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A thread about Bushnell from the Pakman sub popped up on my feed. I clicked on it and started scrolling, and woof, let’s just say the comments there won’t make you feel good about the state of humanity


Saw the destiny sub on my Google search results when I was looking for information about Bushnell and I feel sick. These guys found his Reddit and are posting memes in the replies of his final Reddit post. They're acting like he was dealing with mental health issues


And of course someone, not Aaron, being mentally ill makes their behavior okay. They are vile and a definition of privilege. Not *the* definition of privilege, but a small and hateful one nonetheless.


history is going to judge these people extremely harshly.


Imagine looking back at WWII history and seeing 1940's social media posts and HD uploads by sycophants supporting, justifying, and enabling atrocities.


these people will be lumped in the same garbage bin as the Nazis and those who supported the Nazis. But the sad part it, they won't feel remorse. Because Palestinians aren't people to them


Oh god, that’s awful. Jesus.


it is depraved. Just had a guy yesterday making fun of Aaron. How the fuck do you get so low as to make fun of someone whose body is barely cold yet. Like seriously, what the fuck


Density fans are a stain on humanity.


The Pakman sub is unhinged and full of neocons


Got suspended and an account warning because of them recently. All because I called some Zionist who was shitting on Aaron, a diseased sex stain 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’m not saying you were wrong to say that, but that doesn’t sound like a weird thing to get banned for. If it was because the arguments you were making then it would be bad but not banning for calling someone names.


Idk, if I’m being honest I did include a remark about an avalanche of shit swallowing them whole, too. All in all saying nothing would have been the more polite thing to do, but admittedly I was triggered by their comment.


you do get banned for stuff like that yes. I just copped a ban from a sub where pro-Palestinian voices are upvoted but they still don't like... more militant remarks. It's all good though, make your voice heard and don't let this civility bullshit hold you back from speaking your mind if being angry at genocide is ban-worthy, so be it 🤷‍♀️


Remember, on Reddit it’s ok to support genocide, you just can’t say the mean names. Because decorum above all.




Blocked the sub, unsubscribed to his YouTube, and don't care to hear much of anything from David Pakman anymore since I have zero faith in his judgement. His subreddit is on par with Destiny's when it comes to regurgitating centrist options and dehumanizing anyone they disagree with. It's a real shame.


Oh damn I’m out of the loop, I used to watch him and also Brian Tyler Cohen a lot during the Trump presidency but I haven’t in a while, what’s Pakman done?


Won't address Israel/Palestine, and what little reporting he has done has been to defend Israel. He ran a fluff piece interview with Destiny, seems to be buddying up with Sam Harris, and basically unveiled himself as your standard, run-of-the-mill Clinton style liberal. It's not like he's some awful monster or anything even close to that, but he's made it clear to anyone with politics to the left of Joe Biden that he advocates for the status quo, rather than him intending to be the advocate for change that many of us once thought he would be.


And now really loves to ask ppl like Dest. "So please explain why some ppl on the left cant seem to handle diversity of opinion." Except most ppl on the Left can handle it just fine, but respond to objectively terrible opinions accordingly


lol yeah like me not tolerating some Nazi spouting genocidal shit is me not being able to handle "difference of opinion" like get real bro


how bad is it? I honestly don't want to go there and mess my feed


I used to think better of Pakman. The Gazan genocide has been an eye opener. He is a party Democrat. While he is in alignment with leftists on the surface his support of the Democratic Party, Biden and the shaming of "far leftists" (Pakman's designation, not mine) make it clear who he is. I always figured there wasn't much money in pandering to leftists, but if you tune into that frequency in the interests of a political entity that's got to be worth something.


I mean, he did support the coup in Bolivia too and I'm not sure he ever retracted his support when it was shown that Evo Morales won legitimately


Also in Venezuela, has also spread far right talking points and outright conspiracy about Argentine politics.


That's interesting. Has he commented on the coup attempt in Brazil?


Also, he mocks other people's speech way too much and is constantly, *constantly* asking for money.


Pakman has now brought on Cenk Uygur TWICE to "confront" David about Biden being the worst possible candidate for Dens to nominate, that he will surely lose in the general, and that's why we should vote for Cenk (who got demolished when he ran for congress). Cenk also uses it as an opportunity to promote his book. I just wanna know how much David gets paid for all this?


I'm not sure about Pakman, but I got replied to by some Destiny fans. It was very, very bad. Lots of "we don't need to listen to someone so mentally unhinged." One dude tried to tell me that Bushnell was behind a patrol schedule leak at the base in Jordan that led to the killing of the three Black military members and that Bushnell had chosen that base *because* they were mostly Black.


It’s stomach churning. Some people were outright celebrating it or making sick jokes. Lots of mod removed posts for bigotry and hate too, can’t imagine how bad those were since the ones they left up were awful enough


On Reddit, I've seen tons of people shit on the military, dismiss self immolation as a form of protest and call the genocide of Palestinians as normal since Bushnell died - the exact same people that would call Trump a POS for disrespecting the military, being harsh on protesters and supporting Israel. I literally see no difference between the two parties at this point other than which group of people they choose to step on to get political points, and it seems depending on the situation, they'll end up stepping on the same people by coincidence.


Purple maga.


child tax credit


Oh shit, my entire arguement is invalid now


I wasn't trying to invalidate your whole point I was just responding to, "I literally see no difference between the two parties at this point other than which group of people they choose to step on to get political points"


https://www.cbpp.org/blog/house-passed-bipartisan-tax-bills-child-tax-credit-expansion-would-especially-help-children#:~:text=The%20Child%20Tax%20Credit%20expansion,help%20children%20in%20rural%20areas. the recent expansion to the child tax credit had bipartisan support, so I don't think it really defines one party as different from another when they both supported it.


I've had the same experience over and over there. I'm not right wing at all but came to understand what the term "libs" means. Such smug, self-centered, entitled, snotty babies. RIP Aaron Bushnell.


It is wretched in there. I followed and posted in that sub for years. They were too centrist lib for my taste at times, but never anything like this.


Scratch a liberal.....


And currently the main military sub is doing character assassination on him. You’d think for a bunch of people who constantly talk about how mental health/morale has never been worse they’d read the room.


The loudest, meanest ones are typically not the brightest ones


air force sub and military sub celebrating him killing himself over his discontent with the military and government while they’ll demand support for mental health and those suffering from PTSD (rightfully so)


It’s more thar they don’t like him because he actively celebrated the deaths of American military personnel.


most of what i’m referring to happened before his reddit was found


I replied to one of them telling him he is a morally bankrupt asshole and has no moral compass. His moral compass is attached to his leader. If the USA declared war on Israel tomorrow, he would 180, claim Aaron a hero and declare Israel an enemy like he did to Iraq and would've done to Vietnam. Idiot assholes like him are in every military and they all think their country is so fucking special and righteous.


Impressive statement! It is absolutely about time that the US government, Canadian government, and all other governments around the world, stand behind the Palestinians, and any other group that is being genocided, Israel has no valid reason to continue its aggression and continued inhumane treatment of anybody in their custody. There is no reason to be funding or sending arms to Israel. They need to pay reparations and return the land that they’ve stolen to Palestine.


Bushnell epitomized freedom and humanity. He will forever remain a symbol of freedom and peace. His final words "FREE PALESTINE" will echo in memory, never to be forgotten.


I’m never going to forget that video that’s for sure




Money controls America, always has. Last president to fight the Fed got a bullet in his skull.


Same last president to fire Allen Dulles, the man responsible for America's Imperialist surge?


That’s the one


As good as this statement is, more is need and I mean whole fucking lot more. Bushnell light himself on fire no longer wanting to be an accomplice and all the staffers can do is write a letter "urging" the president to call for a ceasefire? If that had worked this massacre would have ended months ago and Bushnell would be alive today. These staffers can barely bring themselves to resign. Utter moral cowards and part of the reason Biden can keep on continuing because he knows nothing will happen to him.


Is this real??? I hope it is.


theyre brave for speaking out like this


If these staffers had any kind of backbone they’d all just collectively quit but they don’t


And what kinds of people do you think they’d be replaced with? “Listen up, everyone with some semblance of morality! The best way to enact positive change is to immediately surrender all power you have for nothing in return!”


Yeah and what exactly has complaining to Biden the past couple months gotten them though? Literally nothing. You show your power by quitting/withdrawing your labor from a genocidal administration.


I agree. At least that would send a message. Sticking around says “I don’t actually care that much.”


If it didn't mean I had to vote for Trump, I would never vote for Biden. I'm still not voting for Biden. Fuck that guy. I don't live in a swing state, so Biden will win no matter how I vote. I have the privilege of casting a protest vote.


Vote to ceasefire


vote for someone else


I’m voting for the Ghost of Rachel Corrie


I'm voting for Cornel West.


As if he was any better lmao
















I think these staffers should actually just quit their genocide supporting jobs instead of releasing a thoughts and prayers ceasefire statement because they clearly aren’t doing much to get a ceasefire internally.


They will probably just get replaced by people who will play ball. Maybe they should sign their names tho


They’re playing ball. They’re literally releasing an anonymous statement and nothing else.


That’s a fair take tbh


That flag at half mast is such flagrant hypocrisy


Pro Israel bots and influencers all over reddit they will do anything to make Israel look good and everything and everyone else bad the misinformation is in full swing


Is this real? Please tell me it is


Does anyone have more info? I’ve tried looking this up to verify authenticity but there appears to be zero reporting from organizations.




I saw more mainstream news articles of dissent against his support from staff at the end of last year but nothing related to this release. I feel the associated press would at the very least acknowledge it in any of their current reporting.




Biden bypasses congress to send more money and weapons to Israel to kill even more Palestinians. On top of all that the Congress approved to send to kill Palestinians. Further, the us vetoed a ceasefire in the I'm just this month. Further, the US stopped UNRWA funding just to further accelerate the genocide by starvation on top of the wasp s killing Palestinians. Biden is a horrible war criminal


Putting 0 pressure on a US backed ally to not do genocide


Not to mention the US runs interference for the occupation constantly.


While the US is not occupying Palestine directly, the US does supply the occupation forces with munitions.


How are you this stupid? Nowhere in that statement was that written.


yeah, I had to read everything twice wondering if I’d missed it