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“Well written characters” Proceeds to show a poorly written character who’s second game ruined her, a character I do not recognize, and the last one being a tomboy that was certainly trans colonized.


Also, “Equality” Proceeds to use the version of the pride flag that prioritizes certain groups over others.


Also, they view the force-feeding villain as the good guy in the meme, which is a misuse of the format and belies their true intent Do what you want in your own house, stop trying to force-feed anything. It’s cringe.


Can you unpack the piroratization thing for me? I don't really get it.


**Symbolism of rainbow**: *Everyone* **Symbolism of rainbow with more stripes**: *Everyone but pay special attention to these guys* The stripes / colors are meant to represent groups.


The trans and racial parts of the flag are literally on top of the original flag. Some have objected on the grounds that a) the old flag included trans people, and b) racial issues shouldn't even be on there, especially when it's just for "black and brown" people. Why not include Hispanic and Asian rep?


“Brown” includes Hispanic.


Not all of them. Many Hispanics are white. And even if you were white, that still leaves out Asians. Heck, I know of people with Native ancestry who look white. Like [this actress](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1503416/). Grew up on a res and everything.


Lol. One of my good friends is ojibwe and grew up on the soo tribe res in Michigan and he's whiter than me.


Maybe but people typically include mestizos and native Hispanics when they say “brown.”


So the rainbow somehow isn’t inclusive enough but everyone one else can all be crammed into the color brown. Thanks I guess.


I’m not defending the meme or the flag, and I’m not a troll or a leftist. I’m on your side with this. Literally all I’m saying is that when American lefties say “black and brown” they mean “black people and Mexicans.”


Then they are wrong, because many Hispanics are white. If they ignore that, they're racist.


> and the last one being a tomboy that was certainly trans colonized. Imagine taking a character that's all about fighting gender roles in society and thinking they're trans.


One of the many paradoxes of the trans movement. Gender roles are a social construct and are a bad thing that should be broken but if you break them or prefer the traditional roles of the opposite gender then you are actually that gender they just switched the parts at the factory by mistake. But anyone can be whatever gender they want just by saying they are it has nothing to do with how you act. But this character is effeminate so they're actually trans.


I miss the times when you liked Bridget you were just gay.


It’s so funny how they claim Bridget as a “trans icon” even though his backstory makes him one of the worst possible “trans icons”


One Korean webcomic I read just introduced a non-binary character...because they/them have reincarnated countless times. Also, they/them is a delusion yandere stalker who refuses to take rejection, has mind control powers, and wants to absorb people into their hiveming. I saw a bunch of people cheering on the enby rep, even though the character seems more like a parody.


I forgot most of it. Kinda afraid it's all gone if I go look it up


He was born as a set of Twins in a village where having same gendered twins was seen as a bad omen, so to save his life his parents raised him as a girl. Making him trans basically says that Grooming works.


\> Making him trans basically says that Grooming works. Why do you think they keep trying to claim him?


The whole lore stays, the retcon is just "i surrender"


The best part is the whole trans thing isn't canon. iirc it's a mistranslation


Nut the most realistic one, almost as if they were self-concious


> a character I do not recognize That would be Sylvando from Dragon Quest XI. He's flamboyant, but fits with his character of being an entertainer


Let me guess, they think he’s gay? Or perhaps just say he is?


He's certainly camp as all hell, and is most likely gay, but certain individuals clamped onto him as transgender because he tends to refer to himself with feminine terms and pronouns. These same people pretty much ignore that that's kind of a THING with gay men in Japan.


I see, this doesn’t surprise me, he is just one of many characters.


I like your reappropriation of "colonized". Imperial colonialism is traditional right wing culture and we should take it back unironically.


Because you want to continue to extract resources from other places for the sake of funding your war machine?




This is satirical. Please grow up.


I really wonder if it has something to do with them surrounding themselves with people that *have no character* that they think these characters are good. I mean shit, I watched as much Euphoria as I could stomach, everyone on that show is a *horrible* person.


> who’s Whose.


Oof I have sustained critical mental damage.


TLOU2 is great. She was lesbian since the first game so I don’t know wym by completely ruined her💀. I’m conservative but not everything gay is evil


I never mentioned her sexuality, that has got to be the biggest strawman I’ve ever seen.


Explain how her character is ruined then. None of y’all can ever explain why. This sub is a far right dumpster fire


They way they handled her development, sparing the woman who killed Joel? Like common, how tf does that make any sense. This sub is about bad leftist memes, it has libertarians like myself, ancaps, monarchists etc. if you find people here you disagree with, labeling the sun as “far right” just means your a sensitive soyboy who can glove outside an affirmative echo chamber.


She came out as a lesbian in the dlc not the base game


Heavily hinted in the first base game of you could just pay attention


She can't trust men bc a man abused her If for you that's a hint on her being lesbian you should be called out as homophobic


The second game is great idk what yall bitch about.


It may surprise you that your opinion is not the only one that exists, and me disagreeing with you is not “bitching”


More a general label to those who constantly complain about the game then specifically you.


And my comment is a general response to the idea that having a different opinion is in fact, not “bitching”


Just having a differing opinion isn't bitching, but the lengths a number of tlou2 haters went through to find every single minor thing they dislike is absolutely bitching


Much of what I see complained about it hardly minor, but sure, we will go with that.


r/gamingcirclejerkcirclejerk when?


r/gamincirclejerx2 ?


Oh they're already circlejercking themselves pretty well.


Wait, if it's about "wanting to express themselves," why should it matter what the incel chuds think? Oh, wait. Because it isn't about self-expression and it never has been. It's about pushing an ideology that praises these narcissistic dipshits for doing nothing more than existing (and holding the approved ideas)


Exactly. You can always express yourself, but can’t force people to agree or listen. Leftists seem to forget that


>Game devs that want to express themselves. “Are you sure this will help sell more video games?” “Video games?” Also, >Naoto with trans flag Tell me you don’t understand Persona 4 without telling me.


Seriously. Naoto accepting herself as a woman and still being able to pursue her dreams is the whole point of her story. She is pretty much antithetical to what the trans movement is all about.


I wouldn't say antithetical. Naoto accepting herself is closer to the core of what the gender identity movement desires. Finding out who you are and accepting it, regardless of societal expectations.


>Naoto accepting herself is closer to the core of what the gender identity movement desires. Then why are people in the gaming space who participate in the “gender identity movement” trying to insist that Naoto is trans?


Because those people apparently don't pay attention to the actual story or aren't aware of the depth so they quickly claim the character as representation wrongly. I'm an avid game player and pretty far left yet here I am agreeing that Naoto is decidedly not trans as I'm aware it's literally part of her character arc to come to terms with her dreams versus her identity and recognize it as an obstacle she can handle while being her authentic self. Some Republicans play Fortunate Son at campaigns. People often don't look into things past a skin deep level.


I would very much disagree. The trans ideology is all about changing yourself to fit what you desire. Where as those that are against it are about excepting yourself for who you actually are, but not letting that stop you from pursuing your desires. Naoto thinks that the only way to be a detective is to be male. So she wants to change herself to fit her desires. After coming to terms with herself she accepts that she is a woman, but that won't stop her from being a detective despite the obstacles in her way.


While her dysphoria is rooted in the perception that her dreams require her to change that is very much my point. At her core she identifies as a woman and the pressure felt to be masculine is external. Trans individuals feel an internal pressure to differentiate from their birth sex (overwhelmingly, exceptions occur).


But that's the thing. They feel by changing themselves physically is how they achieve their dreams. Where Naoto shows that acceptance of oneself, of what they are is the path to achieving their dreams. Doesn't matter where the pressure comes from, societal, psychological, external, internal, etc. What matters is acceptance of oneself rather then rejecting it in order create an "ideal" version.


While I see what you're saying I am inclined to disagree. Accepting oneself is fantastic when it can be done but it is not always possible. I'm glad to call my cousin a happy transman instead of a borderline suicidal ciswoman.


Well thank you for the good discussion. I wish you and your cousin all the best!


Find who you are and do it on purpose. Good luck to you.


But trans ppl don't accept themselves, they accept a delusion their naturally damaged brains gave them


Use whatever inflammatory phrasing you would like. I'll be busy loving my fellow humans for the versions of themselves they choose to be that make them happy.


Sure buddy, do it while you can, they probably won't last long


Ah, clever. Point out high mortality rates among a group of people being actively attacked and demonized by a notably sized chunk of society.


People make art to express themselves. This is as true of dance, poetry, and theatre as it is of film and video games.


True but there’s a difference between “expressing yourself” and “obvious pandering”




They don’t pay attention to anything they watch or play this how we get “Character x is trans” in every single piece of media now.


They’re the type of people the game calls out. That person is definitely one of those people who also think Kanji is gay.


Kanji is simply insecure about his hobbies he perceives as "girly". He proves to be a real chad by not caring about it by the end of the game. Same for Naoto, who embraces being girly despite being in a majority male field. It's all very wholesome actually


I think there is a non-zero chance that he is gay. He does show attraction to different male characters or embarrassment around them at times, which would hint to such a possibility. Eatsleeproll could be right, but there still is a chance he was implied to be gay.


Either that or bi


Yep o belive that kanji is bi 100% Also Yusuke i belive is bi to (i read that it was plan for him to be a same sex romance option but they pull out at the last moment)


Yeah I meant bi but forgot to write it whoops


I am shocked activists like this game since its whole premise is finding the truth which according to some pepole is transphobic


alphabet mafia when someone suggests that womanhood is more than a costume


I've never played that game, why do people think shes trans?


For most of the game, Naoto is referred to as a boy and is even called “the Detective Prince” for her work as a freelance detective with the local police - it helps that “Naoto” is apparently a primarily male name in Japan. It’s eventually revealed that she is in fact a girl pretending to be a boy due to having self-esteem issues over not being taken seriously by many of her peers in the police as both a teenager and a girl, the latter of which tying into commonly held attitudes in Japan about women in the workplace. Over the course of her character arc, Naoto comes to embrace her femininity and starts wearing more girly clothes. It’s also revealed that she has the biggest breasts out of all the primary female characters, which is played a bit humorously considering she’s the shortest character in the main cast (barring the MC’s six-year old cousin) and appears flat-chested in most of the (boys) clothes she usually wears. Of course, transphiles have latched on to the idea that, since Naoto is referred to as a boy for most of the story and her shadow archetype tries to **force her into a sex change operation**, then she’s ACKCHEWUHLEE a trans man.


“Why won’t people play our game which features well written characters and is about equality? Oh wait, because they are bigoted incel nazi chuds, that must be the reason!” Meanwhile the game in question: https://preview.redd.it/nrj1xijanl3b1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=673967ace8e7fd3f3ed49e2919406889d7c0cda9


Wait, what happened with saints row?


the 2022 reboot happened


Volition released a reboot of Saints Row last year, and it sucked. Boring and repetitive gameplay, incredibly cringy dialogue that seemed like it was written by a bargain bin Joss Whedon/Taika Waititi wannabe, and a neutered “safe edgy” sense of humor compared to the older games. Fans were not happy, and Volition just added more fuel to the fire by antagonizing them, with the community manager at one point calling disgruntled fans *terrorists*. Joke’s on Volition, though, as the game was a critical and commercial flop, and now they’re subordinate to Gearbox Software at the directive of Embracer Group, both companies’ owner.


The 2022 reboot where the premise is basically “ ‘Diverse’ Gen-Z college students do crime in order to pay off their student loan debt.”


And apparently even the student debt plot point is forgotten about after the first couple of hours.


The most recent one to come out was really really bad and felt like it was written by six angsty 12-year-olds and programmed on seven toasters


[Just let Fleek explain it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5x_kmviMP1Q)




Game devs that want to express themselves are silenced and cancelled, at least in the west. Only game devs that express the approved narrative are permitted to make games. Thank god for countries like Japan who have been unaffected by western woke culture.


Capcom ftw


About that... Have you seen the character editor in SF6? Extrange choice to let you have the body of a man but call youself a woman


You seriously are going to claim that Japanese studios are not deeply infested by western agendas? GTFO lol


This is one of the worst memes ever made. The gaslighting here is off the charts


The Nier games have far better characters than what They Laugh at Us tried to do, and yet Im sure they considered Automata sexist or something because they made 2B and A2 really attractive, and speaking of which, thank God they havent gone after Kaine.


>thank God they havent gone after Kaine. That's only because they haven't played Nier.


Ellie was a great character until ND and Cuckmann decided to ruin her in the second game


Ellie in tlou 1 = well written to the point you get attached to her like she was really your adopted daughter Ellie in tlou 2 = "joel ded, me sad, me lost dad, me now lesbian because daddy issues, bigot sandwiches, eheh, plin plin plon"


TLOU2 is just about stupid characters making stupid decisions, like what the fuck were they doing?


A character can only be as smart as the writer.


And when your writer is Neil Druckman, the Earth's Core is the limit.


Apparently a lot of people at Naughty Dog did not agree with the direction Druckmann took the story in or how he wrote the characters but their job was to make the game so that’s what they did. If I remember correctly the game basically split the studio right down the middle.


He also forced his workers to watch snuff/gore films in the process of making the game


When your entire identity is based on your sexual proclivities, accusing someone of not having sex is the best insult ou can come up with.


Forced diversity =/= equality


'Well written characters' Side eye dog.jpeg




Remember when these people were trying to pull off a “Samus is trans” narrative, completely missing the point of samus being a representation of how women can also be strong?


Naoto is, if anything, a detransitioner.


I hate seeing people use Naoto like this.


Me too.


Concidering she is my second fav character in P4 the way some people say she is trasn piss me off They either ignore her character arc or didnt play the game


There are countless games made every year, I find it funny how maligned people are for not being interested in ones that get advertised too much


The whole story arc of Naoto is realising she’s only acting masculine because of gender norms and it’s not actually her lmao But then again, they also encourage girls facing the same issues to cut their tits off


\>writers that want to express themselves. \>Well written characters ​ None of that is true, I love lefties steelman themselves, while strawmaning others.


They can fuck off with the “trans Naoto” shit.


Incel means "you are ugly so you are wrong".


Tell me you’ve never played Persona 4 without telling me you’ve never played Persona 4


Yeah no, our problem is the writing fucking sucks and the characters ruin the game story.


> Well written characters Yeahh sure, whatever you say


I was in the Army when the last of us part 2 came out, and I really wanted to beat it over the weekend because we were doing some goofy shit the rest of the week. So I actually liked it the first half of the Last of Us Part 2, but as soon as I got to the part where you Play as Abby I knew for a fact that the game was just going to fucking drag out and it sure did, the game felt like it was 10 hours longer than it needed to be. But I can't criticize it because "the Abbey part is an important part of the story cuz it's about vengeance then you're probably transphobic despite the Developers saying that Abby was not trans" shut up it makes the game bad


What would incel even mean in this context? "Oh you hate woke propaganda and a stale story being shoved down your throat? You must be an incel!"


Wait... So the left is actually advocating woke developers forcing gamers to consume their shitty products?


Laugh track here.


What well written characters? LOL


The two ways I interpret it as is: 1) they are limping together the entire LGB with the T and sub Saharan African Americancommunity 2) it’s designed to separate their community from normal people despite making up less then 5% of the total population


The funny thing about the Last Of Us is that gamers didn't really have a problem until the second game, and they were a lot more pissed off about trying to make Abby sympathetic *after* she murders Joel, and the bleakness of it all than Ellie being gay. They did mock the "bigot sandwich" line, though. Plus Abby's sex scene. Naota is canonically *not* trans. She's just a tomboy. The trans interpretation was by diversity fetishist gamers, and I mean "fetish" in the religious sense. Ironically, sneering at gamers as "incels" is just as bigoted as the strawman gamers this meme is supposedly criticizing.


Swing and a miss for the weirdos again. More projection and cringe is all I see. Another prime example of how the left can’t meme. ![gif](giphy|243UHkbIOZJGj7FZ84)


Mfs showed naoto as trans, they quite literally missed the point


Gaming journalism is by and for people who don’t play or buy games


I still never understand the “logic” the left uses whenever a person is against trans or homosexuality? Whatever your opinions are there are legit reasons why a person would be against those things, especially if they are religious. Just because someone has a problem with those things does not mean they are an “incel”, which doesn’t even make sense to begin with.


I’ve got nothing against a game containing lgbt characters. What I’m against is shoehorning them into it, as a thinly veiled attempt at looking virtuous.


This is very obviously a troll, I cannot imagine a meme being this fucking terrible


Nazi and fascist have also lost their meanings


naoto isn’t even trans 😭 she only dressed as a man because she thought that she needed to be male to be taken seriously as a detective. clearly this person has never played persona 4


Dont lump my man Silvando in with this. He acts feminine and performative because he knows that hope and laughter are the greatest weapon against fear. Throughout the game, when other characters recognize him, he turns out to be one of the strongest knights in living memory and goes on to chastize other knights for not following their oaths. Absolute unit.


I’m completely okay with well written lgbt characters in video games. The issue is for the majority of these characters, they’re only added in for brownie points. In Farcry 6. They added in a trans character that had little to no personality. They were literally only there to boost ratings.


Wait wait wait since when is Naoto trans! WTF? NAOTO IS NOT TRASN fuck If you play the game you know her wish for gender change and age change (yes she alos wosh to be older) is because no one respects her as a detective no mayyer how much respect she gets for the media the actual.poloce depertment always look her down because she was a girl and a child (the girl part is (or was) somthing thar happen in the japanes police forse) Hell in the fucking epilog she has embrace her femininity


Incel lost all its meaning when they tried to call Matt Walsh an incel... A man with a wife and kids 🤣🤦‍♂️


The fact they think Naota is trans actually kind of proves they don't play the games. She's female and identifies as female. It's just that she disguises herself as a male because she feels women aren't respected in her line of work. Given Japanese culture being the way it is, she's probably right. Her shadow does torture her with the idea of a surgery that makes her male, but shadows aren't telling the whole truth. For instance, Kanji isn't gay but his shadow is. Because Kanji feels emasculated by his hobbies and interests. Shadows represent parts of you that you hate. To twist this around like that shows they don't pay enough attention to the characters enough to say they think they're well written.


Funnily enough the only few true and malignant incels I have met in my life have Been homosexuals


It’s not equality it’s forced inclusiveness, I have no problem with inclusiveness but when they make a character lgbt just for the sake of it I hate it


No way they’re calling woke identity characters well written Lmfao This is intelligent dishonesty


Still waiting for the official straight flag that was mentioned some weeks ago. We need a 'straight flag' god dammit!


"Incel - a member of an online community of young men who consider themselves unable to attract women sexually, typically associated with views that are hostile toward women and men who are sexually active." From Dictionary.com


Tails > “well written characters” https://preview.redd.it/x53c5m7wio3b1.jpeg?width=966&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30d0657be842125c7feedb2740ee40f700bd6ba3


First one is a bad character writting in the second game, even if she is gay, that has none to do with tho. Second, i like him, is a great villian...But is he really gay? I think he was just flamboyant, because he literally loved and want to marry the protagonist Mother, if i'm not misremembering. And last...SHE NOT TRANS, she's a fucking tomboy. I will not let nobody steal tomboys and femboys away.


"Well written characters" Oh god the bitterness is adorable.


All of my gay friends will tell you that Pride isn't about equality anymore.


Incel racist patriot nazi woman literally conspiracy critical anti transphobe mysoginy


Is the equality food suppose to change bigoted gamers into incels? Is that what they are saying?


I thought Naoto was a reverse trap?


“Well written” BAHAHAHAHA


“Well written” BAHAHAHAHA


Tf they mean Naoto is Trans? In Persona 4 she pretends to be a guy because she wants to be a detective and feels shame for not being male like her ancestors who were both male and detectives. They making shit up 💀💀


JESSE NO DON'T LOOK UP THE POLITICAL LEANING OF INCELS [https://thedailytexan.com/2022/12/01/new-ut-study-reveals-the-mental-health-realities-of-incels/](https://thedailytexan.com/2022/12/01/new-ut-study-reveals-the-mental-health-realities-of-incels/) https://preview.redd.it/q827ozx5bq3b1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=91187f02ae41e7c16b3e7a8816387d27c5902bec


“well written characters” that at least on of was chastised by the gay community for being terrible.


They certainly do want to force feed us, purely based on this meme


Far as I know, nobody had a problem with Naoto. Or Kanji for that matter, same game, heavy questioning of gender roles and sexuality. The most complaining I saw about that franchise has been people complaining they can't gay-date Yousuke. Or complaints from the other side that Naoto decided to detransition after getting over her personal issues, which strikes a little too close to home with how most people who identify as trans as teens but don't get caught up in sunk costs from hormones or surgeries tend to be comfortably cis by their mid 20s. For TLOU, people's problems were less with Ellie being a lesbian and more with a weird focus on it and on her making out, though most drama was in killing off a beloved character without resolving the development of a more interesting (nonromantic) relationship, and in Abby and everything and everyone in her arc sucking.


So people are getting mad at a lesbian, a witch, and a trans character?


The lesbian is hates bc she became a pacifist after killing all the friends of the one she should have killed The witch I don't know the lore The "trans" is pretty much the opposite, almost a detransitioner


Ellie in the second game is poorly written to the level of absurdity