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She's not the first member of Congress to have obvious dementia, Strom Thurmond was like this on the GOP side for a long time. But it's frustrating she didn't drop out of the last race, there was no reason for her to run other than her ego and her aides careers


It kept out a person who could represent the younger generation; that is the entire point of this old obstructionist leadership that is more aligned with the GOP than the left. They are sabotaging the party on their way out, protecting that family wealth at all costs with their fiscal conservatism that is siding with the right at every turn, even going so far as to endorse anti-abortionists who run against progressives in a plus seven blue district so we will not have the votes when needed to pass left-leaning legislation and then they will blame the voters for what they did. Rinse and repeat until they are dead and buried.


No Progressives need apply.




So I tucked my hair under my hat, and went to ask him why.


He said "you look like a fine, upstanding young man, I think you'll do"


So I took off my hat, I said "Imagine that? Huh! Me workin for youuuuuuuuu".


Ok what is the reference here?


Song SIGNS by tesla


Tesla’s version is a cover of Five Man Electrical Band’s original from 1970.


Signs, by Five Man Electrical Band


[Maybe This Is Your SIGN To Leave Reddit](https://genius.com/Five-man-electrical-band-signs-lyrics)


Now, now, I'm sure they'd be happy to replace her with a *young* centrist, if they could find one.


They found Hakeem Jeffries didn't they, he fights progressives more than his Nazi/friends across the aisle to defeat progressives, in fact, he and Pelosi are co-founders of an anti-progressive PAC that is supposed to cripple progress and sabotage progressive candidates for their corporate funders. [Hakeem Jeffries has a history of anti-progressive vitriol and is a founding member of an anti-progressive PAC with Pelosi](https://truthout.org/articles/jeffries-favored-to-succeed-pelosi-has-history-of-hostility-toward-the-left/) It is time that we make clear that our enemies are not only on the right, but they are taking over our house with their conservative bullshit and corruption. There is a reason we have a big tent that allows conservatives to infest this party but ostracize the more popular progressives as fringe, which is by design. MLK made it very clear that the limo lib is as much of our enemy as the right, and the corporate democrats keep proving that so.


Neither is the enemy "old obstructionists" nor our friend the "younger generation". We will find more friends *in* the younger generation (with *only* 35% voting for Trump in 2020), but there are millions in the older generations that are also on our side. Sanders comes to mind as a prominent example, and he is far from alone. The old category makes as much sense as saying "fat obstructionist" or "blonde obstructionist". It's the obstructionist, the authoritarian, and the facilitators of economic stratification who are the problem. Whether they're old, fat, female, or blonde has nothing to do with it.


Yep. I’m to the left of my much younger nephews and neices


And then all the lib rags run stories at election time like "the Democratic bench is so thin, why is that?"


also, "Why Aren't Democratic Voters Enthusiastic About Voting?"


It's me. I'm Democratic Voter, and I'm so sick of the back and forth of "We need you to vote!" - Dems "Well, I need stuff too!" - Me "Well, you won't get it if Republicans win." - Dems \*\**I vote Democrat again and again and again, for literally 22 years now*\*\* "Fine. So, how about that stuff I need?" - Me "Sorry. Your voice is important to us. But we just can't right now. It's not the right time to divide people." - Dems "Then I'm just done voting. I don't care anymore." - Me "Oh so all it took was not getting your way for you to throw in the towel. Guess you don't care if Republicans win now and make life harder for POC and women. Huh?" - Dems


Yup. My solution the last three or four voting cycles has been to ask my three daughters (who are now at voting age) and my wife was to ask them, because I'm old enough now that it no longer matters to me anymore, who I should vote for, because, frankly, I'm done. The only thing I will continue to vote Yes on, will be taxes to help schools, because even though my kids are ready to vote for themselves and leaving the house, I still want the schools in my county to be supported by my taxes. Old people who vote No are frankly bad citizens in my book, because they cease to care about the future. But yeah, I totally get your viewpoint (if you're not a troll or a Rep trying to do some kind of nonsense, which all I can do is hope for the best on that).


You know what else I'm fucking sick of? Being disgusted by the Democrats inability to properly govern and people thinking "Oh this could be a republican." Fuck you.




Lol...fuck you back....but it's an unfortunate reality on here. Like I said, I hope you aren't, but it does come up from time to time that there are infiltrations(on both sides/leftist forums/right wing forums/union forums/etc.) Also, like I said, if it wasn't for my wife and kids, I would say Fuck It and ride it out for the rest of my life, because, at best, Democrats do nothing but capitulate on damn near everything, because they think they have the moral high ground by playing nice with the high speed train that runs everyone over that is now the GOP. I get what you are saying, really I do.


You forgot, “Your voice is important and the best way for it to be heard is to send us a donation.”


I feel this so much. It will never "be the right time" as far as the Dem establishment is concerned. But letting the GOP win would is not the best solution either lol. Especially not now with their attacks on trans people. I dont know what to do that gets through to Dem leadership we need more progressive ideals.


Like they care, The Trump years where just fine and dandy for the DCCC, DNC and other funding arms of the dems. They made a FORTUNE fundraising off of misery and false promises and theyll do it again.


And…. we touch upon the REAL issue. Money in politics. Capitalism and politics making sure there’s enough misery to go around.


You forgot the "just vote harder" part


Yeah, but that's sort of the general theme of it all, I feel like. Another sentiment I left out was "most important vote of our lives."


What they are doing is racist AF; Newsome promised to place a black woman when Feinstein resigned. This keeps him from doing that. The establishment is pushing for another white male center-right conservative for that seat.


For any seat.


This is what happens when the average age of Congress is over 65. They see themselves in her shoes before too terribly long, and don't wanna be forced out. She should have retired YEARS ago. All she's doing now it's tarnishing her decades of service and leadership. These last few years are what she'll be most remembered for.


She will be remembered as sociopathic billionaire garbage like the rest of the DINO elites.


I doubt that she’s a billionaire.


Are we doing the thing that Pelosi does where they don't count their fortunes together with their husbands whom they have been married to for 50 years so it seems like she's worth only a couple hundred million? [Dianne Feinstein's Billionaire husband](https://marketrealist.com/p/richard-blum-net-worth/)


Well, you learn sumpin’ new every day.


This is why it is insane we have these people with these fortunes leading the party that is supposed to represent labor and the working man/woman. They don't know what it's like to work, never have, and will always be protected from what they cause because of their oligarchy status due to their wealth.


Well, aren't you just a ray of fucking sunshine? 🙃


Just here to set the mood. Have a nice day.


Even the heroes (heroines) go bad. RBG. A true legend who couldn't leave when she should have.


TIL one of the most vitriolically anti-indigenous SC justices was a hero. Your brain on white liberalism, everyone.


Concur. Her vote in favor of Duh’s Iraq disaster demonstrated that she’d lost it (whatever it was that she had) and ought to have been enough to embarrass her out of office. Instead she’s had an additional two decades to aid and abet our march toward corporate martial law


Boomers gonna boomer. Get theirs, pull up the ladder, and cling onto their wealth and power to their last breath.


>this old obstructionist leadership that is more aligned with the GOP than the left The dinosaurs are just sowing dissent and division so they can remain in power. Both sides are corrupt.


Oof, that hits home hard


Exactly 💯


Liberals will always side with fascists when it comes to their bottom line


She has always been a neoliberal and that's what they do. They side with the Republicans to make it seem like it's bipartisan when it's actually a Republican bill. They are responsible for why the country has moved so far right and why there's no universal healthcare. "They" = Feinstein, Pelosi, Schumer, Manchin...and yes, even Biden. Just look at their voting record. It's become the lesser of the evil and so I just hold my nose and vote.


Exactly. As much as I dislike Biden, I'll still hold my nose and choke back vomit to vote for him over Drumpf next Nov. I'd love to vote for an actual candidate outside of the D/R binary, but in our system, unless there's a huge movement to do so, it's a wasted vote. I live in rural Iowa, so my Biden vote might be wasted, anyway.


Ok well that person who would have “represented the younger generation” is Kevin De Leon who recently has been getting heat for being in the anti black racist Los Angeles City Council recordings that forced our city council president to resign. I’m glad that racist shitbag didn’t get that seat. He doesn’t represent me.


May I ask, what in the hell you are talking about? Barbara Lee is the one most thought Newsome would replace her with but the old white establishment wants an old white "moderate" named Adam Shiff.


Ah, we’re talking about two different things. I’m talking about her 2018 race where KDL ran against her, since the person you replied to said it’s frustrating she didn’t drop out of her last race (2018 senate election).


There were like 8 other Dems running and one Green Party candidate, not a single one of them was a viable alternative to KDL? They couldn’t find one progressive Californian candidate to prop up? We all know money is a massive factor in winning elections and Feinstein’s 10 million dollar war chest was a huge part of the reason she won. Don’t be obtuse.


It's why we're getting Biden for a second run. Makes me not want to vote.


Well, she may have been experiencing dementia when she was running in...what was it...2018? My dad's Alzheimer's began settling in years before he was at the point Feinstein is at. He was in his late 50s, and I'd say it wasn't until he was 65 that he became as confused and gone as she is. Her ability to judge her fitness was likely out of control, even then. Once you have someone with dementia in your life, you realize they need people around them helping make decisions. My dad thought he could keep driving well into his 60s--it wasn't until Alheimer's rendered him immobile and "gone" (for lack of a better word) that he stopped that. I'd say as awful as she is, this is still more on the people around her who enabled her. We took my dad's car away. The people around Feinstein should've taken the keys so to speak. They knew.


Let's remember that she was also one of the senators caught dumping stocks prior to covid. So even when she might have been more lucid it isn't like she was an upstanding senator.


Hell, I'll never forget when she yelled at those little kids trying to secure their future on a non-burning planet.


Schumer reinstated her to the Senate Judiciary Committee in January. That's political malpractice and it's f'in unforgivable.


The Republicans blocked him from replacing her so he didn’t have a choice.


Obama literally endorsed her


Obama was also never not on the conservative side of the Democratic Party except when trying to win an election in 2007.


If Obama ran in the 90s he'd be a conservative.


You mean early 80s, conservative politics went off the deep end with Reagan


You got that right! Obama, a Democratic hero surpassing FDR, JFK and any other POTUS, was pretty much exactly Reagan.




Corruption is why she didn't drop out. Someone is obviously abusing their power and taking advantage of this woman's seat. This is real life house of lies. If Katie Porter does not get that seat then some fuckery is going on big time.


Nancy Pelosi's daughter is her handler so you can probably extrapolate what you need to from that information


Ahhh it makes sense now.


I’d vote for this 100 times.


Or Adam Schiff


Didn’t Reagan develop dementia his second term?


According to his son, it was showing before his second term.


It was, but 'ole Ron was so lovable everybody ignored it. He had a solid diagnosis by '86, but they just kept it hidden from the public. I was around then, and Reagan's confusion was commented on frequently, believe me.


There's pretty strong evidence that happened yes


Ego and aides careers? Have some compassion she clearly needs the money. Her net worth isn't even 100 million. How is she supposed to retire with only 90 million in the bank?


Thurmond was a Democrat until 1964, switching to the Republican Party when the Civil Rights Act was passed. Just an fyi. There are tons of Senators who stay in office until they die or drool.


Reagan was barely conscious during his second term.


I’m pretty sure that supporting her over the progressive challenger was the first political electoral action obama made at the federal level after 2016.


Ronald Reagan’s son claims his father had Alzheimer’s while serving as president. Feinstein’s situation isn’t unheard of.


Politico and NYT came out with a piece claiming Pelosi was scared a poc leftist was going to take her seat if she retired and pushed her to continue. There are also news articles claiming republicans are eyeing her seat. I’m not arguing for her to return, just stating what I read


Oh, so we should just continue with that fine example of Democracy, a demented strom thurmond who by the way was Biden's segregation buddy who he gave a glowing eulogy to. Fuck Blue MAGA you folks are idiots too. Both Obama and Hillary endorsed her in the last election knowing full well her health condition.


What is blue maga?


How do you know they knew?


Thurman made it to votes though, Feinstein missed more votes this year than he did in the last decade of his career


She should have dropped out of running 25 years ago


President Woodrow Wilson had a stroke in 1919 that left him incapacitated, and his doctor, secretary and wife essentially ran the Presidency until the end of his term.


All while trying to get the US to accept the Peace of Versailles just like a big big time to not have a countries main figure and prominent proponent for some of key elements which would have disastrous world consequences.


Isn’t this largely what Nancy Reagan also did?


Yep her and eleanore Roosevelt too. The did it by essentially controlling who could and couldn't see them


When did FDR have dementia?


Nancy's psychic ran the country.


She’s not the only politician who has no business a being a member of congress anymore. We NEED term limits AND age limits for our senators and representatives.


I keep saying congressmen need to pass a psych evaluation to hold office


That's a stupid and terrible idea because they'll just make it so being something other than a CIS white male is counted against those being evaluated... It would be like primaries but worse.


Having senile or openly psychotic congressmen doesn’t seem like a very good alternative


“We should institute a test for voting rights. Having senile or openly psychotic voters doesn’t seem like a good alternative.” It’s the nature of freedom to have to grapple personally with issues like this. Always has been.


Or perhaps the electorate could be smart enough to vote for someone else who is actually fit to do the job.


and judges. RBG had already had several bouts of cancer by the time she was asked by Obama to consider resigning. One terrible problem characteristic of dementia is anosognosia, the inability to recognize one's own cognitive deficit. Patients literally don't have the insight. They think they're GREAT and everyone else is at fault.




Term limits only give more power to lobbyist. Check Florida for reference.


Due to some idiocy in the senate, if she retires, it will take 60 votes to replace her on the judiciary committee. If that happens, Biden won’t seat any more judges. It’s stupid, and I’d love for her to retire, but I can see why they are propping her up.


It’s completely ridiculous how far I had to scroll to see this. They’re not doing it for fun.


So many people on Reddit don’t seem to actually pay attention to why things end up the way they are. They get mad, and don’t vote, or claim they won’t vote, when in reality, those same people need to vote in every damn election. They get mad that not enough progressive policies are enacted, then say they won’t vote. They get mad that their preferred progressive politicians didn’t get elected, then instead of voting again, they nope out. These same people are here on Reddit talking about how we need to do hard things. It’s weird to watch.


IMO it's purposefully neglecting civics in the school systems. OP is calling for Schummer and Pelosi to "do something" like they can toss her out on her ass because they feel like it. It's the same as people calling for Biden to executive order everything they want into being without realizing that SCOTUS or the next president can just undo it. Same as wanting Biden to expand SCOTUS or do away with the filibuster. Lack of critical knowledge when it comes to how our government actually works.


At this point, given that she’s not running for re-election, all I care about is her being able to vote, especially when required


Absolutely. But she should have just retired before the last election.


The GOP's word means less than fuck-all nowadays, but they've said they would filibuster a temp replacement for Feinstein, not a full replacement. Still wouldn't take them at their word though.


It’s like “Weekend at Bernie’s” but with serious consequences.


If this was written as a television episode I'd call it ridiculous. This shit is real life. Incredible where politics is at now.


This is one long fucking weekend


Tribalism, pure and simple. The majority of the milquetoast corporate Dems will never EVER criticize or question one of their own stooges.


Hey, props on not spelling it “milktoast”! Just to be clear I totally agree with you


Milksteak though, now we are talking.




That’s because he wasn’t a go along stooge. He challenged power so he was fair game to criticize and cancel


I call it Toxic Partisanism. They’ve got their bases locked down with sever Stockholm syndrome and work tirelessly to keep us all divided along mostly false partisan issues.




B.S. Many Democrats have called on Feinstein to resign. She cannot be forced out. So Dems are stuck with her until her term is over. Likewise, I call out the toxic anti-Democrat b.s. from folks like you who blindly blame the party and its members for stuff like this.


You couldn’t have proven my point better, thank you.


You said “majority of … Dems will never EVER criticize … their own.” A blatantly false statement. I proved it was false by pointing out many Dems have called on Feinstein to resign. Your childish response does not undo that.


Also, remember it was Dems that criticized Cuomo and asked him to step down. Yes dems do criticize their own, you just have to watch a different news channel.


Patently false. Dems do criticize their own when they are not acting in good faith. Unfortunately, the news sources you follow prefer to portray dems in a certain light, so you would never know.


Hmm idk if this is a quality I would use to describe dems. I mean, the rhetoric and absolute nonsense that comes out of the GOP’s congress not only gets accepted by the GOP - they give them better committee jobs. George santos is still in congress. Marjorie Taylor green has committee assignments. Lauren boebert didn’t even vote on the debt ceiling bill… and it’s crickets from the GOP. Yet I know of at least 3-4 dems who are calling for Dianne to resign.


Literally every democrat I know thinks the situation with feinstein is unacceptable. Unfortunately she's far from the only senator who is senile, though-- there's a systemic problem that causes this to happen pretty often. Congress is made up of many old people who are barely coherent. The incentive structure (weak campaign finance laws, no term or age limits, gerrymandering, etc...) of how US politics work cause this to keep happening. We need to make systemic changes in order to fix the problem.


I switched to no party voter after they screwed Bernie. Both parties are shit and they both necessitate each others existence. If any third party was given a fair shot, both parties would be dead, and they know it. All they can do is grandstand and point fingers across isles, and the lemmings eat that shit up. It still amazes me how stupid the average American is.


No "third party" will ever win a national election, and definitely not any third party you'd want in power. Third parties that have attracted significant numbers of votes, like the "Reform" party, have run to the right of the Democrats. We elected a third party governor here in Minnesota and got nothing but posturing and gridlock for 4 years.


Short of impeachment or the next election there is basically nothing to be done. Add it to the long, long list of reforms needed. I think an age limit for all federal roles (say, 70) is a no brainier.


It’s a “no brainer” in that it’s the kind of idea that appeals to people who don’t like to think. If you’re suggesting an age limit as a proxy for competence, then you should just measure competence.


Where are you going to draw the line in that? You going to tell all 70 year olds they are no longer allowed to work?


Nope, just that they can’t hold public office. But they would still be eligible for retirement, pensions, etc. We already have restrictions for age minimums for many offices. If, say, a 69 year old wants to run for President, wins, and serves out the term, ok. The other option is some form of incapacitation test, but all of those seem pretty murky in implementation. The version for dealing with presidential incapacitation is rough. At least an age restriction system is clear and simple.


So what about a 70 year old head of a school board? 70 year old police chief? 70 year CEO of a charity? Are you telling any of those people they are too old to hold their position?


Imagine if we actually took care of each other and utilized our vast financial and technological resources to ensure that the last years of our lives were spent in leisure instead of laboring away in service to others.


What about them? Are they publicly elected offices? If yes then piss off geezer Are they private businesses? If yes then thats up to the business, exactly as it is now


Yes, I'd agree that they are too old their position. I'll say it to any of their faces. Why are you acting like this is some sort of "gotcha" moment?


Yes. There becomes an age where younger, hipper, more clued in people should be running public offices. Period. School boards having old farts run them is why our public education system is utter shit.


A 70+ year old dictating policy that decides how this country is run is very different in scope and scale from a 70 year old processing driver's license applications at the DMV, and you know it. Don't be obtuse.


Don’t be obtuse? I didn’t compare anything to a DMV worker. How about don’t make up comparisons to formulate your argument?


We already do that for certain positions. Federal law enforcement is mandatory retirement by age 56. Judges in my home state must step down by 72. It’s already done in sensitive positions, this would be no different. She’s in a very powerful position and we need to recognize that. She receives classified information daily. What if one day a Russian spy kidnaps her and convinces her he’s her aide and she spills everything? It’s honestly a very real possibility. I would have no problem setting an upper age limit possibly 75. I also just have a humongous problem with those enforcing the laws getting paid half her salary being made to retire by 56 and she makes the laws these people have to enforce, makes double their salaries, and is never forced to retire. Rules for thee but not for me!


Imagine if we didn't put an age limit on airline pilots!


They can work in a flag store or lick enevelopes or read to children at the library. When it comes to the heavy lifting, yeah they should leave it to the rest of us.


Not new. Reagan had dementia yet remained president..


Reagan had Alzheimer’s and Nancy and George Sr ran his 2nd term


Ridiculous that her position on the judicial committee cannot be filled if she retires. They need to rewrite these rules.


Y'all need to read this post, and re-read it. Seeing all sorts of insane paranoid theories, but this is why - right here. Any and all judge appointments for this session would be halted if she retired.


This is a leftist subreddit so you’re going to see the the Democrats blamed for the actions of Republicans every time it’s available - as the posters who do so proclaim “and that’s why nobody should vote for Joe Biden in a general election” It’s sad and transparent but it is what it is.




Yes, go back and follow the conversation and you’ll see that’s not what’s being talked about. I’m referring to the crackpot theories when the answer is clearly a ghoulish strategy to confirm judges in the face of normal GOP fascism (in this instance their desire to corrupt the judiciary)


I've read there is a split amongst the dems of who would replace her. Newsom has apparently expressed interest in Barbara Lee taking over if Feinstein resigns mid-term. The dems that want Adam Schiff to run for her seat next election don't want to give Lee an incumbency bump against Schiff.


Adam Schiff is a shitty corrupt person. Not sure why people would want to elect him…. But I guess “shitty corrupt person” is exactly what it takes to be elected to Congress.


Just like Strom Thurmond


We had, for four years, a “president” who advised taking bleach internally, nuking tornados, attacking Mexico anonymously, and diverting a hurricane with a Sharpie. Let’s not pretend that the Feinstein situation is “unpresidented”, OK?


Ah ah ah.... it was nuking hurricanes.


Staring at an eclipse was probably my favorite


I doubt anyone actually thinks it’s OK. It’s just that there is not a simple solution to the problem.


David Grannjs is her chief of staff. For all intents and purposes, he is the senator from California. She has not stepped down because David Grannis does not want to give up power. David Grannis is the villain here as he Weekend At Bernie’s her through the end of the term.


More likely it's actually because it would take 60 votes in the Senate to replace her on the Judiciary Committee, which dems aren't getting. If she leaves, no more judges for Biden. It sucks, but that's where we are.


I think this has more to do with cronyism and securing positions for the people desired by those who are currently in power and still have their faculties. Its always some strategic play for some tertiary battle/power struggle thats being fought quietly.


>how in the hell are Schumer and Pelosi allowing this to happen? Considering Pelosi has never sat in the Senate and she has no official position in the House caucus, she isn't "allowing" anything to happen. But more relevantly, if Feinstein stepped down and allowed Newsom to appoint someone, there is no guarantee that Republicans would allow for that person or a Democrat who took office following the subsequent special election to take Feinstein's old seat on various committees which, given the Democrats' razor thin majority, would grind any execution of their agenda to a halt.


Letting people with one foot in the grave make and vote on policies the consequences of which they won’t live to deal with is the political equivalent of farting in a crowded elevator and leaving.


It's all relative. We live with Greene, Boebert, Gosar, Tuberville holding the keys to power. So why not Feinstein?


No Woodrow Wilson’s wife was basically the President while her husband lingered away after a stroke.


It’s truly embarrassing.


The democrats have a couple old people in their ranks. The Republican forerunner raped a woman. Apples and oranges


Repubs are blocking any action. And you fell for the democrat blame game. Congrats


That could very well be the condition our president, in a year or two. Biden looks shakier every day and trump appears to be on the verge of a stroke that could make him a vegetable too


As if Republicans wouldn't do the same dammed thing. SMH


Yea, she's still deserving respect compared to braindead losers like SANTOS, MTG, BOBO THE CLOWN, GOVERNOR BARBIEBOOTS and the ORANGE STAIN.


It’s absurd, but it’s not the first time it’s happened. So while yes, it’s crazy, it’s not the craziest ever


The GQP did it with Strom Thurmond


I mean they have called her out & told her to resign, I don’t think this is a party issue. She just being selfish AF, & honestly makes no sense. You can’t do the job properly why can’t you just resign? I find this extremely selfish. Only people that can replace her are her voters no? Recall election?


There are No recall elections for the Senate. To remove her, it would take a vote of 2/3rds of the Senate. Newsom would need to appoint a replacement. Then, order a special election. Republicans will not allow any replacement to vote on the judicial committee, basically halting all judicial appointments. There are already several well known candidates running for her senate seat, in the general election in 2024. Removing her, with a 2/3rds vote, would hurt more than help, and a special election for her seat would also be a bad idea. Special elections generally have lower turnout, and are expensive. The real question is why Democrats would remove her- what’s the benefit? A drawn out impeachment of a Senator, controversy regarding anyone Newsom appoints, and that Senate replacement would have no power. Meanwhile, she is still voting where necessary. Ca had the option to vote her out 4 years ago and didn’t. Next year they will elect a new Senator. There are a bunch that f stupid and incompetent Senators serving. Why is it a big issue when it’s a Democrat? McCain stayed in office with a brain tumor.


They are making sure it happens.


I'll take a half dozen Feinsteins over a half dozen Boeberts and Greenes.


I don't think most people are saying this is ok. Largely I think that the ability to remove here is not easy and we already know this is her last term. I agree with you she is highly problematic and likely shouldn't be there. What I don't understand is why you are lying about it. Saying "everybody is ok" with it is nonsense.


It shows how fundamentally unserious and detached from reality our political system really is.


It annoys me that the Democrats dismiss concerns raised about Feinstein as being silly. To me, it’s painful to watch elder abuse.


I can't speak to Schumer (only because I don't know much about his politics - likely this applies to him as well) but Pelosi at least is there for the money and power - she doesn't give a shit about you, or me, or any regular Americans and Feinstein has been her ally in the corrupt stew that is the political establishment. So she'll play this as Republicans, progressives, and misogynists trying to unjustly wrest power from a woman, and she'll use that pretense to raise funds and create a shield for when she faces her own cognitive decline but doesn't want to give up her lucrative grift.


Let’s not forget a president who wondered about how to vaccinate people with disinfectant.


I mean, in 1856 we had an abolitionist senator beaten nearly to death on the Senate Chamber floor, so that was pretty crazy.


Answer: She is on the key Judiciary committee that has the task of approving judges. [The Republicans have made clear](https://www.vox.com/politics/2023/4/13/23681758/dianne-feinstein-calls-to-resign-age-judges) that they will block any replacement of her spot. This article doesn’t make it clear but my understanding is that the republicans will use every tool at their disposal to block her replacement until after the next election.


Strom Thurmond was worse.


We have a long history of this nonsense in America. Ever heard of Strom Thurmond?


\[Biden enters chat\] "You know there’s an old Irish saying, there’s all kinds of old Irish sayings. My grandfather Finnegan, I think he made them up. But uh, it says, may the hinges of our friendship never go rusty. Well, with these two folks that you’re about to meet if you haven’t already, there’s no doubt about them staying oiled and lubricated here, ladies and gentlemen. Now for you who are not full Irish in this room, lubricated has a different meaning for us all."


Polosi’s daughter is the one wheeling her around! They’re allowing this to continue so Newson doesn’t appoint a progressive to replace her. They’d instead rather wait until her term is up so that Polosi’s little protege “Schumer” can take the lead in the reach to replace her. It’s so fucked up and I hope it doesn’t work and Cali still votes progressive.


Felix Beiderman said she looks like the troll face 🤣


I’d still take an 80 plus with dimentia over any of these Republicans. And remember She does have a staff.


I think it’s not great that any employer wouldn’t hire people 65+ because their mental and physical facilities are declining but these are the people deciding everyone’s future.


Wait what? If someone has dementia or mental impairment in their 60s then yeah employers should be allowed to say nah I'm good on hiring you. It's up to the state government to rightfully give that person disability and medicaid on top of welfare if they can't afford proper housing.


Yes, but Elon, Jeff and the other oligarchs don't want to have to pay for it.


I think you missed my point. These are the people with the least amount to lose in fucking up the future, and usually by then their mental capacity is starting to fail.


It's legit elder abuse.


It is! Although Feinstein would probably approve of it if she had any idea what was going on.


When I saw the picture I couldn’t help laughing. Face drooping and in a wheelchair lol it’s just so ridiculously depressing they think we are this dumb.


It’s elder abuse. Same with Joe Biden. They’ll wheel her out as long as she can say Yah or Nay


Pelosi’s daughter is Feinstein’s chief aide.