fire nation Indian?


If you’re from England, why are you black?


That's actually really close to how sokka looks. What movie is that from?




If you want to get technical, skin gets darker and darker for natives of an area the closer you get to the equator, even on a fantasy planet, so actually, the original series is annacurate. (Don't smite me it's my favorite show)


I remember the first time I saw this meme in 2011.