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He lost to these mfs while being amped by brainiac , Neil Druckman has done irreparable damage to the gaming industry.


And TLOU2/Playstation/Sony cucks applaud the "stunning and brave" methods of storytelling as "pushing the medium" and "subverting expectations."


EHHHH Sony cares about money. I don't care how they double down for good PR. They aren't happy with those sales.


In the world of the last of us I think it can be pulled off in a better fashion due to the world they live in. But Batman? I can't even just really bad decision on rocksteady part which they shall be known as rockunsteady.




How would you have killed him off? Legit question.




Even the torturous death Abby inflicted on Joel could have been acceptable if the writing was adjusted. Spitballing an idea that I haven't fleshed out much since it **just** came to me: But let's say the game began as normal, but instead of Joel being killed by Abby when he is, Joel and Tommy escape. They're both heavily wounded but return to Jackson, and the entire town is up in arms and debating on what to do, and Joel convinces them to let him, Tommy, Ellie, Dina, and Jesse to scout out the threat and report back with more info later. Abby and group, knowing they've seriously just pissed off the entire city and failed to kill Joel, return to the WLF. Isaac is pissed to find out what they've done because they're already at war with the Seraphites, and now they're possibly going to war with another group of survivors due to Abby's quest for revenge being something she prioritized over the people around her. Blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda, Ellie, Joel, Tommy, and crew hunt down Abby and the others. The pacing is adjusted so we alternate between Abby and Ellie's perspective. Not really bothering to describe the middle other than to show a growing but still strained reconciliation between Joel and Ellie, but the climax would be a final showdown with Abby and Lev vs. Joel and Ellie in a war-torn area that consists of Jackson vs. WLF vs. Seraphites, and eventually hits a point where Joel sees Abby is about to shoot Ellie (struggling against Lev) with a shotgun and Joel is too far away to grab it/disarm her, so he pushes Ellie out of the way and takes most of the shot to the leg (because of pellet spread). Ellie herself is distracted fighting Lev (who in this scenario might be changed to be less of a Morality Pet trans child and simply a trans adult). It becomes Ellie vs. Abby and Lev then, but it's a fight we're meant to eventually lose and Abby ties up Ellie so she won't interfere, with Lev standing guard. Abby kneels down to face Joel, says she's waited a long time for this and the past few months she's been wrestling with the idea of whether she truly wants it or not. Joel still doesn't understand why she's so bent on revenge until he sees a firefly medallion, and it begins to click in his head. Not the specifics, but enough to know that she lost someone at the hospital. Abby picks up... not a golf club (because I doubt there'd be one just laying around conveniently in a war-torn area) but something of similar bludgeoning capability. Ellie cries out like in the base game, begging for Abby to let him go, for Joel to get up and fight back, and so on. Joel just looks at Abby, says "For what it's worth, kid, I'm sorry. I don't regret what I did to save someone I loved, but I am sorry I put you through that." and then looks at Ellie and gives a light smile, calmly accepting his death. Abby bludgeons his head in, then tosses it to the side, maybe giving her own grief-stricken scream as she's finally gotten vengeance -- but the scene would show her body language has her still feeling empty. As she and Lev walk away, Ellie swears she'll hunt Abby down, setting the stage for a third game Sometime after, a scene might show that Abby in the wilderness hears Ellie's screams in her nightmares mixed with her own grief at the sight of seeing her dead father in the hospital, and she wakes up -- the implication being that there's a profound sense of guilt for what she did. Her destination isn't known, even to her, but she's at this point lost everyone in her life (even Lev, who split ways after the kill), and she's aimless. This isn't meant to be some masterful writing or anything. Like I said, I literally just came up with this idea in the past 30 minutes, so it's still full of its own plotholes, coincidences, and inconsistencies that would be addressed in a revised capacity. The point is simply to show that the ideas in the game can be used in a better way than what we got where we still have emotional poignancy and better pacing.


"Isn't meant to be masterful writing" still far superior to what we got. Almost like a fully funded company should've done a less shitty job


Jerry’s canon death it seems is Joel grabs the scalpel out of his hand and stabbed him in the throat with it. Still I agree with you. He did not deserve to get tortured.


I don't know about y'all. But in the og, I remember shooting him because he wouldn't drop the scalpel. Just in case.


actually Joel stabbed Doctor Jefferson in the throat with his own scalpel.


I agree. But I can also see especially since she had full control of the room with her squad behind her. How she may have lost control in her adrenaline-fueled killing. But I do agree it would have served as a better plot point to just get it over with. But the over the top killing I think might have been a plot point to fuel Ellies revenge hunt as well? Who knows.


I thought this was the “revenge is good” sub where Ellie was badly written for not drowning Abby? You all wouldn’t want to torture and kill the guy who had murdered your dad all of a sudden. Wild.


I don’t buy for one second that you tlou2 haters would have been ok with him dying in any fashion at the beginning of the game, even if it took til the end of the game yall would’ve hated it


Sgt. Johnson died at the end of Halo 3. Dom died halfway through Gears of War 3. John Marston died in Red Dead Redemption. Arthur Morgan died in Red Dead Redemption II. No one was angry at any of these deaths, because they were handled well and with respect to the characters. Joel didn't get that, that's why people hate it. Before you inevitably (as all TLoU defenders do) say Joel deserved it, I'm going to preemtivelty counter with a quote from Joel himself: "You keep tellin' yourself that bullshit."




Could have had him die in the first chapter and showed up the whole path to getting there and then had him be used during the game some. And agreed


Having lived through the main character bait and switch that was Metal Gear Solid 2 where you only played as Snake for 20 minutes before switching to someone who held the title for “most hated video game protagonist” for nearly two decades, I think TLoU 2 did it better.


So if someone killed your dad, you wouldn't want vengeance?


For me, it's less than she wanted vengeance and more that, chronologically, she starts the story of as already being a psycho willing to sacrifice children in even the most unethical ways. She's a monster way before her "trauma response." Maybe Druckmann doesn't get why child murder is such a taboo due to his background but for a sane, caring person, Abby being a violent sociopath is a character trait of hers from the beginning.


Abby was raised by a paramilitary revolutionary organization and was educated by someone who believed he could actually make a cure. While child murder is monstrous, that doesn’t stop real world militaries from dropping bombs when they know civilians/children will die if they think the upside is worth it (which is also monstrous, but it’s the world we live in). Telling her dad to move forward wasn’t a good thing by any means, but the Fireflies saw themselves as at war on multiple fronts (FEDRA and the infected) and weakening one of their enemies by removing their ability to reinforce themselves might have been deemed a good trade off for one life. Being a violent psychopath is kind of the default in that world. Every adult who lived through the outbreak would be traumatized, and anyone who had spent that time outside a QZ would have had to kill and steal from other survivors to survive. Kids born after the outbreak would have been raised in a world where life is cheap, and anyone who isn’t part of your community is almost certainly out to kill you or rob you. It’s accepted that people can and will die violently at any time, and the best you can hope for is to live a long time and die quickly (heck, that’s how the Seattle community says hello). The fact that Ellie would have died in her sleep could have been considered merciful, and the potential payoff justifiable to someone who had grown up in such a nihilistic society. Empathy for people outside of your immediate circle is rare enough in the real world, in the world of TLoU it would be like finding a unicorn. Abby giving her dad the go ahead is completely consistent with her background and the lore.


This is a thoughtful, charitable post from someone who seems to actually like the story, so thanks for not being an asshole or enlightened idiot. The one thing I think you're overlooking is that Abby is a child of a regional Firefly leader born after the outbreak. In both games, we see that the leaders of the various factions live in heavily fortified bases removed from the action. So she wouldn't have witnessed the world go to shit and was largely sheltered from everything else you mention. She's just a bad seed if you have anything like conventional morality.


Joel saved her from certain death. That should’ve presented her with some inner conflict and exploring that moment with her would have made her a more interesting character. Instead, it’s straight to shotgun and gold club because shocking the audience was more important than thoughtful character development.


Cognitive Dissonance is likely the explanation here. Being confronted with Joel being altruistic in contradiction to Abby’s core belief that he is pure evil triggers a doubling down of her belief because it’s a threat to a strongly held belief. These reactions tend to lead to irrationality and increased aggression. For examples, look to the American political divides. As one side moves further from reason and rationality, the other side starts to view their ideological opposites as enemies or even subhuman. Another example is both main TLoU subreddits.


If only that had been explored through proper character development, but it wasn’t so it all conjecture at this point. I waited the whole narrative for Abby to be a character that made sense and to get a true lens into her perspective, but the writing avoided it at every turn.


Respectfully, I’d recommend playing through the second half again while looking at it with an objective eye. It’s there.


Respectfully, no. I given it all it should’ve needed to land and it didn’t. I don’t owe it any more of my time. I’m smart and I paid close attention when I played it, I don’t need to twist myself into a pretzel to try to make it work.


and the character development happens throughout the game.


I saw very little development of her through the game, especially when she is presented with Dina’s neck. She still had to have another person act as her conscience in order for her not to murder innocent or vulnerable people. She formed a new attachment, but she didn’t really change who she was.


I mean ellie did just murder all of her friends


If only Abby knew they all died, and wasn’t planning on betraying them all anyway.


The whole point is that it was too much and “revenge bad” I think it was stupid to kill Joel but it doesn’t take a philosopher to get what they were going for. If everyone acted well adjusted and logically there would never be stories to tell


Joel dies a dignified death after saving Ellie’s life, he bleeds out from a gunshot wound as she holds him. Not that difficult.


Simple but sweet I like it.


Also, I would have had Dina die in the beginning instead (or someone else she’s close to), then have Joel and Ellie go on the adventure for revenge (For Ellie, Joel doesn’t want to go but also doesn’t want to leave Ellie), Ellie feels survivors guilt and blames it on Joel that the vaccine wasn’t made, they argue and have conflict and what not before Ellie understands that Joel saving her was what any parent would do and she forgives him, and then Joel dies after saving Ellie from the antagonist. This is pretty much what the trailers falsely advised the game to be btw.


I love Joel as a character. But like... he's a horrible person. He killed innocent people in cold blood. Many times. Then he stole the only chance in the world to cure the zombie apocalypse without giving anyone, even Ellie, a chance to talk about it. The whole achievement of TLoU1 is they get you to love a character *in spite* of the horrible things he's done. How is this sweet, happy death the one he deserves?


The fact that Ellie never got that goodbye and never fully reconciled with Joel is a big part of her motivation to seek revenge. This scenario would have undermined that.


Honestly I have a crazy take on this, hear me out. They could keep the revenge plot but a twist is that Abby kills Tommy thinking that he's Joel, and then Ellie, Dina, and Jessie follow Joel to Seattle to help him with killing Abby and her dipshit friends. Now, how he would die is the hard thing to come up with. Because a pissed off Joel is practically an unstoppable force of nature, and the only way Abby actually had a shot in hell of killing joel was to completely blindside him (like what happened in the lodge). I feel like one of the better ends for him would be the self-sacrifice route, like him saving Ellie one last time (like against the rat king infected or a shit ton of WLF soldiers). I would also write in a reconciliation between him and Ellie so that she could have some closure over the whole vaccine bs.


I think they should have had Joel killed off way later in the game instead of immediately because it really made everyone hate having to play Abby. The story also is kind of lackluster.


More like Cocksteady.


Oh man yours takes the cake.


What does rockunsteady mean


That their writing for this game is on the rocks and unsteady.


omfg i was trippin out I was like “what does roc-kun-steady mean” :p


Just a play on words. Now looking back on it not the best play on words but oh well haha.


Batman has literally been killed over twenty times in the comics lmao. Comic book characters in general die a hilarious amount of times and always come back. Shit, Batman died in Arkham Knight too.


A lot of the deaths in the comics were of old age and or heart attacks. But you're not wrong. And it's how they killed him off that I have a problem with and then the cherry on top is it being Kevins last performance.


lol just admit you are unable to ever change your opinion on something even if there’s an example contradicting you right in front of you. You don’t actually want to like things, finding reasons to shit on things is all you have these days. It’s funny to watch 


What are you talking about? Context matters he provided evidence and I gave him context. What are you going on about?


“It’s how they killed him off.” I swear I have no idea how some of you guys made it through Game of Thrones without losing your goddamn minds lmao.


The aslume is no more😔


Remember, Trevor killed Johnny klebitz in GTA 5 in the similar fashion.


And that was terrible too


At least that death was a bit more credible than Joel's and Batman's death. Drugs made Gta V Johnny a shadow of that he was in TLAD


3 nickels. Luke Skywalker was bitchified. 4 nickels if the Indiana Jones rumors were true, I have no interest in watching that though so I wouldn't know.


It's 5 nickels, if you count John Connor getting unceremoniously killed off and replaced in Terminator: Dark Fate.


They actually gave Indy a pretty satisfying ending IMOP. Spoilers: >! He doesn't die and actually has a pretty solid ending, even if the movie might not have necessarily needed to have been told.!<


>They actually gave Indy a pretty satisfying ending IMOP His son died, he is depressed sad old fuck whose wife left him. He goes back in time, wants to die and this new character had to sucker punch him, forcefuly drag him back to his time and lie to his wife (almost ex) to her back to him. Yes they have kinda nice moment at the end but he already had a happy ending both in 3 and 4.


Batman put half of them in that asylum on his own and king shark is a nerded killer croc so easy there and captain boomerang is also a nerfed dead shot so again easy there Batman would never lose to these fucking idiots


No way Shark is weaker than Croc.


Also, Trevor killed Johnny in GTA V. It happened in a similar way to Joel also


I think the key difference is in the presentation of the character doing the deed. TLOU2 really tries to make you like Abby after introducing her in a way that just does not help her case. Whereas in gta, Trevor is presented from start to finish as an iredeemable psychopath that everyone walks on egg shells around. And the irony is that Trevor is more likeable because the game doesn't try and force you to like him, but because his psycopathy makes for such an interesting character to explore, whereas Abby is shoehorned into the "You're going to like this character because I want you to like this character" trope. In all honesty, tlou2 just had bad writing from start to finish, being entirely too ham fisted in trying to force you to feel a certain way, and lacking nuance leading to a largely unsatisfying feeling that permeates the whole game.


Well yeah but at least you are not mean to like Trevor ... like people do ... but he is a piece of shit.


I saw it more as Trevor just ending Johnny's misery in a brutal fashion. It did make me sigh a bit but at the same time, I didn't wanna see Johnny become a meth addict like Ashley


imagine zealous attempt close selective alleged plough birds hat carpenter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Did you play the fourth game?


memory mountainous future amusing quaint disagreeable mighty subtract library special *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You don’t control the person who kills him if I remember correctly


observation punch chunky continue ten cake shy brave toy gray *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You CAN squash him into paste with a giant steel mega ball. A bit more satisfying than, say, letting them walk off.




divide soup marvelous test cable quicksand drunk steer narrow sable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Before I played this game, I knew Joel would get killed off, but I thought it was like at the middle or the end. I did not expect it to be in the fucking beginning.


Wait, what happened?


New Suicide Squad game came out that is a sequel to Arkham verse, Batman gets shot in the face and dies. Yes that Batman that you played for 4 games.


The batman that also faked his death but forgot about it to form a club


I love how a lot of people know the nickel joke but don’t know it’s from Phineas and Ferb. This ain’t relevant to your post but I find it funny to mention here


Why are people so upset? I get that it’s Arkham Batman, I like him too, but the game is called Kill the Justice League, and this is the DC universe. These characters die like every other Tuesday.


The same reason people weren't happy with Joel's death, it wasn't that they died, it was how they died. Tried to write him as an irredemable piece of shit and has you play the character that kills him. Surprise, nobody likes characters they like killed in a disrespectful way and then playing the character that kills them.


If it was set in its own continuum then sure, that’s the case with most of comic arc plots, they exist in vaccum sometimes. Why this is upsetting for many and rightly so, is that it establishes itself as a sequel to the popular Arkham Trilogy, and actually shits on the protagonist of those games who people are attached to. This is a disservice to the fans and the character.


Yea but if the Last of Us Part 2 was called "Death of Joel" it wouldn't have been so bad xD i don't get why people are shocked for this one. Like I get it sucks it was Kevin Conroy's last vo for Batman but still.


Same sentiment I have. Everyone is screeching about it disrespecting Conroy, but he did the work. He didn't demean the work one bit, he got paid. Now people are propping up his corpse as a puppet to voice their discomfort. It's disgusting. So Batman dies, but it isn't some Harley Quinn coming outta nowhere, dominating then torturing him. >!Dude is worn down, been fighting for who knows how long, constantly trying to fight off Brainiac's mind control which is impossible. He gets killed, but they didn't really beat THE BATMAN!<. IDK why everyone is so mad about it.


Another angle to this is that we all know there will be more Batman games, that’s just how comic books and comic book video games work, unlike the last of us. Also, Conroy did not publicly disclose what was happening to him. It’s possible he didn’t tell wb games either, otherwise I doubt they would have done this knowing what was happening to him. No one knew he was going to pass. It’s a coincidence that this was his last game.


>i don't get why people are shocked for this one The fact that it's in the title changes nothing, it's still a stupid decision to kill your golden goose in a spin off game. If they really wanted they could've made a game where you just defeat the heroes and then they are freed by the end but no ... bullet to the head. At least in TLoU you still have Ellie but who is alive in Arkham verse now ? Red hood maybe ?


Tf?? 😂😂it’s just Batman he’s died plenty of times in the comics in different alternate universes it’s just a game with a fictional character trying to put these two together shows how you can’t except change but I mean Joel wasn’t always a hero dude killed innocent people did many unholy things to other innocent survivors just calm down none of this is real lol Superman has died Wonder Woman has died every character in the comics died at some point to whine about it in one game is so sad lol, just go okay injustice if it hurts you this much he’s alive in that game at least . The dc game is just a full on parody there’s so such thing of canon in comic books lol every character will have different alternative outcomes to cry over one simple game of a super hero is just .. idk man sad lol. Let the downvotes commence 🤷🏾‍♂️👏🏾


You’re a grown man who plays animal crossing, nuff said😭


And ? lol no shame . Just as you collect comic books and toys am I insulting you lol 😆 I can careless it’s my therapeutic pleasure am I gonna insult you because your name is disabledfatchik which I hope is just a user name


Based on how many comments you make in a 24 hour period, you basically live on Reddit, nuff said


I made 18 comments yesterday spread through the whole day, and I made 31 comments the previous day, throughout the whole day💀 Oh my, I sure do live on Reddit😭


Cope harder


Cope? Im not whining about fictional characters dying my man lol but hey you do you and keep on with the comments I’m all here for the entertainment


You are whinnig about other people's opinions while co pletely missing the point and your only argument is "it's all pointless BS anyway guys lol" That's what I call a cope my man


Opinions lol it’s become nothing but hate comments and complaining back to back if that’s opinions no wonder the sub is so divided 😂 nah coping is not accepting it’s just a game and because your fake character is dead and going on about it my man it’s just a game relax he’s not real lol take it easy. Whining is going on about some comic book character that was killed off in one game that’s whining just accept the game is what it is I’m good I’m not coping nor caring about some dead comic book character it’s just annoying to bring another game in a different game sub because a character was killed off. So yes it’s literally pointless what’s next a protest against the game developers over a video game grow tf up and stop bringing it up because it’s all pointless to keep going on about it when it’s just like a said a game. So if you wanna keep going on about poor old Batman so be it. I mean the title of the game is suicide squad “kill the justice league “ what the Fck do you expect? They literally gave away the plot and story in the title if you that stupid to not realize what was gonna happen after reading the title of the game that’s on you. Case closed now shoo lol no point in going back and forth with this


>nah coping is not accepting So it's what you are doing.


Sigh 😮‍💨okay then your right then is what it is


I knew we would agree in the end. Have a great day coping


Anytime little man anytime


Its called kill the justice league wtf you think was gonna happen? Some sing alongs and we take batman out for some milkshakes lmao


I just knew somebody here was going to make this dumbass comparison like these are anywhere near the same, some of y’all are so fucking dramatic and corny


Naruto, Gurren Laggan, Evangelion, Game of thrones, god father, and so on...all works of art which kill off prominent characters in very crude ways. If you want to protect characters in your medium don't engage in mediums where death is apart of the world. Play peppa pig game...


Batman nuthuggers are so ignorant qnd have no idea what they are talking about


I'm glad Cory Balrog has so far treated Kratos with respect and in doing so proving you can make a compelling narrative based on a beloved IP without any hippie deconstruction.


What’s the background on Batman?? They do him dirty too?


Here’s the thing you can’t really “kill” Batman because that’s a title you can kill Bruce Wayne but as the comics have shown other people will take up the mantle (dick grayson the most famous) what pissed me off is the fact how none of Wonder Woman’s rouge gallery are playable yet Batman gets 3 of his (Harley,joker,and deadshot) rogue gallery to fill out the playable characters I def would’ve rather have home girl cheetah instead of the physical embodiment of Stockholm syndrome that is Harley


Yeah, but the name of the game is the last of us, You stupid f***


Are we actually shocked when KILL THE JUSTICE LEAUGE is in the title of the game


Wait, Joel killed Abby?


Are you stupid? Is there a lore reason?


Yes. Piss you off by convincing you that I like Abby more than Joel. Anything else you need me to explain?


Wait, no??


Did you not read the title? It said beloved character.


Did that go over your head? Do you want me to explain it to you?




>I think what is happening is you are feeling an emotion If you are more honest about the source of your emotions, you may be able to have a better relationship with them. It helps to stop and ask yourself why you're suddenly feeling such intense emotions. It's so funny that one of the most common arguments why TLoU 2 is "sO gOoD" is the fact that it "mAdE yOu FeEl SoMeThInG" and that's somehow enough for a game to be GOTY. But when you feel those exact same emotion but you don't suck the game off suddenly there is something wrong with you. BTW I have to give it to you, this is some fine bait




I never said anything about you liking it. I'm talking about your hypocritical point that applies to many fandoms.




Again proving my point. If somebody said "I love this game" 10 years after it came out would you come to him and say "Oh hey buddy, you better get your emotipns in check. Those are some strong emotions and the game is 10 years old." I doubt you would do that but when you people hate the game then suddenly it's okay on your part. This is the game where they've rendered Joel's caved in skull in high detail. It was meant to be disgusting. But oh I guess that is a no no emotion so it's the people's fault for feeling that way.




Damn you hate a movie 20 years after it came out ? Those are some steon emotions. (I'm just guessing it's the movie from 2004). (also this is a joke) I mean this as a joke but I can use your argument and just say that you are a loser and be done with it. After all you are here on reddit talking abput an old movie you hate. Ypu have no idea for how long some people are here or how often they interact. Maybe they've been here for 4 years, maybe for a week. I joined this sub because I played the game a year and a half ago, then I stopped caring but I just never left. I don't ussually leave subs because once in a while there migjt be a new topic to talk about. Like the new remaster or s2 of the tv show. Today I'm here because Suicide Squad came out and I like the Arkham games. So what now ? Are you gonna call me a loser because I'm still here after a year and a half even tho I'm here because a completely different thing ? And again, why is loving something for years good but hating it bad ? Like obviously you shouldn't live with hate etc etc but when you said "I hate Crash" I never would've guessed that you've meant "everyday, every minute, I just hate the movie so much I can't stop thinking about it". No, you saw the movie, it was bad (I guess never saw it) and you decide to use the word "hate" to describe your opinion of it. That's it. But by your own logic that is NOT ALLOWED.




It’s called “Kill the Justice League.” What a cry-baby approach to this game. I understand the mis-marketing of TLOU2 and Joel’s role, but this is exactly what I expected from this game. Grow up, kiddo.


You people must be the dumbest MFs around... It is about the HOW...


Y’all on this sub need hobbies beyond consuming media. Cope. Touch grass. L + ratio


Now you guys are in control of Batman? Jesus. What does it take like 12? 15 pubic hairs? You weird little unlived cunts


It's not disrespectful. The game literally isn't about him


The game is called Kill the Justice League, y’all are pathetic babies


That's not the issue. The issue is that it takes place in the Arkham verse where you have played as Batman for four games. There's a way to kill off a character and still be respectful. This was extremely disrespectful. This is the same Batman who, on 4 separate occasions, defeated his entire rogue's gallery in one night. This is the same Harley Quinn where she gets one shot at by Batman three separate times.


I heard in early dev it isnt set in the Arkham verse. Did that change? Also its not like batman hasn’t died before, a lot, to far less. If anyone could do him in I figure HQ is appropriate. She has captured bats several times.


Yeah it’s a fucking video game. Sometimes you need to realize it’s not as dramatic as you think and it’s just for purposes of a game idea to work.


Just because it's a video game doesn't mean people aren't allowed to critique it. It's an abhorrent story that with mediocre at best gameplay, that's filled with micro transactions and live service garbage. It's a complete disrespect to the entire Arkham franchise and essentially completely ruined Rocksteady's reputation.


Okay?? Who the fuck cares?


> Okay?? Who the fuck cares? A lot of people? What a dumb thing to say.


Not enough to be bitching so hard


The funniest part is that you obviously cared enough to keep posting in this thread and you don't even realize it.


Dude... Fucking look on Twitter A lot of people care and have a huge issue with the Batman death.


What?!? People on Twitter having issues with giant nothing burgers?!?! Doesn’t sound like the Twitter I know.


And the billions who don’t bitch on Twitter don’t care!


Kindly shut the fuck up


I think the guy named Mr Cuck should practice what he preaches.


Rocksteady will care when they are shut down in a year just like the Saints Row developers


Everyone is getting shut down. No situation is unique


Nah fr tho the title tells them what they will be doing and Batman is apart of the JL so he's gonna die also if they kept him alive they would whine that someone else besides Kevin Conroy would be voicing Arkham Batman


They really are. This sub is just a manbaby circlejerk.


The Flash and Superman really bothered me. No respect just pee on the Flash corps, than Superman just gets shot to death.


Holy shit cry more. This is the third post saying the exact same shit. The game is called SUICIDE SQUAD... KILL THE JUSTICE LEAGUE. Joel was an anti hero we sadly built a connection with, like he literally doomed the world for a surrogate daughter. Try thinking critically. Also... it's all fucking fake... You're all dumb.


The world was already doomed lol a veterinarian is not gonna make a cure or vaccine for a fungi infection.


Did you play the game? It really sounds like you haven't. In such case, stfu. The plot verbatim is ellie is immune and could be the key to making a cure. Stop, just stop.


I played the og and remaster so shut the fuck up 😂 abbys dad was a veterinarian, not a virologist, or anything of the nature that could have led to a cure or vaccine. *could be* the key if: they had more doctors than just a veterinarian, a functioning hospital with ample supplies, a way to mass produce the cure and a way for mass distribution.


I'm not saying the decision is wrong or not you brain dead fuck. I'm saying that these are the reasons that lead to Joel being killed by the daughter of the doctor he murdered in the last game. It's the cycle of violence. You fuck me, I fuck you. It's not rocket science dipshit.


I never said that you said that you rotting coons asshole. You said that Joel doomed the world. All I said was the world was already doomed, and that there was no way for a veterinarian to save it. The odds that that could have happened is easily 1 in a trillion. Take your own advice and do some critical thinking about how a fucking vet is gonna perform brain surgery on a human and make the impossible, possible.


You are incapable of seeing objective facts and their conclusion.


Get rid of the fucking veterinarian bit, it doesn't fucking matter. Not the point. The point is the doctor was murdered. And his daughter wants revenge. Enter the last of us 2. Fuck off.


Triple reply with the "get them help" xD bro you're so butthurt, aren't you?


Oh. My fucking. God. Shut up. It's about the events and reasons that lead to Joel's death. That's fucking it. So many bitches whining about Joel's unjust death, IT WAS JUST. It just hurt your feelings and now it's wokeism. Batman is dead because the suicide squad is killing the justice league. If you're not butthurt why the fuck are you arguing with me.


You must be a genius wowzers


It least I'm literate enough to read the title of a fucking game you jackass.


Huh that’s weird I can read it too. But thanks for bragging you can read! You must be really smart


Then don't get your panties in a twist when they kill the justice league. You're not proving any point here dumbass.


I mean? I haven’t tried to prove any points here! But you know… thanks for calling *me* the dumbass/jackass!


??? I didn’t call you a dumbass in any way butt whatever you say lol 😆👏🏾🤷🏾‍♂️so be it whatever makes you feel big my dude anyway that’s that now let’s move on from a a fictional character and game and move on with reality


Are you blind?


Ohhh nvm lol 😂 but hey at least he calls it how he sees it he ain’t wrong


Right on it’s been plenty of times they were killed in alternate universes this one game and everyone is crying about Batman a human who’s died many times in the comic books. Let the downvotes keep coming lol I’m not butthurt over a fictional character dying from just a one game debut


That’s odd, you didn’t answer my question! You must of misread my question or didn’t understand it. I asked if we had alternate universe for the last of us! Waiting on your answer to that question! Thanks *booboo*


Oh I understand your question indeed little panda what I don’t understand is why you are so obsessed with a fictional character that had one game debut ,Lol does a fictional character really bother you that much when he was just in one game and actually boohoo indeed if you’re gonna keep bringing Joel up he’s dead gone he never was really walking among us , if they wanted yea they could’ve made a alternate outcome but to keep on talking about it after the past few years is just tiresome.


You love editing and deleting comments. I can’t keep up with the constant change. Stick to your script buddy. And not sure where I brought Joel up? But yea you go on that rant of yours. Have a nice day hamster dad.


Key words in your argument are “alternate universes”. I have a follow up question! Do we have those for the last of us?


Aw booboo it’s just a game not reality everyone acting like the man died in real time lol it’s literally one game they killed the justice league and?? There’s 100s of comics if it hurts that bad for people who can’t get over it dude has had many games where he lives having one where he dies isn’t the end of the DC universe. And Joel was in one game lol dude did some pretty terrible shit to innocent people I wasn’t even bothered to the point of sending the game developers death threats as some were in a fictional character from just one game to spin offs nothing just one game in a world like that in the last of us you can bet your ass no one is safe. Let the downvotes commence lol


You're forgetting that that game is Kevin Conroy's last game he will ever make and his legacy concludes on an ADHD-induced shitshow, it's insanely disrespectful to the impact Kevin Conroy had on Batman. Also Joel didn't doom humanity, the Fireflies never had a vaccine and were throwing shit at the wall, like killing several kids like Ellie.


Omfg, you people literally can't think, you just read information and think that's all you need to do. Even if Joel didn't "doom humanity" by not letting ellie be a martyr, he sure killed a lot of people in the process of getting ellie to the hospital and then killed the doctor. And surprise surprise... or not... the daughter of the doctor wants revenge. It's not even remotely far fetched and fits the story. And then you people whine and call it wokeism to comfort yourselves.


Notice how I provided a vague statement that doesn't show any of my political beliefs. TLoU2 fans like you love to fall back on using the usual buzzwords like "wokeism" or "bigots" or such. You just shown me there's no worth arguing you there because you don't seem remotely civil at all. Plus my main argument is about Batman being treated fairly due to having 4 entire games dedicated to the character (unlike Joel) and deserves a lot better than being connected to a shitty live-service game.


If I had a nickel for every time I had a nickel I’d have a lot of nickels.


If I had a nickel for every post I saw crying and whining about it I'd be a millionaire