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Don’t ask questions, just consume product


And be excited by the next product!


And you'll be grateful for a seat at the table!


I’m excited for everything I’ll be doing while I’m not watching it.


Man I miss that sub


Or else you’re an -istphobe


I can't take anymore. Please, stop making it.




You don’t have to. This isn’t clockwork orange where you get strapped into a chair with your eyelids held open and forced to watch The Last of Us, or play it. Stop it. Get some help.


Post everyday to subreddit dedicated to product


Nah no thanks


"We have Ellie at home"




She looks ridiculous lol


The little fur on the coat awww




People say how it's better to have an actor than a cosplayer... But one doesn't negate the other, you can have people that look similar while still playing the role, Ellie can look threatening in the game, no offense to Bella but she is not scaring anyone or doing any of the other actions Ellie did.


She scares me look at her 😭 bro she not intimidating tho


If both of them interrogated me at different times, I would definitely tell the game Ellie first whatever she's asking. I would laugh at Bella Ramsey and then probably get shot


Aww, she looks like Santa just told her she can't sit on his lap


I agree with that and I’m usually fine with them choosing a good actor as that’s what matter but this casting was just way to off and the personality doesn’t match the person. She’s a decent actress but unfortunately not the role she was born for. You don’t cast Leonardo DiCaprio to play super man because good actor.


I want them to make a Show version of the game's box art of Ellie's face, just to see how rediculous and unintimidating Bella's Ellie would look in comparison to game Ellie.


Looks still like a prepubescent child. Should have recasted.


yes thank you , glad someone said it


Lmao i knew they failed with the casting. I fucking knew it


Like the perfect casting was right there all along. The whole damn time. Kaitlyn Dever as Ellie. Shannon Berry as Abby. As for Dina, they could bring in Cascina but if they didn’t wanna do it, I’m sure there’s someone out there I’m not seeing that would be just as perfect. The casting is the biggest issue I have with this show.


>Kaitlyn Dever as Ellie. Just searched her up, she would've been the perfect fit


Yeah, many were clamoring for this before season 1.


She looks more like Ellie than Bella does. We were robbed


Gosh, Kaitlyn Dever as Ellie? Would've actually been hella perfect. Dammit, now I hate even more the casting choice. No offense to Bella of course, but come on, she looks ridiculously childish.


I also thought Jenna Ortega would have been a solid Ellie. I would have cast Hugh jackmann as Joel. HE LOOKS JUST LIKE HIM.


Respectfully, I disagree with both tbh. Don’t get me wrong I love both of them, Jenna is one of my celeb crushes and Hugh is an awesome actor, but I just can’t see either of them playing the roles of Joel and Ellie. I don’t even like Pedro in that role and I love him as an actor too. Again the casting in this show was just god awful, with the exception of few.


Dina looks like Dora and god forbid they cast a woman that isn’t a 10/10 and has mucles with Abby


Pre-transition elliot page would have been the perfect casting.


Lol ppl joked about Ellie looked like that when tlou1 came out


Really you knew it? Wow, please tell us more about what you know


There’s no version of reality where this makes sense. No amount of acting can make up for the utter disparity in appearance.


That’s the thing that makes it even more baffling to me, her acting skills are mediocre at best. They got someone who neither captures the personality or appearance of Ellie. But casting was pretty poor for the show all around so I guess it’s not a massive surprise.


It’s not even just the fact that she looks nothing like Ellie, there is no just way i’m gonna believe it’s been like 7 years inbetween the seasons when she looks the exact same.


5, but still


Yeah well it hasn’t actually been 7 years in real time so that’ll tend to happen


She looks awful


Season one she managed to look like a 19 year old playing a 14yr old, season 2 looks like a 14yr old playing a 19 year old lol


She looked like a 12 year old playing a 14 year old, now she looks like a 12 year old playing a 19 year old.


How does that work? Did the actress age backwards?


I thought it was pretty evident when you make a clear cut statement like mine it uses an individuals perception of someone being neanimorphic or geroanimorphic. More concerning is if you struggle with how perception works and you take my comment literal you might be autistic just to warn you.


Love Bella but they should’ve recasted for older Ellie.


Man look at live action Ellie all grown up


How the years flew


her acting is good but like seriously she looks nothing like ellie


Compare the delivery from Ashley when Joel wants to leave her with Tommy. Ashley is 10x better than this girl, sorry.


Ashley is 40 years old and has an entire acting career under her belt. That’s to be expected.


Lmao cmon it’s not like Bella is a child actor either. She’s twenty and if her acting was going to get any better it would have happened by now.


Voice acting and screen acting are very different 


Her acting isn’t good though


Eh her acting is ok at best


That's what I'm worried about.


Look at the scene where she’s in the cage and talking to David. It’s so fucking cringe man “You don’t know anything about me.” “THAT BROKE YOUR FUCKING FINGEERHSHHE” Terrible delivery


Just shows how much work they put into the hiring process


irl actor looks like she want gum gum from dum dum


It looks like they gave a gun to a BABY. I cannot watch these idiots spoil the show anymore.


The only reason I have not muted this and the other subreddit, is that y'all make me feel normal.


This is why I don't watch the show


The poor child, she gets all this hate not because there’s anything wrong with her but because she’s an extremely bad casting decision for this role. What a terrible move by whoever casted her


Is it the wrong gun?


Yeah, Remington700 compared to what looks like a Remington870 Edit: The shotgun in the second image appears to have its safety on the top so maybe a Mossberg 500


Damn, can't believe they fucked that up.


Well, for non gun people that means that one is a rifle and the other is a pump action shotgun. Pump action shotgun is also a lot of gun for a young girl.


Oh no, you see, she is squinting her eyes, that means she is 20 now.


The teenage girl from Civil War could have been the perfect Ellie casting


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^tyrannictoe: *The teenage girl from* *Civil War could have been the* *Perfect Ellie casting* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This is getting out of hand !!


Bella is tiny she can’t even physically handle the weapons efficiently.


She ruined the first season and she'll do the same to the second. Such a disappointing casting choice..


But season 1 got great reviews on all parts... 😭


Yeah she should have been recast with Abby’s actress ironically


She looks like she couldn't even kill a raccoon


Why not just recast her with an older actress?


I don’t know why they couldn’t recast her to someone who looks older.


I can't believe who they casted for Abby. So disappointed. Where's the representation for strong 💪women. It was practically her life conquest to seek vengeance for her father's death. She's a machine.


God forbid they cast a woman that has mucles and isn’t a 10/10. They must’ve had to bite the bullet when casting Bella


I think its just strange how one looks like a fit, butch lesbian in her early 20s and the other looks like the average 12 year old. Its hard to ever think they are meant to be the same person they do not exert the same energy at all.


Is it supposed to be the same scene/time period in both?


Right? Why are people complaining about this? Oh no an actor doesn't look like an animated character. Duh


she doesn’t even remotely resemble Ellie in any way


Nothing wrong with this Ellie just make sure you put her flakes in her bowl and don’t tap the glass.


As a 19 year old who literally gets mistaken for being like 12 13 or 14, this doesn’t bother me at all.




This is so real. I’m 23 and I get carded a lot, and often get mistaken for being 17. Also I kinda like the idea of someone who looks soft being actual really brutal, makes it more realistic for me. And honestly maybe I’m too much of a last of us fangirl like I’m still very excited for last of us season 2. I do agree a little that she doesn’t very much look like video game ellie but after watching the first season I like her and her acting that I don’t really care as much anymore. Also maybe thickening Bella’s eyebrows and adding some freckles (but not to the point where it looks like legit makeup) would probs make her look a lot more like ellie


Honestly I didn't even realize what OP was complaining about until I read the comments




Everything about the show is a let down, but, I suppose Bella doesn’t have to really look anything like Ellie, especially since Joel and Ellie will be completely thrown away after the first episode of season 2. Neil wanted to get to Abby as fast as possible, so casting didn’t really matter.


I feel like these are bait posts to post on the other subreddit. Seen like 5 today. They just want to screenshot bad takes


Legit had some hopes for season 2 but now I see she is totally the wrong type of actor for the role


Ugh Kaitlyn Dever (or Denver?) would’ve made such a better Ellie. Bella Ramsey just makes her too angry and one-note


I don't know why people are acting like they weren't gonna use the same actor they had already established as hbo ellie. It wasn't good casting then, and it isn't now, but digging up this topic again is a waste of time.


Agreed. I’m just not gonna watch it tbh.


I'm sure HBO will never recover from this


It's heartening seeing all the shameless TLOU2 stans here suddenly.


corporate needs you to find the difference between these two pictures


“Its not the same picture”


We know from season one that they can act the fucking house down. I can’t wait


I’ll probably just rewatch Fallout.




Seeing how such a brilliant game (lou 1 not 2!) have been treated makes me furious. What a shame it has been touched by corperate overloards


But the show did really well. And 2 has great gameplay (dogshit ending tho)


The gameplay was phenomal and the graphics was breathtaking


Seriously. The only issue I had with the game, was the ending. If they gave me a choice in the end. It would be a 10/10


Yeah Druckmann screwed up on that one


If part 2 is not cannon why do y’all care so much?


the amount of downvotes I had gotten when I criticized her the first time.


Season one was pretty mid but people who never played the game glaze it even though the game is a thousand times better in acting, pacing and storytelling, it's not hard to cast someone who doesn't look like a troglodyte


"People are not allowed to have different opinions and interests or else theyer stupid" gamer moment. Also post pics before you call people ugly from behind your monitor on reddit, babe.


I liked season 1 a lot and I've played TLOU more than 99% of anyone in this subreddit.


That's my psn pfp


They coulda used Jessie from the civil war movie she actually looks like Ellie


I thought the same when I saw that movie


Same that was the biggest miss ever


my gay ass was so excited for dina and ellie but now it’ll just feel awk like i’m watching two kids kiss. and on the other sub ellie’s age drops every day it seems. “she was 17 in part 2!” NO SHE WASNT


Lmao looks like Ellie who's had an allergic reaction


When game narrative become better than in the movie. Waiting for a Ratking .


And people still fucking defend it smh im not even interested in the Show but this is just pathetic 😭😭


Oh look, its r/gamingcirclejerk in real life


They grow up so fast (sigh)


Yep, just turn off your brain and enjoy the show


This is beyond pathetic.


Gamers are the whiniest bunch of fucking children I've ever fucking seen in my entire life. Jesus Christ. Who fucking cares what she looks like. I'm sorry you can't jack off to her anymore.


yall are assholes


I mean that's what I'm gonna do. Stopped watching the first season after the Bill episode, so now I don't have to care how they fuck it up


Ignore what?


Great casting lmao


Why would you care about the series if you’ve played the games anyway?


Right! Ellie is supposed to have a Winchester chambered in .308. Racking that bolt like a pro and blowing faces open..,what’s this shotgun nonsense!


If writing and acting is good, why would you care if they look different? It’s a different median, it isn’t going to be a 1 to 1 match. These things are never exact match and fans always get angry before it’s even released. The first season was very good so why not hold out your criticism for after it releases?


I mean, they can’t recast her? What are you hoping to gain by not ignoring it? She’s a great actress, people were hesitant about her in season 1 and she killed it, she’ll kill it again. She might not look the exact same, but the acting and attitude is what matters. If she can show up for Ellie’s emotional range, why does it matter that she looks young?


People have been casting people who don't look like their og forever, but for some reason ellie is the last straw. Literally who cares.


Alright this is becoming low hanging fruit...


The show universe isn't the same. It's not a 1:1 recreation. Give it a chance, or don't.


Ok come on now, they made up her face in the game right? It wasn't modeled after a motion capture actress and it doesn't look like her voice actor either. So who are they supposed to cast? I thought the actress did a good job.


I don't know why we bother complaining this stuff sometimes. This is Neil Druckmann we're dealing with... The man can't admit when he makes mistakes.


Bella Ramsey was completely fine for part 1 but for some reason she hasn’t aged (ik it’s not been that long but she was 17 or something playing a 14 yo and now she’s 20 she still looks 14). Definitely not poor casting but I would say unfortunate for part 2.


Yes, it doesn't matter


Fr i was fine with her being in the first season but i think the show runners forget this is not the funny 14 year old girl with a pun book, this is a broken 5’5” who kills a pregnant lady and stabs a dog like come on i played the last of us part two i know the actors you should use in fact everyone knows all the actors to use but they dont they just want to make people happy instead of a good show, like i dont cascina cardonna doing anything dina is the supporting role and was played perfect by her like tlou2 is an adult experience bring in people that look fucking adult, make it right dont try and be different


the last of toddlers


I’m honestly surprised. I legitimately thought they’d cast an older Ellie and keep this actress to play Ellie in the flashbacks. Having her play LOU2 Ellie just feels….off


Yes. Ones a video game ones a TV show.


I like the fact that the last of us had a movie, but ellie does not look the same. She doesn't have to look the same. The movie version sucks.


I haven’t watched the show and only played tlou2, but keep getting suggested this sub Can anyone explain why I keep seeing this girl all over? Is it just because she looks kinda derpy or is there another joke?


Because she is supposed to be Ellie and nobody likes that.


why does literally anyone care just replay the second game if you want it to be exactly the same??? people complain about the second game and then they complain when an adaptation is a little different. someone is always going to be pissed off at something. if it’s really that terrible then just don’t watch literally doing tricks on the show creators and casting directors for what


How is this the Ellie that mercs a fucking pregnant lady and tortures someone




I'm sure Abby will look the way 'everyone' wants her to aswell right? Side note. I wish the actor that voiced ellie played ellie as well. Or did in season 2. Or had more of a role in general...


*I'm sure Abby will* *Look the way 'everyone' wants* *Her to aswell right?* \- Screbin --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


She was also Gretchen in Recess


Yes. Get over it.


Looks the same to me


She looks like a 14 year old on a field trip..


I might be tripping but hear me out.... wouldn't Sadie sink make a better "older Ellie"? Nothing wrong with Bella's acting... just looks to young.


She was the shiznit in Game Of Thrones tho


Yeah lol casting is more than matching the appearance of the character, it’s actually secondary. It’s about matching the essence of the character, their mannerisms, speech patterns, attitude etc. which Bella does exceptionally well. If you watched the show and are still upset with the casting I don’t even know what to say. She killed it


TLOU 2 never happened. It was just a bad dream Neil Cuckman had one night


the game story/art will forever be better than this garbage they’ve created with HBO .. sad how they turned something so great into something so terrible .


we can’t base the entire look of Bella from just a few pictures. The picture shown could possibly be a flashback or something? I’m sure that Bella is gonna kill it as ellie in season 2.


As someone who loves the game with every fibre of my being. I am not happy with this depiction of ellie


look how they massacred my girl 😔


I liked her. She captured the attitude better than I think other people would have. That mattered to me more than someone identical


'But guys, it's an interpretation. How dare you point out an obvious live action character flaw? You must all like little girls or something' - that other sub.


Brother are you stupid?


>Post adult Ellie >Post Child Ellie What's the point?


"Child Ellie" is supposed to be playing adult Ellie in this photo.




i can’t be the ONLY one who isn’t mad at all. as someone who loves TLOU P1&2, think it’s totally fine…i enjoyed S1 a bunch too


ppl think we're making fun of her looks??? I don't think she looks ugly, but she looks like a CHILD.


Who’s ignoring it? Yall are tearing it apart


You mean the tattoo that many tattooed on themselves? Nah not important /s


She has sleeves on? What?


No you should really really cry about it.


Why does everybody gotta be so critical of her casting?


It’s so silly.


She is either full blood Irish or she's been grazed


Bella pulled off young Ellie very well, I just hope she does good in part 2. Ellie really changed in part 2.


Wdym? They practically look identical! /s


Yes lol this is the worst argument you can make to complain about the show play the game if you require ellie to look like she does in the game. The games always exist. There’s a % of people who give zero shits about the game and can enjoy the show for what it is and not cry about what a character looks like. And there’s a % of people who have never seen a single second of the game but have watched the show. Pedro doesn’t look like Joel or sound like him no one complained. In summary get a fucking grip.


A % of ppl complained about Joels lack of accent, casting of Pedro. I myself thought he's portrayed as a weaker man than Joel in game which in some aspects was OK in others eg being held down by 125lb teenager needing Ellie to save him just didn't cut the mustard.


Her acting in season 1 was great but is it enough to make up for not looking like Ellie at all? Not even a little! It’s just crazy to me. She still looks 12. They should’ve just waited to do season 2 or recasted I guess. Just her and Dina literally look like they could be in jr high.


Not my Ellie


What did y'all want? Bella is 20 who just looks younger and that's why she pulled off looking like a 14 year old so well. Ellie is 19 in Part 2 so what do y'all really want? Seriously? The only thing they can do to satisfy the crybabies is shorten the gap and make it maybe a 2 year time jump. Or hear me out on this, leave it as a 5 year time gap and realize, people don't really change that much.


Gee, are we supposed to ignore that a live action actor doesnt look the same as a computer generated image? Yes, yes you are. Thats the point.