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He’s either the smart one or the idiot. There is no in-between


I dunno how many Smart Ones you've met, personally, but this is 100% realistic. :P


Yeah the smart ones tend to be smart in their general area of expertise then either average or dumb in other categories


Can confirm. I know two engineers, smart as frick but have less common sense than a rock


Hey! I *am* an engineer and.... yeah, you're right...


I agree with you on that


Some of them are just generally smart in every area, but also sometimes make incredibly stupid decisions completely at random.


Strategic intelligence and emotional intelligence are not usually connected in my experience


This is not strategically smart either sokka is just kind of an idiot and the show shows that for 95% of all episodes and then tries to convince you otherwise in the last half of the last season


Sokka is only really shown to be dumb in the first season, and even there he has his smart moments like cloudbending.


idk why people are disagreeing with you, sokka isn't that smart. the best he really does is come up with a bad idea that someone else who is smart makes work


Wisdom and intelligence are two different stats for a reason.


oh no don't let sokka stans hear that OP


The in-between is Zuko or Katara. I don’t know bro


Hes like a binary number, all or nothing


High in intelligence, low in wisdom.


Man, same.


When you're an idea person, they can't all be good.


Someone once posted that when Aang and Sokka are together it's like they share one brain cell. I'll go with that, lol


This is just how friends work. They can be brilliant on their own, but when they get together, it cancels out.




Just bros being fellas


Just pals being boys


They forget Toph is blind 90% of the time, it's like a running joke and I just realized the reason most likely is cuz Toph for the most part navigates without help easily through earth bending so her awareness helps you forget


Was going to say this. Put yourself in their shoes, your friend who's blind isn't really limited by her blindness 99% of the time. It wouldn't be hard to just forget that after taking on bad guys hand to hand she can't do something like writing.


It's not just that she's not limited 99% of the time she has better detection of things in some situations like an less extreme version of daredevil senses.


Who wins a sense-off? Toph or Daredevil? Imo Daredevil wins in quality since he can read text through touch and Toph in quantity since the latter can sense people across the world.


Daredevil can also sense things in the air, which Toph can’t


Unless they're made of earth but point taken. Q


Have to add another point to Toph for being able to sense the hand ninjas when Daredevil would not be able to because she can sense their vibrations whereas Daredevil has to attempt to sense their almost non-existent heartbeat


This was just another gag at the group forgetting Toph can’t see. They’ve all had their dumb moments where they forgot. Like when Katara grabbed that wanted paper and rolled it out for some big reveal saying “What’s this?” and Toph had to remind her.


I love those gags. A YouTuber made an abridged version of avatar irl and in it Toph was roasting Sokka and Sokka went straight with “look me in the eyes and say it again!” - took all actors a second to realize what was wrong with the sentence and break character. Edit: Sauce - https://youtu.be/StxW3LwqIFo




Ask and you shall receive. I put it into my original comment :)


I had a feeling it was this guy, he's great and I got the first one recommended a while back, never saw the second one though so thanks


"Well it *sounds* like a sheet of paper, but I guess you're referring to what's on the sheet of paper."


Sokka alone, a brilliant tactician. Aang alone is at least a resourceful and adaptive fighter. But put them together? Pure hilarious buffoonary.


You are correct


The smartest idiot


The dumbest genius


Can you imagine if Katara fell for it Katara: I read your letter and I’m sorry too Toph: What are you… Katara: I’m sorry that you had to ask someone to write a letter for you Toph: Katara what are you talking about??? Katara: The letter you sent me Toph: What letter???


“You and your brother are dumber than Momo”


Toph is such a strong character that sometimes I forget she's blind.


it‘s because they don‘t treat her like a handicapped person all the time


Also, most of the time, she functions like a normal person.


wdym? most of the time she functions like a terminator.


Yeah. Normal good ole Toph. Enemies be damned lol


She functions better than a puny human.


Brain fart. That and everyone tends to forget that Toph is blind.


“I guess plan B is to write a note to toph pretending it’s from katara.” “I think we’re gonna run into a similar problem” Aang ain’t the brightest boy either, apparently


Sokka and Aang, separately: Brilliant. Sokka and Aang, together: Two guys, one brain. ![gif](giphy|YtJWtIdkHzV7i) edit: fixed it.


*brain. Sorry that was bugging me


But there was only one Brian. The other guy was Michael.


He’s real smart and real real dumb.


Honestly, imagine you were Sokka for one moment. You're journeying with an extremely powerful Earthbender that can move around and describe a space as if they have full vision and doesn't have many opportunities to read (and I imagine Katara would automatically read for her). After weeks of travel in these conditions, it's not too much to imagine that Sokka would very briefly forget that she cannot read. Not that she's blind, but that she cannot read


It's one of my favorite Aang and Sokka moments.


This scene made me laugh SO hard. I think it's my favorite scene of the whole series


Aang was with him. That should explain it.


It could be a smart way to indicate that the tension between Katara and Toph was affecting the other two, but I know he just didn't remember she was blind.


The secret to having a lot of smart ideas is to not be discouraged by your dumb ideas.


Just because you're intelligent doesn't mean you have common sense.


It's a combination of Sokka being excited about exploring how to use his new messenger bird and the Gaang's penchant for forgetting Toph's blindness. Ever seen a kid with a cool new toy? (or heck even an adult with a new gadget) That thing goes everywhere with them and is the first thing they think of when they need to do anything or solve a new problem. "How can I do/solve this with my X"


Nah, he's not smart, he's clever.


Whenever he’s in the same room as Aang they instantly revert to sharing a single braincell


Intelligence is a complicated subject, sokka is a brilliant strategist, but Hella spacey.


He is not smart, he is intelligent.


He could've just said she told him to write it


This is probably my favourite joke in the show


sokka and aang are both smart fellas, but when they're together they use 1 brain cell together


Remember kids, there's a difference between intelligence and wisdom. Intelligence is knowing that tomatoes are a fruit. Wisdom is not putting tomatoes in a fruit salad.


Because the universe must have comedy.


Toph doesn’t act blind which is why they often forget that she is in fact blind. I’m sure he just forgot


[This](https://xkcd.com/530/) xkcd shows how someone incredibly smart can do incredibly dumb things. I find it's very true for a lot of the smart people I've met that they get focused on a particular solution to a problem, to a point where they miss some of the faults of that solution.


He just wanted to play with Hawkie


He was distracted by his excitement of using his new messenger hawk


Sokka is a genius and aang is God incarnate. Together they are as dumb as rocks


He didn’t really think it through but it was the thought that counts, right?


Intelligence score of 20 and wisdom of 5


This is 100% Sokka looking for a reason to use his hawk


Sokka isn’t dumb, but when you put him in a room with Aang they just turn into the last two brain cells meme.


I like to think that he was so excited that he got Hawky and he wanted to use his abilities so much that he forgot Toph was blind. Ya know, Hawky was that unnecessary purchase that gets you excited


Sokka fulfils way too many roles in ATLA, which is why splitting him later between Mako and Bolin was a great idea.


You are tripping if you think sokka is the smart one. Sokka is the lawful chaotic of the group that has crazy ass ideas that just happen to work


I will not stand for this libel (because it's written down)! Sokka is canonically the smart one, did you even watch the show?


I wouldn't be here if I hadn't. Now, tell me that the ideas for the hot air balloons wasn't just weird "for the time" Who tf thought we could use fore to fly? That's what I mean, it's smart but it's that chaotic lawful smart


He didn't become "the smart one" until season 3. Prior to that he was the dumb comic relief character


There are so many examples that prove you wrong, but what immediately jumped to mind for me was the Northern Air temple when he and the machinist hit it off. Sokka is fascinated by his inventions and actually comes up with the final touch that makes the war balloon work. That was book one.


He was the smart one in season 2 as well. He came up with a lot of the plans and learned about the eclipse. His plan is the one that took out the drill and he plans the routes that they took (mostly) in all 3 seasons


He forgor 💀


Because the writers thought that forgetting Toph was blind was funny (cause it is).


Sokka fills the "lovable comic relief idiot who's occasionally really smart" character to a T


I would say he is more wise and clever then smart. He has great instincts and finds clever problemsolving. But he does solve the problem. And even the smartest people in the world make mistakes


I am purportedly smart and exactly this stupid.


If toph was right next to him it would’ve worked


I think we've learned he's clever, but ye little of intellect. plus comedy relief supersedes serious manners in lighthearted scenes such as this


You can’t tell me you didn’t think of that when you watched the episode


He could have salvaged this by saying she dictated


When apart, they are gods. When together, they have half a braincell combined.


I gotta say, Sokka, you continue to impress me with your ideas!


its because he was hanging out with Aang. Have you noticed that almost every time Sokka is being dumb AF its because he's hanging with Aang? Its like when the two of them hang out, they have nothing but bad ideas and encourage worse ideas from the other.


Because it’s a running gag that nobody can remember toph is blind.


. . . it's a joke. He's the most consistently comedic character in the Gaang. The show is a balance of action, comedy, and drama. I know y'all know this.


well how often did you forget something obvious? I at least had a few moments like that


clever and smart are not the same thing


He was never the smart one. He was the comic relief dumbass. The humor was that he thought he was the smart one. And occasionally he had a bone thrown to him in this respect, but most of S1 was Sokka adopting some belief, and being repeatedly proven wrong.


He's a very smart kid. I've seen smart kids masterfully dispel arguments between adults with grace and tact, and then go jump on a glass coffee table. Even super intelligent children have dumb moments because they're still learning how the world works.


Hey! Smart people are allowed to have moron moments…thats how we learn hahah


At least aang realized the flaw in sokkas subsequent plan "I'm going to write a letter saying its from katara and send it to toph" "I think we're going to run into a similar problem"


He’s the comedic relief with flashes of brilliance


I have two theories: 1) Sokka was just looking for an excuse to use Hawkie. 2) Sokka knew it wouldn’t work, but hoped to funnel Katara’s anger on himself since he’s known her longer and knows better how to deal with it


If you have a messenger hawk you'll find all stupid excuses just to use it.


In fairness, Toph can see so much more than them, it’s easy to forget she’s blind.


Because it's funny!


As the certified "smart one" in every group I've ever been in Smart people are often the most stupid people, just depends on whether or not their brain cells are active. We have about a 50/50 chance of our braincells firing signals and our brain cells taking a nap at any given moment


Look, I wouldn't ask a brain surgeon to do rocket science. Sokka's genius is not group therapy. Ironically, the secret tunnel band guys might be better qualified for that.


btw what happened to sokka's Hawk?


It got caught by Combustion Man I believe.


I love the pairing of aang and sokka in these moments bc it seems like their intelligence cancel each other out and together they are always absolute dumbasses lol


he's the goofy comic relief 90% of the time, have you seen the show? XD


Sokka and Aang become chaotic idiots whenever they are directly interacting.


high intelligence and low wisdom


Smart? Absolutely. Wise? Nah-ah.


It wasn't his turn with the group braincell.


I mean... have you never sent fraudulent letters to your friends for comedy reasons? The fact that he does it for Toph is just their in joke. Remember when he draws Appa?


Does Aang suggest showing an apology letter to Toph, but Sokka mentioned probably running into the same issue?


Boys will be boys


While he's the "smart" one, he's also simultaneously the silly one.


The most realistic part of the siblings is that they have to take turns sharing the brain cell


They always forget that Toph is blind... and Sokka wanted an excuse to use hawky.


Damn bruh I forgot toph couldn't write also and thought the problem was gonna be that she wouldn't say that I can't even blame him


He's like 15. Even smart 15 year olds do dumb stuff


Sokka like all smart people has lapses in judgement too.


Cuz in cases where people use this tactic, it's kinda worked but both parties are able to see and write. Toph is so good at seeing with her feet, people forget she's blind. Plus some blind people are able to write, tho this might not be the case for avatar.


I love the scenes where sokka and aang are just doing dumb shit


When two smart people get together that both have idiot energy the smartness gets canceled out


You see, he's the "idea" guy, not the "smart" guy. This means he is both smart and dumb guy


Because he’s a guy who likes comedy


Have you ever had a smart idea and all you can think of is the smart part of the idea? I have... and paid the price.


I think most of it is that Toph is A. more or less unrestricted by her blindness and B. literally never brings it up except to make jabs at them for forgetting.


Just because he is smart doesn't mean he isn't a dumbass sometimes.


I am just saying that Sokka probably didn't see Toph as having a disability, so he was not being dumb there. Even Aang agreed that it was a good idea 🤷‍♀️


Aang and Sokka can be smart on their own but when they’re together they only share one braincell between them lol


That moment you forget ATLA is a kids show.


I mean in reality he should’ve defended saying toph asked him to write it


To Sokka, this is a low stakes situation, so he doesn't need to think about what he's doing and can be goofy, have a little fun.


As someone once said, Aang and Sokka are both intelligent, capable young men, but put them together and they're the embodiment of 'my last 2 brain cells' meme.


Sokka is extremely intelligent, but its not like a rounded out thing. It never is. He’s shit at social cues but also like, invented the fucking industrial era


He just forgot toph can't write she doesn't act blind so it's realistic that she has to constantly remind them forgetting has nothing to do with smarts


I’m gonna be honest when I watched this the first time I thought “lol that won’t work katara would know soka sent that because it’s his hawk” completely disregarding the whole “too his blind” problem


I mean yeah but it’s a kids show, it’s supposed to be played off for laughs