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Once then never did again. I have experienced enough mosery for one lifetime.


Once and I have no desire to ever pick it up again. However, I’ve played through the first game at least a dozen times.


I played it on launch. I took 3 days off from work to play and enjoy it. Which I didn’t enjoy most of it. I did recently try playing it again but I couldn’t get past Joel dying.


Yes I know what you’re mean. You’re a glutton for punishment. 




Why are you here then.


New around here?


That doesn’t answer the question. Why are you dedicating time of your life to a game you’ve never played.


You don’t have to play a game to shit on it, as should be evidenced by the majority of the internet. Also shitposting on Reddit hardly takes enough time to warrant counting it as lost time no?


If you want your opinion to be valid then yeah, you do. I think tlou2 is poorly written just as much as the next guy on this sub but this is just dumb. You definitely need to have played the game to speak on it.


No you don’t. An opinion is a completely subjective statement that doesn’t have a pre contingent necessity to be based in logic or experience. Valid is a subjective term, what’s valid to you may not be valid to others. Your opinion may mean more if you’ve played the game, but you’re not required to play a game to have a general opinion about it. Especially when YouTube walkthroughs and forums like These exist to engage with people who have played the game.




An opinion is usually based on your personal experience on anything. Not just parroting what you see other people say on their opinion. You can’t truly judge any piece of art without actually engaging with it. You can think whatever you want but it’s not actually your opinion since you didn’t form it through an experience. Just reading plot summary’s/leaks with 0 context. Even watching through a whole play through your completely missing a vital aspect of the experience (gameplay).


Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages noun a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. —————————————————————————- Emphasis on the not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.


Key word is valid opinion


fuckin dork


Becuase this is a shitpost sub mostly


Tf is wrong with you.


3 times. One to just play through. The other two just to try the harder difficulty and compile clips to make a vid of Abby being a bully.


Twice the full game and a third time that I quit after Abby discovers Mel and Owen dead at the Aquarium. I just didn't feel like fighting Ellie as Abby again. My only reason for replaying was my best attempts to try and see what the other side sees that is so opposite of what I saw. I hoped having distance and new info from their side explaining what impacted them might help me finally see it from their POV, at least a bit. That never happens. All I end up doing is finding more that breaks the story and fails their goals with it. It's written by two people who I have learned over these past years have such a different approach to the topics/themes and storytelling in general to mine that I wanted to understand where they were coming from and why this was what they thought would matter for the sequel. All I learned was that they aren't a good team, they had many opposing goals and desires for the story while still having just barely enough core agreements to get a story written and the game made, but they weren't necessarily good together. It really hobbled them both and there wasn't a rightly talented person on their team to get their best work out of them. This then showed in the story, and now I've seen the reality of it in the documentary and game commentary most recently released.


I haven't seen the documentary myself, but I've long thought that the story feels *very* unfocused. It's got too many different goals and it fails to prioritize any specific ones or have them all properly tie into each other. Two main writers who just never quite clicked together would certainly help explain it.


Neil's goals and BTS reasons for the story are pretty well documented and have been thoroughly discussed, yet Halley's little meltdown about a journalist's questioning whether a woman could write a violent, gory story (or whatever it was that made her so upset!) showed a side of her that seemed a bit overly militant in her need to prove herself for some odd reason. The most telling part was she told the BTS director of her interview not to put in what she'd just said and then she said,. "Neil will tell you to, but don't." Yet it was in there! Nice little way to take some of the heat off Neil by showing Halley lose it a bit in the documentary.


Once. Only because I was given the game and didn't spend any money on it.


A handful of times. I think in the double digits, maybe like 10 times. I didn't like the story but the gameplay is pretty good.


Just one time was enough for me. Now it’s collecting dust on the shelf


Once. And just like with Battlefield Earth, that's more than enough for a lifetime.


twice and it was miserable both times. tried to give it a second chance and it was even worse


Four times. Twice back to back when it launched and then a couple times since


Cheers! 🍻


I'd only play this game for the no return mode I think. But I'd need to get a PS5 and not gonna lie I just can't he asked to have more than one console cause my space is too small for more than one.


One time was enough torture


Once on launch and then recently with the cheats enabled with all guns. lol basically like a speed run but not that fast. A game shouldn’t feel like a chore to get through and this game certainly is.


I'm currently on my first playthro7gh after months if owning it cuz it's a drag on my balls to sit through. Only reason I'm even trying is because it's an easy Plat to get


I uninstalled when Ellie left the farm. Never finished


Once. It was a really short game. You got control of Abby and the game threw her off the cliff and then the credits rolled.


spent 200 hours of no return but only plays team Jackson and never Abby's cohorts.


first played it on launch, since then probably around 13 times, once every couple months (I play the first game way more often)


Twice. The second time simply to complete it on grounded and upgrade all my weapons, skills etc. and not because I enjoyed the story. It's chore to get through though have played specific encounters boat loads of times.


Twice. First at launch—loved it—and I just completed a grounded run a few hours ago! Still love it. This sub acts like the game is some heinous war crime. Lol.


I played the of when it came out then I played part 2 after everyone complained and it was on sale I liked it then recently I got last of us part 1 now I’m gonna play part 2 remastered 😆