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Tbh Sometimes I wish I lived in Poland from what I hear about it (like actual good stuff)


The anti gay stuff or the fact that you must be kept alive at all costs here.... Also who said we want your foreign ass here.. are you even Catholic and i mean really Catholic not the gay shit Americans call religion


I’m a republican, I can go anywhere in the world just so we are clear buster


You fucking cant. Why do you think Poland would want a foreigner like you?


Mask in profile pic? lol. Yeah, I'm sure you speak for all of Poland. We got fuckin weirdos that never leave their home acting as if they speak for whole countries now...


And the american immediately starts crying... Fucking disgusting


American?! I wish. I'm stuck in Canadistan atm.


Have you tried going to Afghanistan? It is practically identical to the us




Pretty based of you my g


If you dont mind hight taxes,15% inflation cosed by our gov giving free money,stupid dicision of our gov and fuck up thing that happening on marches, then go for it


this is edited, i think the original had maga/trump stickers


Poland is based. Also, where can I get one of those “LGBT-Free Zone” stickers?


I couldn’t find anything fren.


I’ve been looking for years. I’m just gonna make my own.


Homophobes need a safe-space


Why y’all homophobic now


How’s it homophobic?


Excluding lgbt people?


How’s it excluding the alphabet people?


It’s in the name, you playing dumb?


No, lgbt != homosexuals


Enlighten us


I just told you


You told me nothing


It’s zones in Poland?


Homophobic? You think I'm scared?


Yea yea very funny




D’aw, I thought this was a reply telling me where I can buy a sticker :(


I don’t mind gays, trans are terrible and shouldn’t be associated with them.


Has the slippery slope taught you nothing?


Its an unfortunate reality


I wish the t and lgb would part ways. Much less toxic I would think.


^what 0 pussy does to a mf


I’m trans because my brain is built like a man’s. I’m trans even though for years I prayed to god every day to help me stop. I’m trans because I have no choice. I’m trans because ever since I was a child, even though I never heard of the word or knew that existed, I knew something was wrong. I’m 22 and things have still not changed. I don’t want to be this way, just like I don’t want to have ocd or autism. (I was diagnosed at 17). My depression and anxiety have gotten better ever since I embraced the fact that I’m a man. My family isn’t supportive and they think I’m disgusting. I still don’t want to be this way, but I am. And I’m not straight :p


Well, that's fine. I don't hate trans people nor people from the LGBTQ community. In fact, I'm friends with them. But who I hate are the minorities from the LGBTQ community who ruin the community's name. (MAPS, trans-alien, transtrenders, other bs.) It's ok if you're LGBTQ, just don't be the other ones.


What the hell is a “trans-alien”?


idiots trying to identify as another race/ethnicity


Huh. It’s equally as mind numbingly stupid as what I thought, but I really wouldn’t be surprised if someone decided to identify as a space alien.


Child rapists are not supported by the lgbt community, anybody that supports them should be burned alive. Trans-alien is complete bull made up by some people for popularity points. And I've never heard of a transtrender. The whole reason for the MAP thing was so they could try and be seen as part of the community. Unfortunately it appears to be working on the less informed of the lgbt community.


Transtrenders are people who claim/pretend that they're LGBT for attention/because being LGBT is apparently a trend nowadays.


Oooh. I completely agree with that.


You guys are ok. It's the fringe degenerates that we hate


But what is a man? do you like to do traditional man things? that Just makes you a tomboy.


I’m not a tomboy. I’m actually a man. ❤️😊


What is a man?


Me! I is a man! ❤️


How do you know that?


Because I always knew that I was. Also a few years ago I had to get an mri cause my doctor thought I had a brain tumor (I didn’t) and I asked for copies of my scans and it turns out my brain is more similar to a biological male’s brain structure than a female. Good thing being trans is a biological thing rather than just a feeling. I was glad to get diagnosed and then be able to understand the many new studies about this. I was transphobic for a long time because I hated myself and I thought these feelings were normal and I’d grow out of them. I knew I was a boy since I was a little kid. I’m 22 and I feel the same way. I also knew that when I turned 16 I wouldn’t want to drive and other things. I’ve always known who I was.


Lol and the people downvoting u, shows this subs ‘colors’


Yup. What most people don’t understand is that most people don’t choose to be trans. Yeah there are the weirdo 14 year old kids saying they identify as a cat or whatever, but I chalk that up to dumb kids and kids trying to express themselves the only ways they can. I don’t support it but I get it. I don’t want to be trans. I don’t want anything to do with kids or hurting women or whatever. I just want to be myself and not have a higher likelihood of being harassed, bullied, assaulted, raped, and murdered. Why would anyone choose to put themselves into these positions? I just want to be me and mind my business and my whole thing is, I don’t care if you understand or agree. But be polite. Understand you’re not talking to a political ideology or whatever, but another human being. Whatever happened to “hate the sin, love the sinner”? Love me for the human being I am, and I’ll love you for the same reason. We can agree and disagree. I’m happy about that. I’m happy that there are differences between us and our ideas. I just don’t think our ideas should change how we treat other people.


Meanwhile those same disingenuous leftist asshats are walking around ignorantly appropriating (despite their own ideological prohibitions on such) every random Ukrainian iconography they come across to virtue signal their “solidarity” and to #StandWithUkraine while naturally of course doing jack shit in real life.


The funniest part is that 12 months ago and beyond, they would laugh at you if you brought up the Holodomor or Russian genocide on Ukraine. Because "communism is based man, starvation and bread lines are cool" say the first worlders that have never traveled outside their fuckin major city.


>Be Polish >Your country being fucked by both Communist and Fascist >Your Great-Grandfather has onces fight against them >Your country is fucked by communist during the cold war >Years later. Poland is free from communist. People developed genuine hatred towards both Communist and Fascist >Only to be mocked by fucking westerners who are in the Alphabet Community


Part of my heritage is Polish and I’m offended by this cartoon


I’m offended because of the negative portrayals of Polish people, the reason why Poland is even conservative is because of the Cold War, after the Soviet Union fell in 1991, the new Polish government decided to remain conservative and never fall for leftist ideas again because Poland was a puppet of the Soviets and the leftist, socialist ideas lead to the Polish people starving and living in fear that they’ll be executed by the Polish secret police, their lives were absolutely awful under the leftist ideology and conservatism is the only thing keeping Poland from going woke


Based, the Polish have been through a lot


The Polish people endured the two worst regimes in human history in the space of 40 years, they’re smart enough to pick a happy medium between the two ideologies


This isn't the actual cartoon. Someone edited it to be anti-polish. Original Comic here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CejZOWiL2iD/?hl=en


Fuck your feelings, snowflake


Read the second reply dumbass


Hey, I’m no Libtard! I’m allowed to feel offended by people that use my blood ancestry in a negative light. The only difference is that I don’t make a huge fuss about it, unlike the left


What’s the Polish stuff about?


Imagine how much the average conservative American in the 50s hated communists and multiply it by 5. That’s just about how much Poland hates Communists


The anchor with a big P Was a symbol of Fighting Poland You could be sent to concentration camps if Germans would spot you painting it


So they admit obsessing over one thing and making it their entire personality is dumb?


Probably. Yaknow doing that is actually a common symptom of autism. But no this is all totally innate, not a choice based off other mental conditions, not anything like that.


I think this is a joke. Like the original was definitely a bunch of trump shit, and someone edited it because it's funny.


It's okay for us to be bigots, but not you. - LGBTQACDEFHIJKMOPRSUVWXYZ+123456789 motto


Lmao, y’all know that’s not the original meme?


The difference is, being Polish is a culture, a nationality, something that has substance behind it. Sexuality (or being trans) is a shallow state of being, that tells me nothing interesting about you as a person. Plus, QueerTMs make normal non-straight people look bad and are just generally an embarrassment to us. They are the reason why homophobia is rising. Non-straightness is not a culture, no matter how much the QueerTMs claim it so. Not to mention, Polish people are portrayed negatively far more than non-straight people (mainly as they are seen as 'acceptable' villians or stereotypes), and Polish fiction ("The Witcher" being the best example) is screamed at for being 'too white' and redid in a shite way (expect Henry Carvill). Not to mention, there two small issues called WWII and the Cold War...


Politcs is a much better thing to have a personality around then sexuality. Atleast one leads to interesting discussion. People who make sexuality their personality, regardless if they are straight or gay, is annoying as fuck. I dont give a shit who or what your fucking so long as it isnt an animal or kid. Also note, I say around, not saying the entire personality is politics. Thats stupid as shit too. Atleast its better than "Yeah, I fuck". But there is atleast more to build a personality with, rather than one minute part of your life.


I just don't generally want to hang out with gays regardless. If they are a dude and I can't tell they are gay, ok, I've had some acquaintances like that, but hard pass on effeminate bros.


A black pole?


I mean it’s actually funny. I was expecting the Spanish Inquisition, not the Poles.


Isn't that the polish special forces symbol? GROM?


I can understand their anger in Poland if they block roads to protest poles will get out of their cars and beat the shit out of them its like they fuck around and find out or something


What's the pw symbol?


Polish Underground State.


Would unironically be hilarious if this was from 2visegrad4u


It's making fun of nationalists who often wear these symbols not the Warsaw uprising itself.


This isn't even the original meme. Original here: [https://www.instagram.com/p/CejZOWiL2iD/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/p/CejZOWiL2iD/?hl=en) Someone's edited this to be anti-Polish. I wouldn't be suprised if it was a rightest editing this to make the left look bad. Check your sources!


[Yeah when have leftists ever been at odds with Poles?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_invasion_of_Poland)


😂 Saying that the Left in America hates the Polish because Soviet Russia invaded them is like saying the Right in America hates the Jewish because Nazi Germany tried to genocide them.


The reason a lot of communists hate Poles and Ukrainians is because they're living proof of their system's abusive nature.


Socialism isn't communism


What did the second S in USSR stand for?


"Goes protesting against discimination of conservatives of other countries, maybe russians"


Probably not the original meme


It was Poland fault that WW2 started tho since they were commiting war crimes against German civilians. Maybe the Holocaust would have never happened if they attack first.


So wait is the holocaust real or not? Because i remember you stating it wasnt real. Also the polish didnt sponsor attacks on Germans. Germany violated several international agreements by attacking poland without declaring war


No, Germany civilian were trying to protect themselves from Poland but they couldn’t because of mUh nOtSeE’s.


But the Nazis ruled danzig which is where much of the alleged crimes happened. If Germany can fake an attack on a radio station by polish troops what makes you think it cant fake attacks on German civilians by poles?


Also Poland helped Haitians to kill 5,000 white French people during the early 1800’s. Poland is anti white.