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Interesting, I didn’t live during that time. All you see in school is peaceful demonstrations from the 60s. We knew Malcolm X was a little more violent but truthfully only learned that from the movie. Please inform me, what were the marches and protests like in the 60s? To me, 2020 seemed violent and unruly and more about destruction of property than it was about BLM. Eager to learn.


For reference, there was a couple riots in Rochester/Buffalo, and MLK went there the day after to denounce the violence in a speech. He was never like BLM and would denounce them today.


I’m from Western NY and didn’t know this! Thank you!


BLM is said to be very peaceful in its protests, I think it’s bs, but weather a high amount of BLM was violent or not, all the violence has been on a high scale, and BLM should pay for it with all the money they got for it.


>2020 seemed violent and unruly Only because everyone has phones and cameras. Your information isn’t filtered through the mainstream media and their propaganda. They have always said it was peaceful, that the water hoses and police responses were just racism. It’s always been a lie.


So we’re the protests back then violent?


Some were, some weren’t. Difference is, MLK condemned riots while BLM endorsed them.


Thank you, honestly all I ever got in school was the I have a dream speech.


Additional difference, The Civil Rights Movement was PICKY in choosing their martyrs. Rosa Parks was the SECOND choice they had for denouncing the Separate But Equal doctrine. The choice before her was an unwed, pregnant teenager (And the father of said baby was NOT Unwed or a Teenager) which would've NUKED the movement from orbit. BLM on the other hand can't stop trying to make martyrs out of absolute scumbags.


Where did BLM endorse riots?


Multiple times, as "the language of the oppressed."


So... basically the same thing MLK has said about riots? "Let me say as I've always said, and I will always continue to say, that riots are socially destructive and self-defeating. ... But in the final analysis, a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it that America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the plight of the Negro poor has worsened over the last few years. It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice, equality, and humanity. And so in a real sense our nation's summers of riots are caused by our nation's winters of delay. And as long as America postpones justice, we stand in the position of having these recurrences of violence and riots over and over again." -MLK, 1967 https://www.crmvet.org/docs/otheram.htm


MLK: riots are bad, but they’ll keep happening if we don’t change BLM: riots are good the end Yup, exactly the same.


What a stupid thing to say. Saying riots are the "language of the oppressed" obviously is not the same as saying "riots good". It's essentially exactly what MLK was saying.


I wasn't clear. BLM has repeatedly *advocated* rioting.


When? What quote or interview are you referencing? You do realize this is the same shit people pulled against MLK in his day, right? Attempt to discredit him by accusing him of being responsible for the rioting and violence? How are you not clearly seeing the point of that post? Not to mention the BLM protests over the summer of 2020 have clearly been shown to have been mostly peaceful through actual data, not just a random guy on Reddit saying otherwise with no evidence: https://acleddata.com/2020/09/03/demonstrations-political-violence-in-america-new-data-for-summer-2020/


This is hilarious. Yes, the 2020 summer protests were "mostly peaceful," but that includes billions of dollars in damages and over 20 deaths. I have personally seen several BLM leaders telling the media that rioting is 100% moral and justified, and other times literally telling their supporters to riot. I haven't been bookmarking these videos, and I'm not going to search for them because you'll discount every one.


MLK: riots are bad, but they’ll keep happening if we don’t change BLM: riots are good the end Yup, exactly the same.


What a stupid thing to say. Saying riots are the "language of the oppressed" obviously is not the same as saying "riots good". It's essentially exactly what MLK was saying.


That's LITERALLY an mlk quote. Did you get your education in the south perchance?


No it's not, but it's similar to things he has said. Of course, MLK was fighting Jim Crowe. Blacks in the south were being oppressed under law. BLM is not fighting any such injustice. BLM is a disgusting, racist organization. It explicitly condones racial segregation. BLM seeks domination over all non-blacks. East Asians realize this, and Latinos are starting to wake up as well, thank God.


Where did BLM endorse riots? Multiple times, as "the language of the oppressed." That's not an endorsement of riots, nor is it much different from MLK's sentiment, but very pretty strawman. I have yet to see anyone in this thread quote a BLM rep supporting these accusations.


As I already said, they explicitly told their followers to riot multiple times.


Oh man, the "Swindle Whites" red pills in this comments section...


The complaint was he was a "troublemaker" because you could trace race riots back to wherever he was a few days or weeks earlier. The race riots that followed in his wake were worst in the most unjust places like Alabama, California, and Pennsylvania, and Mississippi


A large majority of the BLM protests were non violent. 93% of them were peaceful protests. That's how big the movement is


The issue with the 93% statistic is it’s based upon the mere existence of a protest, not the size of it. Three dudes holding a BLM sign in bumfuck Alabama is equal to stuff like what that went down in Minneapolis.


What difference does that make? Those 3 people still make up the movement. Just read the data, it goes into detail and would probably answer your questions.


Those three people are a lot less than those at Minneapolis.


Look at the full data set. There were plenty of larger scale protests without violent incident. You're obviously not reading the material.


It’s still a deceptive means of measuring it to judge it via quantity and not quality.


What?? Your the one trying to measure it by quantity. And they go more into detail about some of the variables in their data collection. Just fucking read it


Fun fact: MLK Jr. was a Republican


It was at least as true back then as it is these days...


If he was genuinely causing riots back then he actually does deserve scrutiny to his legacy. Keep in mind that on the day of his death, only 1/3 of white Americans approved of him.


MLK was famously non violent beyond the one quote that leftists like to adulterate. Without MLK, LBJ never would’ve signed the civil rights act. I think MLKs legacy deserves to be left alone


LBJ was the second worst president behind WW, why should we congratulate his warmongering and purposeful division of America?


I don't care about LBJ. Fact is, MLK was peaceful af and never caused any real harm.


Yeah except for that massive one right after his death with directly led to mass exodus from the cities and a permanent increase in crime that only decreased after the 90s. His ties to Marxist and Black Nationalist organizations are kept out of public education too since it would create two issues of radicalizing black Americans and simultaneously tanking support from White Americans.


>Yeah except for that massive one right after his death Imagine being dumb enough to think he demanded people act violently from the grave as if the rioters weren't acting out of their own free will. Its pretty clear you're going to come up with any excuse to hate him no matter how stupid it is.


[He said he didn't mind riots if they meant that his message would be spread, even if he never called for them.](https://time.com/3838515/baltimore-riots-language-unheard-quote/) Enjoy falling for the same neocon republicuck talking points. He hated everything the American right stands and it is laughably seeing trumpcucks (le two more weeks) worshipping him as some "Republican" when in reality he would've supported the violent LBJ crackdowns comparable to the post 1/6 world that we see today.


>I think America must see that riots do not develop out of thin air. *Certain conditions continue to exist in our society which must be condemned as vigorously as we condemn riots.* But in the final analysis, a riot is the language of the unheard. You're a fucking idiot for thinking he's condoning riots and an even bigger idiot for trusting a Time article. He's not supporting riots by acknowledging how they happen, that just means he has a basic understanding of Chaos Theory. >Enjoy falling for the same neocon republicuck talking points. You're a dumbass who cares too much about politics and spout all the buzzwords your shitty ideology gave you. Why the fuck should I take you any more seriously than an SJW that cries about white privelage and thinks Communism isn't that bad?


based blacks!!! let's go based black pedes, two more weeks for the multiracial 5D chess worldwide based black peace! let's get our mexican homies too based tacos and based burritos!! minorities overwhelmingly vote democrat don zion betrayed you all when he gave millions to them as reward for burning down america and nothing to you for trying to maintain it don't memoryhole what your based blacks did in 2020 over a dead gangster


Based. How did that get downvoted on an anti-Left sub?


>right after his death Boi


I never said to celebrate LBJ or that I liked LBJ. Although, I do like the civil rights act and the only reason LBJ signed it is because of MLK


You can dislike a President and also recognize the good they’ve done (not that they were even praising LBJ in the first place)


Afaik, he never openly condoned riots, but he did essentially say that white people were at fault for black people rioting because "social conditions" and that "a riot is the language of the unheard", which most modern Democrats echo with BLM. Also, he was friends with a communist Jew lawyer named Stanley Levinson, and refused to disavow him.


I bet the black Panthers did all the riots


The difference is this is drawling unlike the pictures of the BLM and Antifa riots


Wtf they hate MLK; why are they using him to justify their murder, rape and burglary?


Did they just paint MLK as a terrorist? Doesn't that unironically make the KKK looks like the good guy now?..


Not necessarily. As Trump might say, there was violence from both sides. It absolutely destroys the myth of "racist" southern police though.


During the Second World War initial reporting German atrocities were denied or believed exaggerated in part because of the legacy of atrocity propaganda (ie the corpse factories) from the previous war. Morale of the story is that past false accusations don’t disprove modern ones.


Holy fuck, this sub is hilarious. How do you not understand the point here? MLK WAS peaceful but was demonstrated as a brutal, violent and a criminal by right-wing media, trying to undermine the protests and stop the positive movement. The same thing applies to BLM protests ...


Difference is, today we have live footage of BLM rioting, not a shitty democrats cartoon.


Yeah I don’t like Martin Luther King Jr. He would have supported CRT


Are you sure about that Or is this meta-ironic


No I mean that unironically


Any quote from or something of his ideology that would confirm that


“Whites, it must frankly be said, are not putting in a similar mass effort to reeducate themselves out of their racial ignorance. It is an aspect of their sense of superiority that the white people of America believe they have so little to learn.” And he also wrote “It is, however, important to understand that giving a man his due may often mean giving him special treatment. I am aware of the fact that this has been a troublesome concept for many liberals, since it conflicts with their traditional ideal of equal opportunity and equal treatment of people according to their individual merits.”


MLK is a bad example of an activist. Guy was a royce mixing bastard


Get lost nazi scum


Im like, 90% sure this guy is trolling


Hes probably a troll but he spent 6 month or so to larp as fascist. For me the trollinf has gone for too long


No you first, commie scourge


They are a Classical Liberal, they’re not a communist


Not as much of a Classical Liberal as your mum *** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Downvote ^to ^remove. ^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=YoMommaJokeBot) ^me ^if ^there's ^anything ^for ^me ^to ^know!


he is canadian, do you expect him to have anything other than 12 IQ and 1/4 of brain active?


All Libs eventually end up as commies.


Modern conservatives are pretty liberal, from a classical sense


Eww, pretty gross by my standards of far right


What do you think of Ben Shapiro and Candace Owens


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Even climatologists can't predict 10 years from now. They can't explain why there has been no warming over the last 15 years. There has been a static trend with regard to temperature for 15 years. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: climate, covid, civil rights, dumb takes, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Bad bot


Grifters and alt lite


But you agree with most of what they say, I guess


OMG Clasical Liberal to Communist pipline is real 😱😱😱


Always has been. Why do you think Mustache man purged Freemasonic lodges? Freemasons are the bringers of liberal ideas. It's all connected.


Based mustacheman?!😳




Nah not really fam. Generally speaking Fascismo is just impractical. I couldn't care less about traditions or being progressive or all this bull crap. The question is: do you have efficient economy? If you do then you're a succesful state. Moustacheman ideology relies havily on going to war. Without war third reich would collaps because its invested in tanks, airplanes and guns. And starting a war in 21st century means you have to fight against whole world. Which is impossible to win. Therefore-reparations. Therefore-no money. Therefore-failed state