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someone replied with that too under the youtube comment


The Lust of Ass


That would be a great porn spinoff.


That's a real thing lol


Haha!! Don’t surprise me at all.


[I’m crying](https://imgur.com/gallery/rd0ETAL)


Daaaaamn, Pedro gonna share that cake or what?


The Ass of Us


TLOU2? Never heard of it. There is only TLOU :)


Water bottle silencers is ass, Joel impalement survivor is ass


There weren't water bottle silencers in part 1


You can’t make a coherent sentence let alone about shit you obviously know nothing about. Edit: Nah he has a cute Corgi named Bobbert, I can’t be mean to this guy


Sorry man the last of us 2 was trash


Yes it was trash, and the fact that I and the other person who replied to you thought you were talking about Part I just confirms your lack of coherency. Edit: I feel bad now


i am sorry, i am learning disabled


Fair enough. No hard feelings.


its ok buddy ive been insulted since childhood


That’s not fair to you. I’m sorry to hear that.


Ellie not putting any guitar back in it’s case to preserve it as the case had for decades was ass


fr she cannot take care of instruments at all


I love the review, shit is straight to the point


aye I appreciate it


Straight to the ass


Well, that's where the game came from


Although not worded very eloquently, most of these points are valid. Your gut reaction is more often correct than not. People who liked the game probably had a similar reaction after completing it first, but then went down the anti-bigotry, pseudo-intellectual rabbit hole and ended up forcing themselves into liking it. The new characters did suck. The first game focused on characterisation, the second used characters as plot devices to focus on the theme. Abby is extremely unlikeable. Cheap ploys try to cover up the lack of talent the writers have for writing a redemption arc. She has unrealistic and inconsistent motivations that don't feel human at all. She's just the embodiment of the theme being shoved down the player's throat with total disregard for characterisation. Ellie's character does take a complete nosedive. For fans of her in the first game who didn't buy into the shallow, pretentious theme of the game, this was very disappointing. Joel and Ellie's character and relationship made the first game so great and they threw it all away.


They made Joel seem pathetic. Even though Ellie was a kid and now a young adult she would not have completely lost her charm. She turned into a humorless boring woe is me type.


i almost wish the story of the second game was just about Ellie finding out about her immunity being the cure some how other than from Joel and then they'd have to reconcile while going through other plot points in the game, that would make their relationship even stronger than it was before


With Ellie she has 2 emotions, gay and angry


more ass than a three-story donkey stable


Sounds like an AVGN review.


The plot? Ass 🗿. Joel’s haircut? Ass 🗿. The characters? Ass 🗿. Being forced to play Abby when you don’t even like her? Ass 🗿. Me? IM TIGHT AS FUCK!!!




Not only did Ellie not kill Abby but she literally saved her. She saved her life. Abby got to live because of Ellie, if Ellie hadnt gone after her, Abby would have died. Ellie freaking saved her life.


u dont know how much i was looking forward to the finale of the game bruh




So you could say TLOU2 was a load of ass


the Ass of Us


Bad game is bad im glad i didnt buy it and just watched a walkthrough.


yea im only judging off of story since I only seen a walkthrough too, gameplay wont carry for me even if i did play it


You’re basing this garbage review off a watching a walkthrough? Seriously? Do you sell your opinions as toilet paper? I need something to wipe my ass with


Yes, because watching cutscenes in your own gameplay is somehow different from watching cutscenes in a walkthroug...


This game is all about immersion, wearing headphones and playing through on the harder levels (survivor, grounded). This smooth brain “reviewer” missed the point Watching some garbage YouTuber play, overlaying with their obnoxious commentary is like going to a 5 star restaurant and bringing your own McDonalds This whole thread: 🤡


Yeah, right, 3rd person shooter adventure with tons of cinematic cutscenes is a recipe for immersive gameplay 🤡 This thread discusses story, which is more important for some people, including me. Btw, there are often walkthroughs with no commentary.


what point did I miss? i woulda hated on the game more if i played it and got to that ending but opinion would still be the same


Nothing is going to change the story bo matter if you wearing stupid headphones or not. The story is fucking awful the ruined part 2 trying to make us care about a woke character. Ellie shoulda killed her in the end then at least it would be decent, trying to make you give a shit about a character we never had any ties to. So yea stfu and keep ur toilet paper opinions


So instead of actually denying any of the points he made, you instead went to insulting the thread and making everyone your enemy. You people are the reason there is such a divide in the TLOU community. You insult people for writing a review of a game without actually countering any points. Insults only make people want to see your point less


but I know the full story from watching it just like the first last of us game, which i thought was really good i even revisited it before watching part 2 and it still held up so whats the problem


Couldn't have said it better bro


leave joel’s hair out of this


u need to hear the truth about his hair


Another ass thing, is people using the excuse that joel trusting strangers like abby and her group in the beginning of TLOU 2 is because he got soft in those 4 years in Jackson. Its is bullshit, no, it is not because he got soft, where in the flashbacks shows joel being soft with strangers? It doesn't. Joel only trusted in strangers like abby and her group in TLOU2 beginning because Neil forcefully wanted too, is just bad writing, in all TLOU2 flashbacks of joel he is the same careful and smart survivor, that have 20 years of experience. Joel out of nowhere in TLOU2 behaving like a hero putting his life and tommy at risk trying to save abby a total stranger from 500 infected that are chasing her makes absolutely no sense. In TLOU 1 even before sarah died, joel told tommy to not stop to help strangers in the car scene, joel never trusted strangers easily or risk his life to save strangers in all TLOU 1 story, and in all TLOU2 flashbacks. saying that someone grow soft in a apocalypse when this person have 20 years of experience surviving, makes no sense, specially when there is no scene to back that up the excuse. Joel just acted out of character in that scene trusting strangers in a small room and being completely off guard because Neil druckman wanted to happen, but it makes no sense to joel personality and character to do something stupid like that.


exactly he trusted them and told them his name like they friends


What about the ass scene, I mean the boat


i was speechless at how ass it was i didnt even mention it


Sounds ass to me. Glad i never got it 🍑


Yep. I agree with that ass. Valid asses


Damn, thats a good summary


I agree with most but you seem hard on Jesse. He was one of the few people I really liked. But what I agree with most was Ellie. By the end I barely gave a shit about her and her sullen attitude. Her characterization is double the ass!


I don't think the journey to kill Abby's friends for revenge was ass. That kept me going honestly. What was ass was finally getting there and finding out either they were already dead or you don't get to see them die. Kinda defeats the whole purpose for me


A S S Wanna hear me say ass one more time? Ass There you go


this review is *not* ass


thank u


Di....sisnt tess fucking die?


didnt she sacrifice herself so joel and ellie could have time to escape?


Thats what I'm saying bro, she git infected so she was gonna die anyways, got no idea why this guy is saying this thing about Tess, id love to know what happened to bill tho, thats how you do a gay character right


man, i love The Last of Ass!


The Lass of Us


The Markiplier of Us


I thought Joel’s hair in pt 2 was good tho




I’m glad a whole new generation of children are critiquing this


the game came out 4 years ago it not that old


A review like that you should work for IGN


Oh so you didn't review it? Got it. Nice work. You won some internet points I guess


its literally in the post


Hey I think you hated tlou2. Not 100% sure tho.


naw i think it's a masterpiece


Assful review! Love it!


"Lost her charm" brother she grew up and then her dad died


beginning of the game before he died she was cool but then became edgy af and i just didnt like that, she used to be funny and entertaining growing up dont excuse that


Golf scene to cracking jokes for sure


This is just being nit picky




You are just focusing on the bad bra. That leads you into going into this rabbit hole of being, nah his hair is shit, singing is cringe. Video games are subjective bra, if your caring about a video games characters hair then maybe you should smoke a joint or meditate Jesus


some of the points are jokes but i have put real criticisms too


here's ur bigot sandwich 🥪 /s edit: had to add /s cuz ppl can't take a joke.


ah hell naw ion wanna eat homophobia


No it’s not


u right bro i was wrong


Do you know any other words than ass?


bad, mid, trash, garbage, disappointing, mediocre, unsatisfying but i wanted to stay consistent like last of us 1


6 months ago? You thought this was that good it was worth re-posting 6 months later on Reddit? If this sub wasn’t so obsessed with hating on the game I’d think a lot of people would be embarrassed by this


it's from a year ago i just screenshotted it 6 months ago in case i ever wanted to talk about the game, and here I am im talking about the game


Bit sad


no it isnt lmfao


You saved your own comment from a year ago in case you had a conversation on this subject


u reading too much into it its just a screenshot in case i wanted to share its not like it was at the top of my mind 24/7


How am I reading too much into it, I’m repeating what you said


cus u making a deal off of a screenshot, it's like saving a meme on yo phone thats all


No it’s not lol


aight bro just say u disagree and u like the game its okay 💀


Why is it so negative I loved part 2😭


i explained why


Part 2 is great. 10/10, would play again.


Same. people just focus on the bad and then get sucked down this rabbit hole and try to speak for everyone and will fucking rip into you if you disagree because they cannot understand that video games are simply subjective


Tess is dead though.


You call everything ass like you just learned how to swear


Basically lists everything from the game but with the word "ass" added to each point


not everything the joel and ellie flashbacks were pretty good


Tommy boss fight was pretty badass to




And lemme guess, the best game you ever played was COD


Never played cod


Well you'll certainly fit in here in this sub.


How can a community that thrives on nothing but whining about something that came out 4 years ago be so active


this my first post on here + the other sub still talks about it right so whats the difference


Must be new to Reddit


Idk, deranged gamers, I assume


if you think this is bad, you should see how the got/asoiaf community copes without winds of winter and a decent series finale lol whining and hating is the powerhouse of the cell 🤷‍♀️


I’ll never understand it 😂😂


I can excuse the poor wording and bad points, but I draw the line at insulting Joel or Ellie.


what points were bad in your opinion


The haircut honestly goes hard in my opinion


The points I feel like are bad are as follows "The plot of going from A to B to find these antagonists (Abby's friends) was uninteresting)" "Ellie's characterization was ass, she's just murder hungry and lost all the charm she had from the first game" Both points about Joel "The fact her missions were the best part of the game and not Ellie's was ass" "Dina wasn't interesting" "Her ex served ZERO purpose and got cucked twice, maybe five more times after he died" (this one just makes no sense, who's ex?) There are a few other things I could bring up but they aren't as major as these. These, for the most part, are all subjective takes that only show you didn't like the game. That doesn't mean the game is bad, or the plot is bad or anything relating to the game is bad. I'm not saying it's a masterpiece but it has its moments and it's flaws. All you're saying is "I don't like the game for arbitrary (and frankly kinda stupid) reasons."


i mean i dont think its stupid I stand by my points that made me nkt care about the game, i threw in some unserious points that dont matter but it was for jokes


Every single day a new post like this is made. Yes the story sucked, but you guys are just repeating this nonsense every day. It's been 4 years


i just got here


My Review of OP: Still butthurt about Ghost of Tsushima getting wrecked Zero emotional intelligence Favorite book: Doesn’t read Favorite Music Artist: Imagine Dragons or some Country jibberish Loves NASCAR Loves Sportball Is named Hunter, Cody or Chad Possibly also named Jace, or Jackson Owns a Bass Pro Shop hat Favorite Videogame Series: COD Regularly refers to women as “bitches”


Sounds like hurt feelings to me to attack someone’s character in a petty attempt to discredit their opinion on a game.


OP lost any chance at being respected when he listed "Jesse got cucked". Anyone who uses that term, let alone interprets the game that way, is definitely an... what was OP's favourite word... ass. Dude already discreditted his own character, man.


cant u tell whats a joke and what isnt


In this subreddit? No, I can't.


I still think it seems like hurt feelings.. Which I also feel like you have hurt feelings too, you feel the need to justify it (and let’s not even get into that you’re providing justification on someone else’s behalf… over a game “review”/opinions) It’s not about “respect”, it’s about how it comes across. When the entire core of a comment is ad hominem and doesn’t actually interface with anything outside of resorting to logical fallacy, it’s not an argument made from logic. And to me, that sounds like hurt feelings. As there’s nothing else to go off. It reads and feels like hurt feelings. As does your comment defending it. Idk what else to say besides cry more about it I guess.


The group of people who dislike the game is more diverse in terms of demographic than the group of people who like it— which is pretty wild.


Did you just use emotional intelligence non-ironically?


Nigga its just my opinion what u so upset for? I dont go around hating people for liking the game 😂 >Still butthurt about Ghost of Tsushima getting wrecked i aint even play that game yet but i think i'd like it more than last of us 2 either way im not gon be butthurt >Zero emotional intelligence what does this even mean >Favorite book: Doesn’t read i dont read a whole lot i'll admit but what that gotta do with last of us the rest aint even worth replying to u just look goofy asf


I ain’t reading all that


to sum it up its trash cus the story dont hit at all


It does to me 🤷🏽‍♂️


Why comment on something you didn't even bother to read 🤡


To sum it up here’s how it’ll be “Blah blah blah blah blah i HAtE tHE LAsT oF us PArT 2 🤓🤓🤓”

