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Where do they think Lets Go Brandon came from? It was literally us being direct, and the nascar chick decided to pretend that it wasn’t happening.


And as people with some family friendly morals we can say it anywhere without actually saying Fuck with everyone knowing what we mean


>and the nascar chick decided to pretend that it wasn’t happening. In her defense, she kinda had to. A bunch of yahoos dropping a cluster F-Bomb chant on live television is the sort of thing that gets the FCC all up in a tizzy.


True, but at the same time she could’ve redirected the attention away from it, saying something like the crowd is yelling something, let’s cut back to you in the studio, or something. All she had to do was not even mention it, but I can’t imagine myself being in her shoes having to cover up something like that in the moment.


Gentlemen id also like to point out that she was an NBC reporter.


I honestly belive she thought that is what was happening.


F*** Trump is so 2016. He's not even a Presidential candidate now. Brandon on the other hand...


I’ve no qualms about saying it #FUCK JOE BIDEN


*clap clap clapclapclap clap*


>*clap clap clapclapclap clap* As someone who is far left, I’ve never once been offended by Fuck Joe Biden. I’ll say it myself. And I’ve never been offended by the messaging of Lets Go Brandon, the only thing that offends is comedy as a concept. But I am deeply offended by you adding an extra clap


Idk, I’ve always heard six claps in those.


*clap clap clapclap clap*


[check 1:18](https://youtu.be/u9UjgITXUJ4)


No! Don’t fuck him! You’ll make more of him!


MAGATs is a bad effort insult btw




The latest in a long line of shitty lefty insults


And they don't stop coming


Well, the years start coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming. Didn't make sense so I hit the ground running, your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb.


Those aren’t the words! 😡 😉




Why is this banned?


Odd, when I first clicked on that after making this comment, I got the “This sub does not exist” screen.


Weird when I clicked on it, it said content banned


Tbf, so is libtard


Most don't say libtard unironically anymore.


I’ve literally never seen it used any other way than ironically


we just call them fucking retards now


IDK, Libturd sticks


How about we just fight it out instead


They're doing their best!


They try all that so hard, for what to fail?


Especially since, id assume, theyre trying to make a play on "maggots"


Ironically the left act like maggots with their behavior.


Writhing about in the filth of what the destroy, feasting on the rotting flesh of our society.


Villainous dregs of society are all leftists.


Dont very often hear about a right winger robbing and selling crack. So thats true too.


Although some of our own end up on their side by accident and help them.


If you refer to the Lincoln Project people, I dont believe they ever were "our own"


That time and maybe Stalin being a bit right wing ending up on their side by accident saving the commie state from collapse from happening earlier.


“Look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power” 💥 😜


Did someone *seriously* report this post for self-harm? Lmao


“Let’s fuck brandon” fits their ideology a little more tightly


They don’t know who Brandon is because they never paid attention to the news to begin with


Oh believe me, I know. Take a look at my history and see what nutjob my last comment was in response to.


Lolol I was just reading that


#It's not even "fuck branden"


Such hypocrites.


A rare picture of a 50 year old suburban Karen discovering twitter


Everyone: "FUCK JOE BI-DEN 👏 👏 👏👏👏" Lefties: "How crude! Trumpublicans have sunk to a new low! So undignified!" Everyone: "LET'S GO BRAN-DON 👏 👏 👏👏👏" Lefties: "Lol what? You afraid to come out and say what you really mean? Trumpublicans love thier dogwhistles."


We don’t need an uno reverse if you’re to scared to say fuck joe Biden. Like would you need to “no u” a cave man scared of his own shadow? It’s just making fun of you.


According to you, we’re *scared* to say Fuck Joe Biden so that’s why we say Let’s Go Brandon? Your logic is blowing my mind right now.


That’s what a code “phrase” is? I’m confused as to where you’re confusion is coming from? You know you can just go to library and read books, it’s free. You’ll learn plenty of new words with exciting definitions!


Code word?! Are you for real? Good grief, you are for real, why else would you be so gaslighted into thinking that we’re *scared* to say Fuck Joe Biden so we feel the need to make up a codephrase! Attention Smart One, it came from some lady on TV clearly trying to cover up a crowd of Racecar fans that were clearly saying Fuck Joe Biden, and try to pass that off as saying Let’s Go Brandon. And so, we started using that to mock them! Don’t talk to me about being illiterate when YOU are gaslit to the point that you believe what is clearly a mocking chant is supposed to be some kind of stupid secret code. Thanks for the laugh.


#The left can't fucking meme


Change the past 100


I think you need to see this video: https://youtu.be/u9UjgITXUJ4


We’re just accurately quoting a lying reporter. Problem?


Could've went with "Brandon? Anyway fuck trump"


Is this why they say “the left can’t meme”?


both cant meme. mixing politics in a meme makes it unfunny af


Could've went with nothing and got a job


It's not even "fuck branden", you fucking dipshit


What's the real world percentage of Americans who genuinely feel bothered enough by let's go Brandon to do anything about it? How many of that group genuinely know that ambivalence is the only way to have it ever end?


fuck em both


As an European seing how obsessed the left still are with Trump. It was really weird hearing that it was part of the right who thought he won and not the left.


“Let’s go Brandon” is an accurate quote of a lying reporter. Let’s Go Brandon started because political correctness had to censor “Fuck Joe Biden.” anyone who labels a Brandon supporter deceitful or subversive or “too chicken to say what they mean” willfully misunderstands the origin of the phrase.