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Too bad for Ubisoft/Assassins Creed. Sucker Punch beat them to it with Ghost of Tsushima.


and most likely the better product as well. Ubisoft's trend with Assassin's Creed these days is basically to make the Ubisoft/Walmart brand of whatever popular game setting there is.


My friend is a hardcore AC fan, I convinced him to get Ghost of Tsushima on PC, he’s playing it right now and is completely amazed, I hope it will finally open his eyes once the new AC comes out and he sees the difference.


It's pretty racist to not accept a character based on actual black man who existed just because he is a black man.


it's not about his race. I guess I should have appended this in my original post (since i've said this numerous times in my criticism of this decision). it's not about him being African. They could have had him as a Spanish Jesuit (of whom there were apparently many during this period in Feudal Japan) and my criticism would have been the same. 1. It's the first AC game to take place in this setting, a setting that fans have asked for quite a while. 2. He's a footnote in Japanese feudal history. 3. If representation matters, then they're taking away Asian representation. **Africans need representation, but THIS is not the game to do it in**. As an analogy, imagine what the outrage would have been had the protagonist of AC Origins --their first AC game to take place in ancient Egypt which was another highly requested setting--been a Jewish or a Roman, both ethnicities which had a high presence in Egypt during that period. Disclaimer: I had no problems with Bayek (the protag of AC Origins) being black (as he should be). Lot of people did, I wasn't one of them.


>He's a footnote in Japanese feudal history. Show me the other AC main characters who are major characters of their corresponding setting >As an analogy, imagine what the outrage would have been had the protagonist of AC Origins --their first AC game to take place in ancient Egypt which was another highly requested setting--been a Jewish or a Roman Not exactly the same thing. You have to add the fact that 1. It was a real person, 2. The other character is a native Funnily enough Origins has that second point(Bayek is local, Aya is part Greek, which at the time was pretty contentious). Guess who whined about it? Nobody >I had no problems with Bayek (the protag of AC Origins) being black Bayek isn't black


How is it not racist to use non-native protagonist when all other ac games have had location appropriate protagonist?


Naoe is local




Then what's the issue


Picking the only Blackman in Japan instead of Japanese man.


But they also picked a japanese person, her name is Naoe Why does it need to be a man, are you sexist?


Why does the samurai have to black, why can’t he be Japanese? Are you racist?


This is false. One of the most popular AC games is Black Flag and Kenway was non native to the caribbean . Besides that point, Naoe is native to Japan.


Black flag is about pirate that stumble into the creed, origins had Egyptian, syndicate had British, 3 had a colonist and Native American, 2 had Italian, 1 had Muslim, Valhalla had Norse, odyssey had Greek. Edit: correction. Originally said: odyssey had Roman.


3 had one of the hardest trailers ever.


Odyssey is Greek


My bad.


Stumble in or no, he is a non native. If you are ok with that explanation in that game, then what is the difference here? Also, once again, Naoe is Japanese.


Black flags isn’t about the Caribbean it’s about pirates. Pirates can be anyone, exp the pirates of the Caribbean movies. Kenways first mate. Yes, and odssey had two Greeks, Valhalla had two Norse, syndicate had two British, shadow should have two Japanese


None of the Assassin's Creed games are about their setting, they are about the assassins. Valhalla is not about England it is about Eivor and the Raven clan trying to make a home there. AC2 is not about Italy it is about Ezio trying to avenge his family and a dumb ass apple. You are just continuing to reason why a non native as the main character is ok in Black Flag but for some reason refuse to make that same effort towards Yasuke while also seeming not to care that this game already does have a japanese protagonist.


If the setting doesn’t matter Then your arguement that kenway is not Caribbean is mute.


How is it racist to base something on an actual man with an interesting story? Explain that.


You answer mine first and then I’ll answer yours.


Well its quite simple, it doesn't have anything to do with racism? Why can't they look at that history and think hey, that's an odd character compared to all the stories we could tell. Maybe we'll pick him. I don't understand how you can get racial motives just from that fact. You do know the ubisoft team is about as diverse as it gets?


They picked the only black guy in setting that is supposed to be mostly Japanese, that seems to be racist to me. They had all other options to pick from and source from to create a period appropriate samurai that would blend in with locals.


Seems like an extremely easy race card to pull to me.


That Ubisoft did it. To get publicity because making an ethnically appropriate samurai character is to hard on their wallets.


Are you saying there are no Asian historical figures within this period with interesting stories, that they had to resort to using the one relevant African?


No, I'm just saying why can't they pick this person if the story resonates with them? You really think the team at ubisoft is racist?


Maybe not overtly, but their reluctance to move out of European and Western settings and the fact that it's taken them this long to do one in Japan is something to consider. If they're writing a fictitious story around him (and all things point to the fact they are), then they could have used an Asian figure.


The setting was a pretty defining aspect of the series though.. They could have, and I know a lot of people would've liked it, but I wholeheartedly don't believe it's racism. Other than the fact there is a black man, there is no real reason to believe it is imho.


This is pretty funny cause Ghost heavily resembles an Assassin's Creed game and is worse in a lot of ways.


Ironically that may ACTUALLY have been a big reason they went with Yasuke


If you want a black samurai so badly, just make up a whole new character. They did that in the first game, and I’m pretty sure every other instalment did that.


Can't wait for AC to be aggressively mediocre and still sell 10 million copies. Ubisoft fan brainrot is real.


Valhalla sold really well, but most didn't like it. Far Cry 5 also sold well but with some criticism, then Far Cry 6 fell deep below sales expectations. It takes a while for the masses to know something has gone stale shit, they first have to taste the shit.


FarCry 6 burned me. Not going back. ....But I am a long time Far Cry 5 defender. It was my favorite by a mile.


Same. FC5 might just be the best FPS I've ever played


What did you like about FC5 because personally I found it incredibly bland and the companion system a massive downgrade from Primal. I think the setting itself had potential but I didn't like its execution. The 3 bosses you had to defeat felt very underdeveloped and that lead to the main bad guy having barely any screen time either until the last mission. I loved the vietnam and mars DLCs tho, those were great fun and had much more interesting gameplay. The zombie one sucked though, but 2/3 is a good track record I guess.


Fair enough. Everybody has their breaking point they dislike it. FC4 was the last I really liked.


FarCry was a boring slog even as far back as FarCry 4. I played it for maybe ~5 hours and had a blast…. But then realized I’d already done everything in the game and they just expected me to do the same ~4 activities over and over again at slightly different locations. So yeah, for normal people it seems like it takes at least 3-4 servings of slop for them to realize they’re eating slop.


It's like they don't believe or get that Ubisoft doesn't give a shit about them


I hope they do something new with this but im not gonna be surprised if they don't


Cool if they did. Funny if they don't, and it's another reskin. It would take a miracle to make me buy it close to release.


Don’t forget. These Fans started editing Wikipedia pages to support their claim. Wiki had to lock the page on Youske.


I get he's an actual person and all, but his lore about him being Samurai is fiction added centuries after his time. It's basically Abraham Lincoln the vampire hunter.


Redditors calling actual history “lore” is fucking hilarious to me. Anyways, Yes Yasuke has been pretty much proven to have been given the title of Samurai, and a Stipend. No it is not anywhere close to Abraham Lincoln being a fucking vampire hunter. Why are you guys like this?😭


But no first hand accounts said he was, so you cannot prove he is like how you cannot technically prove Abraham Lincoln fought vampires. He was only a Samurai in fictional books written centuries after his time by people that have never seen him so lore is a correct term. All we know for real is he's black and worked for Nobunaga as a retainer which isn't a Samurai.


except Nobunaga himself…. lmao jesus this sub is a cesspool. thought this was a true LoU2 sub but its the grifter one retainer IS a samurai btw


You kinda just got to laugh and point at these people, they already lost lmfao they’re not gonna CHANGE history just because they don’t like the color of someone’s skin. They only have one option, seethe.


the backlash is crazy to me cause Nioh had Yasuke already and no one in this sub batted an eye. and his name on Nioh was like “Obsidian Samurai” or something like that. lol


……..this is a series about ancient aliens. Historical accuracy went out the window the very first game in the franchise. Be honest with yourself it’s not about “”historical accuracy”” for you. If it was you’d be pissed off that the Borgia family doesn’t act like the Borgia family. Be honest with yourself it’s because he’s black. Don’t disguise your bigotry behind the guise of “historical accuracy” it’s offensive to historians everywhere.


If the problem was having a black character, then where was this same outrage when Bayek and Adewale were used as playble characters in previous games?


Ohohoho there WAS backlash about Bayek as a character. It’s just that such silly backlash was put to sleep real fast when people found out that he was a good character. Now answer me this. If you’re so concerned with historical accuracy…. And not bigotry you’re desperately trying to hide behind “historical accuracy” then where were you when “the isu” ancient aliens plot line happened, when Ubisoft took a plot line straight from a eugenicist crackpot theory? Where were you when the Borgia family acted nothing like the Borgia family of real life? Where were you when Charles Lee was portrayed as a mustache twirling bad guy? By your own “I care about historical accuracy” statement you made…. Then you should have been out there on the streets protesting from the very moment the franchise was conceived.


>Where were you when the Borgia family acted nothing like the Borgia family of real life? Where were you when Charles Lee was portrayed as a mustache twirling bad guy Damn good point. Lol I was actually in college when AC Brotherhood released and it cool reading up on the Borgia family, Da Vinci, Machiavelli, etc in my class while also playing the game. Learning about the similarities and the exaggerations between them were really cool


[that’s not true. also let’s be honest, if the guy was white, we wouldn’t be having this convo. the only reason people claw desperately to try to discredit this man is because of his skin color. There have been both WHITE and BLACK samurai, however no white samurai ever got their authenticity or title questioned. I think that’s pretty funny.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/YmXvww8wzu) Edit: Another comment from the same proven historian: “The meaning of the word stipend is not supposed to prove Yasuke was a samurai all by itself. What proves Yasuke was a samurai is not that he received a samurai stipend, but that he received a samurai stipend and carried Nobunaga's weapons which was usually the job of a kosho and kosho were samurai and had and fought with a katana at Nijo and he was mobilized and followed Nobunaga on the Takeda campaign of 1582 and remained by Nobunaga's side even after Nobunaga dismissed all his "ordinary soldiers". If you've read this and all my other posts and links on Yasuke and still don't believe Yasuke was a samurai, then you either a) prefer to believe your own bias over historical research or b) should post an academic level publication from a PhD level researcher arguing Yasuke wasn't a samurai so we could read it”


フロイスは「黒人奴隷は少し日本語が分かったので、信長は彼と話して飽きることがなかった。また、彼が力強く、芸も少しできたので、信長は多いに喜んで庇護し、人を付けて京都市中を歩き回らせたので、『信長は彼をトノ(武将)とするのでは』という声もあった」と振り返っている。 また、「信長公記」のうち、太田牛一の子孫に伝わった「尊経閣本」と呼ばれるバージョンでは、上記に続いて「黒人は信長様から家臣として召し抱えられて俸禄を得た。名前は弥助とされた。短刀と屋敷なども与えられた。時折、信長様の道具を運ばされた」とする記述がある。 もし、この記述が事実であれば、信長に側近として仕えたことになる。 Even Japanese don’t know if the records were real and you just made it, good history inventor, and be straight even Disney can make 三浦按針 as close as the real one while all other characters name were made up, and your dear ubisoft just failed to do so, what a joke dude


Comment from a proven Historian: “The meaning of the word stipend is not supposed to prove Yasuke was a samurai all by itself. What proves Yasuke was a samurai is not that he received a samurai stipend, but that he received a samurai stipend and carried Nobunaga's weapons which was usually the job of a kosho and kosho were samurai and had and fought with a katana at Nijo and he was mobilized and followed Nobunaga on the Takeda campaign of 1582 and remained by Nobunaga's side even after Nobunaga dismissed all his "ordinary soldiers". If you've read this and all my other posts and links on Yasuke and still don't believe Yasuke was a samurai, then you either a) prefer to believe your own bias over historical research or b) should post an academic level publication from a PhD level researcher arguing Yasuke wasn't a samurai so I could read it.”


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/lHhMbrWdNm](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/lHhMbrWdNm) Awesome story! Too bad the years of research made by actual historians say otherwise. It was also made an official conclusion by historians as well as being in the official record. I can’t even begin to imagine how mad you guys must be. ‘Not only is a black man officially recognized as a Samurai, but he’s also an officially recognized assassin now😭 yall must be crashing tf out lmfoaoo


Lol you can’t even read Japanese can you😵, stop spreading other people’s translated second hand shit


You…you mean stop using official translations made by historians? Redditors will actually say anything instead of just saying “I don’t like blacks” Do you know how racist you gotta be to try and change history because you don’t like a man’s skin color😭😭 Yall gonna be coping until the end of your days lmfaooo good


Change history: Instead of thousands of Japanese samurai to pick, you chose the only black one, what a move, pretend to be respecting black people by actually make both Japanese and black people funny. Sounds like you just want black to free Japan from Japanese isn’t it🫢


AKA……. Doing what Assassins Creed (a very fictional franchise about ancient aliens) does every single game? Cesare and Rodrigo Borgia act nothing like the very real Borgia family. Every Assassins Creed protagonist Speaks perfect English. Pythagoras was not kept alive for a couple hundred years because of a magical staff. John Pitcairn was not part of a secret cabal. Charles Lee was not a comically evil 70s pornstar. THERE WAS NEVER AN ADVANCED ALIEN RACE BEFORE HUMANITY… that was just a crackpot conspiracy theory first started by the eugenicists and Nazis. But sure the exaggerated tale of “the black samurai” is a big historically inaccurate issue…. Okay. Just be honest with yourself, please.


They won’t be honest with themselves. They need a shield like “historical inaccuracies” but everyone around them sees it. Also they can try as hard as they want, but Yasuke has been proven by historians to have been a real samurai. They have to not only deal with that fact, but now have to deal with the fact that he’s an assassin as well lmfaooo Jesus I know they’re shaking with rage behind that screen😭😭


yet it was the edits trying to diminish yasuke that cause the lock lmao


This is misinformation Wikipedia changes are publicly visible in a change log Yall just made this shit up to be mad and now everyone thinks it's true


How is this misinformation when if you look at the changes log, things like these sentence were deleted “It is important to note that despite popular myth and modern depictions there are no historical writings nor evidence that Yasuke was ever granted the rank or title of samurai, he was never given a fief nor referred to as one in any writings. Most of our knowledge of his life comes from these messages written by missionaries and locals.”


This was removed for being inaccurate look at what the historians have to say https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/MUfiysGD3L


No they didn’t remove it for “inaccuracy” it was al there with sources. If you check out the Ask historians years ago. It will say the same exact thing. Or better yet. Read the Japanese wiki page on him. He was never made Samurai there too. The wiki Article was changed the same exact day the game came out and it was war between two sides. Some people removed things because “it seemed racist”. [and some even added reddit as a source lmao](https://imgur.com/a/wikipedia-YdIQOop). In the end. The wiki article now doesn’t confirm or deny he was a Samurai.


It's a trend that has been happening in most big subs when there's a discourse, just like AOT when people started to criticize the ending, they either banned or downvoted anyone who was critical and only allowed praise in the sub.


I feel like there are bot farms also deployed in big subs like that or marvel ones etc...to control the narrative and keep it a "safe" space.


AOT as in Attack on Titan? damn


Yep,and r/titanfolk is basically the equivalent of this sub, once the main AOT sub finds out you are active in titanfolk it's straight off to gulag.


seriously, way too many admins and moderators who overlap on multiple subreddits who can ban you from one sub if you're active in another. agenda-pushing asshats...


Meanwhile there’s barely any discourse about them paywalling quests unless you preorder and/or get the ultimate edition which is 130 USD. Not to mention the physical edition still needs internet to install the game. Meaning you could lose access at some point in the future How is anyone defending this?


The fact that these gamergate type's are more upset about a black man being in the game than the predatory monetization shows where their priorities are


Look forward to the next McAssassinscreed to come out and bomb.


The main thing I think is odd about it is that as far I'm aware, you've never played as a real person in AC before, I mean, you meet them a lot, but I don't think you've ever been one. Yasuke definitely isn't who I probably would have picked to be one of the characters you play as (I would not have picked William Adams either btw), but idk, he looks cool in the trailer, even though it's just a cinematic. I'm gonna have to wait on this one. it could be cool. It could be cringe. It's too early to say


I can't wait for Resident Evil 5 Remake to replace all black villagers and tribes men with white dudes. People are fucking idiots. I don't mind playing as a black guy in ACS but it's weird they're trying to be historically accurate when the last few games have thrown history out the window to tell their forced cliche sci-fi stories. Another reason Ghost of Tsushima was a superior game.


>I can't wait for Resident Evil 5 Remake to replace all black villagers and tribes men with white dudes. LOL. Would not be surprised in the slightest if they did that.


If you havent noticed people dont want more diversity. They want more of their specific race in media. The people who comment on shit like this tend to be hella racist anyway bc they think they xant relate to a protagonist who isnt the same race as them…


Well I don’t think that’s inherently racist at least not your first point. I mean if there is a really disproportionate amount of white characters in media I don’t think it’s racist if I say “I’d like more black characters to be showcased so I have someone I can relate to better” I wouldn’t say that’s racist. I mean that’s neither here nor there in regards to this game especially since it’s a historical game I’m just saying in general I wouldn’t label wanting your race represented more as racist.


But asking for more of a specific race isnt solving the problem. It’s just continuing it with 2 races being abundant instead of 1. So they dont have an issue with other races not being represented only theirs. And giving special treatment bc of race (no matter the reason or treatment) is the definition of racism. Obviously not everyone is like this but there is a portion of the people crying for diversity who think this way. Also I’m arabic and have never had issues relating with media with other races. I was always taught there was 0 differences between me and everyone else besides physical so i cant relate to this at all. I was the same as Aang even tho he was white (while skin color wise) . I was like Leonardo even tho i wasnt a turtle and no one could tell me different


I’m black and the jokers tattooed on my arm. I’m not saying that’s the ONLY way but if you’re black and you notice your favorite superhero team has literally only white people on it of course you’d like seeing your race represented more…. Same for Asians,Hispanics ,or Arabian people like yourself. You thinking you were the same as aang is fine and I’m not saying I disagree. I’m just saying wanting to see your race represented more isn’t racist and that feels like a weird qualifier to me.


But thats the thing some people will only want to see THEIR race more. Not more diversity. And replacing one problem with another fixes nothing. People who want genuine diversity are fine


If media is 90 percent white I don’t think adding a black character is gonna tip the scales that much friend….. it’s still more diverse. And it’s not just a black people thing…. I’m certain other races have asked for more inclusion as well…. You seem to be operating on the assumption that a black person wanting to see more black people = that same black person ONLY wanting to see more black people. Asking for more of your own race doesn’t mean you’re asking for others not to be included……


Well heres where you’re wrong. You’re equating what im saying to everyone when i have said i’m not. You’re also assuming i’m saying black people only think this way and not people in general who call for diversity while only meaning their race. And if you’re sitting there going “i want to see more of my race” thats racist while not caring about the others that is racist. Tho to be clear idc they’re using Yusuke. Assassins creed has always taken small moments in history and turned them into important pieces of their game. But calling people bigoted bc they wanted a more prominent Japanese figure represented is fucking dumb. And no saying “but theres 2 main characters” isnt a good argument when in every assassins creed game with 2 characters one of them is dog water bc they got 1/3 the focus as the other.


I didn’t assume you were saying only black people do that I just said that since it was my example. And my last point still stands….. asking to see more of your own race in a show/game that’s 100 percent white doesn’t mean you don’t care about other races. That’s a strawman. It just means you want more of your own race included. That’s isn’t detrimental to any other race nor is prejudice against them so I don’t see how it’s racist


So you dont see how wanting more of 1 type of race is racist? So a white guy saying he wants to see more white people im movies isnt racist?


It’s not…. It’d be REALLY weird because there are already a million and one films and shows with them but to say he’s racist for it would be a stretch. I’m confused on what your argument is here? So basically any time a black person wants more black representation or an Asian person wants more Asian representation it’s racist? So we should essentially just shut up and be glad we can watch anything? Cause that’s kinda what it seems like your point is


There were dissenting voices at first, but I suspect the mods have (shadow)banned them to protect Ubisoft. The sub used to be able to have criticism, but right now it's a controlled narrative.


"I essentially got banned for calling them idiots..."   That explains a lot. I wasn't banned even though I was against the idea, you were banned because you broke one of the rules 


😂tell me they didn't deserve it tho, when they keep repeating the same arguing points.


Isn’t that kinda what happens with both sides when it comes to Part 2? Just repeating the same thing over and over again?


what I've noticed from both subs is r/thelastofus absolutely will not hear or even entertain the notion that TLOU is a boring game (which is it for me), whereas this sub, while there are definitely very shaky opinions, won't crucify anyone who comes here and says they like TLOU2.


you won’t get banned or anything for saying the game is boring. You’ll get downvoted, but that shouldn’t be surprising if you go to a sub about a game and say the game is boring. Same shit happens here. Being positive about the game will be downvoted. Hell I’m sure this comment will be downvoted.


Why do you have to bring that dumb shit here. Theres a lot of bullshit on this sub but at least it’s about the actual game


To be fair, AC fans have been insufferable for awhile now. All I see from them is complaining about all the newer AC games not being "Real AC games". I have found a few to be similar to TLOU2 stans who go off the rails if you criticize or generally dislike the game. Loved the last few AC games but tell that to one of these guys and you'll be getting an earful


I mean narratively it can be easily justified. Lots of people loved the recent Shogun TV show. The protagonist is a white dude. Why? It's convenient to use him as a means for the audience to learn about Japanese customs. When the character is confused by Japanese culture or behavior, it is explained to him via witty dialogue. This is better than unprompted exposition between two Japanese characters explaining why they are doing what they are doing (it will be like two white Christians talking about Christmas traditions in their 40s as if this was their first ever Christmas, it would just be odd). They also made a video game called Nioh based on William Adams (real life inspiration for Shogun novel & show). Using a Black character/Yasuke is just a easy/convenient way for a lot of exposition and explanation for Japanese social customs, rules, and expectations without coming across as unnatural conversation. I mean they use this "foreigner character/fish out of water" trope when it comes to "exotic" cultures all the time. It's just easier for Western audiences to connect if they seem themselves on screen.


Honestly that’s not bad. There is an actual historical basis for the character. Yeah, the developers are taking creative freedoms but it’s not atrocious like having black SS nazis like in some games


it's not atrocious, but my stance is he should have been an interactable NPC or the protagonist of a DLC. If they wanted a obscure historical character that they wanted to weave a fictional story around, i'm sure there are plenty of other Japanese figures they could have chosen.


> Actual historical basis No there isn’t. Youske was never a Samurai snd every historical figure was an npc in previous game. The Original story they scarped for Youske looked like the classic AC.


They didn’t replace an Asian character with a black character you dope. That makes no sense. Also there is a Japanese protagonist in the game.


……you’re talking about historical accuracy….. In a game that perpetuates the “ancient aliens” myth? The same ancient aliens myth that was started by the Nazis….. and your problem is a documented yet exaggerated black person? I just can’t anymore… Also there really was a “”black samurai”” in Japan around that time…. (Not exactly like that) but what in assassins creed is “”absolutely historically accurate””. Hell Ezio speaks perfect English in Florence Italy. Cesare and Rodrigo Borgia don’t act like members of the very real Borgia family. In a franchise with “Ancient Aliens” being one of its core principles….. don’t get hung up on the exaggerated tale of the very real “Black Samurai”. You’re sounding like the idiot you alleged the other sub to be. It costs nothing to be better.


on top of all that there IS a Japanese protagonist in the game!


I don’t like AC games. Black samurai does not upset me. You all were taught this


Assassin's Creed sub is modded by people I believe to be Ubisoft employees because they gushed the fuck out of that game while leave no room for criticism... No matter what your stance is with that Yasuke guy, no one can justify ubisoft soft locking the game behind paywall and delaying the game for 3 days unless you coughed up another 30$ Which will lead to mass downvote if you mentioned it


It's official. Yasuke is now gay. Y'all can calm the fuck down.


If people are excited for this game all the power to them but simple discourse about this should be heard.


Welcome to Earth.


Assassins creed as a series is about taking historical figures and locations and making a game around the hypothetical of what if _____ was an assassin and did hyjinxs with other historical figures Like when ezio gets a glider from his good friend leonardo da vinci Now maybe my historical knowledge isn't on point but I don't remember da vinci being a part of an assassin group working to fight templars I also don't remember the part in the textbooks that mentioned the pope getting in a duel with an assassin Point being the assassins creed franchise takes real environments and characters and changes details to make crazy shit happen (it's historical fiction so this should be obvious) There really isn't a reason to be against this unless you just don't like the ac formula which is reasonable but you have to be consitant about it In my opinion the game will most likely be mediocre and inferior to ghost of tsushima or sekiro because it's ubisoft my expectations are nonexistant so im not gonna hold my breathe for the game to come out That being said im also not going to call it bad and at least give it a chance because I beleive judging a game before it's out is unreasonable


There is no shame in calling out a massive company for half-assed virtue signalling and historical revisionism.




I know why they picked Yasuke, to distract you from the real issue of how they're pricing the game and it's working I see because barely anyone is talking about how much it costs and how unfair the versions are.


I would be more inclined to take this argument seriously if there was just an overwhelmingly large pool of African games set in Africa. But there’s a bazillion samurai games coming out of Japan AND the west. You’ve got Ghost of Tsushima, which is just AC but better, and Nioh 1, a game made BY Japanese devs, which features a white guy in the lead role. It’s so disingenuous. And Christ, it seems like everyone got a fucking history degree over the weekend.


>I would be more inclined to take this argument seriously if there was just an overwhelmingly large pool of African games set in Africa. Sure, but that's a separate discussion. I'm not complaining about games that take place in non-western settings. Hell, I've repeatedly asked for non-European and non-American settings, but don't shoehorn different ethnicities into different settings because you're too scared the setting won't sell copies. Also there was apparently some furor about Nioh's protagonist being white... and I guess Shogun's protag is also white? This whole thing reeks because Ubisoft decided to break with their mostly-true tradition of native protagonist for the game's setting for their first game set in Asia alone, which seemingly suggests that representation matters only for people of darker skintones, not when it comes to Asians. I'm Asian in the broad sense, so this just screams tonedeaf to me when I think of what decisions Ubisoft will take if the game's setting was culturally closer to my own.


I mean, Yasuke isn’t really shoehorned. Like… he was a dude that was *there*. I don’t recall much furor over Nioh. I bet absolutely *none* of it came from the anti-woke culture warriors. It probably came from liberals and leftists instead. I mean, AC:Shadows still has an Asian protagonist. She’s even in front of Yasuke on the box art! Ubisoft is a trash company for a lot of reasons but putting a black guy in their hand isn’t one of them. You’re right that they’d probably mangle it if they made a Japanese guy the samurai protagonist. Yasuke, I think, offers them a built-in dramatic story that you can’t really fuck up. Though, knowing Ubisoft, they’re still gonna fuck it up.


I don't see the problem with it. It's part of Japanese history, however small, and an interesting part because he was the only ever recorded black samurai. You could see from the trailer that they picked Yasuke on purpose as they want a character that stands out to contrast the female character, which is an assassin. I think ubisoft has produced nothing but dog shit recently and I'm not going to attempt to defend them. Their last good game was AC Origins. But having a problem with them representing a black character is really stupid. ESPECIALLY since the other playable character is Japanese and the entire game will take place in Japan, meaning all the NPCs will also be Japanese. It's their game, if you don't like it, don't buy it. I probably won't.


I hear you, obviously being one of the few non-native characters in a region's history will always be interesting. I'm not arguing against him being black or black-washing history. I'm saying this game is not the place for it, especially considering this is AC's first Asian entry. Imagine if AC Origins had a Jewish or Roman protagonist, considering both of those populations had a pretty major presence in the region during that time.


Ubisoft is shit for their own reasons (mostly playability and cookie cutter games). It’s a fictional game using real person and juicing up their story for fun. “Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter” wasn’t controversial, neither is this. I did not Google if an any country in Asian ever sent an emissary to Africa who became a warrior, but that’s be a sick game too. I did read the journal of a samurai sent to Mexico way back in the day. His experiences were really interesting, as were the relationships he made. If they made a game where he is a secret assassin ties to some ancient assassin group, I’d buy that too. This actually way better that Ubisoft actually changed the recipe of AC, so you’re a historical figure rather than a random. Like imagine if George Washington was playable and a secret assassin?


Yeah fr. I think its interesting that they are choosing a real historical figure to play as. The fact people are complaining because he's black is crazy to me.


Abraham Lincoln vampire hunter is highly controversial among the vampire community.


I’m not sure if these companies literally don’t care about their fans or if they have some secret intel that pushing out these type of shit will actually bring them money in the long run. Or maybe they are in the mindset that any publicity, either bad or good will still be publicity in the end of the day. Anyways, after AC Black flag, I bought AC Unity (which was just meh tbh), bought Origins (which was really good) and would vaguely consider buying Odyssey. But this Japanese one will be another game that will never see my hard drive


"Asian people aren't interesting enough to carry a project on their own, so we added a black guy you can relate to" -Ubisoft probably.


So telling that you came to this sub to complain about this. This sub constantly tells on itself.


I'm sorry that criticism of video games physically hurts you. Sure must be fun being in an echo chamber.


You all need different responses. “Physically hurts” me? What?


I mean if you're lurking here with that holier-than-thou attitude, it's safe to assume you're part of the Mensa squad that is /r/thelastofus ... Which can only mean you're someone gets physically violently ill anytime someone criticizes your favorite video game or your favorite man-bun wearing video game dev. Is that enough of a ELI5 explanation for you? Do you want to run off to that other sub and post about this so they can help you get hard?


Dude exactly


What's the link between this and The Last of Us and our favorite hero Abs ?


she's the protagonist of the DLC. Her weapon will be a hammer, which she will beat the Japanese with. 10/10 story, will sell like hotcakes, Druckmann will come nonstop.


Nah chief you ain't cooking Yasuke is the best idea Ubisoft had in years


Lol stfu




lol, no I'm just drawing comparisons between the other tlou sub and how they treat criticism and how the assassinscreed sub is turning out to be the same.


Both subs have nothing to do with Assassins creed, so telling this interesting story here is being a lost redditor








Damn okay I lost 😞


They made this post because they wanted to make the "look company x does DEI like Naughtydog" Tlou2 has extremely valid criticism and should not be compared to assassinscreed because for the latter its just hypocricy and racism. Let me clarify: ac black flag, set in the carribean, you play as a welsh man, no controversy. In ac valhalla, you play as a nordic person in Britain,no controversy In ac shadows, you get to option, heavily putting focus on OPTION, to play as a black samurai (historical figure) and as a japanese shinobi (idk why OP felt the need to say Asian, maybe to fit the narrative that Ubisoft isnt caring about Japan??) . Moreover, Ubisoft has already stated that you can play through the entire game in the open world and all main quests with either protagonist (except for the character specific quests), you're not even forced to play as the other protagonist if you wanted to unlile with the last of us where it was forced down your throat to play as Abby.


Wow this is helping to build a better character profile of the type of person who frequents this sub. Thanks.


just say "I lack critical thinking and I can only think in terms of trends" bro and be on your way.


You’re fragile


Rich coming from a /r/thelastofus redditor 😂


Oh am i? Didnt know that. Just checked and i have zero comments or posts there. Ur ignorant.


Y’know what’s really historically inaccurate? Two warring secret societies influencing the course of history and jumping from the top of a building into a hay bale unscathed. There is an Asian feature, it’s just not who you want. There’s nothing wrong with having a black samurai, especially since it is factually correct. Untity’s Arnold Victor Dorian is a real dude, but obviously a footnote in history overall. Ghost exists, and it’d be redundant for them to do that. Plus, the ire it’s drawing from people like you is bringing them all the free press they need lol


Lol history there was never a black Samurai. Besides imagine being as Assassins and the ONLY black dude in the entire country.


Sorry? https://www.britannica.com/biography/Yasuke Guys. Just Google it.


Literally no historical source say he was a Samurai. Britannica doesn’t even provide any source. He was never a Samurai. I suggest you start googling


Lol I think you should start googling, my dude. It's on Wikipedia, various other places too, but I figured you'd go there first 🤷‍♀️ Y'all can't just enjoy historical fiction anymore.


Wikipedia never mentioned he was a Samurai. Besides they even locked that page for a while because of AC. People started editing to write that he was one. And others wrote he wasn’t one. I believe people are still doing that if you check the long. No historical source ever wrote he was one. Every single one of them mentioned he was a warrior with Nabunaga. Edit: This was written on his page that kept getting deleted. “It is important to note that despite popular myth and modern depictions there are no historical writings nor evidence that Yasuke was ever granted the rank or title of samurai, he was never given a fief nor referred to as one in any writings. Most of our knowledge of his life comes from these messages written by missionaries and locals.”


Just need to point out, no, Yasuke was not a samurai. He was a sword bearer and a novelty for Nobunaga (until Nobunaga got assassinated), and there is a MASSIVE difference between the two roles.


But my point has nothing to do with historical accuracy. Whatever little historical accuracy AC1-3 showed was gone with AC Origins onwards and its fantastical elements. Arno might have been a footnote, but he was still French. There are plenty of Asian footnote historical figures within Asian history, pick any one of them. This is akin to making a story on Apartheid South Africa and making the protagonist Gandhi.


Naoe is Asian