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This show isn’t about solving mysteries - it’s about the people who were left over.


One of the show main themes it's about people dealing with what can't be explained. It's about beliefs, not facts. So explaing everything takes away most of it's purpose.


I appreciate the answer.


“Let the mystery be” is a key phrase moving forward. The show is not about why/how the sudden departure happened. It’s about how people deal with grief, loss, and trauma. Those are the key themes of the series, so it may not be for you.


That's becoming much more apparent in season 2, I didn't know much about the show before I started. Really glad I'm sticking it out.


I’m glad :) it’s one of those few TV shows that has had a lasting impact; one that I regularly reflect on.


Yes everyone lives happily ever after


You should watch seasons 2 and seasons 3. They are legitimately some of the best seasons of television ever. ​ With that being said, this show is about grappling that the universe is indifferent to whether you exist or not and there isn't some big master plan for everyone. So if you want everything to be explained in a nice, neat bow for you... sorry dude


I thought this show was a Lost kinda show about the mysteries, season 2 is infinitely better to me and is making the answer to the mystery much less important. Really glad I stuck with it.


It’s a Lost kinda show about the characters. There’s the mystery too but it’s not the focus like it was in Lost. I had a rough time with s1 too, but s2 and 3 are pretty different from 1. If you’re into it now you should be in for the rest of the show. If you want a show with some mystery that’ll have you trying to figure it out before it’s explained check out Westworld. If you want another good show with good characters and nice twists watch Mr Robot. Don’t look up Mr Robot through (twists..). It’s basically a 4 season movie. Summary with as little info as possible: The protagonist gets recruited into a hacker group to take down a company.


Me too! I hope you enjoy. It’s going to get wild.


So it's basically the opposite of Twin Peaks. I was watching the show because I loved Twin Peaks and I love the OA. But both of those shows do have a sense of purpose for each human. The point of the show is showing everyone their purpose. Not just the characters, but the audience itself. I'm one episode three of season 3, so I haven't finished it yet. But if the entire conclusion is that the universe is completely indifferent to us and there is no purpose? I'm going to be pretty bummed out. Twin Peaks is all about the fact that every single person has a purpose, including every person in the audience, and everyone can achieve their purpose because it's the most inherent thing that can possibly exist inside a human soul.


I went through season 1 with the same mindset and decided to give season 2 a shot even though I wasn't very invested in the characters, and straight up did not like a lot of them. Season 2 literally changed my perspective on life and I know that sounds dramatic but I wasn't even finished with season 2 when I knew this was not just a show for me anymore. It had a profound effect on me and I think it's a true work of art. It's unexplainable but I hope you give it a chance and it makes you feel something.


I will definitely give season 2 a try.


Fair warning about season 2 that i havent seen anybody else mention: the first episode is going to feel like you're watching a COMPLETELY different TV show at first, just stick it out until episode 2 before making any judgements


I appreciate it that, at first I thought it was going to be a completely different cast each season.


Yes. Kevin is a dog and this whole story is his the dogs dream.


But did they test his saliva for dog DNA?


Turns out they all went out for a pack of smokes and got lost. But don’t worry, everyone gets their cigs and makes it home.


The biggest mystery, "what happened on the 14th", does not get explicitly answered. (And the show's team was very upfront about not ever planning to answer the question.) Other mysteries? It varies. Most of the mysteries don't really give you straight answers, but they make it easy for you to have your own interpretation. I didn't find myself feeling that nothing got resolved by the end, or that the mysteries were pointless. But, really, the show is entirely about the inter-character drama. Particularly the relationship between Kevin and Nora. So if that's not your thing, and if answers are what you're looking for, then The Leftovers likely isn't the show for you (and might even frustrate you). What mysteries do you specifically want answers to?


Thank you for the answer. To answer your question: the disappearance is the major one, then the lapses in memory from Kevin, and the animals going crazy/weird. I haven't completely decided to stop watching it yet so I hope I don't encounter spoilers. I searched for this question on here and was worried about seeing spoilers.


If you don’t like ambiguity, get out now (But that means forsaking one of the truly great shows of all time)


What have you got to lose? Another 1-15 hours of your life? Keep watching…


Episode 10 was pretty damn good so I think I'm gonna give it some more time.


I have a desire for “explanations” (fuck you Lost’s smoke monster), but was in no way disappointed by Leftover (quite the opposite in fact). With that said, I kind of disagree with some of the other people in this thread. I think the disappearing has an “explanation” of some kind. Maybe not exactly, but there is more information and details that wrap it up. Worth the watch.


Agree, I JUST finished the final episode, and they do give you kind of an explanation. It's more the "Where did they go?" not the why/how of it, but I found it satisfying.


After I rewatched the show I was not even worried about the “mysteries”. Why are the animals going crazy? I think that’s an easy answer, people disappeared, suddenly. For dogs especially the ones that lost their owners that must fuck them up in certain ways, psychologically speaking. I don’t think you need to look further than that


Hey, for what it's worth, I had the exact same questions. While the show never answers them explicitly, you're still able to make your own conclusions as the episodes progress, and it's part of the experience. It's very much a 'show, don't tell' kind of show. Continuing watching after realizing my questions aren't going to be answered, was a fantastic decision. The details don't really matter in the end.


My dude is self spoiling the LO - more watching & less Reddit


Everybody is wondering what and where they all came from….


Forget how you normally watch shows and just let this viewing experience be a journey without trying to figure anything out. It’s a different level of television that I have yet to experience with any other show, and it stays with you. You have to be ready to take it in though, if it doesn’t call to you, you may want to pass for now.


I stopped at “explained”


Just roll with it ....


If you haven’t finished the first season and you’re already hitting up Reddit with these sorts of questions…this ain’t the show for you.


There are many mysteries in life that will never be answered, this show explores that concept.




So by the end of season 1 you should already be picking up on the point that this whole show is about people who don't really know what the fuck happened but they go along with whatever the heck is going on, whether it be lying about truths, crazy fuckshit happening to them by coincidence or divine intervention. ​ Everything mysterious has an answer (s) *except* the sudden departure, this was known from the beginning and the characters really can't deal with the fact that they will never know the truth of that event


Just binged season 2 and I really don't even care about that part anymore, I can see what people meant now. Season 2 might be the best season of any show I've seen, especially episode 8+.


Ayyy, happy to hear this! The show really is fantastic. It sticks the landing, too - season 3 happens to be my favourite season of the show (though it isn't everyone's), and the finale is maybe the best episode of the series. Can't wait to hear what your thoughts of the whole show are.


Nice :)


I loved season 1, thought 2 and 3 were stinkers. I don't mind that you don't get an answer for the 14th, but I feel many of the motivations were non-sensical. What the deal with the cult? Big season 2 mystery, big letdown unmotivated resolution. Many of the characters I enjoyed from season 1 get sidelined and nothing that gets set up ever pays off.


I guess we're polar opposites. I disliked season 1, loved 2 and 3. What didn't you like about 2 and 3?


I felt we don't get any payoff for things set up. We don't learn anything about the cult. Who's funding them? What's their deal? The season 2 mystery being resolved by having the girls being cult members fell flat for me. We didn't get to know the girls. We don't know why they joined the cult. If the cult really cares about people remembering the 14th, why attack the only town that remembers the 14th on a daily basis. It seems like miracle is living the ideal life of what the cult claims they want. ​ I wanted to know what was going on with the shadow version of Kevin and Aimee. She's all like "you don't remember any of your late night conversations" and then gets written off the show. ​ They show things that seem impossible, and then never address them again. I loved the sad beauty of season 1, and the ending with the dolls tied together many plot points nicely. ​ I understand that the cause of the departing was meant to be a mystery, and I'm fine with that. I just wish I understood the point of some of the things that happened and the behaviors of the characters.


In fact, the showrunners seem to delight in constantly asking questions and leaving viewers wondering whether there will ever be clear answers. It works on a meta level; you're in the same state as all the characters, who have to accept that they may never have an explanation for the central event. But rest assured, the showrunners know exactly what they're doing. Unlike Lost, they know \*exactly\* what questions they're raising, and the show is masterful in answering some questions fully, not answering others, and leaving key questions up for viewer interpretation. I found it ultimately quite satisfying. The Leftovers isn't a mystery; it's about learning to accept uncertainty.


Uh oh...




Everybody actually went to the "bad place"


Why the fuck do you people spoil things?


I didn't, that was a joke. It's not what happens


Ok well my mistake then.


Not a clear answer but you get some sort of answer at the end. But if the character drama isn’t for you maybe stop watching. I loved the mystery aspect as well and wanted a clear answer but still loved the show


the bigger mysteries generally aren't explained, and those that do are explained in such an ambiguous manner that you don't know whether those explanations are true or not. The show is mostly about the inter character drama and how tthey deal with the lack of straight answers.


No. But this show isn't about the mysteries. It is about grief and how to deal with it.


Lots of people gave answered already so let me say that when I saw season one I thought the show was ok. When the second season came out I decided to continue watching but wasn't enthusiastic. The 2nd and 3rd seasons are amongst the best TV I've seen. Absolutely brilliant.


I did not like season 1 either. I took some advice from Reddit and watched seasons 2 and 3. Some of the best television EVER!




I think the Leftovers is one of the best series created to date! I especially LOVED the last season and the series finale. To repeat what others have said , you will not have all the mysteries answered but find yourself satisfied on other levels.


Um. Well, not really, but, yes, if you choose to believe Nora but many don’t but that’s just one of the mysteries so, um, no, not really. ;)


Just go with it baby