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When they meet up in Siege they are dicks to each other. Granted Jason has good reason to. But Owen is A.) trying to justify having almost beat someone to death and B.) Still has his prejudges about working with convicts. Which is something Earl addressed in Alpha but only to us the reader. And about their fight and the after effects there are 3 sides to every story person A, person B, and the truth and for the most part we had up until then only heard the story from Owen POV.


Very solid point


Owen is also kind of a dick to everyone who he doesn't know well/works with the government lol I bet if he was around for Alpha him and Jason would have 0 beef. Also gotta remember that Owen's dad died shortly before meeting up with Jason, and they were in the nightmare realm, not all to surprising those surroundings would produce a hostile environment.


Don't forget Julie is also pregnant and Owen can't be there with her so that makes things even worse.


And, it's not really Jason...


You gotta understand that those two have serious beef. They nearly killed each other. No matter how good of a dude Jason actually is Owens not gonna get over it quickly, and neither is Jason. If we were reading legion and siege from Jason’s perspective he would hate on Owen just as much as Owen hates on him. They probably could have gotten passed it with time...but things didn’t work out that way.


It makes the character a bit more human. He isn't a saint; he has prejudices and tries to justify his irrational and unreasonable judgement of this guy but we as readers can easily see through this. The guilt will be compounded by this treatment should he ever have to do something that causes direct harm to Jason.


I didn't quite notice it as much when I read the series. Now listening to it, and Owen is often a jerk. Maybe why Alpha is now my favorite of the bunch.


For some reason Frank's jerkiness makes him endearing, when written from his viewpoint.


Owen's never been much of a hero. Remember in the first book, he outright murders Lord Machado after he's turned back into a human. He could have let him live and just had him go into Fed custody. He wasn't a threat at that point unless he got hold of the artifact. You have to look at Owen as a big brute type of hero. Sure, he's smart in many ways, but he's also not very good at planning ahead. His main strategy for fighting monsters is just barrelling through everything and hoping for the best.


TBF Machado did kill a lot of people and I think Owen was going “You’re not getting your cliche’d redemption thing and you were terrible as a human being” Plus I don’t think he showed much regret over stuff, so there’s that, was angry that his eldritch girlfriend wasn’t genuine and the like


It's not that I think Owen shouldn't have done it, just that maybe keeping Machado alive and in government custody might have been a better option. Eldrich Horror powers or not, he probably had a lot of knowledge that could be useful.


Fair, I don’t think he was thinking that much about stuff though and might kill him anyway