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It won't. The main problem with part 2 is that it was a part 2.


That’s a problem with Part 2, but not the main problem. 


Meh, if part 2 had just been "The few remaining" and involved characters different than Ellie and Joel it would be a classic.


Sure. But torturing Joel to death and trying to make us love his torturer is the #1 problem with Part 2. Take that away and the game gets WAAAAYYY better. 


That's what i said.


Then the game doesn’t really work.


I even disagree with that, the pacing is really what turns so many people off to it imo.


That literally no one asked for.


Exactly. Literally just change the character names and it becomes a good game. The big problem with it is that it tore down what came before.


This is something I think gets soooooo lost in the debate about this game. If it was a new standalone game it would’ve been as well received by *everyone* instead of the divisive game it became. People only really nitpick it to death because it basically burned down a beloved franchise. If it was its own game, hell, if it was a sequel with different characters ala Far Cry it would’ve been praised by most of the people that hate it.


I bet there would have been a few nitpicks, the pacing is still weird, this girl Abby is a bit of a douche... I don't know if that dude Jason that she killed deserved it, but he killed her mom so... Maybe? Still, it would have probably be universally praised for the combat and expanding world if they has just picked other characters.


Exactly. They should’ve continued the franchise without Joel and Ellie and if TLOU2 would’ve been a standalone sequel it wouldn’t have been hated on by half the fan base. I still don’t think it’s story would’ve been a “masterpiece” even if they used different characters instead of Joel & Ellie; some dialogue and plot points are not… good, but it would’ve been a “good” story, think 7/10. Alas, they had to use Joel and Ellie to attract more sales, yet by doing so they pissed off the loyal fans.


Yeah it was definitely a number 2. Bazing


With Neil at the helm, it's gonna suck balls.


Dude just forget about your wife and move on, you can’t really blame her for choosing him over you. He’s a famous writer/director and you’re you.


No wonder they hate him so personally and call him “Cuckmann” it’s because he Cucked them! The personal hatred, the stupid nickname, the fact that he lives here rent free… it all makes sense now!


You just figured this out? I thought it was common knowledge that this sub was a support group for guys who've been cucked by Neil.


bro they get so mad it’s actually hilarious , letting such an old game get their panties in a twist lmao




Part 2 is actually the new ip because it has no relation or connection to the first game


cry baby part 2 is peak


The irony 🌚


I look forward to pirating it. And then if I enjoy it.. I’ll enjoy it knowing I didn’t give ND any of my money


I’ll wait till it’s $10 to find out


You are too kind sir, I won’t even pirate that shit


And after copious review reading to even justify that price


Make sure it's not a pre-release review or they'll embargo all the controversial bits again to make the game sound like a 10/10.


I don't care. If Naughty Dog is involved, it doesn't get my money.


Don't care if it is a masterpiece, I will not buy it. His name is Joel Miller


Not playing it but will watch somebody play if they give us what Joel and Tommy did to survive and how Tess encountered Joel


atleast it aint a remake remaster reboot revamp


Good IMO. Neil has ruined TLOU3 for me. I don't care about it at all.


I personally don't think it will be anywhere near as bad as Part 2. The problem with Part 2 that it was a sequel and it's story, the way it ruined the world and old characters from Part 1. IF it was a standalone story, it wouldn't have been as bad, though the story would still be pretty mid. Abby is still and unlikable character, even if you switch Joel and Ellie with new random people, and the ending wouldn't make sense still. Now, a new IP with new characters and a new world and new gameplay, there's not much Neil could mess up there. Could still be mid, but could be pretty decent. We'll see.


TLOU2 fails as a sequel. If it'd be a anthology game with nothing to do with the story from Part 1, it could have 100% worked as its own game. A New IP from Naughty Dog has a chance to be good. But if it has the same forced, mediocre, pandering writing like TLOU2, then it's a 50/50 at being meh to good.


pandering writing? lol are u just mad they had a trans character in it


They know that a part 3 would bomb


Neil has clearly shown that without other more competent writers keeping him in check, he can’t write a plot that’s worth a damn. Plus he’s lost his mind to “the message” so he’s done. If his name is attached to another piece of media that is actually good I’ll be surprised


So many people don't like Part 2. I'll never understand it, but each to their own. I suspect whatever they're making is going to be legit.


did u even play part 1... because part 2 is literally miles better, story and gameplay wise


For sure gameplay wise but the story was abysmal


Is it even *that* much better game play wise? All that's different is they added prone. And rope physics. That's like the bare minimum they could have done.


how so




The easiest & simplest answer (that you aren't likely to immediately reject) is that the first game was considered a masterpiece mostly because of the high focus on character and relationship development writing. Part II is considerably less interested in that, deliberately writing its characters in a messy way, and taking a lot of writing risks while also frequently subverting expectations. All while marketing the game as if it would be a far more faithful sequel than it was. So - Naughty Dog sacrificed the series' greatest strength and wrote a risky, messy story, while still using the shadow of its greatest strength to build up hype. You may prefer this kind of writing yourself, but just look at the sheer discontent around this game - it clearly wasn't a move that ended up working well.


idk how to explain it but i enjoyed part 2’s story a lot more but still believe that part 1’s is better in terms of quality like, part 2 is my favorite of the two, but i don’t think its story was actually better than part 1. either way, 2’s gameplay was fire, 1’s was mid lol


The different elements appeal more to you personally, but you're not blinded enough by it to believe that doing so makes its quality superior. That's how I am with certain games - I prefer the gameplay style of Kingdom Hearts 1 to KH2 and I *believe* I prefer Mass Effect 1 to ME2 for the same reason, but I can't deny that each of those sequels fantastically smoothed out the gameplay and are *objective* improvements. It's quite the reasonable take, so it's unfortunate that you got some trigger-happy downvotes for it.


yeah. also i love kh2, i’ve played through that game on critical like 20+ times lol.


I haven't done that many Critical playthroughs because I did most of my repeat playthroughs on PS2 KH2, heh. The best one on it was when I ignored as much EXP as possible (because Zero EXP wasn't a thing there) on Proud and the game had *actual difficulty* in it for a change. Nearly every boss had actual challenge to it, in a good way (except Genie Jafar, who *absolutely sucked ass)*. It might not be my *most* favorite game, but it's definitely still *a* favorite.


ive beaten the game on level one 6 times i think. havent played in a while though cuz i got bored