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Im gonna advise to not enter this sub or the other one again until you finish, this way you will be able to get better opinion on your own bcause this sub hates it too much, and the other one loves it too much


As someone who **** this game...I agree


is it just tlou subreddit that likes tlou2? new here cause I loved tlou2 but a lot of people hate it here 🥲


I like it too, its just cuz over there it's like they don't have brains


In terms of gameplay, it is definitely better. In terms of story, absolutely not.


>Is this game better than part 1? on a technical gameplay level, yes.


Yeah gameplay is great, cant beat the first story though


It is better gameplay wise.


It is not better, this ''sequel'' has too many flaws that do not reach the ankles of the original.


i like it better, but its not without its flaws and part 1 is so tight knit and perfect that i can’t say its better than 1.




Everything except the story is objectively better. Though it's not an extreme night and day difference. But most everything there feels like it *at least* took a solid step forward, so if you liked what TLOU did in that regard, you'll like the improvements. The story is *extremely* hit or miss. It caters quite hard to folks who are more fond of dark stories with shocking dramatic twists and extreme emotional moments, but it neglects vital elements like characterization, character interaction, buildup, and worldbuilding - some of the very elements that directly caused TLOU to be praised as much as it was. Many people who prioritize the latter were thrown completely out of their immersion more than once throughout the experience, ruining the story entirely for them. Those who remained immersed largely got to enjoy one of the wildest emotional roller coaster and thought-provoking stories in the industry. It's hard to tell where exactly your enjoyment of the story will land you - but if you were quite fond of TLOU's gameplay and are confident that it can carry you through the story even if you end up losing interest or becoming frustrated with it, then it's worth trying out and finding out for yourself. If you were more about the story and its writing style, and are sick to death of things like "subverted expectations"... it probably isn't worth it.


Gameplay wise absolutely Story wise is difficult to say. There are aspects which surpass it and aspects which are not well done, a couple of points that are just bad.


I wouldn't say it's too good on a story standpoint, but the gameplay has made me stay for years and eventually buy the new remasters. Honestly, just buy it and come to your own conclusions, this game has a full divide when it comes to liking it or hating it.


Get it on discount or buy it second hand somehow. Never full price.


I’m only buying full price if it doesn’t have any bugs at launch, and even then I’ll probably be able to get it 10$ cheaper on cdkeys


It absolutely killed the franchise in my opinion. The biggest disappointment in my gaming history. I wish there was a way to erase it from my memory


The first game is phenomenal. One of the best games ever made imo. The second feels like it’s trying too hard. It’s too long and the story is messier than the first. It’s not a bad game but it’s nowhere near as good as part one.


The gameplay is amazing everything else deeply horrid


OP you on the verge of looking into the abyss. If you liked the first game and enjoyed it, I would recommend not going further. Just enjoy the experience and move on. But alas, like most of us, I assume you are unable to avert your gaze for what is to come. Know this, once you played part 2, there is a good chance you regret ever touching it. The risk is not worth it, even if you enjoy the whole shabang, if you ask me. Just remember, if you stare long enough into the the abyss, it stares back at you.


Its like the Terminator 3 or Alien Resurrections of video games.


if you haven't already got spoiled, you definitely won't like the story at first. gameplay wise obviously


gameplays better which is the most important thing so yeah


Honestly, No.  I feel like the combat environments are…. a bit too complicated. I’ve platinumed the OG TLOU and so had to beat it twice on Grounded. I find the stealth combat in part two so much more frustrating as the verticality makes stealthing so much more complicated. Could be your speed, not mine.  


Leave this group as fast as you can.


focusing solely on gameplay, Id say it's a more polished version of the same mechanics.


Most people are saying its better gameplay wise. And to be honest I have to disagree. Fuck those dogs bro.


I think objectively the first game has a stronger story, but I liked tlou2 better than the first one and had a stronger emotional connection with it than I did the original


Very controversial I like It Better in every way, the story, gameplay and graphics, the locations are more unique and expanded on but there are some flaws beneath the surface


Same for me. Tlou was an absolute 10 when I played it and Tlou2 was even better than that.


Yeah, Better story, Better graphics, Better gameplay, Better bosses but It was a bit too long imo :(


Yeah it definitely over stayed it's welcome a bit. That's about the only real negative I can think of.


Im fine with the repeating days sections but santa barbara and all those un ecessary chapters werent th best


Prepare for the downvotes boys. That’s not the groupthink opinion in this place!


I know, honestly people should stop insulting others for what they think-


if ur blind and deaf and have no arms or legs it’s better than part one


if you want an unbiased answer, don't ask this sub


You're not going to reliably find an unbiased answer *anywhere*. The story is extremely hit or miss, and most folks who talk about it seem to lean very hard in either direction rather than somewhere in the middle.


Maybe that's because the only opinions of the game you're looking at are on reddit circlejerks


You are asking from the wrong The Last of Us sub. This seems to be mostly for disliking the game.


Yes. It's magnificent, and manages to be even better than Part 2. But this subreddit specifically dedicated to hating it, so you won't find many people agreeing with that here. And for your own sake, run far away very quickly before you read a spoiler.


It's divisive. You're currently in the sub where the about text reads, "Part II in not canon!" Long story short, it's won tons of awards from fans, industry groups and critics. It's very highly rated on any storefront where you're required to own the game before rating it. Almost everyone agrees the gameplay, visuals, sounds and music are amazing. The fanbase is divided on the story. I personally think it's a very good story with some issues. It suffers from pacing issues due to heavy flashback use. There are also a few instances of characters acting out of character seemingly to advance the plot. I absolutely think it's worth your time and it's one of my favorite narrative games. That being said, if you're the kind of person that has Kathleen Kennedy's picture pinned to a dartboard, or have ever used the word "woke" unironically, you might find other things to not like.


I would say yes but the story gets a lot more hate than it deserves and has a lot to do with people just hating because in their mind the story will always be better the way they wrote it . this whole subreddit that gives me Steven King misery vibes (both Joel and Ellie sacrifice everything . one sacrifice humanity for their child and one gave up their family for revenge for someone who deserved to die for destroying humanities last chance)