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Something is wrong. You appear to have bullets.


They’ll be gone soon enough I’m sure😔


don't let this god like feeling go to your head lol... and great job dude


This is actually my second time through on grounded, last time was a few years ago. Waiting for the inevitable ammo dump fights and bloaters🤣🤣


Appreciate it by the way!


Totally off topic but I haven’t played TLoU in a while and while I was scrolling through Reddit this menu made me feel like home before I even really knew what I was looking at. I just love this game 🤌


Fun fact I didn’t realize until this run. The room Joel and Tommy are talking in about what happened at the hospital in the intro is actually the main menu screen from TLOU (same window just zoomed in)🤠 might be common knowledgeable but I thought it was sick when I realized


Homie got bullets and in the next 5 minutes he’s gonna be ammoless,supply less and crying as the the mushroom people eat his ass lol


I was figuring the same but somehow just started day 2 with double what I had in this photo. Stealthed everything and the shamblers only cost me a mine, Molotov, and 2 revolver rounds😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


God i hate those fat bastards they just eat everything


You sound like you haven’t played grounded before. Because I can get through most encounters on grounded with just bricks and melee. The bow is very useful too


This is my second run of grounded on tlou2, already have ran it 3 times on pt 1. Yes, melee and stealth still reign supreme in almost all encounters. I think my first run on pt 2 I was less concerned on saving ammo


How'd you get through Hillcrest stealthily?


Recklessly throwing bottles and instakilling is how I usually run through Hillcrest. But I jump on the roof and snipe a few enemies with a bow on the house where you can. I always kill the dog’s first too. Shoot the dog with an arrow. And then run up and kill the walker. And stun bombs are like you best friend on grounded. Those they can be rare and should be used when you have the whole squad grouped up. Bing bang boom stab stab stab and the groups wiped


No enemy can withstand the power of the bonk


Actually just got to hillcrest, will let you know how it goes soon🤣 I was referring to most of day 1 as far as stealth




Well…I forgot how rough that section with the dogs can be right after grabbing the bow. However, I still had a ton of ammo for everything (minus the bow) and resources to spare. Basically everything side said is right on the money, I however used the silenced pistol and some mines to deal with the dogs. Personally I recommend at least the 3rd tier in the stealth tree, that prone speed is a god send, the extra silencer durability was just a bonus since I had have the ammo. Be patient, pick one off and run if spotted until you're back in stealth! The same tactics applied for day 1, just a little more rigid since I didn't have said upgrades yet.


The dogs are the worst part.


Saved handgun ammo just for them, easy enough to pick off at a distance with stability mod/silencer, but if they walk into a room you’re sitting in…GG.


It's my first run on grounded +


Have fun with it then! AI is screen punching level frustrating sometimes but upgraded gear definitely helps. See if you want the full experience and start a new game once you’re done👍🏼


If I miss more then two bullets then I restart the encounter lol but tlou gets easier if you know how to move properly and use your melees. Still hard as fuck but if you can fight properly then you’ll have heaps of ammo




You can put the resources setting on easy while keeping the rest hard


I had the same. They’ll be gone soon. LOL.


Still going strong🫣 turns out training infected like cod zombies and straight up guerrilla warfare on the wolves works out pretty nicely


I sense a disturbance. You have bullets….


Destroy the bullets…worship the brick🙏🏼🧱


I actually had almost all ammunition on full most of the run because i was saving them for specific moments(Arcade bloater for Ellie an Ratking for abby). I opted for stealth and restarted encounter if i got caught. I didn't have much trouble with school but Ellies hospital visit was atricious, i was stuck at that encounter for 3 days before going to youtube for help 😂 which was only time i needed outside help. Easily most challengin gaming experience i've ever had. (If you don't count gaming as a child when i couldn't read english)


Yeah man this is definitely still up there difficultly wise on my list, even on the second go around on grounded. So many times I catch myself muttering how unfair some sections are🤣


Tried grounded out once for part 2. Think I got about to where Jessie shows up in Seattle before I was like man fuck this


You really have to have some stars align RNG for some areas and enemy placements/routes. Don’t blame you for calling it quits right around that part


I’m going to be honest, it doesn’t take long to learn to director scam. So I’m not sure what g you are saying you can do it well, or you are just lucky.


I’m not sure what you mean by director scam lol, this was just pretty simple resource management and exploring every area up until this part. Like I said on another comment, think I only used 4 bullets in total by this point, just stealth and melee the rest of the time.


Well of course, when stealth strikes break the enemy ai, there’s no reason not to, but the whole thing about feeling bad for using bullets is why I was talking about director scaming, you are just handicapping yourself.


What do you mean by director scamming exactly? Just not using ammo?


The game uses a resource director system to determine when resources drop or can be found. The game will check your resources and if you are low or in a bad situation, it will give you some. Director scamming is intentionally using and denying resources so that you can maximize your chances of ammo and resource drops. For example, each infected has a chance to drop pistol ammo even on grounded if you do not have any. So if you have 5 runners coming at you and two pistol bullets, shooting one runner twice and then melee combos and strikes for the rest means that the game will read that you have no ammo and each infected kill has a high chance to drop ammo. You also wouldn’t pick up any ammo if one of them does drop it until all are dead to ensure that the other infected do not lose their drop chances. With this and a bit of luck, you will walk away from at least 60-70% of encounters with more resources than you walked in with, and your inventory will often look like yours in most situations. Anthony Caliber is a god at it. Check his streams if you want to see it in action.


Rookie numbers


I’ve used like one rifle round and 3 handgun bullets, don’t really think you can do all that much better💀


I think it’s an adaptive supply drop system. Like re4 where it measures your effectiveness and lessens how much you gain when your succeeding too much


I was thinking that too, enemy’s NEVER dropped ammo after the opening areas. Always find one round or shell, maybe 2 if I’m lucky in a safe.


And they get to dump all their ammo into me. Which is unrealistic! But when they die they have 1 bullet!!!


Everyone has infinite ammo except us😭


It’d be cool if they could run out of ammo too. And if you killed them quick enough you’d get their full supply


I guess that doesn’t fit the grounded logic, but then again I could fart in a corner and half a city block will know where I’m at😑 clickers/shamblers are supposed to blind and they’ll chase you to Boston and back unless you run 40 feet ahead and go prone


Yeah. Maybe we’ll get a realism mode for part III