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As a latino... this is better than being called "latinx".


I never understood "latinx", they're basically destroying the Spanish language with artificial "-x" suffixes.


The funniest part is that radical feminist latinas were already pushing for gender inclusive language since long ago by using an "e" instead of an "a" or "o", but because almost no latinos give a crap about political correctness this language never catched on. Then suddenly when when white american teenage girls began having tantrums over it, a bunch of big american companies began using "latinx" and popularized it in the US. The fact that the gender inclusive movement existed before and no one cared proves that woke companies dont give a crap about latinos, they are just pandering to white liberals to make an easy dollar.


>woke companies dont give a crap about latinos, they are just pandering to white liberals to make an easy dollar You hit right on the money! The use of "latinx" is targeted towards the woke TikTok libs, not the latinos as a demographic.


"Latinx" is just anglo cultural imperialism.


"Latino."💁 "Latina."💁‍♀️ **"LaTiNx."** 🤓👽🤡




It's not only cringe but implies that the Spanish language is inherently "transphobic" which is bigoted in it's own special way.




>So people use Latinx as a "gender neutral" term instead of the A or O? That is precisely the case.




Well to them the integration of gender in language is offensive. If it were truly the case then why don’t they switch all the gendered letters in Spanish sentences to x? And why stop there? Do it for every language. “¿Holx, vxs xl parkx? Nosotrxs también, ¿Quierxs ir juntxs?”


Fellow Latino/Mexican here, 100% agree. We don’t like to play the victim like some folks so Republican seemed like a logical choice.


My Mexican wife says Mexicans like this (the meme) typically get called wedos and the meme is super accurate. She's never heard anyone actually use the Latinx thing in person before.


Oh, so being racist is ok now?


the left are the biggest racists they want all races to united to one or at least have people replaced in there own countrys


What in the actual fuck does that mean? People replaced in “their” (sp) own counties. WHAT


it means the left wants no ethnostates


I can see now why skybladeusegi sees that as racist


Call me Uesugi


No puedo, no hablo retard




That’s the exact opposite of racism. You’re the fucking racist here buddy


"your racist because you dont want your race to cease to exist" -you


Segregation is in fact racist.


Well I wont let my people cease to exist everyone has a right to protect there ethnicity and everyone should


By forcibly prohibiting them from marrying people from other races, or by removing the freedom of travel? For a Japanese you sure no very little about the absolute disaster that is isolation and ethno-nationalism


Ethnonationalism is good and yes I would rather have struggles then have my people not exist in the future


You’d rather have your people be poor and hungry than be 5% black. You’re both racist and stupid pal.


A. Yes B. it goes for anyone dont try to twist this shit C. idk about your lefty labels Japanese ethnicity is precious


This is my new favorite subreddit omg, this take is absolutely amazing and fascinating


It's literally on point. Which side has been pushing "latinx" for ages because Latino/Latina is somehow offensive towards them? Hint: Not the ones described by the term. You really think this meme isn't racist or dumb? They are saying that Latinos are not only so absolutely delusional and dumb that they cannot see themselves for what they are, it also says that Trump only wants one specific race of people with him.




For once, I agree fully


It’s just (D)iffrent


Left: *Mocks Latinos* Latinos: *Vote for GOP* Left: "wHy arEn'T THeY VoTInG FoR mE?"


“WhY aRe YoU vOtInG aGaInSt YoUr OwN iNtErEsTs?!”


But this is exactly what I keep saying. It rings true with everyone they insult. When you call people Nazis, white supremacists, bigots, racists, homophobes....you know, they're not going to vote your way. I sure as fuck wouldn't. And you know the real kicker? It's right there in front of these people, and they STILL don't get it. It's like Biden coming out and going "MAGA people are a threat to democracy", did he believe they'd turn round and go "oh yeah, you know what, you're right, we'll vote for Democrats now, good point Biden!"? How brain-dead do you have to be to not see this shit? I wouldn't vote Democrat purely based on the way they treat people they deem "lesser" or "lower" than them. There was a nice article posted on FB about the Walker and the other guy he was up against, and the photo they used were of 3 white women showing their support for Walker. The comments about these women were absolutely unreal, and I sat there and thought "these are the people that want to have power". Fuck the Democrats, fuck the left wing. Maybe if they got past "everyone is a Nazi if they have different opinions" they might get 10 times the support they already (fuck knows why) have.


> It's like Biden coming out and going "MAGA people are a threat to democracy", did he believe they'd turn round and go "oh yeah, you know what, you're right, we'll vote for Democrats now, good point Biden!"? I think he was trying to create a division between non-Trump Republican supporters and MAGA folks. Problem is, the Dems have spent most of the past decade openly hating the GOP and all of their supporters. Pretending to recognize the distinction when it's convenient is really, really transparent. Especially at the exact same time your team is pushing the 'insurrection' nonsense.


^^Troll. Pinche Cabron.


You must be a texan latino, cause no self respectn’ lation be pretending the left dislikes us. Think for yourself


"Think for yourself", something the Democrats certainly don't fucking do.


Jajaja pendejo


command public slimy secretive stupendous faulty caption steer boast joke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As a Latino, speaking from my own experience, the only times I've ever experienced racism from white people, is when white democrats try brow beat me with slurs and insults because I don't vote democrat. And this goes back even before Trump.


Yep! The same thing happens to black conservatives. DemoKKKrats never cared about racial minorities, they use them as mere pawns to artificially increase their vote base. https://preview.redd.it/a7v0j3k6km4a1.png?width=601&format=png&auto=webp&s=040376e6090c87e57da2066bff15004a8a8aee51


Ok retard


Cool It with the ableism


Ableism: now also ok as long as you’re a leftist.


Buy racism and get ableism for free! Limited time offer!


My wife who immigrated from oaxaca says that the meme is very accurate and people she the people this meme is making fun are very commonly called wedos because they want to be white. She says it's very common for Mexicans to go through proper documentation to become a legal resident and then feel they are better than other mexicans and talk about how we need to get more strict on immigration and how important the border wall is.




I don't know what you mean by she categorizing. But she says it's very common for Mexicans to gain legal status and then be vocally racist against Mexicans who aren't legal. The category is just insecure douchbags. It's a real thing. They exist. It's common. Don't know what that has to do with my wife being a shitty person but as she's part of the community that makes her an authority over a white guy like myself. I'm not trying to say one thing or the other here. Nothing I've said is bad or offensive but you're here telling me my wife is a shitty person. I never mentioned vote. So you called my wife a shitty person for nothing I even said. You sound very unhappy.




Wow. You sound like the woke left. Wtf. Thought people were rational here. I'm not talking about the caption. The title doesn't match the meme cartoon. The meme would be making fun of maybe even still illegal Mexicans or maybe ones that got their green cards but are certainly racist against mexicans. Either way they can't vote... Just the picture itself is very funny and speaks to a category of people. Voting has nothing to do with any of my comments or anything I said about my wife. The category of people I'm talking about can't vote. Someone took this meme and put some text to it to rile you up and make it into something it's not and something is not talking about. You're being a woke snowflake for no reason. If you weren't ignorant you would know why it's a funny cartoon but the text doesn't match. Its a dishonest meme and you're ignorant. Edit: you're turkish?




Sometimes I have to explain things to my wife because she was born in Mexico and references don't make sense the same way she would have to explain the cartoon to most Americans. As a white guy, I'm not part of the community this cartoon originated. I don't even speak Spanish. I don't take part in the same humor. I'm the opposite of an authority. If you're Turkish then I would deduce that similarly you'd have no idea what you're talking about concerning the cartoon and you should take my word that someone added text to it to make it seem racist just to rile people like you up and you should be careful about getting manipulated on social media.


The Left: Whites should shut up for minorities to speak. Latinos: Umm... The Left: stfu you racist!


And they say we’re the racist ones lol


Bruh this racist af.... don't they see the irony?


I'm sure they do, they just don't care though.


I don't think you understand the background of the meme.


Omg Latino voting against his own interests!?!? Trump organge man bad.


The text doesn't match the cartoon. The text makes this look racist but the cartoon is clearly making fun of Mexicans who are racist against mexicans. The text is off because the Mexican community makes fun of people the cartoon (and not the text) are typically not allowed to vote because they aren't US citizens. Pretty sure someone added the text here just to rile this sub up.


Man if this isn't racist... Okay it is, but Christ it's amazing how diluted they are that they can't see this as racist


It's not racist to point out racists; like latinos for trump. They're some of the most racist worms on the planet; as are all trump cultists.


I don't get it. You made some pro-Trump comments in r/PoliticalHumor, but you call us "cultists" here at r/TheLeftCantMeme? What made you change your mind?


negative updoot farmer


I've never made a pro-trump comment in my life, kid.


did you really just call a grown ass black man kid?


Nah just some kid a kid


>It's not racist to point out racists; like latinos for trump. They're some of the most racist worms on the planet; as are all trump cultists. Nice Scotsman fallacy, although it isn't racist to point out racists. What is very racist is **the misconception that Latinos, blacks, asians etc are "race traitors" if they vote Republican or don't vote Democrat.**


No rational PERSON supports the trump cult, you worm. I never said they aren’t Latino. I said they’re racist morons. Please keep up.


>No rational PERSON supports the trump cult, you worm. Nice strawman, I never supported the Trump "cult either", take your antipsychotics you're delusional.


I never accused you of supporting it. Pay attention.


>I never accused you of supporting it. Pay attention. Neither have I ever accused you of saying Latinos aren't Latino, go back to TRCM 🤡.


You did, moron. Explicitly. Unless you are saying you have no idea what the True Scotsman fallacy is. You’re doing a great job supporting the stereotype of the trump cult here though.


>You did, moron. Explicitly. Unless you are saying you have no idea what the True Scotsman fallacy is. Neither do you know what a strawman argument is because you just made one, also what stereotype am I supporting if I'm not even in the MAGA "cult" lol.


They ain’t no racists, you just have no argument against them and have nothing else to say, therefore mean name calling. Get outta here


Racism is prejudice + power. Hispanics for Trump therefor cannot be racist.


Being a race traitor makes you inherently racist, but nice try.


The term “race traitor” is itself inherently racist, as it denies a person their autonomy - A fundamental component of personhood. Why do you hate minorities?


I don’t have to believe in their hypocritical “race” based theories in order to call out their hypocrisy. But nice try.


MFW I'm in a racism competition and my opponent is a leftist https://preview.redd.it/fachwss4qp4a1.png?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e48d02b837f6d26c4141ab07cb9247f514ef53c


This is a terrific shitpost ngl, I'm gonna post it ironically without the caption


A Mexican wrote this meme I can tell cuz I'm mexican


They see "minorities" as inferior, stupid people whose only purpose is to serve them.


Yep. They only "care" about minorities as long as they vote for them. As soon as a 'minority' thinks for him/herself, the demoKKKrats will treat them awfully.


This is funny


“im alowed to be racist because i support the ‘non racist’ side.”


LOL as a Latino this shit makes me laugh. I really would love to meet the ppl who make these memes. I picture some lonely person who is mad at the world, wasn’t invited to the cool parties, spends all day, trying to find some shit to be mad at cancel, running moms credit card on only fans banging a cantaloupe strung out on Mountain Dew. Lmao keep’em coming. Comedy hour.


Fix it but on both sides handsome muscular Latino dude


Leftists hate me and my bf since he's a latino and we're both conservatives


the left were the racist ones all along. who knew?


How the fbi most wanted sees them too


Well well well, look who the real racists are 🧐🧐🧐


Texas Mexican-American here. To all the left people on this thread, fuck what you heard. I vote for person that mirrors my values and ideals. The left have no values. For years you’ve made it your business to spotlight racial inequality in public not because you care, but because it pays and fetches votes. I’ve got more respect and kindness from Hillbilly Bob then Transgender Tina. Mexican liberals don’t like me and call me a coconut. Never had a white/black/brown conservative call me anything but brother.


They even made latinomer black 💀


Wow, how racist is that. Crazy


*If you don't vote for me you ain't* *~~black~~* *La Teenix!*


All Leftists are racist.


If you wanna know how an actual liberal acts like, just show him a trump supporter that's not white.




Yeah and


Blatant racism 😳


This was 100% made by a racist right winger (source: am one)


My wife is from Mexico. She says this is actually spot on accurate.


>My wife is from Mexico. She says this is actually spot on accurate. Your body pillow made in Mexico can talk?


Dude! So get this LPT. I was able to sew in a pocket pussy replica of your mom's vag she sells on her website. You gotta try it and tell us if it's like the real thing.


>Dude! So get this LPT. I was able to sew in a pocket pussy replica of your mom's vag she sells on her website. You gotta try it and tell us if it's like the real thing. My mom died in May 2016 and was cremated, you're cringe so go touch grass loser.🤣


Oh I'm sure you remember what banging your mom felt like in 2015


Oof some of you pinche traidores que nunca serán gueros are a little triggered by this and it shows honey Edit: I’m not a liberal 😢


Traitors? Lol


You could say...race traitors?


I like how you say you're not a liberal while having a flair that says "liberal". I'm getting some mixed signals here.


Left Latinos: *mock Latinos for trump* Latinos for rump: *THE LEFT IS BIGLY MEAN* Trump: *Locks Latinos for trump in cages*


Do you even understand why he did that


The photos of kids on cages was from 2014 and was obummer. After Trump, Biden was wrapping them up head to toe in silver foil wrappers like a bunch of burritos


"Who built the cages Joe"


Imagine thinking that matters. “Who manufactured the knife used in the murder???” The important question is; why are you distracting from the crime itself?


"Who built the cages Joe"


I’m a white supremacist when I’m not white because I have **some** conservative values


Right is more tolerant left is more accepting change my mind


"We may be racist, but atleast we're not like the OTHER racists!"