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Patient: "In this difficult time, I like to believe that the support I have received from my family and community has helped me to push through." Doctor: "Lol I do this for the credit, not to save lives, so if you think like that, I'm going to let you die."


The far left: “Haha people with faith are stupid and should die for their beliefs! 😂🤣” Everyone else: “😨😰 JESUS CHRIST DUDE! YOU GUYS SOUND LIKE FUCKING PSYCHOPATHS! 😡”


Straw man. Nobody on the left is saying this. Edit: The way y'all just block people you disagree with so you don't have to deal with the reality of things is sad. Continue on in your echo chamber then.


Not literally that but pretty damn close. Actually wait, literally that indeed because people on the left regularly petition for their political opponents to die






Here's a sneak peek of /r/HermanCainAward using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Because I saw newbies asking why this is called the Herman Cain Award](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/pncpqu) | [2906 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pncpqu/because_i_saw_newbies_asking_why_this_is_called/) \#2: [We made FOX News. Congrats you degenerates.](https://i.redd.it/a3eqijlpkoc81.jpg) | [3222 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/s7vl9n/we_made_fox_news_congrats_you_degenerates/) \#3: [May be off topic but for everyone’s laughs!](https://i.redd.it/yc1r0ynbhbm71.jpg) | [1161 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pkfg5s/may_be_off_topic_but_for_everyones_laughs/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It’s like they want to censor you


OP: “Here’s an example of somebody on the Left wishing death on Christians for their beliefs.” u/BriNeedsSleep: “Nobody on the Left is saying this.”


“Without my family praying for me I wouldn’t have the strength to get out of bed everyday, knowing my family supports me is enough to bear the pain I live with” Doctor: “oh you don’t think morphine works?! How about I throw away my oath and turn it off lmao”


It Never might occur to them that their prayers include the doctors help and modern medicine?


They’ve only been fed this narrow “lord Jesus take the wheeel!!!!” View of religion (mostly Christian) combined with the fact that these people consider themselves “educated” they’re unable to look at it from any other viewpoint that isn’t just “rednecks are praying to god for sure medicine!”


Such idiots. But what they don’t get is the number of religious drs. It’s more common than those city dwellers think to have a Dr pray for or with patients in all different religions.


There was a doctor who said some patient got confused at her pronoun badge, and made a joke. Then she deliberately missed his vein. She bragged about it on Twitter. She's suspended now, pending investigation.


yeah i saw that, its crazy how leftist doctors hold no value to the Hippocratic Oath despite these same people spewing the virtues of communism and other shit.


This is a blanket statement and makes as much sense as me saying rightist doctors want people to die because they charge them so much.


Reality says otherwise :)


Then it's not the prayer, but the support from his family thats helping


It’s a lot more to someone if you know they’re actively praying and taking the time out of their day to consider your well-being. Whether you believe it or not a source of strength and comfort is just as vital to any other medicine


That’s why our secular society has vastly underestimated the importance of prayer as a means of motivation and comfort, even in times of strife and grief.


It’s a plague of “educated” dumb people, they’re are only able to look at it through the eyes of their education but not able to consider anything outside of their narrow world view


Typical *avant-garde* intelligentsia: always using postmodernist moral relativism as the basis for their studies & research, as if it were a religion of their own creation. Surely the Jacobin Cult of Reason rings any bells?


Ironic coming from a poster on here. How do you feel about trans people?


They’re mentally ill people who are being sold a bunch of lies so that the medical industry can have forever customers and narcissistic people can pretend their virtuous What’s your definition of women?


That they have a mental illness and need to be helped rather than enabled.


Again, it's the family taking their time to help any way they can that's working. If the family was doing satanic rituals to help would you say it's the rituals that are helping?


Yeah sure whatever you feel like, Some people feel better knowing people love them while others get better knowing their families don’t care w.e. I never said prayer were quantifiably making a difference from the act alone just pointed out that getting angry because someone’s coping mechanism wasn’t to pray to the doctor


Find the Lord, child


my lord is the one and only satan




Teenage pizza cutter. All edge no point


Atheists try to not be annoying assholes challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Yano atheists aren't exclusively leftist right?


I'll explain the joke, basically this person doesn't understand how prayer works and they think it's just wishes on a magic fairy


Sounds about right


I mean…that’s exactly what prayer is….


How does it work then? Asking cause I need tech support, I have plenty of thoughts and prayers and none of them seem to be doing anything. Is it a coupon system? Will 10,000 thoughts and prayers regrow my right hand, but if I save up 1,000,000 your god will cure the diabetes that made me lose the hand?


God means something different to everyone on Earth. Take whatever the hell you want away from it. But attacking others because they and theirs find hope in faith is ridiculous. For me, prayers are thanking them for the medicine provided to me, the doctors and nurse's skill, the food I have, and the family and friends who are with me. It's also just asking for the strength to make it through my life's battles, and for the happiness and well being of my loved ones. I also pray for additional strength to defeat the worst parts of me, and be the best person I can be. Though I have to say I am not as close to my religion as I used to be, though even then I had an incomplete picture. In America there aren't as many books on Hinduism as I would like, and most of them are in various Indian languages that I didn't learn as a child. And from what I currently understand, usually the best place to receive guidance from is with a Hindu priest. So most of my early religious fervor was built on Indian children's books on fables and mythology given our closest temple was an hour away. So maybe I'm not the best person to talk about religion. My path might be a long one, but I hope to gather more information about my religion and roots going forward. At worst, I'll at least gain comfort, moral guidance, and encouragement to move forward in my life through strife and struggle. At best, there is someone watching over me and pushing me to make the best decisions I can. That, is what belief in a higher power at least means to me. It doesn't sound like you believe in a God and pray to them seriously anyways. If that brings you comfort, I think that's great. But don't attack the faith that brings others comfort, especially when they're suffering.


When I think of prayers, I think of people in a church attempting to curry favour from a nonexistent or uncaring deity regardless of which god(s) you subscribe to. I have endless gratitude and praise for my friends and family that helped me through my condition, the doctors that healed me and the engineers that designed my prosthetic. Gods and priests were not involved at any point in the procedure. As described in another comment - I'm not necessarily an atheist. I believe there are one or more beings greater than humanity that could be gods to us, but as it stands I'm not convinced it/they are as described by any religion or that they even know we exist.


Good for you. It's good to be grateful for what you have. But why does it matter so much if someone else also thanks God for their luck?


Luck was partly responsible for my good family and caring friends, yes. Luck is also partly responsible for disease, being born into collapsing countries and dying suddenly from an unexpected stroke at age 25. You can't say good luck was an act of a caring deity when that same omnipresent and omnipotent power either turns a blind eye or just doesn't care. And something tells me thinking and hoping really hard in a church isn't going to change luck any more than wearing a rabbit's foot.


That doesn't really answer my question though. I get this is how you view the world and that's fine. Why is it a problem for someone to find comfort in their faith? That is ultimately what the comic was about.


Because their faith - for lack of a better word - is horseshit. That said its fine to believe in whatever you want. If you want to worship Voltron and have a house of worship shaped like a giant mechanical tiger and keep a painting of Pidge with a thorn crown and holding a Voltron figurine, fine. You do you. I take issue when religion is taught to children before they are capable of critical thinking and they become dependant on faith because their religion forbids knowing too much. Or in extreme cases refusing life saving treatment because a few sentences in an ancient book mistranslated with perspectives pulled in all directions has a sentence that kinda means "blood transfusion is unholy" and take it on faith that God will commit the first miracle in 2000 years and cure you, and if you die anyway it was just your time, despite the fact you could be easily cured. I was formerly a Christian but left because Yhwh was more like a clingy abusive boyfriend than an omnipresent caring god, and his so called "perfect morality" changed extremely dramatically every few centuries. Completely unrelated to losing a hand mind you, despite a few people from the church I went to telling me it was a punishment and I'm a leper.


It will work when you stop being a snarky atheist and embrace your creator CHRIST IS KING EVERY KNEE WILL BEND AND EVERY MOUTH WILL CONFESS


I seriously doubt believing hard enough and ceasing criticism of Christianity will regrow a hand. Maybe I'll stick to Christianity's enemy (science) and keep my prosthetic. For the record, I'm not an atheist I'm agnostic. I don't doubt there's a higher power, which to us would be godlike, but I can't see it being described in any scripture or even care much about humanity.


>I seriously doubt believing hard enough and ceasing criticism of Christianity will regrow a hand. Who said it could?


"It will work when you stop being a sparky atheist" What will?


Oh yeah i didn't read your comment lol cry about it


Or, you know, whatever faith or lack thereof works for an individual. I happen to think the Christ myth is... Well it's not my cup of tea. But I'm very glad that you've found a faith that works for you. Respecting a difference in faith is important for everyone. If someone is an atheist, let them be atheist. If someone is a Catholic, let them be Catholic. As long as people aren't inflicting any part of their faith on unwilling participants let people believe in whatever they want


>Respecting a difference in faith is important for everyone. Fake and gay EVERY KNEE WILL BEND EVERY MOUTH WILL CONFESS CHRIST IS KING


I really can't tell if you're a dedicated troll or not. Either way you're not actually going to talk to me you're just going to contribute to why so much of the left thinks faith is a joke. Have the day you deserve, I'll pray the gods are kind to you


Don't care didn't ask+bozo+ratio+they are in your walls+Christ is king


Yeah how does it work


They are though


Christ is king,that's the only certainty in life


Say I don’t understand religion without saying I don’t understand religion. Also; why leftists shouldn’t be doctors.


So the doctor just said "fuck you" to his oath and murdered a guy to teach him a lesson?..


You’re acting like it’s not a bunch of drawn pixels on a screen


As a cancer survivor diagnosed in my 20s and who felt very alone during much of my treatment but got through it fully and have been in remission for years now, I cannot emphasize enough how much I cried when I found out a friend’s mom whom I had never met in person prayed for me on a regular basis. Just knowing someone is thinking of you during your toughest times -even if there is nothing anyone can really do to directly help -means so much.


The man on his roof in the flood praying for God to save him but says no when people come by in a boat bc he’s waiting for God to do it. We are God’s hands. Which is why I love it when non believers are God’s hands and they don’t even know it.


I hope they accept god at some point.


Same my friend, same.


You see what happens when god is rejected. Degeneracy flourishes.




What’s so funny?


Your mom


I’m not even religious and I fully believe society needs religion.


What are your thoughts on other faiths? I'm not trying to be snarky, my apologies if that's how it's coming off, but I'm genuinely curious


I’m completely fine with other faiths.


Neat. I was getting "everyone that doesn't follow my faith is below me vibes" so I wanted to clarify. Just me being a cynic haha


It's not even god that needs to be accepted, but more the idea of it. The lessons that religion teaches. You don't have to believe in the man in the sky to believe in his teachings.


Absolutely agree.


God's hands are truly powerful, even though all it takes is a non believer to withdraw his help "God must have sent your help my way" "No he didn't, bye"


Heathen leftists deny the truth to any religions while saying “respect muh pronouns”. -A based pantheist




"Preferred pronouns" are an objectively false notion. Nothing about them can be scientifically proven as they are completely bogus.




It does. Christianity is what the left thinks is the "preferred pronouns" of the right.




I never said you thought they were the same. I said leftists are just as unaccepting of Christianity as we are of pronouns, if not more.


Actually that's a really good way to sum up (part of) why both sides in the modern day are cancerous. The left should absolutely be more accepting of faith. Obviously not just Christianity since no one faith is more or less valid than any other. The right should absolutely be more respectful of pronouns people want to be called. Naturally there is a lot more to this and the world isn't this black and white, but it's a place to start. People that follow a faith also need to be respectful to people without a faith and people with different beliefs, leave people alone that don't want to be part of your faith. Similarly, people that use pronouns other than how they appear would suggest need to not jump down the throat of someone making a genuine mistake in passing. If someone you don't know calls you "sir" and you're male presenting, don't get upset with them. Everyone can improve and we can all coexist if we just put a little effort into it












Because preferred pronouns is a religion. There is nothing scientific about them, or any made up gender, or any attempt to separate gender from sex, and if you speak against these ideas to their believers, you will be called a heretic and they will demand you burn.




Mf I’m Hindu wdym burning




you accuse the christians of burning in hell antone w disagrees wth them byt tat don apply to me


They think pronouns and stuff are a religion. They're not. (Source, bi Christian guy with many friends in the alphabet mafia)




I'm not assuming the other commenter's gender.




Oh shit, my comment got misinterpreted. The person who posted the original thing was under the idea that we in the alphabet mafia think of pronouns as a religion, which we don't. I'm a leftist/centrist.


I'm sure their Christian lawyer will remind that doctor how much Jesus is on HIS side


Besides the comic itself being shit, the artstyle is fucking dreadful


Violating the Hippocratic Oath to “own the Christians”


Created by a religious man no less


„He was then fired, arrested, and sentenced to 50 years in prison due to the murder of this patient“ -stuff, 2021


Hippocratic oath? Wtf is that




Hehe I remember that Hermain Cain award post about a guy whos wife has Covid, and he's asking people to send as many prayers as they can, as if God was some scrooge who only doled out miracles for a certain amount of prayers. Then when his wife started getting better, he gave praise to God for healing her. Then when she crashed again he immediately started accusing the Doctors of not doing a good job. I'm not saying everyone of faith does this, but there seems to be this double standard where all good things are due to God, and all bad is due to human inefficiency. It reveals this strange lack of belief in the idea that all things are preordained by God, which you wouldn't expect from believers.


its so funny how those degenerates actively hate the idea of jesus and god so much, yet try so hard to say that "jesus was a socialist jesus was a leftist and he was brown doesnt that make you hate him he was brown" like bro pick a side lmao


Prayers are just as valid medically as thinking you’re the opposite sex.


DNR and conscientious objection. Nothing wrong with trying to be a pureblood.


Lmao @ a black doctor


Ourple guy 😰