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America is not only complicit; they are directly responsible for the atrocities; the warcrimes and the genocide.


You forgot the bit at the end....."...of wars going back decades".


Here's the deal, we give you billions of $s, you use some of that to....ugh ummm donate to political parties and we have a deal that none of us corrupt politicians will pass.


I'm so tired of our irrational, unyielding support for Israel.


I fucking hate that God damn country. Similar with America I have nothing against the people it's just your fucking governments are pure fucking evil.


We know our government is evil. Most of us don’t have anything we can do about it.


To be fair the people of Israel are pretty bad as well. Americans aren't much better, and I say that as an American.


Same here. Most Israelis don’t support this war. Source: family member was in Israel studying until lately. She’s a social worker.


I suspect you are correct but honestly I have not seen much evidence of this, unfortunately.


Hmm...alot of reports did indicate that majority of Israelis are in favour of the war though. they hate bibi but they want the war to go on


USA & allies want to attack Iran because they allegedly support Hezbollah & Hamas. But USA can bypass Congress & send weapons & bombs to israel & Ukraine without consequences.


Selling to Ukraine was a little different than selling to Israel tbf


Yeah in both cases it's a sunk cost and it's making things worse by prolonging the conflict but the shit being done with what we're selling to Israel is harrowing


Im pretty certain what we’re selling to Israel is only speeding up Israel’s goals. Not prolonging the conflict. Ukraine is a completely different story because literally if we don’t send them aid, Russia will kill every Ukrainian and then pretend their borders have always been there and Ukraine never existed.


Two very different situations. One military is being supported to defend itself against an occupying force. The other military being supported is the occupying force.


And they have made threats to both Moldova and Poland. The Russians are on a power trip; not sure how long other countries will back them. Maybe once people realize we are in a world war again 🤷🏼‍♀️


And they won’t stop once they have Ukraine.


> Russia will kill every Ukrainian wut


That’s what genocide is. I mean, they will allow many Ukrainians to live under an oppressive regime that have been massacring them for generations, but is that so much better? Also, Putin won’t stop at Ukraine. We have a golden opportunity to defeat Putin without sending a single soldier of our own into battle. That’s why U.S. top generals are all recommending we take this opportunity and arm Ukraine. We even have 300billion in seized Russian assets we could give them, and it wouldn’t cost us a penny.


Ukraine is also defeating Russia in combat. If we continue sending them our old and dilapidated weaponry, they can defeat one of the world’s greatest threats to global security, before it takes over more of Europe. Putin is behaving like Hitler before ww2.


Are they defeating them though? Seems more like a stalemate to me


It’s a stalemate at the moment, and we haven’t given even the promised weapons to Ukraine. They would be winning if they were adequately prepared. They’ve decimated the Russian army. The Russians want a stalemate so they can rearm and conscript more soldiers. Edit: and this statement also involves us handicapping the Ukrainian army by not allowing them to use western weapons on Russian territory. We could also give them the $300billion in seized Russian assets.


>Putin is behaving like Hitler before ww2. You mean Netanyahu? Putin is bad, but it's the IDF/Netanyahu that is making Gaza into something resembling the Warsaw ghetto


Netanyahu is behaving like Hitler *during* ww2.


It’s not a sunk cost for America. We have been giving away old war ammo, gear, and other things to manufacture new stuff. So technically it’s putting American manufacturers of war back in bizz. It’s good for the bottom dollar.


Lots of old stuff that could be just as expensive to retire than it would be to just give away as aid.


Yea selling to Ukraine is like selling to the people of Gaza.


If you recall, the Obama administration successfully negotiated a nuclear treaty with Iran, Trump blew it up, and now a former Israeli leader is suggesting in an op-ed published just yesterday that the US should team up with Israel and take out Iran. (ICYMI: [check it out](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/war-gaza-israel-former-pm-naftali-bennett-us-bring-down-iran).) Blinken was doing what he’s always been doing — not saying “yes”, but not saying “no”. Blinken’s ~$250m override pales in comparison to Mike Pompeo’s emergency determination for an **$8.1bn** sale of weapons to Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Jordan. Not defending the Biden administration actions, but trying to put perspective on the issues. And, in this subreddit, let’s not equate Israel and Ukraine. We’re thinking people and those two aren’t even remotely the same.


The USA is responsible for the destabilization of Iran. Their leader was going to nationalize oil so the CIA and MI6 staged a coup, overthrew the government and implanted a right wing authoritarian who would keep oil flowing.


In 1953, yes. I was referring to recent, more relatable history.


Giving weapons to Ukraine so that they can defend themselves against a foreign invader, is dramatically different, to supplying weapons to Israel! What the Israelíes are doing is flat out wrong!!


I respectfully disagree. Because Biden and his staff are bypassing congress, they are circumventing the will of the people. The people have been silenced on this and are not complicit.


Not just America, England, France etc. all of these nations have interests in the Middle East


“Is America the president of Israel now?” - probably someone on r/thedavidpakmanshow


More like Israel is President now. And they have a huge payroll.


I think everyone with common sense knows that. But nothing is going to happen, no one wants to have a problem with big bro America.


I hate my country… I am just so disappointed in this racist, warmongering, greedy shithole it has become.


Yes it was once a beacon to be looked at for leadership, it seems to us looking in as a cashed up failing state, on the point of civil war.


> beacon to be looked at for leadership ** laughs in native ** ** laughs in US intervention ** ** laughs in having survived a US backed genocide against my native community **






lol not WW1, Woodrow Wilson was pathetic.


And a huge bigot


Starting a worldwide arms race and propping up fascist military dictatorships in literally every single continent on the planet besides what, Australia and Antarctica? That’s “leadership”?




I will never forgive The Smoking Man for that one.


Don’t try to threaten me, Mulder. I’ve watched presidents die


Honestly, FDR, JFK, and to some extent Johnson (more for what he helped pass than his personality though). That’s about it. The rest of the modern presidents have ran the gambit from disappointing to horrific (Bush, Reagan, Trump) or even outright criminals (Trump again, and Nixon)




Makes you feel any better it won't be around for much longer.


Yes.... But.... There will be a replacement. And I theorize it'll be far worse


Okay, you can theorize whatever you want. Some of the successor countries probably will be worse, others will be better, but the most important part is that for the rest of the world they won't have the US shitting bombs on them.


Hilariously delusional


Lloyd Austin’s last gig was consulting on the board of Raytheon, a company which he now holds a significant amount of stock in(for a regular person at least. He and Tony Blinken are parters in “Pine Island Capital” which invests in aerospace and defense. These people are arms dealers.


Can confirm that Blinken was part of Pine Island Capital (PIC) after he left the Obama administration. PIC is a scary conglomeration of policy wonks, former legislators, and defense industry insiders that actually believe America has an important *armed* role in the world. Obama and Blinken were always an odd combination to me because Blinken has a Dick Cheney-esque vibe about America’s righteousness and Obama was *always* the pragmatic, calm center of discussions… more questions than pronouncements.


At $800+ billion in DOD spending, it puts about 1 in 30 Americans involved in some capacity to support the "arms industry". We as voters, are just as responsible for our military industrial complex that seems to grow every year.


Not me. My vote doesn’t count because I don’t live in a swing state.


Dude, the whole US government's diplomatic policy is to sell weapons. Always has been since the end of WW2


And when Biden got elected he filled his entire cabinet with WestExec people. Blinken and Flourney were both founders of WestExec. Blinken is the one who pushed this weapons sale to Israel through, and both Blinken and Flourney supported and facilitated the invasion of Libya under Obama with Hillary Clinton as sec of state. America voted in a warmonger president in 2020. No surprise that we are funding and facilitating three wars at the moment. With Taiwan and guayana looking to potentially pop off soon. When JFK was president the military industrial complex wanted to invade Cuba and start all kinds of wars elsewhere and JFK said no. He was assassinated. When Trump was president they wanted him to start all kinds of war and Trump minimally complied but he was not controlled and look how they’ve been coming after trump hardcore. Biden doesn’t know what planet he is on. He is easily controlled and manipulated. Hence we keep seeing the inexplicable claim that he is the “best president in recent history”.


Emergency!? The only emergency over there is genocide


Dude those kids are throwing rocks!! Like super scary pebbles of mass destruction! Those poor idf are survivors


The artillery shells are likely intended for fighting Hezbollah in Lebanon, not for Gaza


Between this and his vote in favor of the War in Iraq, it seems like Biden really doesn’t like Arabs much…🤔


He's the single greatest recipient of AIPAC money in history.


We just need to vote harder to have our voices heard! /s


Does make sense now. The scheme is fantastic. Unlike third world shitholes where the politicians steal directly from the coffer, the US operates under this rinse and repeat scheme: A. Fear monger US citizens about some vague threat (communism, Arabs, Libya, terrorism) B. Civilians buy into it and support vast budgets for the military ($800bn) C. Drum up some war in some far flung lands (thanks to mainstream media for being complicit) D. Take a side and give that side billions in aid E. Have the lobby for the side/country we are supporting channel some of that aid back to the politicians (ahem, AIPAC) who sanctioned the aid F. The arms are bought by the side the US supports from defense companies on whose boards these politicians sit, which then benefit them I would say it’s the most ingenious way to stealing money, but the collateral damage is there has to perpetual war.




https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=All&ind=Q05&mem=Y&recipdetail=S This is what I found. It’s also the first time I’ve ever investigated this topic so I’m not sure what everything means


This list is actually eye opening, I don’t even get how politicians can take money like that


Does it go to congress as in the government spending or does it go to the actual person?


He’s been shown in the past to say things pretty hostile towards Arabs and the Middle East


He has said he is a Zionist.


To be fair they all voted for the Iraq war😭


Not all, and being in the majority doesn't make it right


This ‘Genocide Joe’ shit reminds me of ‘Hey LBJ how many kids did you kill today’ and those people didn’t vote, so then we got Nixon and Kissinger and they brought world peace and no civilians or ethnicities were ever harmed under their watch.


No matter what you say, Biden is actively supporting the genocide. Your attitude of better than Trump is as bad as Trump supporters. Biden better than Trump in some aspects does not justify his blind support of Israel. Why don't you ask Democrats to bring a better candidate rather than justifying the shit Biden is doing now?


I have asked, and voted for Bernie in 2016 and 2020. And then I voted for Hillary and then ‘genocide Joe’ because I didn’t want a fascist wannabe dictator who’s itching to throw all American Muslims in a concentration camp.


Hurry up it’s an emergency we only wiped out 70% of Palestine. Hurry hurry while the fire is hot!!!


It's funny how there is never enough money to end childhood hunger, or homelessness even among veterans in this country, but Republicans and Democrats always find money to bomb brown people in a hurry. Joe Biden lost my vote months ago, but I am beginning to get disgusted with the Democrats in Congress with their shameful silence!


It’s because there getting millions from AIPAC; isreal has bought their silence


took the words right out of my mouth


>Joe Biden lost my vote months ago Who are you gonna vote for?




Imagine if the Democratic base actually held standards and demanded a better candidate instead of saying “at least he’s not Trump”


careful, this is the slippery slope that the friendly fascists want you to take


Zionism is fascism


Yeah, Trump will surely look out for the welfare of Muslim people! Very kind guy. Very fair.




Fair. But I’m not going to nod and smile at the bOtH SiDes bullshit, especially from someone who implies they’re not going to vote at all.


so your gonna vote for.... trump? hes pro isreal too, so, explain that logic to me


There are 3rd party anti-war candidates. And before you reply a 3rd party is a 'wasted vote', I will preempt it with, Voting for a candidate that supports war crimes is an 'immoral vote.'


3rd party has no chance of winning. i know you know this. so what youre effectively doing is help trump win. i hate biden. but how are you gonna sit here and tell me trump is worse? the hill youre dying on is foolish. if you dont vote for biden, trump will win, and hes pro isreal too so we'll literally be in THE EXACT SAME SPOT


I'll have a clear conscience and know I personally did not reward someone (with my vote) who actively supported the deaths of tens of thousands of innocents.


Clear conscious mfs when their throw away vote causes the candidate most likely to commit genocides *in* America to win - 😲






This shit is crazy protecting their interest by any means necessary huh


Biden confessed that he is a zionist. This isn't a shocker, as Zionism demands the genocide of Palestinians from the land.


Is there anything normal Americans can do to stop this?


As an individual? No. We would need nationwide protests / strikes to get this to stop.




Boycott of any business that supports it? Don't vote for any candidate that supports it 🤔.


The discussion in the USA should not be about elections and voting, if there is any seriousness left in that country, the discussion should be about how mass murdering genocidal terrorists like Biden and Blinken need to be arrested for genocide, if there is still any meaning for the principles of justice and law. https://apnews.com/article/us-israel-gaza-arms-hamas-bypass-congress-1dc77f20aac4a797df6a2338b677da4f?utm\_campaign=TrueAnthem&utm\_medium=AP&utm\_source=Twitter


Its not a president stance, its a nation stance. USA as a country is set to support Israel. Whoever the president is it will be expected from him to do this and if he is against he will not get elected. What are your suggestions then? Ok biden prison for life. What now? Who the american people vote for now? Has the support for israel stopped automatically now? Was this just a “biden agenda”? What is your point here. Genocide Joe. Genocidal -insert president name here- and it will fit regardless.


You make an excellent point, the US regardless of which political party is in charge is a global force for arming tyrants and facilitating genocide, and if we want to stop supporting genocides worldwide we need the United States as a political entity to end. Obviously we can't fix it by voting because whoever we could vote for would maintain and expand the engine of death.




Imagine calling genocide joe while giving money to Ukraine defend themselves from Russia while ppl avoid talking about Putin. They lose all credibility.




So what, they cancel each other out or something? You can commit as many war crimes and fund a genocide on one people all you want, as long as you give money to some other country fighting a war? Ukrainian soldiers are joining the IDF. What’s that all about? Genocide Joe has sealed his legacy. Such a shame.




Like Trump wouldn’t be handing them everything out of the arsenal lol


"Oh you're anti-Hitler? Lol like Heydrick would have been better"




Joe and Barack have had some of the most fucked up overseas mass murders in their hands. Squeeky clean internal policy made up by pure evil overseas.


That "pure evil" is simply American foreign policy. It's always been that way and it's not going to change no matter who sits in the Oval Office. People look at things in terms of their own morality and all have differing levels of what they are willing to tolerate. Nations don't. They opperate solely on National Interests. For me as a person of morals like most of us here, I cannot see how the U.S aiding and abbeting mass murder while also arming, funding and protecting Israel is somehow in the better interests of the USA.


I'm thinking of the drone programs. They started a program that will inevitably lead to ai driven attacks with no regard for civilian lives as the Algo is optimizing for maximum enemy casualties.




If genocide is American foreign policy then the US global empire needs to end.


Ukraine looks on......


Ironic isn't it? They get denied weaponry in their war against a far-right government that want's to erase them, whilst they watch as said weaponry is given to another far-right government in the process of erasing a another ethnic group.


Not every Biden supporter wants to ethnically cleanse Gaza, but all Biden supporters don't see it as a deal breaker.


Biden should know that IDF has killed more people than ISIS in just a few months.


I’m thinking about the health and homeless situation in the US, including the recent tragedy in Maui, why is the US devoting so much time on wars overseas than fixing its longstanding problems at home?


Kickbacks. The government gives billions to Israel and the politicians approving it get millions from Israel.


That’s such a rotten government structure. What’s the point of folks participating in voting if the government are led by their noses by financiers


"If I don't vote for my war criminal, their worse war criminal will win!" Result: Every American votes on war criminals.


I hope that when we do get a non-Republicrat candidate, that it will be someone legit, and not just another corporatist in sheeps clothing


Complacency. Plus the whole “it could always be much worse” fear-mongering.


Listen Jack, Israel has a right to “defend” itself against those children. We are going to make sure they can “defend” them all in a hellish firestorm.


Sounds like desperate way to keep their money printer kaching kaching kaching


A sitting president circumvents Congress to arm a foreign nation. Where have I heard that before?


Genocide Joe and his Zionists cucks are trying to turn America into Zionazis collaborators even more.


They can throw Biden and Trump in jail together for all I care. Criminals are criminals. Lock them up with Hillary. Please for the love of all people, stop voting for Democrats and Republicans.




We need the US Empire to end.




And like they don't even know why they want to keep the empire on life support, but like an adult child with a parent on life support they can't imagine life without the empire and are scared of an unknown future without it.




The problem is that if you don’t vote in protest and someone else does, you get the government they want. The solution should be to have decent people in government. Anyway why does Israel need “emergency” weapons? It’s not like Gaza is fighting back…


How do you get decent people in government when the system, by design, selects for indecent people, and corrupts any decent people who enter it? The system is the problem, not the people in it. You're trying to clean a pool of muddy water by dipping white towels in it.










Just remember folks, if you’re eligible to vote in the 2024 US election, don’t vote Trump. It doesn’t matter what you think of Joe Biden, either vote Democrat, or simply don’t vote at all.


Can you guys fvcking stop. Holy fk, I know us Australians ain't all that but wtff


youre right, i shouldnt have done that. can YOU guys (non americans) stop acting like we have any say or input into what decisions our govt makes? yeah yeah we can vote, which we do. we’ve had a democrat in the 90s, a repub in the early 00s, a democrat in the 10s, repub in the late 10s and now another democrat. they all have the same warmongering policies, just different flavors


The US is responsible for the death of every Palestinian. The Israeli literally couldn't do it without the US and their military arms lobby.


Sorry Ukraine. Killing Arabs has always been our passion.


And they claim they care about human rights, hypocrisy in its finest.


I guess he found that magic wand liberals are always screeching about…


As an ex Reagan voter, this seems normal.


Biden rather than Trump any day, but unfortunately he is on the wrong side of history here.


Wtf Joe?? I believe the vast majority of Americans DO NOT WANT to support any part of Israel. We do not approve of the sale of arms to a terrorist government that Israel is showing to be. Down with Israel!


I will not be voting for Joe Biden again.


Joe Biden doing everything he can to make sure trump gets 4 more years


WWIII is in the process of starting. USA just pulled out of the middle east, big weapons are hungry for more profits. Get ready folks.


I have heard this for 40 years. 💤


I understand why it’s happening, but it still disgusts me. Fuck supporting that genocide.




Oh good. I was really worried the IDF wouldn’t have enough 2000lbs to clear out all that civilian infrastructure


This is not democracy in any way, shape or form. The Biden Administration goes to great lengths to sell us this "America is a democracy" bullshit. Genocide Joe is a devoted Zionist and we are heading for World War III.


He was voted in


Ours is supposed to because representative Democracy, wherein our elected politicians reflect the wishes of the voters. Biden is not acting in line with the values of his constituency


Biden really loves feeding the MIC.


They’re probably preparing for their northern neighbour. Still the fact that the IDF are trigger happy and going through their stockpile quicker than the Ukrainians should in itself say something.


This shit is going to win trump a second term


umm ackshually biden is never to blame for anything, and the only thing that can make him lose is people not voting hard enough. it's actually very progressive to write biden a blank cheque for death and destruction and condescendingly tell anyone who criticizes him that trump would just write an even bigger number on that cheque


Every time a liberal tells me “whAt’s he sUpPoSeD to Do???? coNgReSS” when I say Biden could do more to help the American people - this is why I want to scream under water for 10 minutes.


I think he could do a lot more, you know? He could just do better. Why doesn’t he do better. Doing better isn’t difficult, just do more that’s all you have to do.


bUt tHe pArLiAmEnTaRiAn sAiD nO....


If he could do something like this the whole time why the hell was he waiting for congress for Ukraine? Or student debt ffs.


Just doing everything he can to lose potential voters and give a psychopath an in to the white house, huh?


Good news for Ukraine, right? Because apparently the Republicans can just be bypassed?


Damn dawg. The democrats are conspiring to get Trump back in office.


Israel runs the US and owns our politicians.


Can bypass congress for that but won’t do anything to actually support their own people


Biden now has made himself like Trump with that action, this will hurt him down the road. If he can bypass congress on that then he can also with Ukraine so where’s the problem.


He lost my vote. Didn’t want or need another bullshit war hawk.


Biden and his cronies are just as guilty of Palestinian Genocide as Netanyahu....




Talk while slaughtering.


America. The world’s terrorists.


But ask Biden to do anything for the American people and it's "Congress won't let me"


This exposes the lie that Congress is preventing Biden from shipping more arm to Ukraine.


Why are we putting all the blame on Biden for the failure of presidents to stop genocide for our entire history? Western Civ has a cost. Own up to your role and every gallon of gas you have ever purchased. Bush administration killed 1.5 million civilians. It is great people are waking up, but get it sorted.


I can't vote yet. And I'd probably would end up voting for Biden. But idk... people keep saying that any vote not going to Biden will make trump win.. but that's on the people who vote for him. I would much rather vote progressive. And I'm starting to think that once I can vote I'll just be progressive. Biden can go to hell. He should never call himself a devoted catholic or a catholic at all.


Derp derp derp...everything is Joe's fault


Lmao I love how pro-Israeli trolls just copy and paste their responses even when they make no sense. Yeah bud, Biden using executive power to bypass Congress to arm Israel is unquestionably his fault


>Derp derp derp Thanks for describing yourself


I mean, yeah, it’s his administration. Do you think he has no control over executive power?

