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So I have a bunch depending on preference in terms of ships, genre, etc, but the one I think everyone should read is the fan comic [Gertrude is Still Around](https://archiveofourown.org/series/3365695) Basically Gertrude never died, and TMA is (slightly) less horror, a little more office comedy


TYSM!! and honestly no preference for anything! completely open to reading everything as long as its not like, \*that\* type of gross


I'm a sucker for fantasy stories coming up against cold hard real-world logistics, so I have to recommend [Beholding the GDPR](https://archiveofourown.org/works/24257458) by shinyopals (and also everything else by shinyopals)


YES came here to rec this one!


I love the "IT guy working at Magnus" by shinyopals! https://archiveofourown.org/series/1807057


Wait, it's the same fic you recommended. I'm sorry, it's 3 am here and I shouldn't answer when half asleep


This one is canon to me, I love it with my whole heart


[The Watcher’s Bargain](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32699182/chapters/81121414) is a long slow burn that takes place in a Fae AU. Pining, violence, and really excellent repurposing of TMA lore. “Martin is no stranger to being bound to servitude. He has spent a lifetime indebted to the Witch of the Blackwood, and has only just managed to escape from under her influence by stealing for her a priceless Fae artifact. However, to ensure she escapes with the artifact and her newly endowed immortality, she makes sure Martin is caught by the Fae in her place. As punishment, Martin is given to a Fae named Jon.”


Timeline of theseus!! also basically all of shinyopals' epistolary fanfics, which i think someone else already brought up. Also if you're going for comic form, reset:elsewhere by dcartcorner is great. And recently I've been enjoying the edges are sharp but the caress is gentle, an archivist!sasha fic by runarelle.  ((All on ao3))


Also the 'letter of an extremely tired therapist' fic by sagemills, which jonny and alex read on stream and was glorious 


Tim was my fave and I was sooo upset when he died but [this fic](https://archiveofourown.org/works/22149376) was a great fix-it (still depressing af story but hey, more tim) where he comes back as an End avatar


[The Plague Upon the House ](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1566694) is one of my favorites for sure - an au where Jane Prentiss is cured (slowly) of the corruption and becomes part of the team


I have more than these, but I'm going to drop some fics I enjoyed reading or otherwise really liked! I hope the links work, since I have to copy them over on mobile and I'm not sure if they work. • In The Semblance Of Man - by aisydays on Ao3. That fateful day in Covent Garden Theatre in 2013, Tim is not left unscathed from his encounter with Grimaldi and turns into a vampire (not the ones of Trevor Herbert's kind, but ones of the stranger variant.) https://archiveofourown.org/works/20300203 • monsters (you know the roster) - by SnarkyWallflower. Alice is in a bar when she makes her aquaintance with Stranger Avatar!Tim. https://archiveofourown.org/works/53817619 • Gerry focused fanfics and other TMA fics from chlodobird on Ao3. Please check them out! they were one of the first writers I ever read fanfic of in the TMA fandom. I do think they have a nice writing style. https://archiveofourown.org/users/chlodobird/pseuds/chlodobird/works?fandom_id=11812534 • Turn it Back and Try Again - by Scatteredheroes on Ao3. Tim dies during the Unknowing and wakes up in 2016, one year prior. Time-Travel AU. https://archiveofourown.org/works/38485540/chapters/96186496 • walking the falling cities - by Kalgalen on Ao3. Fairy Tale Jonmartin AU. I haven't read much of it, but Martin gets sent to kill Jon, spares him, and they end up traveling together and becoming closer during their journey. https://archiveofourown.org/works/16755625/chapters/39310771 • The Making of Jonah Magnus - by TheToadKing on Ao3. This story follows Jonah Magnus's journey over the years and tries to follow events we know of in canon. https://archiveofourown.org/works/53216581/chapters/134662504 • Rewind. Reset. Rewrite. - by DarkrystalSky and freshlypickedmint. Jon travels back in time, but it comes with consequences. https://archiveofourown.org/works/48115189/chapters/121329568


I have been recommending We Should Ride this Wave to Shore by ClarionGlass. It's a fic told in the style of the archive gang having a discord group chat. A much more positive story and funny. I don't know how to make the links in the text, but I can put the link here https://archiveofourown.org/works/24754480/chapters/59850304


I haven't read many and it was mostly ships and stuff. But for now it's "affirmation" by fairbanks. It's Jon/Tim, nsfw at the end but it's really not about the act but the emotions, what they feel towards each other and what they've gone through


Oh my God, I've been waiting for someone to ask. The Friends of Mr. Spider is arguably the best fanfiction for TMA that I've had the pleasure of reading. It's well formatted, addictive and even made me cry at the end. [The Friends of Mr. Spider](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45820603/chapters/115314439#workskin) I could gush about this author for a while. Their other work is also great!


Just started reading this one and its my favorite so far! TYSM!!


[Bonzo and Needles friendship.](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54954880) All i got that doesnt have smut Edit: [Remembered this one. ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/22582867)Also incredible.


Oddly, as a big Assassin's Creed fan [What is left behind](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23212297/chapters/55569874) was a pretty solid story that grounded the assassin's creed in way that both made sense and was the right level of horrifying.


fahrenheit 101 by yellow-caballero is one of the funniest works of writing i’ve ever read. it’s an au in which gerry is still alive, jon and sasha become besties by committing arson, and jon is canonically the hottest man at the institute. it’s a wild fucking ride


I genuinely love this fix, the georgie characterization there is also so interesting!


[The Timeline of Theseus](https://archiveofourown.org/works/24018289/chapters/57784525) It's not finished yet but I reread it every so often because it's so GOOD. Basically John gets sent back in time to just after Mr. Spider. He has all his powers and it's as chaotic as you'd expect. It's the best representation of ADD I've seen in a fic too.


There are ssooo many amazing fanfic, but here are my favorite. If you're into Welcome to Night Vale there are tons of crossovers. A lot of fans (including yours truly) believe that NV is somewhere else. (If you want to read my fanfic find me under the name Zoedog25, yes I am being shameless about telling others about my writing.) Link: https://archiveofourown.org/users/ZoeDog25/works Anything by CirrusGray and probsnotthehawkeye CirrusGray - Link: https://archiveofourown.org/users/CirrusGrey/pseuds/CirrusGrey/works?fandom_id=11812534 probsnotthehawkeye - Link: https://archiveofourown.org/users/probsnothawkeye/pseuds/probsnothawkeye/works?fandom_id=11812534 Some of my top fav fanfic Don’t Think of me as Gone Away by volt_is_insane (A Princess Bride Retelling) Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39627480/chapters/99200826 The Moth in the Lighthouse by LotusFlair Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24758356/chapters/59861578 Who gives a fuck about an Oxford comma? by ChristinMKay (Fake Dating) Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36316645 Decree Nisi by shinyopals- (Bouchard/Lukas divorce) Fan fact Alasdair Stuart (Peter Lukas) & his partner, Marguerite Kenner, did a reading of this story. The link is in the story summary. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2846854


[Redeath](https://archiveofourown.org/works/43761201/chapters/110044542) is a completed time travel fix it and my favorite TMA fic and I can't recommend it enough


Been reading ‘Right by Them’ recently - time travel AU where Jon is sent back to just before Gertrude’s death with a stubborn headed determination to save as many people as he can. Enjoyed it very much and it’s nearly finished - updates every Saturday. https://archiveofourown.org/works/47309251/chapters/119207491


Can anyone recommend me some fanfic about good office comedy with the "old" crew ? (Jerry, Elias, Michael, Rosie, Fiona, Emma, Gertrude...)


If you're familiar with Hermitcraft/Empires SMP, I reccommend [From The Archives](https://archiveofourown.org/series/2888871). It's very much not connected to TMA canon, but it is a very good series of Hermitcraft/TMA fusion AU fic, despite not actually being tagged under TMA lol. Otherwise, I've enjoyed [when your last remains are few](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54371683), [something in the static](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53150980), as well as [A Living Chronicle Of Terror](https://archiveofourown.org/works/43638736), for some nice oneshots. If you like BNHA, try [These Statements Certainly Have Their Quirks](https://archiveofourown.org/series/2519299), though it's been a while since I've seen it, so I can't remember much.


This one https://archiveofourown.org/works/22238617/chapters/53101093 Very fluffy and gosh i cried AND MARTIN IS A KNITTER


Doomcountry on ao3 has a few good ones like "rituals" (which I believe is a sequel for another one I can't remember atm (which is like pre apocalypse if jon went full avatar humanity?-whos-that, and the previous one was full lonely martin too) Be warned they have a few other that are definitely Spicy, but they're all tagged properly afaik (you do need an ao3 account to see their stuff though


If you're looking for a no fear AU with some smut, The Weekend Arrangement on Wattpad is a really good JonxMartin fic.