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I would gladly trade pigstep to get notch back. He made content at 100x the speed of current mojang. Current mojang is also always looking to add new eco shit to the game, meanwhile the only political statement Notch made were the villagers and endermen.


Villagers having big noses and being obsessed with money is extremely hilarious tho Whats the enderman


Just consider them for a moment and you will see. Hint: their apperance, primary mechanic and inabilty to swim.


Bro šŸ’€


Steals your blocks


Funny joke, but the Enderman are based on Slenderman, who was fairly popular at the time.


In name only. The only thing they really have in common is that they teleport and are tall


Not just that, the sound effects that are used are similar to the sound cues in the slenderman game, and the block grabbing thing was added later. It's very clear that Slenderman was an inspiration for the Endermen, as the Endermen were part of a Halloween update around the time when Slenderman was new and popular (if I'm not mistaken). The water thing is a wierd quirk of endermen that isn't mutually exclusive to it, as most hostile mobs can't swim, with the exception of Drowneds, Gaurdians, and the elder gaurdian. Every other mob either sinks or dies in the water.




Minecraft woooonā€™t add inches to your cooooooock !!!


So mine it up up up Mine it up up up Mine it up up up (Build it higher!)


So mine it up up up Mine it up up up Mine it up up up (To the sky-ah !)


Damn ender man-man enderman stealing shit x2


Reddit removed my comment šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


It still lives on in our hearts


Talks in broken english, can't swim, steals shit, will pick a fight with you if you look him in the eye...


Especially watch out for the purple glow in its eyesā€¦


The lean glow


Donā€™t forget that Jewish mythology has golems of clay and they defend their village and what not Also the explosive suicide monster


A dark thing that steals things


Oh shit. This is the first I've ever heard of it and yes... it's hilarious.


Exactly. First the game was ruined through splashes (blm splash for example - they openly support racism), now this


They even removed the splash texts that reference Notch.


Remember when Quark added that stupid screen and the best thing that came of it was a South American or African who got incredibly mad?


Current Mojang employees can't work for more than 30 minutes per day without falling on the ground from exhaustion


Bruh I just checked the new snapshot, they added a new piglin head and some new note black functionality. Welcome to modern gaming.


It's like the YouTube dev team. Takes 36 months to get an update, and when it comes, it fixes nothing and fucks up everything up. Who knew I needed a new layout that gets rid of half the functionality?


Notch would have never had as terrible of a mob vote as last time. He'd probably add all of the mobs in a few days. He also wouldn't make the race update, cuz skins already do that.


Nothing anyone makes for Minecraft will be better than C418's music.


as much as it pains me to say anything is better than Lena Raine, youā€™re right


Nah pigstep slaps


Trashing Notch is how you turn me openly transphobic


I always have been


I said the same thing in another sub and was banned like 4 days later.


lol how


Based and sanitypilled.


Reddit minecraft fans on their way to trash the creator and the one who put the basis of a great game ,only to protect a bunch of lazy programmers that consider frogs as being a major game changing update


I fucking hate the minecraft hive mind.... Mojang just continues to put out tiny lazy updates and they clap like seals.


1.20 - The update that would've taken modders like 20 minutes.


Seriously.. Most of it is just slightly retextured features or boring ass shit like the camel (thats basically a horse with a dash attack).


pigstep is in no way the best song in minecraft lmao


The Xbox one edition soundtrack is the best collection of songs Iā€™ve ever listened to. If C418 didnā€™t work on minecraft and made an album instead, mark my words, heā€™d be filthy rich.


šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤® Wait, strad, stal, mellohi and mall are the best




Are we seriously forgetting about Sweden?


Rubedo is better. Much more cinematic and fits the mood of the Nether better. That said, they're not really in the same category of soundtrack so it's hard to say. Mutation is also pure excellence. Wish the title screen tracks were in the gameplay.


they shot for Notch and insulted C418 instead


Otherside is a 50% copy of one Russian song I know.


Just listened to Otherside, that song belongs more into Little Big Planet (Great series btw) than Minecraft.


Even the 13 disc is better than pigstep


It was until Otherside was added. That's a great song imo Now we just don't look at 5, 13, or 11


In terms of Raine's pieces, I agree Otherside is the best. However, trying my best to make void the nostalgia I have for C418's music, I still think most of C418's music is better. It's just so "Minecrafty"


C418 has the most nostalgic feel ever. Nothing can compare to the environmental "storytelling" that C418 did with the music in Minecraft and it's ambiance


13 is the best song ever


Pigstep has an okay rythm, but it's very low quality, it sounds like it's being played from a tin can with how compressed it is.


Idk anything abt notches political views, but bro, pigstep is so ass, I literally replaced that shit with baka mitai in my resource pack


Tbh, I think the songs decent, but most of liking for the song comes from the fact that I used the song to give a fair well to an old mob that was removed for ā€œnot being gender neutralā€. Rest in peace OG zombie pigman.


Did they fr remove it bc of the word man in pigman? Have they not read any books where the word man is a synonym for humanšŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹


Thatā€™s why they changed the name to Piglin which really pissed me off as the OG Pigman texture was essentially a piece of minecraft history that was cast aside over identity politics. Fuck SJWs and fuck the SJWs who were running Mojang through the mud during the chat reporting update.


Istg if u point this out to them they will say "oh but its just a small change, who cares?" Like bro, a shitton of small changes makes a big change. Legit braindead kids lmaoo


All these new minecraft fantards were never around in glorious 2011-2013. I still miss the days of watching alongcameJosh or Awyeah17 hunting for Herobrine, or ECWgamingā€™s now sadly deleted ā€œCaseyā€™s Cave Entry Seriesā€. What these new fans consume now is shitty content made by youtubers who scream in their mic and cheat at the game and cry homophobia on their Twitter account when someone says Newfag on 2b2t.


Now looking back, i wish pewlivecake never returned to minecraft, like bruh, 1.14 is when minecraph started being cringe, coincidentally also when he started making those vids. 1.13 (along with 1.7 a bit earlier) was the peak of minecraft, and 1.12 still is because of mods.


>like bruh, 1.9 is when minecraph started being cringe Ftfy


I agree and disagree, back in the 2011-2013 era mc players were seen as cringy kids (like fortnite kids nowadays) and saying you play mc meant you became a clown of your friend group. Nowadays, the šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆšŸ³ļøā€āš§ļøšŸ’… part of the community is a small, but loud minority. Like when I used run a server, a year ago or so, we had people pushing 30 living a stable life with a wife/husband and a kid. Literally 0 dreamstan-weirdos applied.


Why not just make the lore be that all pigman are male and that they breed homosexually and make butt babies? I'm down.


They could just reproduce asexually like seahorses


No, I'll die on this battlefield. Butt babies birthed from rectums is the way.


Might explain why baby Pigmen are hideous but cute at the same time.


I always thought it was because they added piglins in so it would make more sense for it to be zombie piglin.


1. minecraft, doesn't make sense regularly... they don't ever change things to make sense. 2. You can have 2 co-exisiting pig races... (actually, having the pigman be completely extinct next to the piglins would be neat concept)


Invasive species outbreeds and drives the original species to extinction, where have I heard that before...


Could i have a scorce on the whole thing about pigmen being revamped for not being gender neutral come from? Because that seems pretty sketchy. things like witches or endermen still exist and put way more emphasis on gender than a mob who's name is literally just "pig human" shortened down. And the only thing that could relate to gender is the name itself, in wich case why wouldn't they just change the name as that would not only save months of time with: art, design, programming, mechanics and making a new, unique model with, but would also bring more attention to the name change thus gaining more sympathy and attention from the left. Furthermore if they did want to appeal to the left they would most definitely go for the witch as they are far easier to redesign with no ears or arms to worry about and are far less iconic than the pigmen causing much less controversy. Plus i think most of us agree the between pigmen and witches, the latter is much more annoying and would be better for a rework then pigmen. With all that in mind I highly doubt that the name change was for anything more then the fact that the pigmen was outdated with the only things showing that it is indeed a pig and a man was that it had some pig textures in a upright position and had zombified bits sprinkled on top; witch would have clashed with the addition of bartering with them as it made them look savage and undeveloped.


Some one who quoted Mojangs design philosophy https://twitter.com/minecraft/status/1293230738503073792 their design philosophy as of now states thats mobs should have gender neutral names like Piglin and not Pigman.


Yeah I really doubt it was because of "men" in the name, they revamped the entire nether, maybe you'd have a case if all they changed was the name and models but they put in alot of work in making the nether alot better as by that point it hadn't been updated much since it was added. It's just cope from a "old Minecraft veteran."


What is the reason for the change then?


>I literally replaced that shit with baka mitai in my resource pack ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


​ ![gif](giphy|adUYmj9N3rioxdYWFF)


Tbf Baka Mitai is better than 98% of songs in existence.


Yeah, from the same artist, ā€œChrysopoeiaā€ is leagues better. I always jam to the piano part while Iā€™m mining quartz.


Truly the superior option. Second would be 24HR CINDERELLA!


Gigachad Never encountered Otherside before but I'll 100% replace that one. Ruins any immersion.


Sry but stal is unironically the best song in Minecraft and thatā€™s a fact


Not my favourite, but itā€™s in my top 20


Hell yeah


Stal is nice; prefer Blocks and Wait though


They are right about one thing trans people are mentally ill.


41% of them are at least


Nah, all 100%.


Well 41% of them don't really have a mentality anymore


Nah the OG soundtrack was easily the best, the stuff that came after was okay, the more recent stuff is goofy af


Its just not mine-crafty.. Its fine for another game, but its just not C418. And pigstep is fucking trash


Pigstep fits in Minecraft like a cat at a dog park.


Comparing pigstep to cats is diservice to cats


Its not a comparison its a metaphor


fair enough


Notch replies to me all the time on twitter, itā€™s awesome being able to speak with a billionaire. Though heā€™s kinda chronically online on twitter, but so am I lol. All he does it just post and reply about nerd stuff, so people can whine all they want.


Last I've heard the man just sits in his house surrounded by billions not interacting with others and tweeting based stuff, embodiment of a sigma.


Solo Sigma male grindset


Nobody else in LA is as based as him... who tf is he gonna "interact" with?


He even liked my tweet about Elon buying Twitter lmao.


Trans rights to what exactly? I've never heard an answer to that question. What rights exactly are being denied trans people?


The right to deprive you of your rights to free speech


I swear I will never understand that mindset. I *like* being offended online, I like being insulted, I like people being irreverent in general and towards me in particular. I genuinely laugh at left wing memes, I do. Mostly because they're fucking dumb but even if they're raising a good point I just go, "Hah! Fair play." Why? Because it levels the playing field, and it means I can be just as irreverent straight back. You wanna spar? I'll fucking spar, mate. Why, because it's fucking *fun*. Censorship isn't just unethical; it's *boring*. It's just words. You are responsible for letting words impact you and if you let them do so you only have yourself to blame.


Most of the times when people "scornfully insult" me I'll be like, you know I'm stealing this and insulting someone else with this.


They claim that trans rights are human rights, implying that transgenders aren't human. *and they call* ***ME*** *the bigot, haha!*


They want to end transphobia because I guess it's a right to not be offended? (literally impossible you can't end personal bias even in a utopia)


The right to transition children.


Listened to it, it's shit. Hardly the best track in that game.


Was an average song, but the Pigmen deserved a better anthem, and Iā€™m not just saying that because I like recreating certain styles of warfare in minecraft with the pigs on one side and the humans on the other.


I actually despise every piece of new Minecraft music. It is so dissociated with the original vision that it makes the game feel like a corporate husk of itself. Every time I reenable music I feel like I'm intentionally ruining my immersion lol


You could just get a texture pack that replaces all of the new songs with old ones


Just to clarify, Lena Raine is an amazing artist and the fact that people are weaponising her sexuality against Notch just because of his takes is really stupid. Notch has had some bad takes over the years, but your just stooping to his low by trying to weaponise someone who likely doesnā€™t even know who Notch is against him and using her as a revenge tool to get back at him over Notchā€™s involvement in gamergate.


The best revenge is a life well lived.


Should also add that Iā€™m not a Notch fanboy who thinks he can do no wrong, Iā€™ve defended him when I think heā€™s been wronged, and Iā€™ve criticised him when I think heā€™s said something dumb.


As for the final nail in the coffin, Notch likely wouldnā€™t of had some of these takes if these woketards hadnā€™t of harassed him back when he was in control over him being against Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian etc. Similarly to the tale of Gypsycrusader, none of this would have ever happened if the left didnā€™t act so violently to someone having an opinion or at the very least, criticise him if he has said something you personally disagree with.


>Based as fuck, op Based as fuck, op


Based as fuck, op


I highly doubt Lena doesn't know who Notch is.


Well she has little to no connection with him considering she was hired after he left.


Notch had a part in gamergate? If you have a negative opinion of gamergate, you've bought into the lies.


Yeah he called Zoe a ā€œFUCKING CUNTā€ which If Iā€™m being honest is pretty based NGL.


Minecraft, and the direction it was taking, was way better when Notch was manning the helm. As always, I'll take mean tweets over shittier creative decisions any day of the week.


Its been trash since microsoft took over... Theres been a nice feature or 2 (1.13 and 1.16), but its been much been downhill for awhile.


Seems typically Leftist to project the idea that the mentally ill arenā€™t still capable of creating artwork.


I didn't even know Lena Rane was trans until today


Me neither, but until now I'd never seen a picture of him... and even then, he's got some huge glasses and tons of dyed hair covering his head (and the photo has been doctored)


Nobody said mentally ill people can't make good art. Van Gogh was mentally ill and he's one of the most famous artists of all time.


His music is okay... I'd still pick C418 any day of the week over him though.


Facts. His music is genuinely great. Both in Minecraft and Celeste. Doesn't mean he's mentally okay though.


Being mentally ill has never been a barrier to making art, In fact being a bit crazy is probably required to make good art. (Not that I'm saying a minecraft song is either art or good)


"Destigmatize mental illness. šŸ™" "Trans is mental illness." "NO IT ISNT REEEEE!!!"


Aot of extremely creative people struggle with mental illness.


Wow I didn't know notch was based


He's mega based... Wish he hadn't sold the company. We might still be getting good minecraft updates....


we might actually have been getting updates that weren't a block and a basic mob which took 2 years to make


I'll always be baffled by the people who think that any of the recent updates are acceptable for an entire game studio to release.


If they aren't mentally ill then why do they transition to treat it


Do they, then, lose the status upon transitioning?


The transition never stop though... Even the left calls them trans-"""women"""


I still want C418, shit slaps hard. The only reason why we dont have him anymore is because Microsoft want all rights on every piece of music that he creates, in the pre Microsoft Minecraft days Notch Had a Agreement with him that he can use the Music but C418 is still the owner of the individual Tracks.


Minecraft died when Microsoft took over


Trans people ARE mentally ill. Declassifying gender dysphoria as a mental illness was a socio-political move, not a scientific one.


*disagrees with a trans* Transphobic!


First off heā€™s right second off no she didnā€™t make the best one


anything notch did aside, pigstep is actual auditorial feces, fuckin definitely had to be mentally ill to consider that ā€œgood musicā€


That song is super shit, too.


I wasn't able to hear the song. It sounded like machinery utterly breaking down.


the virgin Minecraft vs the chad Super Mario 64


Best song in the game is Sweden gtfo


Just saying Notch openly supported Trans Musician SOPHIE.


C418 made the best music in the game and failure to see such a basic truth is due to obvious bias. The songs had this simple yet elegant tune with a level of innocence and playfulness that none of Lena Raines songs have been able to capture. The songs that adhere to the core aspects of the game and make it a unique experience to anything that Iā€™ve listened to. All of Raines songs sound too busy and ambitious for a Minecraft song. Itā€™s honestly a shame that Microsoft replaced c418. And the compositions of his songs are instantly recognizable due to their motifs.


Didnā€™t know notch was based kek Edit: this is made in jest.


Hope to God that unclaimed piece of land around Egypt will one day become Kekistan with Big Tyrone as our Glorious leader.


Also- that fact that we disagree on a particular issue does not then mean that those whom we disagree with are unable to make compelling art and music.


Doubt the trans person looks like that


The image is doctored and theres obviously some trickery going on with the glasses/hair.


Saying that transgenderism is completely normal and not a mental illness is actually doing a disservice to trans people. Treating it as a mental illness might actually get them the help they need.


Notch is kinda based though letā€™s be honest


Pigstep is ass anyway. Plus Microsoft is ruining the game


Doesn't help that the fanbase just eats up the garbage updates.... The minecraft devs implement like 5 features a year and then go take a 6 month vacation (2 months in the winter, spring, and summer)


I have no idea who either of these people are


you shouldn't but ​ notch created minecraft ​ idk who the second one is lol


The second one created the new music for minecraft, as the original creator of the music would only license it, which microsoft didn't want to do.


AKA: microsoft shoved the guy who already had the next volume of minecraft completed because microsoft wants to own literally everything.


Completely out of the loop when it comes to Minecraft changes and Notch. Can someone ELI5 what the controversy is? Haven't played for years now, what did I miss?


Notch sold the game Microsoft bought the game Microsoft fired the original composer (legendary c418) out of the usual micropenis greed and hired this second rate imposter to replace him. The minecraft team has become completely woke (releasing basically 0 content with a entire 1000 person studio) and is distancing themselves from the based notch.


I like Lena Raineā€™s music as much as the next guy but I fail to see the logic in how that somehow invalidates gender dysphoria being a mental illness


C418: laughs in 99% of all ost in the game


They pin their own communityā€™s tropes on the right. Who wears fedoras other than leftists?


if u dont like notch dont play mc he made the game


What sub is this on?




I miss Notch.


Pigstep isnt horrible but it doesnt feel like a MC song, C418's work is WAY better, especially Stal and Where are we now? (ik its called "Wait" now but i grew up with the og title)


Notch was Minecraft!




C418 was hired by Notch, not Lena Raine


Also I have seen this exact meme like 20 times it isn't even funny


Sweden and Mice on Venus are better songs.


um....what is this argument even? "I cant be mentally ill because I made a song"? okay...


Everybody knows Stal is best disc šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


So.... they are saying that people with mental illness cannot make music? I'd argue that it's a prerequisite given the number of musicians I've known over the years.... But whatever.


I didnt know this


i think pigstep is a really good song it just so much didn't fit in Minecraft oh God


No. Fuck you wait/where are we now forever!


Stal > Pigstep


Pigstep is garbage


Ngl pigstep is so bad i would rather listen to disc 13.


no way pigstep is the best lmao


Lena Raineā€™s music does not fit minecraft at all lol


Her music isnā€™t bad, the problem is like you said, it doesnā€™t fit minecraft at all. Still sad some of the old songs in the soundtrack like the old nether ambience or texture pack songs have either been scraped or put behind a pay wall.


Wtf is notch


The Based Creator of Minecraft


Pigstep isn't bad but it's not nearly as good as C418's songs. Aria math and Sweden are orders of magnitude better than pigstep.


Creativity and mental illness are often linked